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Page 6 August 13, 2009
[e l
PROPOSALS FOR the purpose of
acquiring technical assistance in
determining the best alternative to
move forward with CVlSN Core
Deployment to include CVIEW and E-
Screening. The ultimate goal of North
Dakota is the implementation of an
automated permitting and routing sys-
tem. Sealed proposals will be
received by the North Dakota Highway
Patrol -(NDHP) in the NDHP
Conference Room on the Capitol
Grounds in Bismarck, ND, until 2:00
pm. CST, on Thursday, September 17,
2009, at which time and place they wilt
be opened. Proposals will not be pub-
licly read, Proposals shall be sealed
and endorsed "Sealed Proposal for
CVISN Core Deployment". Late pro-
posals will be returned unopened.
Proposals which do not fully comply
with the requirements of the RFP will
not be considered.
Copies of the RFP may be obtained
from the following website:
/bidlistvendor/index.html or contact:
DeAnn Steckler, Procurement
Coordinator, North Dakota Highway
Patrol, 600 E Blvd - Dept. 504,
Bismarck, ND 58505-0240; email; phone 70t-328-
2457; fax 701-328-1717.
(August 6 and 13)
Any education stabilization fund
dollars which may be received by the
Billings County School District as a
result of the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 must be
,used first to restore funding deficien-
cies in the 2009-10 school year when
compared to the 2005-06 school year,
and that any additional dollars
received under the ARRA of 2009
must be used for one-time nonrecur-
ring expenditures because this state is
not responsible for replacing that level
of funding during the 20tt-13 bienni-
um. Currently, no ARRA funds are
anticipated for Billings County School
(August 6 and 13)
Billings County
JULY 7, 2009
The meeting was called to order at
9:00 A.M. with Commissioners Kasian
and Thompson in attendance.
Commissioner Arthaud was absent.
Thompson moved to approve the
minutes from the June 2, 2009 regular
meeting. Kasian seconded.
Others present during portions of
the meeting were: Steve Dorval,
He&rtlar~d Engineeringl Lynn Arthaud;
Pat Rummel; D~ve Jurgens; Larry
Johnson; Tim Kelly, Kadrmas Lee &
Jackson; Stark/Billings County Agent
Kurt Froehlich; Samantha Roth; Jerry
MaYer, Sunrise Youth Bureau; Senator
Rich Wardner; Jay Brovold
Steve Dorval with Heartland
Engineering gave the board an update
on the Blacktail Road project.
The board reviewed the quarterly
investment and pledge report.
The following permits were
received and approved:
Construction in County Right-of-
Way Permit:.
Scott Burian - Sections 23,
Township 144, Range 98
Temporary Use Permit:.
Karen Putnam - Temporary graz-
ing Of one horse around residence to
rid the area of old grass that may be a
fire hazard. Kasian moved to approve
the permit. Thompson seconded.
Larry Johnson, courthouse custo-
dian, met with the board to inquire
about replacing the lawn tractor. The
current one is 13 years old and in need
of more repairs than. it's worth. The
push mower needs to be replaced
also. The board told Larry to get some
quotes on what it would cost to replace
or trade those items and bring the
quotes to the August meeting.
Pat Rummel, Emergency Manager,
met discussed the county multi-hazard
mitigation plan. Each county needs to
have one in place under the new
FEMA guidelines able to apply
for federal multi-hazard mitigation
funding. It's up to each county whether
they want to do the plan themselves or
hire a contractor to develop the plan.
There is a possibility that one plan can
be developed for all the Southwest
counties: FEMA has grants available
to help pay for the development of the
plan. Thompson moved to pursue join-
ing the other Southwest counties in
developing a multi-jurisdiction plan.
Kasian seconded.
Pat informed the board that NRCS
will do the 404 permits for the flooding
issues at no cost to the county. The
board previously indicated that they
would like KLJ to do the permits,
before learning that NRCS does them.
Theodore Roosevelt Medora
Foundation requested and received a
siren from the State Emergency
Management office for use at the Bully
Pulpit Golf Course in cases of threat-
ening weather. They are asking if the
county would pay for wiring the siren.
It's the opinion of the State's Attorney
that the county cannot legally expend
county funds for this purpose. The
consensus of the board was to uphold
the opinion of the State's Attorney.
Stark/Billings County Agent Kurt
Froehlich introduced Samantha Roth.
Samantha is employed in the Family
Consumer Science division, and is fill-
ing the position vacated with the retire-
ment of Sharon Kickertz-Gerbig.
Jerry Mayer and Senator Rich
Wardner met with the board on behalf
of the Sunrise Youth Bureau. They
expressed their appreciation of the
county support of the program and
gave the board a brief overview of the
bureau's activities.
Tim Kelly with Kadrmas, Lee &
Jackson Engineering met with the
board for the monthly engineer's
report. The monthly bills were dis-
cussed and Tim explained the process
of how they determine contract
amounts. Auditor Jurgens requested
that those amounts be discussed with
the County Commissioner in the dis-
trict the project takes place, and also
let the Auditor's Office know what the
contract amount is. Tim will provide
some sample ways they can submit
their invoices and wecan see which
will work for county accounting pur-
12 noon - 1:00 P.M. The board
recessed for lunch.
State's Attorney Brovold reviewed,
the contract for repair on the O'Brien
bridge and found it in order.
Thompson moved to accept the con-
tract. Kasian seconded.
The board approved the revenue
vouchers for the month of June:
County Recorder $2,385.50 June col-
lections; Clerk of Court $263.00 coun-
ty fees and $2,531.00 state fees;
Sheriff $706.17 grant reimbursement;
Zoning Inspector $225.00 permits.
Revenues for materials and/or
services rendered in June:
sales $41.94; Allan Thompson $75.25
laminated maps; Joe Kessel $65.50
dental insurance premium; Roy
Krivoruchka $280.94 weed spraying;
Stoppleworth & Sons° $168.00; Hallie
Lavelle $71.50; Romanyshyn Trucking
$480.00 used culvert
Revenues for the month of June:
Homeland Security Grant $8,807.41;
BLM Minerals $95,486.28; PILT
$102,044.00; Tier II Haz Mat payment
$2,775.00; Highway Tax Distribution
$4,501.68; Oil & Gas Production Tax
$60,619.45; Permits $3,530.00;
Royalties $35,710.24; Interest
The following claims were
approved for payment:
Acme Electric Toot Crib Shop Tools
95372 268.45
Adams, Donna Recorder -
95373 479.50
Airon Col'poration Paramedic
95374 159.43
Alternative Sanitation Haul Waste
95375 141.00
AmeriPride Linen Service Mat Rentals
95376 42.85
Arthuad, Lynn Tax Director - Travel
95377 172.50
Atlas Windshield Repair S.C. -
Windshield Repairs
95378 60.00
Badlands Diesel Service, Inc. Parts &
95379 3,887.37
Baranko Brothers, Inc. Blade Roads
95380 15,881.00
Billings County Auditor Membership
95381 100.00
Billings County Rural Fire District
95382 324.39
Billings County Pioneer Publishing
95383 364.17
Billings County School District Shop
95384 300,00
Billings County School District Taxes
95385 51,123.35
Billings County Sheriff Travel
95386 125.06
Beach Veterinary Clinic S.C. -
95387 232.00
Beall Corporation Parts & Supplies
95388 54.00
Belfield Automotive Supply, Inc. Pa~ts
& Supplies
95389 1 ,o87.62
Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.D. Dental
& Vision Premiums
95390 2,128.70
Bob's Oilfield Service, Inc. Road
95391 2,354.50
Boltz Construction Blade Roads
95392 7,292.00
Bosch Lumber Company Supplies
95393. 195.82
Braun Distributing, Inc. S.C. -
95394 59.00
Brooks & Associates, C. E. Land Use
Plan - Travel Mgmt.
95395 158.99
Brovold, Jay V. States Attorney -
95396 594.85
Buckman Plumbing & Heating
Southwest Water Hook-up •
95397 60,00
Bomstad Estate, Burnette O. Recorder
- Recording Sheets
95398 267.33
Butler Machinery Company, Inc. Parts
& Supplies
95399 416.24
Cass County Treasurer Document
Preservation Fund
95400 98.00
Cellular Communications Cellular
95401 16.95
Challenger Industries, Inc. Parts &
95402 475.20
Channing Bete Company. Paramedic
95403 1,288.48
Coca-Cola Bottling Company Soda
95404 76.97
Comfort Inn - Bismarck 911 Meeting -
95405 110.00
Comfort Suites - Bismarck
Emergency Mgmt. - Travel
95406 110.00
Custom Design S.C. - Uniforms
95407 116.00
Dakota Ag Seeds, Inc. Chemical
95408 14,632.68
Dakota Farm Equipment, Inc. J.D.
Tractor Rental, etc.
95409 3,390.90
Dakota Insurance Property Insurance
95410 426.00
Dakota Signwerks Museum Sign
95411 1,465.10
Dakota Water Treatment Water
95412 25.00
Dallmann Services Company Railway
- Lines
95413 41t.00
Dan's Interstate Conoco S. O. - Gas
95414 555.80
Decker, Ted John Deere Drill
95415 1,500.00
Deibert, Haley Pesticide Training
95416 80.00
DF Lighting Company Shop Supplies
95417 1,511.50
Dickinson, City of... "fire Disposal
95418 44.00
Dickinson Public Library
Library Services
95419 3,510.54
Elkhorn Cafe Emergency
Mgmt. Meetings
95420 149.29
Emergency Medical Products, Inc.
Paramedic & Ambulance Supplies
95421 2,115.09
Environmental Dust Control
Dust Control
95422 48,644.14
ESP Computers & Software Anti-Virus
95423 1,000.00
Farmers Union Oil Company Diesel,
Gas, & Shop Supplies
95424 3,824.54
Fisher Industries Sand
95425 230.77
Frontier Precision, Inc. Parts &
95426 577.90
General Equipment & Supplies Terex
95427 6,166.23
Golden Valley County Social Service
95428 5,599.38
Great Plains Directory Service Billings
County Plat Books
95429 100.80
Heartland Engineering Blacktail Road
95430 5,169.29
Hlebechuk Construction, Inc.
Blade Roads
95431 82,911.50
Institute of LoCal Government ILG
Class Fees
95432 300.00
Interstate Power Systems, Inc.
Generator Contract
95433 1,146.00
Johnston Fargo Culvert, Inc. Culverts
95434 9,824.74
JP Steel & Supply Iron Supplies
95435 1,939.12
Jurgens, Joan Auditor - Travel
95436 203.50
Kadrmas, Lee, & Jackson, Inc.
Engineering Services
95437 21,577.58
Kadrmas, Connie M. Deputy Auditor-
Payroll Conference
95438 159.50
Kasian, Mike Commissioner - Mileage
95439 271,00
Kevin's Auto & Truck Repair S.C. -
Parts & Repairs
95440 900.27
Krebs Machine & Repair
Steel Supplies
95441 45.00
Mid-American Research Chemical
Courthouse - Maintenance Supplies
95442 167.13
Matthew Bender & Company, Inc.
Century Code Updates & Subscription
95443 484.94
Midstate Telephone Company 911
95444 6.00
Midstate Telephone Company.
Museum - Telephone
95445 31.32
Midstate Telephone Company
Courthouse - Telephone Service
95446 938.20
Midstate Communications Supt. of
Schools - Telephone
95447 40.00
Midwest Doors, Inc. Ambulance -
95448 89.95
Mobile Binders Recorder - Binders
95449 342.18
Missouri Valley Petroleum, Inc. Gas,
Oil, & Diesel Fuel
95450 28,943.37
Napa Quality Auto Parts Parts &
95451 75.20
N.D. Association of Counties 911
95452 200.64
N.D. Association of Counties
D & A Testing
95453 100.00
N.D. Cowboy Hall of Fame Meeting
Room Maintenance
95454 200100
Prepare for the Fair/
The Golden Valley News is considering publishing the schedule for the
Golden Valley County Fair in an upcoming edition.
Potential page sponsors for this and for the 4-H exhibitors' photos after the Fair will be needed to
make these pages possible. We may not be able to reach every potential sponsor
or advertiser, so please feel free to give us a call.
Deadline is noon on Friday, Aug. 14.
(701) 872-3755
N.D. Department of Transportation
Road Oil
95455 1,568.70
N.D. Insurance Department Tank
95456 '700.00
N.D. Peace Officers Association S.C.
- Conference Fees
95457 420.00
N.D.P.E.R.S. Health Insurance
95458 27,905.45
N.D. Fire & Tornado Fund Property
95459 8,855.40
N.D. State Radio Communications 911
Service & S.C. - T-1 Line
95460 724.80
N.D. State Treasurer Clerk of Court
95461 2,563.28
N.D. Assoc. of Co. Superintendents
Supt. Of Schools - Conference Fees
95462 45.00
Never Enough Thyme Courthouse -
Maintenance Supplies
95463 167.51
Newby's Ace Hardware Courthouse -
Maintenance Supplies
95464 65.45
Northern Improvement Co., Inc.
Omega Mix
95465 568.75
O'Brien Welding Parts & Repairs
95466 275.35
Off Road Software, Inc. GIS Software
95467 1,400.00
OK Tire Stores Tires
95468 224.33
Parkway Ford Lincoln Mercury Parts &
95469 1,246.92
Performance Truck Center Parts &
95470 268.98
Pitney Bowes Reserve Account
Replenish Postage Meter
95471 1,200.00
Postmaster P.O. Box Rentals
95472 352.00
Prairie Lumber Company Construction
95473 9,741.86
Probuild Shop Supplies
95474 122.83
Professional Printing S.C. - Printing
95475 140.00
Public Safety Center, Inc. D.E.M -
95476 76.65
Pump Systems, Inc. Parts & Supplies
95477 983.58
Queen City Upholstery Museum -
95478 396.63
Ramada Inn - Grand Forks Recorder
- Convention
95479 110.00
Ray's Auto Electric, Inc. Parts &
95480 299.85
RDO Equipment Company Parts &
95481 2,387.80
RDO Trust 80-5800 J.D. CX-15 Mower
95482 10,850.00
Redman Corporation Parts & Supplies
95483 66.00
Respond Systems Shop Supplies
95484 125.14
Richard, Allan Courthouse • , -
95485 6,47&00
Roughrider Electric Cooperative
95486 1,95&00
Rummel Auto Wrecking Ambulance -
95487 27.65
Rummel, Patrick D.E.M. - Travel
95488 335.00
Runnings Supply, Inc: Parts &
95489 440.21
Southwest Business Machines Office
95490 520.71
Schmidt Repair, Inc. Parts & Repairs
95491 5,979.78
Seven Seas - Mandan Clerk of Court
- Convention
95492 110.00
South Heart Auto Service Parts &
95493 1,493.77
Share Corporation Courthouse -
Maintenance Supplies
95494 265.96
Sherwin - Williams Paint Supplies
95495 , 196.26
Smart Computers & Consulting
95496 626.93
Snyder Repair & Service. Tires
95497 367.11
St. Joseph's Hospital S.C. -Testing
95498 89.00
St. Joseph's Hospital Ambulance -
95499 81.39
Stein's, Inc. Courthouse- Office
95500 906.33
Superior Fenders, Inc. Parts &
95501 1,275.00
Southwestern District Health Unit
95502 98.85
Southwest Multi-Co. Correction Ctr.
Prisoner Care
95503 720.00
Southwest Water Authority Taxes
95504 32.28
Southwest Water Authority
Southwest Water Hook-up
95505 106.45
Southwest Water Authority
Water Usage
95506 826.22
Southwest Wireless.
Cellular Equipment
95507 419.97
Thompson, Allan T. Commissioner-
95508 251.50
Toshiba Business Solutions
Copier Contract
95509 512.45
Verizon Wireless Cellular Service
95510 176.12
Vievu S.O. - Video Equipment
95511 2,016.14
Volesky Construction
Building Construction
95512 12,131.63
WaI-Mart Courthouse - Maintenance
95513 496.12
Wanner Western Wear S.O. -
95514 154.99
Western Fire & Safety, Inc.
Safety Supplies
95515 444.05
Westlie Truck Center Parts & Supplies
95516 1,286.04
Wolf, Rod & Mony Courthouse -
95517 825.00
Zoll Medical Corporation
Paramedic Equipment
90518 487.20
AIItel Cellular Service
95572 412.82
American Family Life
Assurance Premium
95573 674.82
Consolidated lntemet Service
95574 240.45
Discovery Benefits, Inc.
Administrative Fees
95575 85.00
Discovery Benefits, Inc. Premium
95576 1,918.35
Information Technology Dept. S.O. -
T-1 Line
95577 416.60
Job Service North Dakota
Unemployment Taxes ......
95578 727.43
Medora, City of... Courthouse -
95579 222.35
N.D. Department of Transportation
License Fees
95580 5.0O
N.D. Game & Fish Department Game
95581 561.00
N.D.P.E.R.S. Deferred Comp.
95582 4,039.00
Life Insurance Correction
95583 19.87
N.D.P.E.R.S Retirement
95584 10572.83
N.D. State Tax Commissioner State
Withholding Taxes
95585 6693.21
N.D. Teachers Fund Retirement
95586 208.70
Prudential Deferred Compl Premium
95587 50.00
Qwest Telephone Service
All cities, schools and counties in North Dakota are required to publish the minutes
of their meetings in the newspaper. It is fundamental to informing citizens, about what
their elected officials are doing. It also helps minimize rumors and misconceptions about
local public entities. In short, it's good government. Yet, there are continuing legislative
threats to diminish or eliminate this important information. What can you do?
Tell your legislators you support the publication of government public notices.
Go a NEws
This message provided by this newspaper and North Dakota Newspaper AssociatiorL
95588 302.08
Reservation Telephone Cooperative
Telephone Service
95589 48.39
Visa Computer/Paramedic Equipment
95590 1,154.20
Payroll in the following amounts were
approved for May: General Fund
$63,285.87; Road and Bridge Fund
$64,598.61 ; Weed Fund $39,776.40
With there being no further business,
Kasian moved to adjourn the meeting
4:30 P.M. Thompson seconded.
Michael E. Kasian, Chairman
Attest: Joan Jurgens,
(August 13)
Auction Notice
The following items (obsolete or no
longer of use) wilt be offered for sale
on Thursday, August 20, 2009, at 5:00
p.m. at the west end of the high
school. Make an offer as in a silent
auction and at 5:30 p.m. if more than
one party is interested the highest
offer will be sold the item(s). More
items may be added or some eliminat-
ed if the district finds another use for
3 - Miller Dial-ARC AC/DC Welders
(12-15 years old)
1 - Broadhead-Garrett jointer
(30+years old)
1 - Ten Inch Rockwell Table Saw
(30 years old)
1 - Parts Sandblaster
1 - Gestener 5230 Paper Copier
1 - Power Eagle 1000 Carpet
2 - Fax Machines
6 - White Computer Carts
1 - Computer Cart Brown (Old)
1 - Laminating machine
4 - Desks with one compartment
1 - Flat cart (old)
14 - Adult Chairs - padded
8 - Adult Chairs - padded & wheels
Most if not all equipment is still
functional and can be seen at the high
Contact Larry Hetvik, Supt. (872-
4161) if interested in viewing the
(August 13)
(ng j n
Stockwell- Nguwa
Leonard Stockwell, Beach, and
Cindi Stockwell, Beulah, announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Chelsea Stockwell, to Shida
Nguwa, son of Kadzo Ngao,
Mombassa, Kenya, Africa.
Stockwell is employed with
Knife River Care Center and 'the
Grandview in Beulah.
Nguwa is employed with World
Star International.
A wedding date was set for Aug.
11,2009, in Medora.
relating toAmend sections or adopt new
sections in chapters: 67-09-01 -
Approval for School Construction
Estimated to Cost More Than Twenty-
five Thousand Dollars; 67-10-01 -
School Construction Loan Application
and Loan Approval; 67-11-04 - North
Dakota Library Media Credential; 67-11-
05- School Counselor Credentials; 67-
16-01 -Alternative Education Program;
67-19-01 - Accreditation: Procedures,
Standards, and Criteria; 67-20-01 -
Summer High School Programs; 67-24-
01 - Summer Remedial Elementary
School Programs. Repeal chapter 67-
11-01 - Driver Education Instructor's
Superintendent of.
Public Instruction
will hold a public hearing to address
proposed changes to the N.D. Admin.
state capri
Roosevelt park Room
600 E. Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, ND
Tues., Sept 8, 2009
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
(or un#l no further testimony is
offered, whichever occurs
A copy of the proposed rules may bE
obtained on the web at:
proposed/index.shtml or by writing the
Department of Public Instruction, 600 E.
Boulevard Ave., Dept. 201, Bismarck,
ND 58505-0440, or by calling (701) 328-
2260. Written comments on the rules
may be submitted to the
Superintendent's Office at the same
address on or before September 18,
2009. If you plan to attend the public
hearing and will need special facilities
or assistance relating to a disability,
please contact the Department of Public
Instruction at the above phone number
or address at least three working days
prior to the public hearing.
/s/Wayne G Sanmad
Dated this 3~1 day ofAl~ust 2009.
Dr. Wayne G Sanst~¢l
State Superintendent of Public Insblx;aon