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August 14, 1941 Golden Valley News | ![]() |
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August 14, 1941 |
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The Golden Valley News ' |.~ Ir imd'~ 1. • ~-'-~Ir~L ir ~ - Mrs_ Mon Stone was a Medora vis-
W R Bratton and H E. Enderle [ .nji I L~.~.A~.~ l itor Wednesday of last week calling
• " " ' ! ! on friends.
Editors and Publishers I Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fulton and l Carl Kannenberg came down from, Dr ..............
& ~ published every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota. ~ntared as ] daughter Gwendol~n motored to Bill-!Glasgow, Mont. last week to spendI-- " w. _~. ~r.aamy ox Mal.m, M011.-
. I tuna spent several days nere last week
~ matter at the Postofflce at Beach, North Dakota, October 7, 1936, | lngs Thursday to be present at the his vacation at the uarental Kannen- I ........
l r wire his iamny, remrmng to Malta
under the act of March 3, 1897. ] 14th annual summer term commence- : berg farm home northeast of Beach last Frida m --
Advertising rates furnished upon request | ment exercises of the Eastern Mont-l helping with the harvest Carl likes it:~ Mr ~ nornmg. ....
' t • and Mrs. ~rnes~ ~amaway
I~lM~ption price $2.00 in No. Dak., Minn., Mont., and So. Dak., Elsewhere $2.50[ ana Normal. Miss Gwendolyn was, at Glasgow very much where he is _ h ............
,, /amon~ the eic, hteen -raduatin- from' ...... ' - w o nave .oeen VISiting nLs ~)ro~ners
• o o t~ ~ employed oy the ~'enney t~o 1 "
• ' " ',G en and Ray, left last Fmday morn-
A|w~L..~ ] ~.~.,I-.--AI !~..41-41-~. [ ~he normal. They returned Fmday. Dr. R L Mason of Dickinson was ............
/lklplld I O(~lltlll(;l DULL~ | Among those accepted for service la Beach visitor Wednesday evening i'_n_g ,or mew home ,n mwa_ xney
• ' were accompamea as iar as ~'argo oy
Mrs. Harold Ziebarth, Mrs. Aud [ Mrs. Henry Hanson and children] recently m the U. S. Army was Rob- I coming up to spend a few hours with V~rn w~th .....~,,,~t ..... n tho,o
Nllnn d wo sisters of ur Strah- ert B Wiley of Wyola Montana the~Dr Nyman ~ .......~ .... " .................
an t La a ] lc~ft Monday afternoon for their[ ..... I after ~-~nai,~, ~ ..... *' .... '~*" ~'""~
on's drove to Glendive Monday to] home at Deer Lodge after spending| youngest son of Mr .and Mrs. E. P. t Mrs. Maurice Rohan and baby re-le,~lt.~ "~" ..... ~ ....................... I
spend the day with MrS. Strahon at] the past month visiting wt-th Mrs.[ Wiley, former residents of Carlyle and i turned to Beach Wednesday of last I ""~'~- Kowalewski is a-ain w- and
the N. P. Hospital. I Hanson's parents, Mr. and Mrs• Otto] a brother of Mrs Leonard Sanderson• i week after spending a ten day vaca- i Av~,'~n~ h,~ ~ t~tr~,~ ~ oo~,~ o¢*o,
Leo Ntstler and a cousin from Eden ] Peters!lie | A baby girl was born to Mr. and : tlon at the parental Calnan home in ; --~-'" . ....... ..b. :/. ~,.-.j ,~.y~-
Mr ' unuergomg an appenmcms operauon
Valley, Minn., arrived Monday and| Mrs. Bert Fasching and chilctren of[ s.L.R. Mohne on Tuesday at the!Bismarck. !o~ +~ ~,~o~ h~,~ ...... ~ ,.oot.~
will spend some time helping with | Wibaux came on the bus Friday to[ Glend.lvy. hosp!tal.. Mr. Mohne and ) i ::," .......... *" ...............,
harvest. Leo is employed at the P.| spend the day attending to business[ ~wo.cnimren Grove ~o Glendive Wed-!~gtlll|||~|~all=ftft~ ~l~flt [-°~" ]
J. Hagen farm• [ and to visit relatives | nesoay evening to see them. |°||~r~]~|~[,~ ~||., ~ I
Mrs. Marjorie Carlson of Fargo lsl Mrs. Jake Hess and Dale were[ ,Mrs. Joseph Rogerson of Central!a, UUIVli'IIt~[JIUIILllU 11111 ! I-~rn,,. i
visiting for awhile with her sister | Beach visitors on Friday | Washington was a guest of her sis-I ~rrtt~|tkl~tn ",t~u.a,,avl
Mrs. Henr~ Oisen and family. | Mr. and Mrs. Guy Honnold and son| ter, Mrs. Alva Gannon. at the depotI [~[=[=U||Nn:~ i Mr. and Mrs. George Wassman and',
............Mk~s M~rv Ann Thoma-~ ~f Be__hac is ............... | ,~ ~,~,~mn,, some time at the Otto| from ~unaa~ to Friday. While hereI' IJLLMil|II$~J I family were Sunda~ callers at the I
spending some time with her sister| Nordln home | the ladles made several trips to Wi-I ~t ..... ~ . I Victor Renstrom home. I
ba x v' ~ ate or r~ortn ~a~ota,
Mrs. Robert Sonnek and family. | Bud Petersllie returned home last] u to lsit relatives and on Mon- I County of Golden Valley I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wassmann and i
Mrs. Loule Fasching of Golva at-|Tlmrsday from Deer I-~dge where he[day evening urove to March to visitI Aygust 5th, 1.94!, 9:b0 A. M: [Walter Wassmann were among thosei
tended Sunshine dinner at the Zie-| had spent several weeks visiting Mr.| henry Gannon who is station agent] si~eers~°ar~ p°~rsu~°Utnty a~o~mrm" I wbo attended the show "Strawberry i
barth home last Wednesday and also] and Mrs. Alvin Peters!lie and family [ a.t thatplace_ . . ment with Commissioners Odland I Blonde" at the Bijou theatre in Beach I
called on Mrs. Rozina Fasching that] Mr. Johnny" Honnold and daughter[ Mr. ~mar r~eary and son ~err~ mo-I anawr, esc~er aPres~nL Commission- I last Sunday evening. !
af~rnoon. |Peggy, Mrs. Norman Haugse and two| to ed to Glend~ve Monday. I The Board approved and signed | ,Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lemire and Mr. I
The Golva Sunshine Society met[ children and Guy Honnold left Mon [ Mrs. Philip Blair and son PerryIa grazing lease for a period ofland Mrs Ervin Johnson of St Paul i
[ "| r one yet. coverlnglung oescrloeu " '
with Addle Zlebarth on Wednesday day morning for AltOn, Minn. to be .eturn.ed from Fargo Monday morn-I as follows and leased to the Little I Minn•, arrived last Sunday for a visit1
but ~ to the busv season not!wlth t.h~ m~b,~. ~r .... :' ~^_ I ing wnere the little ooy has been re- Missouri Grazing Association ...............................
many were present. Only seven mem-lnold St., who is verv serinuslv !|][craving medmal rod. We are happy| E~l~o~ sec~'l'~'lO.~l~C~'o~"s~:_ ]in this community. The Lemlres are
bern answered to roll call. There I at the present. Mrs. "Honnold "w~[ .to state that Perry's health is much ! ¼"?f sec=tion ~fi=13~.-105, SW'¼.. of I former residents of this community.
im roved section IU-l;Ib-IUb P4~40I ~ec~lon
were sc~ne visitors present also. The[stricken with encephalitis about a[ P " I35-130-100 containinw 1040 acres at iOn Wednesday evening they werel
mee was conducted at two 'c The ladies aid met at the home of 20 00 er section ~" '
ring o lock ~ week ago. Her many friendshere[ ..... $ • P ~ • . . ^ . [ supper guests at the Fred Wassman [
b~, the nreside~t. Annanelle Zieba~t~, i ,ffi~t, h ..... ., ........ 1 ~rs. ~nas. Hofxman on Tuesday af- ILots 7-8 and 9 Block ~, r~unt-]home I
--~ r -, """I"'" "'~" ~ o~-~$ ~-u~vc~y. I~ ....... I er's 5th Addition was sold to l - -• . I
Repo~ ~ given by tah~ treasurer[ Mrs. Henry Lehmann left for Sid-] ~erut~/. ~.n.ere .was a goou crowa!Hollls Adams and a tax deed was ~ The Garner commumty was indeed l
~lok committee• Some letters [ ney Saturday to ~r~nd several d-~*[ present and tne nos~ess served a very I issued for same. . ..... I shoked to learn of the death of I
-"- "~ dellcio Tne county weiiare ohm were
and ~ of thanks were read and [wRh her sister wh~ recentlv under I its lunch. As it was the lastI audited and a roved and ordered l llt~le Georgie Werhman The entire
-- --- ...... " m PP "
some ~ Were paid. The next meet- l went an operation at Miles Clty | .ee~ng before..conference the annual ] paid.^ ........ [commtmity extends their heartfelt
• election oI of Ilcers took lace xz:~ noon ~ne ~oara aujournea
be with Laura Orstad on I The Margaret and AngeUnel¢ M . pl~ . Mrs. I and convened at 1:00 P. M. with !s vr athy to the bereaved family in!
~e~) .1; ~. | ]S~)isen and ~rls~.._~ t'~hl~ of ~rAa..~.| • . ~%1 ~on WaS re-elect~l as the [ commissioners Odland and Teacher [ the time of their loss. [
us!denM .... P se t, commissioner Wos pka abo
Among shoppers in Beach Satur- spent the week end at the Boisen pr t,_~_rs J_. E ~art.~ vice sent. Slim Bumosky of the C~bin Creek I
mann, Mr. and [rs. Fred WoJafm, [ Angelme oisen is emplo)ed at the| tar and Hof.fn a. n treasurer. I ~nde ~oPr°dVedndbyhthmeitC°gnrtoYr Wael" [at the Fred Wassmenn home Wed-
Tne next m ............... ,
Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Nunn andlArt Boyd home in Medora | ..... eetmg w~.ll ~e.wlth Mrs. | ment to the board of county COrn- [nesday. !
family and Mrs Aud Nunn Clarence Mrs T~,,,~, ~,.--., .... "_ --• ~I T. ~. ~11~on ~l]aursaay, Aug 28Imissioners subject to personal [ Mr and Mrs Fred W~.~mann ~nd'
........ ~ ,.,u,~m ann aaugn~r o~ Junior M II " " property taxes due and delinquent: ....................
l~schl~ and A. J. Ziebarth and son Bismarck are vis/ting at the ~ w [. 0 ne and his sister Bobblie ] j M. Still CWB meeting 3 70Iwalter and Mrs. Lloyd Wassmann
...... ~ou went to Ba~er on Thursda to Icla Thorn 'son W - •
~U'O]d, Reed home, [ ..... Y I . p , C B meet _. ]were Beach shoppers on Thursday.
Rober~ Sonnek purelmsed a new M2ss Lottie Walker arrived Satur.|FiT~l:n~ m.evnome of..the.~ aunt, Mrs• [ Go~dgen--'Va/ie.y------~-e-~:~ ...... fo'r 3.x~I Mr• and Mrs. Thorvel Vleland and
........ "~-'- ¢---~ "-- .......... l ~O eleaS Wnlle Mle11- morner letterheads ' 8 64 nez and Mr and Mrs Volne Sctunel
oonn ~ CO~111e Ule pas~ Wee~r. ~ay ~,zt ue~rOl~ 1~a~es ]or a w~t. ..... . ........................... Y
----- m m me hospital. L.B. Reager, Milage ........ 41.40
Mrs. Laura Strahon arrived home with relatives. | ........ [ L B Rea~-er Salarv 35 00 ing were Be~ch visitors Friday.
1~rlday from the Glen(llve hospitalMrs. Margaret BolsenleftSat-~-| Mrs•. UGh ~cott and two children I June'Mlllsfsalary ...'.....~::~: 180:00 Mr. and Mrs• Lloyd Wassmann were
it feelir~ much h~tt~r which t~ day for Fanr,, wh~,r~, ~h,, ,.~ .:.'.~.,| ol t~lge ~rass, Montana arrived on Stark County Welfare Sunday evenin~ visitors at the Elmer
indeed "=:~-:---=--*= ~-:-:-'-"-Y--"=:" -- seveal da-~ v~sltin~"~---:':~'~-'''- ~"u| Sunday e~ening to visit for a few l Board, Medicated . dress- --- ~KOWard home."
s,,~ ,,~w~ ~ ,,e~ ~-~©n~. :o ~ ug warn net aaught-I-•--~- .. ............ i ing zor r~ugnes girl ........ I.~0 •
M'r ~nd ~r,.~ ~ a ~t-mt. ,.,,, ~lenor~ l wce~. her smwr, Mrs. Arnom ~each Johnstone Memorial Hos- , - -~,
~....~ ............. • ...... p.,,~ ~,, ...... |and brother Paul Bowen drove down l p I, 'Hospitalization ...... 64.66 .
~tum~ evenu~ guesus a~ me ~loya --~ wagner and Fred Smith/ ...... ] Mrs. Lydia Harp, Care of
Bury home. drove to Dickln~n Sunda- ~-- *-,--| a~er ner ~amraay. [ Mrs. Alice Schaefer ........ 17.00
............ in th,, ,,-.~* ,- .......... : ,~, ~Lc[ Miss Cassldy of Wibaux has been lCity Drug Store, Mineral
Mr. and ~-~s. hmgl~r~on Nunn and ~,--a_~:, ~, ] visiting at the C. R. Stewart home oil :or Doris Lake .......... :3
chlld~1 spent Sunday at the Ottn ,,~-. a,m ~rs. M,[e "l~emen o,,,^~ I ........ I Dlcki son Clinic, Medical ~,~
- - - - ........... ed o ,,~,, ._,, ..... ~"~"~". rmls past wee~. l~lss Cassidy will Iexamination ........................ 12.34 ~
Oorl~B0n ILGWU. -- - ,~:~ w:~n re~a~tves IromWest lteach this t~,..t ~v,~,~ ~,,.~.,,~ [ Dr. C. A. Bush, Medical : ~ ~ ~
~:~ena, Wiscons/n last week T .................... ~" care ...................................... 17.50 ~e
~"..and Mrs..F~trnes Johnson drove visltin- her ....... -. hoseI Mrs. W. L. Hammond was the I Mrs. F.W. Pelton, For :/....~ __ ~
m oo~va ~aturaay and remained over m...t~° ~ .... ~ :~ ._mr. and Mrs. ]hostess to two tables of bridge Tues-[ . Board and Room .............. 5.0~ ~r~Z.~ # ~ ~.~
S1mdav at the Clar~. h~m~ ..... ~.=r ana Mr. Henry KOChl ............... [ ~-rs. Arnold Luhman, for ~~_ ~
........... and son of Detroit ar,..t. ~___ . [ day m honor oI .Mrs. Mar~ J~aDcocK] Board and Room ................ 10.00
-" --- -- V|.~th~a .t *~.- ~:'-'~"'~" .-,,ey also [of Baker who has been visitin~ at l Mrs. Chas. D~)u,bles, care /~lfi
, ., ." ....... ~"~ ~. ~. Teacher home l Carl,.l~ ,~. .............." .I of Loop girls .... 60.00 ~Ir~i~ ~=
" " Mrs. Bauer is a sister of M~ ,r~..~',. "]__ ~ c ~,c pm~b uav~t~L £n splr~e o~I Glenn P. Cook, House rent ~r~~[:~--r'~i
,- ~...~ ,, .... ----" ""~'~" I me Irmense neat the ladies had a very I 6-23-41 to 7-23-41 ............ 12.00 .Jl~ ~ ..
Mr. and Mrs Nick Uetz ...... [ J y _ _e _a_na a dainty .mncn[ rent for July .................... 5.00
o-,^w~ - -.,---• _,.~ .. ~"~' ~,,IWaS served oy Mrs. ~lammona and Albln Sominski, House rent
~;•~= l~: w,.un r.a~e Rt. Rev. I daughter, i Bf~ July. ........................... 5.00
• • rscnag and Rev ngs county Welfare
"::)Wo--~-^~ .......... R°manl Nick Tracaswas a Carlyle caller[ Board Care of Lucllle
cmy. They also enjoyed a visit with!1 Mr. anu~'~rs ........... ooe ~.emlre ox ~u~l II Carlson'S~es Store. Grocer- ~"
Mr. Uetz~Jsister Sister . " - . ............................ 5.1o .-
....... ,. M. Annette|water, Minn., has been visiting with] Greyhound Bus Depot, bus
and ~lster M Metnodla of LaCrosse 'friends and r-~-" ............ [ fare for transients .......... 1.20 ""
• present Mr. and Mrs. Reese Owens and] Bert Mogie""'XugusT"-cash "
were Sister M. Annette and Sister family of Lindsa} were Sunday visit [ aid ....... : ............................ 13.00 ~~ •
M. Methodia of LaCross Catherine ors at the Torero- Owens - "! Mrs. Alice" Schaefer, Aug. ~r-~|~ [M~I
Uetz of Beach and Marv Uetz-f y nome. ] ~ cash aid ::: .............. : ......... 20.00
• .~ -- ~ [ ~am ~un(1olad, August ~mamm ~ mm ,m~=
~mmarcz and theWebster Allen m ! cash aid ................................ 15.00 ~]~ Tlllil~ ~|
family. "|'lP~t~*o [Elbridge Sherwln. August v= =mmmmm ms
• JL ~L q P IbLq~JI. i~ cash aid ................................ 20.00
Ted Rink spent theweek end via- /edThae rfoO:elowing bills were audit-
iting his family. He returned to Sid- The Theodore Bucker family has / .•' Lp d and ordered paid by ~ in T~l'~u~ [w~
• tne ISoaru or uoun~y ~ommlsslon- --.- ---- ~r .......
ney on Sunday evening been enjoying a visit from the Pratt
• ' era subject to personal property ~lnulxtfioll'~ll the
,Mr. and Mrs. Nick Uetz and Char- family of Chicago. Mr. Pratt and taxes due and delinquent.
Olaf Thorsen, Operating
lea, Catherine Uetz, Sister M. Annette .Mr. Bucker were school mates and patrol .................................. 233.83 phone service
and Sister M. Methodia drove to had not seen each other for twenty- Donald Klttelson, Operat-
Ekaiaka to visit relaltves, seven years, ing caterpillar ....... ........ 216.40 Never l~tozo hay@
Peter A. Teacher, Operat-
The Homemakers club were enter- The Roy Robertson Milton Bruns- ing patrol ...................... 84.80 upoD the telephone,
tained at the home of Mrs. C. P. vold and Elmer Brunsvold and P.V. George V~assmann, Oper ci~ie$ and over the
atlng patrol .................. 70.88
Reed on Friday afternoon. Several Moore families enjoyed "a picnic atGolden Valley County, Acct.
games of bridge were played with the the Little Missouri river on SundayGeorge Wassmann, oper- ~a~omd d~ense d~mmm~$
prizes g~ing to the following: Mrs. a week ago. atlng grader ..................... 100.00 are be|ng met promptly
Northwestern Sheet & Iron and~ at khe same time,
Wm. Roesler first. Mrs. W. T. Ped-Mrs. Alfred Sabin is cooking for a Works. repairs ................ 11.01
combining crew. Public Welfare .Board of ~ of de~nse
eyrson second and honor, Mrs. RuthBen Verdick and brother were out No. Dak., Aid to Depen- I~, is • tremend~s
Carlson deuce and Mrs. Ted Rink dent dbildren .................... 53.75
the eut-~H After cards a ver de i shocking wheat for Bill VoYen lastPublic Welfare Board of
l " " Y "week. No. Dak., Old Age Assist- NORTHWESTERN BI[LL
ance ................................... 60.08
icious lunch was served by the hos- Mrs. Ben Verdick has been helping The Globe Gazette Print-
,Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pederson are Mrs. Chas. Moore with chores while lng Co., Supplies ................ 56.87
Knight Printing Co., Sup-
spending several days here visitirtg Chas. Moore and Keith were thresh- plies .................................... 8.29
friends. They are on their way to ing. Art Burnside & Co., Tear
gas grenades .................... 10.30
You what Washington to make their home The Gourels were Sunday evening Sawyer Hardware. Lawn
' where their son lives, callers at the P. V. Moore home. mower ................................ 28.05
1""'--u" Mr and Mrs Van to. °has M le an has race|v- R L Zinsl,, Welding
sharpening blades ............ 52.50
spent a few days here attending to ed another letter from his son Leslie Olaus RishOvd. Pipe fit-
tings .................................... 2.46
business rrratters, who is in the army in Oklahoma. Violet Anthony, Clerk in
Mrs. Lyle Martin and daughters He states that he is line for a pro- Supt. of Schools office .... 9.00
CItf Drug Store, Supplies
were Dickinson visitors Tuesday. motion soon in the field artillery, plies for Loan Closet ........ 2.76
Winners of the Pot of Gold draw- ,Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and Anne B. Jewel. Envelope
iyng Saturday night were J. A. J. daughters atended church services sealer ..................................... 2.50
Northwestern Bell Tele-
Norem first Maurice Wassma~ see- and ladles aid at Skaar Sunday. 'l~ne phone Co., Telephone ser-
ond and Ed Llevens third• Norman -Nellermoe famll~also at- vice ...................................... 21.63
Jeanne Martin left Friday morning tended. Golden Valley News, print-
l.g ...................................... :16.70 1038 OLDSMOBILE TUDOB
Mrs. Alvin Leland will entertain John Deal Pencil Corn- "~ %
for G~md Forks to spend several the Union aid at the church parlors :]~f
days el!sting friends, puny, Supplies .................... 7.50
Golden Valley County Acc't
~our car the ~r~nk~| Dorothy Waldal spent Tuesday in Wednesday afternoon Aug. 3. Mrs. Ben Lechler, trans-
Test" and see why midwest Beach visiting friends, portation for Lechler boy .~(~(~
-- from Beach to Grafton .... 14.50 _.~
George I. Lee, County agt
motorists choeso Red Crown Salary and mileage .......... 96.64
Guy Lee, Mileage and ex-
gasoline over any othor M,~mo AND IGI~AI, IN~ pense, meeting at Bin-
marck ................................ 19.60
~eet ~d Mt~J Wor~ Faith N. Menke, mile- this B
. . . age ...................................... 14.45
brand by a margin of . No Sob L,r Or Too T.B. en:--
O~US Jg][SHOVI# Reed ServiceLassell' Station,Welding gas- ...... 16.50 )Oy ~,
.................... lS.94 SINGLE AND DOUBL] w motorlv
Hodgin Servico Station,
mmnmuuwmmummmmmmnm mmmmwmummm- gasoline = ~ ...................... ].90
Standard Oil Company,
_ ..... == _- .................... _ Oil ....................................... ONE FORD V-8 PICK-UF- use Go,
Lea ill--r- Bea~ou Ofl Company, Gas- 1~¢C])"
• Basedonlat~tavailable~t.~tetaxandlnsDect[ondata oline and oil .................. 56.39
Chas. Pure!s, repairing tire
mm ucrloH-amz and tube for patrol 1935 FORD V-8 COUPE,
"~"°"'" Beauty Culture Lois Anthony, Clerical work I
Co Supts. offic~ ................ 5.50
Herman Kettner,cutling
weeds on countylot ......7. 01 One Good White Faced Bull
Good positions are waiting for train- Dakota Tractor & Eqiup- i
nient Co., ropairs ........... 44.65 :
ed beauty operators. Beauty Culture Louie Hovland, Operating ~
offers limitless opportunity for ad- patrol ................................ ~oi.~o ! SOME G00- WHITE FACE
vancement and financial security, w.c. Schulz, valves, spark I
plugs and supplies ............ 7.85t
The Northwest's largest beauty school State Fire & Tornado Fuod
1941 assures you of a complete trahling. Premium on Insurance
policy ................................. 82.56
FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 2nd Glenn P. Cook, Sheriff's
A post card will bring complete in- Mileage ................................ 28.0~
- formation, 2:30 P. M. the Board adjourned
to meet Sept. 2nd, 1941.
Chairman of theBoard of
County Commlssloners, Golden C• C. Clarki Mar.
H ;d ; A d Vail.y County, North DakotL
~pt--,--- Minnie Smith.
Fred Buldha , --- ...... - ................. - .... - ................ C~un~ Audit,~.