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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 13, 1942     Golden Valley News
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August 13, 1942
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AUGUST 13, 1942j THE GOLDEN VALLEY LOCALS -, ....... .... ...... - ,poe at the City Dg Storo,crop, against *ire during `the est Midway Hero ,taking he place of Mi Gloria Janze season. Ra'es rsonble.Farmers- Itwrertce Turnbull received a phone and Mr. Bill Kreiderman of Balfour. [Merchan.ts Bank Insurance ,Dept. Trotters The men ad some of the ladies Wednesday evening of last week No. Dak., .has taken .the place of] Hollis Adams and Wm. Braden him 2xat his father, R. E. F,rnkie Kippley who has h, ancted in 'left yes``erday w.ornng by car for of Pessenden, N. Dak., had his resignaMon. Couer d' Alene. Idaho, where .hey from a ladder whim painting The local post-office hes received will be employed in a defense plant, broke h leg. {r. Turnbull, who helr first shilnent of V-Mail lett2r ,here. 81 years of age, was rushed to the vheets which are now on sale to the Lawrence Turnbull received a tale-! hsp.tal vehe he is confined, pub::c. The ew s:heet is used for grm Munday of ths week from his Mss Elsie Wing of Hazen, N. Dak., tatters to soldier boys which travels nephew, Ncal Seely, that he had here last week end ,to ke much fater and is more sure of de- /ased h:s examination a Butte, place of Miss Eleanor Boisen who :leery. I2qui-e a the local pos Mont.. for Civilian Pilots Training 'her position a' Bertha's o;fice for them. and within a short time will his Parlor. .Miss Boisen is spead- Ms. Thelma McErlain lef't by courage m av/ation. Neal couldn't a Vacation at her home in Sent- tra:.n tthe f.rst of the wek for quite make bhe aviation caet qualifi- BuOte but within a very short, Wyo.. where she will visit cations bu is well pleased to ge into to take a ¢a-ip eegt. her fat,her. Thomas Thompson, for the course he is going to take. He Smith was out Sunday for a few days. arrived home yes:erday for a short irst time in several days after Mrs. Adin VEllev .arrived here last slay before slatting his course ,t! confined to fills home wth what week and ho:s been a guest t the Dickinsdn. ] believed to be an t'ttack of ap- Watt Johnson home in his ci`ty. She Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gardner and are ve:y busy baying now. "Phere is !:ii!iiij::i! ii!:i:!ili: : ;i.! !:/i=!:i:!:'iii!i:iii;:;i:iiiiiiii i;i !iY!iii!ii:?::i:!!iiii:: '::!!i .... from Neis Nelson recent:Iv, stating tha he had been ill with pneumonia and was just able Ca) sit up when he wrote. The Garrell house is getting a nice coat of white paint wiOh green *aim- surely .hay in abundance his year. O. K. Omley was P. V. Moore sack hay part of last week Constanoe Mouser spent the week end at the P. V. Moore home. Cecil Omley spent the week vis:ting rclives and friends at Trotters axed Boach. It seems that we ware mistaken in stating that this was Myrtle Neller- moe's first visit to Trotters Ln eight years. She made a very short visit here five years ago. The P. V. Moores received a lettter informs the News that her husband, daughter 1Harian motored to Fargo The Ed. Kowaleski fmnily axe mov- Supu A. R. Miller. is now locted last week. From here Mrs. Gardner Lieut, Henry Fitts, 25, of Macon, this week to ,the Wiley home just with t.he U. S. Army at Camp Crowd-:and daughter wen on to points in N. C., first publicly acclaimed hero mings which will surely be a fine im- of where they now reside. The ¢r w,ere he ,has been assigned to Wiscosin for ,their summer's wction of the battle between American air house will be occupied t.he Signal Corp. I with rehtives. Mr Oardner arriv,l arms and Jap fleet off Midway is- the Tony Sohmitz fanily who will The Geo. Wassmann fam.i:y of home tthe-first of ','.he week. in from ,their farm home south Sent:nel Bttte ,moved into B3ach last I A laxge crowd at.ended the dance Sunday and are reMding in the hou e e the. ct. Philip hall last Satur- mid Mrs. Glemx Wolf motored v.hlch was vacated by the Henry Tot-iday nig, ht and a fine time was enjoy- Bismarck Thuvsclay of last week now family. ed by everyone. The music was home Friday evening. While Miss Gloria Janze aud Mrs. Arnold furnished by the "S':x Gentlemen of Mr. Wolf ,attended a state B-aden left by train last evening for Jive" of Beadh. land. He dropped the bombs which sank a Jap aircraft carrier. Bonnie View of courtty chairmen and re- the west ccast. Mrs. Braden gong Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and Miss Mrs, Joe Peeha Sr., spent Sunday a very intereing meeting which o Beiiingham, Wn, to visit relatives, Thelma Iverson of Gl0ndive were at ,the C-odfrey Pesha home. ttended by a number of govern- nd Miss Jgnze o Evere:¢, Wn., dinner guests at the Ed. Enderle Vernon Meech and Howard Bow- officials who gave instructive where she will make her hoe wi#h home in this city last Sunday. Miss ers arrived at the Leo Nielsen home on how to carry on county her fher, l.ast week Srom their 'homes in M,une- J. M. S':ill as received word from and Mrs. Judd Goodman and his son, Bob. hat he ,has qualified children of Plentywood, Mont., as an expert on a Browning Ma- week end guests et taxe Clarence chine gun. Bob is located at Camp home here in Beach. They Wolters. Texas, but expects o be to ,taheir home on Monday ransferred soon. Bob says ¢he weth- far has been a li, ttle too wrm d and Mrs. Roy Hatanatl of tale Vhe loI:g hikes are somewhat tire- mmamnlgy were Beach shop- some. hint Thuruy a.d while in town Andrew Finneman, son of Mr. and wth fried. I Mrs. Mike Finneman, of the Golva and Mrs. Cliff Wagner and ccmmuni,ty came last week end from irom west of Trotters, were Colfax, Wn., to spend some time and oallers in own Tlurs-ihere helping with ,the fall's harvest f laat week. [at his father's farm. letter from Ite BarOelt an- Mrs. Mabel Jac0bson of Carlyle, tt yeavJ subscription to the Mon, t., came in by bus Tuesday morn- comes from Bremerton, Wn., 'ing of this week from the west coast us hat 6ae is now work- where she has been visiting. She in the Puget Sound Navy Yard llef % for her home at Caxlyle that tikes fixer work very much. morning. and Mrs. Mark Harper and Mrs. Carl Krogh, of Hawley, Minn., children left by car Monday af- and Mrs. Clifford Abrahamson of for Spokane, Wn., where Mr. 'Dilwert`h, Minn., arived here Friday has employment. During the of last week to visLt ,their sLster, Mrs. year ad a half Mr. Harper Curt Sill, of this city. been employed ea a meohaxtic at i Tommy Kirkpatriok left Tuesdty of clmlz Garage. .this week after spending a few days ad Mrs. Matt Rlstuben and here with his mother, Mrs. Anna lve ,moved into  residence Kirkpatrlck. of Oolva community. was Just vaoated hy e Mark Tommy arrived Sunday frcm Fort family. Ord, California Where he' has been Bernieoe Gilman arrived home sttloned. from ,hey Cwo weeks' vaca- Mrs. Elmer Hasbrook and sister, pent wlt, h her brother-in-law Elsie MadDougal, Mxs. Roy Turtle and sister, Mr. and ,Mrs. ,,. W. Berg, Mrs. Thelma McErlain motored to MAnn. Glendive Thursday afternoon of last l,sy Marman returned home week where they spent several hours Baker, Mont., yesterday efter taking in the sights. Mrs. Kahryn Howard took care of the Park Cale home,few days Vhere at the[during their absence. Opportunities in Business AND GOVERNMENT OFFICES! lithe Government requires both men and women trained typing and clerical work. Business offices also require rained workers to replace those who have lt to accept lmstions in National Defense. Interstates nort mten- ive courses prepare you for those positions. WRITE NOW FOR CATALOG-H WHICH GIVES YOU OUTLINE OF COURSES NEW CLASSES START SEPT. 8th IMTEU00TAT]00 BUSINiS COLLEOE lU FARo o. N.D. Ivs Endrle accompanied Vhem hom for a few days' visit. Miss Ma:ian Bell. 7-year-old daugh- .:er of Mr. and Mrs. J,mes Bell of Rockford, IllLcds. arrived here alone Sunday to spend a vacation wfti her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Enderle, Mrs. Bell as formerly, Cecelia Enderle. Mrs. Ca;therine Marman enjoyed a short visit with her aunt. Mrs, Rose Serdo|z of Portland, Ore., who came down from Glendive Thursday of last week to spend tne day here. Mr. and Mrs. Sandness arrived back in Beach last week end from their summer's vacation in Minnesota points. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palmer from Glendive, Mma, t.. the first of the week. Earl has been sick for about a month wiLh pneumonia and at times was quite seriously ill. He has been in the N. P. Hospital at Glendive. He v¢ill stay home for aaoter week res:- ing up before going back to work as clerk t tfixe depot ,here. Eddie Wicka is here spending a last fall Eddie has ben on Oa'ae west coast employed in a defense plant. vacation at the parental Felix Wicka ! wJuls "tLO to tno mot, Oeo. Fletcher ox Sntinel Butte was a BeaCh visitor Friday fernoon of last week. Oeorge has been confined to bed for .the pas, five morrths, moh of that time being spent in the Dick- inson hospital. He wa$-rel bout ten days ago and't& now feeling fine. George I. Dee, county ag:r#t, es- tlmtes that about eighty per cent of the new wheat crop will have to be stored on the The quota for wheat for Golden Valley county hs year was 87.000 acres  farm- ers planted 82.000 .acres and used the other 5000 acres for other crops, es- pecially flax. Elmer Hasbrook got back from Col- umbs, Mont., on N. 2 Sturday morn- ing, coming ha five hours late on ae- county of a wreck ,this side of 8addle, Wn. Elmer has been doing carpenter work at tYne chrome mines, The Moit and t,he Blmbo. Becmme it is work for the war production rules aa'e very strict.. No camera, no firearms are atiowed and every man ias to have a pass to get in and out. L. M. MacMartln, of Blsnmrck, fieldrnan for the Armour Creameries, was in ,town this pazt week and ar- ranged with Curt Sill to buy cream for ,the Armour market. Curt has fit- ted up a room in the rear of his up- holstery storeroom where the cream- ery equipment  been installed. look for his announeeraent in this paper. Mrs. Sehmitz and daughter, Mildre@ moved ,this week into he Sohillo house vShieh was vaca',d last week by te Leo Halgh family who are now resid, ing in the Jos. Meyer resi- denoe. We Have FRANKLIN'S As Advertised in the August 8th Issue Of "THE FARMER" PARKE-DAVIS GLOBE A-C.TOL SBARPE & DOHME For control of large Roundworms, (lscarids) and cecal worms in your chickens and turkeys. May be used in wet or dry masl00 a# Active ingredient: Phenothiazine SLEIGHT'S CITY DRUG BLACKLEG SERUMS BUTTE DRUG Beach, North Dakota "Your Globe Druggist" sota, the former being a brother of Mrs. Nielsen. At present ,hey are employed at .the Ed Feldmann and llph Mosser homes, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Oerhardt Schallock and family of Beach were Sunday visitors t-the home of Mrs. Snal- lock's sister. Mrs. Tom Ctmrot. Mrs. George Barnharst, of Kendall, Wisconsin, and Miss Mac Barnlmrst of Milwaukee, lef.t by traln Monday morning for their repective homes after  week's vist at the McCaskey home Mrs. Barhar is an aunt o the McCaskey family and Mac is s cousin. Mrs. Frank Nehls and Miss Mildred Berg were Sentinel Butte visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oamroth were callers @t bhe Frark Lechler home 2VIonday. Joe Pesha, Sr., and sons, Godfrey and Jerry, are doing carpenter work a he Joe Pesha Jr. home. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ,.: Dr. Chernausek ./Rogers & Gumper Walton Block Dickinson, North I:,ta GUY LEE ATTORNEY Sentinel Btte, N. DalL KEOHANE & KUHFELD ATTORNEYS AT LAW Phone 133 '-Beach. North Dakota DR. 0. I. IECE Dent BEAGrH. NORTH DAKOT DR. E. A. NYMAN ICH, NORTH DLrDrA New Location Dowrmtirs office phone 61 - res. 11 W. It. SCHELL Attorney-At-Law Beach. N. D. Of Ioeated in form_. Vy Bank Bdd Mr. and Mrs. Harris Ooldsberry and Mrs. Alice ,Moore motored to Bech on Friday. H. H. Burchette is busy harvesting wheat now. Reading Glasses .... 50c to $6 Gold Glasses ...... $10 to $15.50 Double Vision Glasses $3.50 up GLASSES FITTED G. Gilbertson Optical Specialist Beach. N. D. II I I PAGE FIVE Divide MaOh Brown end daugh*er, Violet, and Mr. eaxd Mrs. Arthur Brown motored ,to Sentinel Butte laat Thurs- day. Pete Tether has been out x thi par of the cotmty repairing the "Old Morgan Rad" to the river. The members of )tr ownship board are panning in laeig a ltrg cememt culvert ,t te "Old Wagner" place, which will enable people from the river to use ,this road to Sertinel Butte mad Beach, Maortening their route  Beach by en miles. A picnic was held a t_e Rl&mrd Moore ranch in honor of Viler Brown tst Saturday md the fllowing day, Sunday 6 farewell picnic was 'held at Mlas Browh's hme. Violet Brown left last Tuesday for Bismarck to ame her duties t he St. Alexius Hospital. Mericl Rathbn is geLting along provement. Ben Verdick was. doing 1 fine since njurying her avrn last €he paint job. ]week. Miss Exie Polen called a* Trotters I John S. Rathbun is imp:'oving on Sunday and made em inspection slowly rom his recent illness. of the Trotters school house, as she Mr, and Ms. Ted Blue and child- will teh our school this year. I ren were Sentinel Butte and Beach shoppers last Thursday. The P. V. Moore and Norman Nel- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook and child- lermoe families atded Church se_r- vices and Ladies Aid a Skaar on ran were calling on friends in this Sunday. cnmunity last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stacker d scne friends were ou in our neighborhood l ast Sunday. Earl Robert returr.d Sturday from sou, bh of Medora where he is drilling some wells. -- =, ,= ARMY SETS ONLY ENRICHED BREAD ! THAT'S THE BREAD MY FAMILY GETS! The men i, ,,ur fighting forces need and get the best. That's the way it should be with your family. Serve them Gordon's enriched bread, so full of extra vitamins essential to health and Victory. Pack it in your workman's lunch pail ... tuck it into Mary's hmch ... serve it at every meal and midday snacks. Help keep America on the road to health and Victory. BUY IT AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY GORDON's BAKERY =_. FARMERS, ATTENTION | i SOLVE YOUR LUBRICATION PROBLEMS By Using Mobiloil-- Mobilgrease - Mobilgas "IT PAYS TO USE THE REST harvest | | Drop in and see me before starting II • CARL R. DAVIS, Agent _ /,::::,r,-- :~. ['-- ......