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August 13, 1942 |
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Capt. Ravdolph Chnrcldll, son of Britain'a prime nnlster, is shown
(left) with Edsel and Henry For during his vlslt to the Willow Run
bomber plant. At right i Charles E. 8orensen, Ford vice president and
general manager. ChurcJi is recuperating from injuries received In
I Middle Esmt area.
Yankee Ingenuity Helps Save 18
Two raft loads of survlvor from an American freighter torpedoed in
the Atlantic approach a rescue vessel. Note the rough shelters on the rafts.
When their vessel went down, the 18 men paddled, amidst the wreckage,
picking up bits of board, ca=yes and paper to construct the canopies which
lprotected them from the sun's hot rays during their 19 days adrift.
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W thIa T E VEriRtie t he alipta°:i ' i I
new bathroom fixtures there is n ' |
limit to the gay color and good IL T.,-,A"I, '|
oheer that you may have with .'I /I l.I.l !|| I IIPI /
brighy pamted cupboards and "''"lr" III1 /
towels decorated ....... with pieces from WOtD'S LO" I" S AT
your scrap bag. In mzs Damroom
a morning glory applique design .....
is used for towels of two sizes rzenmy oo
and for curtains. He who loveth a book will neve
The handy towel and lotion cup-
board is painted white outside and
morning glory blue inside. The
sides, top and bottom are screwed
together at the corners. Use half-
inch metal angles as shelf sup-
ports, or make grooves for a neat-
er job. As shown in the sketch,
the cupboard is trimmed and
made rigid with plywood scallops
secured with half-inch screws.
NOTE: Here is news for the man with
hammer and saw. Whether you have a
coping saw from the dime store or an
want for a faithful friend, a whole-
some counsellor, a cheerful com-
panion, or an effectual comforter,
--Isaac Barrow.
To keep bread in the best condi-
tion, store it when cool in a clean,
well-aired, covered, ventilated
container and keep in a cool, dry
To protect garden shoes keep
them well greased or oiled with
neat's-foot oil or cod or castor oil,
tallow or wool grease. Let dry
in a warm place.
* •
That fish may be scaled much
easier by first dipping them into
boiling water for a minute.
* • $
Sheets and other linens should
be ironed in different folds each
week so the creases will not break
Sweet corn, green string beans,
green peas, pumpkins, squash, cel-
ery and greens are best vegetables
for home drying. Apples and ber-
ries are adapted to drying in the
home among fruits.
Food bought in season will help
to keep that part of the budget
within reason.
Buy more oranges at
i a time--they keep
You don't have to cut
down on fresh foods inslt
because you shop less
often these days. Simply
buy oranges in larger
amounts. They're natur-
ally good keepers!
They give Fou protec-
tive vitamins and minerals
you need, especially vita.
rain C. They satisfy your
sweet tooth-save sugar.
t Those stamped Sunkist
are the finest from 14,500
€ooperating gowers.
Onion juic: :ho:ld be added
after a mixture is cooked rather
than cooked with the mixture if
th_ o best flavor is desired.
Rancidity in lard can be pre-
vented by keeping it away from
air, light and warmth. Store in ..,+.o,mo,m,m,,,m.,
tin or crockery containers in a ....
cool place. --Buy War Savings Bond--
Cl rk
Room,( e !
... worlds largest hotel.
PER $ONA BLg etl
::" i..':i':';.::"i:i:i:i:i:ii:i:i:i:!:!:ii:':i: qf Chicago's famous Sl" or
............................... 1 P
i+ , vens H0te, Is 0ne el I111 ,,
: few women room clerks
: the country. M ss Lindgrl ,
e,'f friendly, cheerful,
-rg;;¢, FLAKE_S ,entsen+ice.,$elf.Starte, Eatin ,P°:
lus t+e tmo estlmt [ ""T%.'.+'.'_ "=
P .sCumV t spP' __ 7,,+ (m, -- helps me start mydays fd
1 o.o....
• '" tot h--=" for it I ,...'s
I '-." .............................. wonderful .
[ CO#$1$TEIfT
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When advertising is carried on for a long enough tlme the
name of the product advertised becomes a part of the daily
life of the household, a trusted and respected thing. No
thing can be consistently advertised unless it is worthy of and respect.
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