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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 13, 1942     Golden Valley News
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August 13, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT FOR A HOT- WEATHER MEAL •  .... Eat at the -PARK CAFE- We Plan Our Menu for Our Customers If you need Harvest Help, Call Us LOCALS Mrs. Gee. O and daughter, Dolly, left Tuesday morning by bus for BiN lings, Mont., 'here the ladies we to take in a OaF 6f the fair and also to visit with elatives for several days. Insure yor s%andtrg and growing crops against fire during €he 'hrvet ,eason• RaLes reonable.Farmers- THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS ' THURSDAY, AUGUST13, 1942 ,m MT. PA'8 LUTI][IAN HIICM FOE SArmd forty new and FOR SALFc--One S-ft. MeConnlck-LOST  Cold Elg'n ]DeLexe Wrist V. L Dn, Pastor used binder and header canvasses Deerhng, hoe-drawn binder, used WaSh. Brown Leather Bqmd. er at the Ttley Impament, O1Re. 2pt very lttle• In A-1 running shape, plea leave at News office for re- Divine Services I0 a.m. FOR SALE-- H. P. John Deere Sta- A. M• Schmitz, Beach, N. D... 44-p._ : .... ward.. .... .- - -tp. Sunday School alter Services. tina.ry engine. Hans Kaukaas, Ooi- FOR-S---A-LFf--- second-haY:d davcn- WANTED=-Work by hour. Call Mat- Senior Leagtte August 13, 8 p. m. va, N.D. 45-2:p. port and chair sets. Priced to sell garet Lynch at C'.herine Uet,1 .................................. immediately. A• Overstad & Sen, Apts. 48-1tp. FOR SALE---Two exceptionally good Beach, N. D• 42-2tc BEACH LUTHERAN CIIURCH late model cars. Good tires. You ................. MALE HELP WANTED--Movie Olr- Oliver Everette, Pastor have t see the cars to appreciate LOST--Truck license Class A 3-189 ators nd Managers Beach Dietrich- them. Inquire at the News of-i on highway 16. Finder please leave Movie C:rcut Work- 535 Andrus Carlyle: iice. 44-tfc I at News office. 45-1tp Bldg. M2neapolis. 48-lip. Services, 11:30 a. m. Confirmation ch:ss Sunday, 10 a. m. FOR SALE--Two young Toggat:burg FOR- SALE4-room house and 14 WANTED--8 or 10 foot iandem dtlsc, Milk Goats• $3.00 each. Brtl l.. %45000. S. A. Jhnstone, at See or write M. M. Hogoboom, Mogle. 46-lip. } B)ach Hospital. 46-lip. Alpha, N• D. 46-1t¢ WORI00IN'FOOI00 WANTEDCanner horses lc a lb. at your town in carload-;. Kutt Marg, Fox Farm, Neilsville. Wis- consin. 44-5p motor vehicle. Ford TYuek. Owner may have same by calling at News office and identifying same and paying for thi ad. Business Opportunity: Modern, Prac- ttcal, Thorough, Progressive, Econ- omical-These axe the qual'.ties ol li and Mrjanne and Peggy Hen- the Mankato Commercial College, hold were Dickinson visitors on Mankato, Minn. Send for free Thursday. catalog. 38-16tp. Paul Wagner Is helplrg with the WANTED-TO-RENTBy Sept. 1st a work on the George Wosepka faxm this week. The George Wammnn amIly have moved from the Moan house and ,took up their residence in Beach on Sun- day. Mrs. Ted PAnk and Lyle PeCersille €roe to Glendive Sturdy night to Merchants Bnk Insurance Dept. meet Ted Rink who came fom Liv- Mrs. Minnie Smh ,ls recved ingxm where ,he had been working word tha her son, laaklin, who is the pa% week. He spent Sunday stationed wibh t'he U. S..ny at here v¢lth his family and lef on the Atlanta, Oa., vo which place he has train Sunday afternoon. been transferral recent:y,  been] 'VIrs• Ted Rink and 'Mm. Seherle made a CorPorai in t, he army. ]were Beach hoppers on Monday. Mrs. Mark J. Gilman lefg for Minor by bus la Sa,turdy morning to visit her folks. She l saying there for hree weeks. ihree room furnished or paa'tly fur- nished aenk Nortlide of own prefeTed. Write at once to IVr_.r.s. Alan A. Fisher. Buffalo Springs, N. D.. c-o Herb Fi• 45 NOTICE--I have a cream check on the Mandan Creamery belonging  the person who ook my cream can from the N. P• depot and shipped cream in it. Owner may have check by proving it is theixs and paying for this ad. Cmll at News office for he name of person who now has the check. THOMP$0N'S [00D M00R00[T We Deliver Phone 55 TOMATO CATSUP ... No. 10 can 6% TOMATOES ....... 2 No. 2 Cans 25c Sweet Potatoes ....... large can 21c Green or Black Tea, 18-K. 7 oz jar 43c Preserves, pure, assort.. 12 oz jar 25c COOKIES, Plain ........ 2 lbs. 3c " R . . CO NFLAKES any kind 3 pkgs 25c Sentinel Butte ALL KINDS CANNING SUPPLIES W[ ,00[LL fOR quart jar ...19c MILK, Borden's Rose ...... 3 for 25c. 1 CRACKERS, Soda 2 lb. box ..... 17c DILL PICKLES... I III I SCHILLING COFFEE Pound 30€ d '1 Ilmll I I Macaroni or Spag. ..... 5 lb, box 30c Miss Pmona Smith arrived home from Ceat 1lls on Thursday where he has been Visiting her sister sad family the pa tle weelm. Mr. trod Mrs. Elmer RCt and dughter, Mr. and M• John Sanders and Mrs• Hugh Bolton enjoyed  pic- nic lunch an sou.t:h Imtbe Friday evening. The Luthr Ladies .Aid will not meet this Thursday, t hlng been postponed until & laer dte. Mr. ad Mrs• Math Zlnali nd sou arrived on Sturday from Michigan for a rief visit with he Zlni and Sdera famlli h. They left on .Monda morAng for Cliforn %ere lath will have exaploymert n a defense plant• Mr. and Mrs. Niel Hogoboom were dlnne guest Stmdy at ,the GUy all hme in Wibux. Thrta Lievens rrlved Friday af- ternoc by bu from Biarck for t vislt home lolks. The Luth,ean Ladk Aid spon,red a bidaI si:over in tz,e church %ttse- men Thu.r'Jay f',ernoon honoriug Mis Lorraine P%ersilie. About hirty- five people w'e prseaa¢. A mock wedding as gicn which catered -- ' l : ' l II ' ? • b eese, American ...... 2 1 . box 55c Syrup, cane or maple, pint i ..... 23c FLY RIBBONS ........ '5 for 09c R[YNOLDS F00D SIOR[S We Deliver Free Phone 75 a delicious hmch w sexved and all  departed for t]r _ons wighing i MISS. Lorraine every strauss in lfe. } Mis 'oroth? Wosepka spent from Tuesday hntil u.ndy of la week at hey hone souh of "town. Mr. and M. VaAt ixon and family were dinner guest Sunday E, 'D. Nelsons. We were sorry t,o hear bht Clyde Polley  tken sick wi'h leU- monia last Thumday at h's &ome. The doctor s .ben €ailing regularly and it is rep h he is get- ting along qute cely which is good news to his many ffrien• Mrs. Reuben Nordin has been vit- lng at bhe lrertl home in Beulah the past week• Gu I.e has been on ;he sick  a few days he pt week ,htvg been a ictim of ply. He t up and atyund ain  this writing. Mr• and l• Wt:t Dixon and Iamily .and Mr. and Mrs.' Vlc Oaxl- sca enjoyed a SUlPer wth the O. N. Hugse family in  Sunday evsnin. The ladies attended the matinee in e afternoon while the men took r he Beach-Glendlve basebMl gue, Miss Yer Waydson eft Jmestown wa. a g the home of her aunt Mrs. J. Maxtin here last week, She left again on Monday morning. Mr• ad Mrs. Je ()ook z.d fa=nlly of St. Inaious, .Monan. came on Monday 1or a brief  with Mrs. Cook's mother, M.m. Jennie Treater and othr relatives here. Th left for ,their hme Saturday tam'sing t.akg ]enard Zlsi wit hom o spend a short vacation ere. Eleanor Botsen was in ehRrge of a beauty pdor in Belfield last week while fJhe operator there was on her vacation. The Bev Rotdltngr aily moved in%o their new me here on Thum- day and are busy getting settled. Mr. and Mrs. Tcsn Wotpk and Kenneh, Mrs. Loute Hovland and Clayton Hgse were dnner guess a the Paul Wager home Sunday. tVffs. Byron Hogoboom, Kathleen, Palph and Peggy left by  on ThurSday morning lot s two week' vlstt With relatlws at Fa, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cook and ftly Mrs. Treater, rs, y Z FROM OUR ANNUAL •  THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT HARVESTING SEASON IN U. S. HISTORY. THOSE MEN IN THE FIELDS NEED GOOD FOOD AN-D PLENTY OF IT. YOU'LL FIND IT AT RED OWL RIGHT NOW. ' - BRAUNSCHWEIGER _ _ S_AUSAGE _ -/Z , J'O'_ { 2'RESHMABE 29 € SAUSXSe FINEST FLAVOR LB. • TO SERVE HOT OK COLD " -- LOUR 9 ENRICHED BAG • 1C K, 0. BAKIH6 )WD ' _&v CY BLU ROS CHOCOLATE  2  25 EXTRA FAN MWhIm'" EFFECTIVE THRU AUO, 2. SUGAR 2 L.13' SUGAR ,. 7 GRADE "A" PEANUTS m" POWDERED CORN FLAKES 2 If-OZ. O00KIES ,,o. 2' BAG  BRAND--CRISP--CRUNCHY COCONUT PUFFS STARCH YOUR CHOICE 2 *"" 13 ¢ l -LB. € ) PMOWAX 2,.Gs.2S coRN OR GLOSS PEGS. JELL SEAL PENICK BRAND Jm.Ens,o2s, BLENDED JUICE 25 ¢ POWDERED PECTIN QLD SOUTH BRAND---ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT n..... OATMEAL BALi,. OR KERR DOZ.  COFFEE  jA. 31' ' 1 OK TIN QUICK OR 48-OZ. MARVEST Q, UE. BRAND IGULA PKG. WE ARE DOING OUR BEST TO SUPPLY THE DEMAND FOR THI: to OW I Callfornia Freestone $ l 69 ' .Elbcrtas ._ CRATE SPAM- HORMEL'S 3 MIRACLE 12-OZ. € MEAT TIN ViEJiNA SAOSAGE 2 ,, 25' KINGAN BRAND POTTED MEAT 3 L. 25' KINGAN BRAND - CLIFOKNIA RED 1,: LAGA " i! %s i FsH HOM. GROW : • .c- 15C o, m Duz }Ivory Soap " =" LI" '^= ' li00.I.¢iLIGHTHOUSE 4 15 !. ! I IC'Y CLEANSES Q,T. t" Q¢ -- LOa [] i | u..llm4, VEODORIZES roT..U. p' ,: \