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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 13, 1942     Golden Valley News
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August 13, 1942
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................ L,  " THURSDAY, AuGUsT 13, 1942 PAGE  FOUR 2:  " I THE GoLDEN-VALLEY NEWS DANCE-Sat., ug. 1 Benefit Dance For Sid Woodard I WIBAUX AIRDOME ll _ J '_L_ Muic By: "Six Gentlemen Of Jive" Join the crowd for a real good time __ I I ....... Theatre Calendar CURRENT WEEK ROSE GLENDIVE, MONTANA Now Showing-- Thurs, - Frl. - Sat. "BAHAMA PASSAGE" starring Madeline Carroll, Stixliug Hyden, Flora, RobSon, Leo Cax011 and Mary Anderson. A dramatic thunderbolt . . . he story of bewildered man and a ophisticated :irl . . . on a lonely island. Ow1 Show Sat. Nlte, 11:30 p. m. Sun. - M0n. - Tues. ilind Ethel1 and Fred Mac- Murray in "TAKE A LETTER, DAdgLING" with Robe Benchley, Cannce Moore, Cecil Kellaay, and Mac- DonLld Caxey. A male secretary a female boss . . . a new twlt In a harlaus comedy. i | Wnemlay Only- John Garfield and Nary Coleman in "]DANGEROUSLY THEY LIVE" with Raymond Massey, Moroni Paean end Lee Pa?rick. Keep' that secret . . . and keep American cargoes ou of nazi 6ubmarine lines. 0 Next Thin.- The pteture "everyone shauld see l James (ey In "CAIAINS OF THE CLOUDS" UPTOWN T.EA00E i i Judy d d George M:urphy t Friday - gaturday-- Sidney Tolor and Mary Beth Huhes in JCASTLES IN THE DESERT" Also Headlong CASldy in "SECRETS OF THE WASTLELANDS" ?lOs C2mpter 14 of Jungle Girl Ser. Sday - Mondlty Lloyd Nola and Marjorie Weaver in •  MAN WHO WOULDN'T DIE" Also Jinx Falkenburg an}l Buddy i Rea in t J "81NG FOR YOUR SUPPER" ! I 1 y - w-y I Red Skel¢n (I DOOD IT) in "V[HSTLING IN THE DARK" Also le¢$ed abort sttbJeets. LOCALS Mr. wad Mrs. Roy Halstead and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Preiss of Wibaux mo- tored to Lake 11o in the Killdeer community last Sunday where they spen te day fllng. They report a very fine outing and also a visit with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Galloway of Buelah, N. D., who were spending the day tere. Mr. Gu21oway was a form- er Red Owl manager here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Noyes and Mr. and Mrs. "'Scotty" Dorldson mo- tored to Fort Peck last Sunday where they spent (he day. They report a great deal of activity around the dam with a number of goverlnent projects going in. Insure yottr standing and growing crops against fire during the harvest season. Rates reasonable.--Farmers - Merchants Bank Insurance Dept. Mr. Sellmen of Decora,h. Iowa, has been here the past week ,taking care of farming interests in our com- munity. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF PETER RUTZ, DECEAS- ED. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Herbert P. L,ehnen, Administrator of tile Estate of Peter Rutz late of the City of Beach in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Da- kota, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers' within six m)nths after the first publication of this notice, to "said Administrator at  the office of. John Keohane in the' City of. Beach in ,ald Golden Valley County, or to the Judge of ' the County .Codrt of Golden Valley County, at. his office in the Court House in the Clt'y of Beadh, ld ' en Valley County, North. Dakota. You are hereby, further notified that Hen. 'A. E. Kadtien, "Judwe" of the C0unt 'Court within and. for the Couty of Golden Valley, and State of North * 1)akot[ has fixed the 24th day of February A.. D. 1943. at tile hour of en o'clock tn the forenoon of said day, at the Cou, rt Rooms, - 1) the Court House i n t h e C I t y of Beach in said County and State, as the time and place for hearing and adjusting all clai.m against the estate of the said Peter Rutz Deceased, whicl have been duly and regularly presented as hereinbefore provided, Dated August llth A. D. 1942. HERBERT .P. LEHNEN. Administrator. First publication on the 13th day of August A. D. 1942, JOHN KEOHANE Attorney For Admia{str.ator, BeaCh, North DakOta. Auffust 1-0-7 CITATION HEARING : PiPIqPION"' TO ESTABLISH THE RIGRT OF HEIRSHIP TO REAL PROPERTY State of North Dakota, Cunty of Golden Valley, In County Court, • Before Hen. A. E. Kastien. Judge. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF ANNA NOLKE, DE- CEASED. Augusta E. Noelke Darber, Petitioner. vs. All other person un- Wholesale Hours 9:30 to 4:30 No Sunday Service E. R. Kennedy SENTINEL BUTTE, N. D. 4 WHAT---NO RADIO? DU#to slow driving you now spend more time in your car than ever before. Enjoy your leisure trips Listen to a NEW 1942 MOTOROLA RADIO As You Drive We have New Model in Stock Have you tried our expert Belt Lacing, the Clipper Way i'llO%VI1 claiming any estate or interest in or lien or encumbrance upon the l)rot)('rty described in the petitlou or against the es- tate of the said deceas- ed. Respondents. TIlE STATE OF  NORTH DA- K()TA TO THE ABOVE NAMED ltESt'ONDENTS: Yoo. and each of You, are h,re- by notified that Augusta E. Noclke Barber. of Lawton. Oklaho,ma, has filed ill the C,)anty Court Of the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. her duly verified petition t)raylng for a de- cree ascertaining and establish- ing the right of succession t,, tile real estate within Golden V:llley County, North Dakota. of which Anna N¢)elke. late vf the (71tY of l,a Crosse. County of La- (Jrosse and State of Wisconsin, died seized, which said real estate is described as follows: An uodlvlded ooe-fourth (4) interest In and to the Sontheast Quarter t SE[/4) of Section Twenty (20) In To'tvllil|p One Huodred Tlrty-elght (13) North of Range One ltundred Four (104) VCest of tire Fifth Print' pal Meridian In i;oldcn nllcy County, North Dakota. and that Tuesday, the 1st day of September A. D. 1942 at the hour of ten o'clock ill the forenoon of that day, Rt the Court Roons of this Court. at the Court House in the City of Beach, Gold- en Valley County, North Dakota, has been set by this Court as th6 thne and place of hearing said petition,, at which time and place any person interested may appear and object to the grant- ing of said petition. And you, and each of you, are hereby'cifed and" required then and there to be and appear before this Court and. show caus.e, if any there be, why this petition should not be granted Let service .be made of this Ci-., tatlon as reqflt.rcd by law. Dated this Ilth day of August' A. D. 1942. BY THE, COURT., A. E. KASTIEN, • ]'udg-e of the ou4aty • • Court. (Seal of Conrt) JOHN KEOIIANE: Atforne- For" Pdltoner. Beach, North JDakota. . August 13-20 CITATION" HEARING PETITION TO ESTABLISH THE BIGHT . OF HEIRSHIP TO..RU,AL PROPERTY NOTICE TO t'REDrrORS IN" THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF Ot tilit. Keppler, De- c¢,.led. N,tice is bereby given by the undersigned. John Ket,hane, Ad- ministrator with %Vill Annexed of tile Last Vill and Estate |)f (Ittilie Keppler late of the City of Watertown in the County of Jefferson and State of V¢ise(|nsin. deceased, to the credito|'s of. and all perstln. having claims against said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vonchers witl]- in six months after tie first pub- lication of this notice to said J o h n Keohane. Administrator aforesaid at his office in the City of Beach in said Golden Valley t'OU nty, or to tile ,Jndae of tile County Court of Golden Valley CI,ullty, at his (*ffice in the Court tiouse in tie City of Heaeh. Gold- en Valley t'O,lU|y, N,rth Dakota. You are iereby further notified that Hen. A. E. Kastien. Judge of the CSunty (ourt within and for tile County of Golden Valley, and State of North Dakota. has fixed th( 25th day of February A. D. 1943, at the Iour of l0 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court io,,lns, in "the t'ourt House in tie City_ of Beach in said County and State, as the time and Ilace for iearing and adjusting all claims against the estate of tile said Ottilie Keppler Deceased. whict have been duly and regularly presented as herein- before provided. Dated August 10. A. D. 1942. JOHN KEOHANE. Administrator with the *ill Annexed of the Estate ef Ottilie Keppler. De- ceased. First publication on the 13th day of August A. D. 1942. August 18-20-27 Garner Mrs. Fr g was h06te to tlhe Alph Birday club on uesday, August 4h. 14 members and 14 ts- iors were presert to enjoy the lovely lunch serevd by the os¢ss and her daughter, Mlahalda,. after the buM- ness meeting. Mrs..George..Woepka and vhildren. Mrs. Tom Wepka, Mrs. Fred Wassraann and Dorothy, Mrs. Lloyd :Wassmann and arolyn, and Mrs. John Laklev and Jckie all of "Garner atended the. meeting. Mrs. Ed Stull ar/d children were ,overnight guests at .Ne George Stull State of North .Dakota, ". ] home Tuesday nlgh, t. Cmnty of Golden Valley, MrS. (e Stull en,tertained bhe rn County Co,art, Cro]va Sunxhine Society t her home Before Hen. A, E. Kastien, Judge. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- on August 5th. Twelve members and TATE OF KATHRYN PEARCE, twelve visitors were present to enjoy HILL,, DECEASED. Charles C. Pearce, t lovely dinner Nerved @#t oon. M- Petitioner. ter dinner the meeting was held. The vs. next meeting will be t fihe home el George R. Hill Jr., and &ll other persons unknown " ,Mrs. Laura Srlon, gt. 2. I %lalming any estate or in-  1 George Stun was a Beach sopper] "terest in or l[en or en2 cu.mbrance upon the prop- [Tuesday. erty described in the pe- Aen Chaffee nd Donald and tltion or against the es- tate Of said deceased, R'spondents. THE STATE OF NORTH DA- KOTA TO "THE ABOVE NAMED RESPONDENTS: You, and each of you, are ere- by notified that Charles C. Pearce, of the City of New York, State of New York, has filed in the County Court of the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. his duly verified petition praying for a decree ascertain- ing and establishing the right of succession to the real estate within Golden Valley County, North Dakota. of which Kathryn Pearca Hill. late of La Grange, Cook County, Illinois, died seized. which said real estate is describ- ed as follows.: An undivided one-s'xth (I-6) Interest and owuer- ship In and tot All of Section One (1), Southeast Quarter (SEt/) of Section Three 3), South Half (Sz) of Sect on Sev- ea (), All of $cetlon Nine t9), Northeast Q u a r t e r (NE4) of See/inn Ten (10), All of Scetlon Eleven (11), except 2 acres deeded to School, West H a I f. of Northeast Quarter tWVa- NE4,) Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (NW- /,SE/4), Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter (NE- Y4SW t/4 a n d Northwest Quarter (NW4) of Section Twelve 112) and all of Section Th:rteen (13), all in Township One Hundred Thirty-seven 1137) North, of gauge One Hundred Four (104) rest, of the Fifth Principal Merid an in Golden Valley C o u n I y, North Dakota. All of Section SIx (6), and All of Section Eighteen (1S), except Lot Two (2), all in Towosh'p One Hun- dred Thlrt'-sevcn (137) North, of Range One Hun- dred Three (103) West, of the Fifth PrlneiDal Meri- dish in Golden VulJey County, North Dakota. Southeast Qanrter (SE- 4) of Section Eleven (11), Northeast Quarter ( NE/4 ) of Section Fourteen (14) nnd the %Vest Half (W;/) of Section Fifteen (15), all in Tovnsh'.p One Hundred Thirty-nine 1139) North, of Rouge Otlc llundrcd Five (105) Vest, of the Fifth Prule'pal Meridian In Gold- en Valley Couaty, North Dnko/a. and that Tuesday, the 1st day of September A. 1). 1942 at the hour of iel] o'clock nl the forenoon of that day, at the Court Rooms of this Court. at ttle ('ourt House in the City of Beach. Golden Valley Count3', Norti Dakota, has bee set 4)y this Court as the time and place of hearing said pe- tition, at Which time and place any person interested may appear and object to the granting of said petition. And you, and each of you, are hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear be- fare this Court and" show cause. If any there be, why this petition should not be granted. Let service be made of this Ci- tation as required by law. Dated this llth day of August A. D. 1942. BY THE COURT. A, E. KASTIEN, Judge of the County Court. (Seal of County Court) JOhlN % August 15-20 Myxa were callers at (he Fred Was- mann home Wednesday. LilIian Jendro is now employed at he Corge Still ,home near Beuc. Mrs. Olaf Orstad, Mrs. George Wo- sepka and Mrs. Louie Drewniak called at Art Underwood and Fred Wass- mann homes Thursday. Mr. d Mrs, Carles Lehman. Mary and Carles Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. George Wsepka and children. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Drewniak nd chil- dren, Casey Htggins and son, Fred and Walter Wamann, and Harold Ha¢son ,helped brined cattle at te Olaf Orstad hmne Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dietz and Jimmy Wassmann were callers at e Lloyd Wamann and Vie Renstrom homes Thursday. irs. Ed Siull ad Children returned home on Thursday fter kaving spent] a couple of days visiting at the Gee. I Stull lccae. Vic Renstrom and Jorm Bemon called t e Olaf Outed h(Lme on Thursday afternoon. Andrew Peterson called at the F. Wassmmm home Thursday. Mr .md Mrs. Chaxles  and daughter and Charles and Mary Pierce are pendLng a few days af the Douie Drewniak home while ey are here ettendtng to busl|ss mat0ters. Mrs. Harold ZiebarVh was a caller a¢ the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aud Nunn on Thursday. G0lva Mrs. Clifford Caudell of Mount Morris, Michigan, a niece of Mr. Covert's came last Tuesday for a viM; spend a few days wi0h Mrs. Al at the Covert home. Fasching. They returned home Sire- Miss Janet Fergusc and Miss Flora day. McPhee wer m Dickivtson Sturday Mrs. Sadie Page sper the week I o have glasses fitted, end w,h Mrs. Jol Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hilber stopped Mr. and Mrs. Lew}e Fasching ere at the Tschida home ¢ora few days Sunday dirmer gues¢s el Mrs. Rosina visit enraute from Yellowstone Park Fetching at Alpha. to their home in 'Fargo. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bares and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Paterson en-family spent Sunday at the Joe Popel tar, rained the Sunday School Junior home. class a:t a waffle supper Monday eve- Miss Janet Ferguson Grandma Yar- ning in honey of Dorothy Warren, guson and Dorothy wet to Billings who left Tuesday for her ,home a Tuesday. Miss Ferguson will enjoy Billings after spending the summer a month's vacation from her work here with her aunt. Gmes ere at the depot. played and a very. enjoyable eve- Mr. ad Mrs. Bob Menke were ning was spent. ,Golva business visitors Thursday eve- Mrs. Edna Hammond was he, tess ning. to a number of ladie a a whist Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schoue were pary last Tuesday. Four tables were Sunday supper guests at the Scheffer in play and prizes were won by Mrs. home. Otto Hansen high and Mrs. E. hoen Mr. Cede of Pompey, Mont., is re- low. The traveling prize was won[lief agent a he depot whi.'e Miss by Mrs. Tony Krettmger. A lovely Ferguson is on her vactor. luch was served and 11 spent a Mrs. Flora Funk, Miss F. Mclhee very pleasant agernoon, and Dune McPhee were unday up- MLs Marcella and Florence Flsch-]per guests at the George Wosepka er went to Dlckinsc Wednesday to home. HOG MARKET I WILL BE AT THE Wibaux Stock Yards all Day Friday August 14th i i i THE FOLLOWING PRICES GUARANTEED TO YOU FOR THIS FRIDAY TOp Butcl/er Hogs 180 to 250 ................... $13.15 per tart. Med. Heavy Hogs, 250 to 230 lbs ................. $13.00 per cwt. Ex. Heavy Butchers, 320 lbs. and up ........ $12.75 per cwt. Sows, good light, 250 to 350 lbs. ' $12.35 per cwt. Mad. Heayy Sows,,: 350 to 400 .................... $12.25 per cwt. Extra Heavy Sows, 400 lbs, and up ........ $12.10 per cwt. Stags, good, 70 lbs. dock ........................... $12.40 per cwt. Boars, $6.00 per cwt., but would rather not buy them. ABOVE PRICES GUARANTEED, WILL PAY MORE IF MARKET JUSTIFIES JACK BALLARD A NEW CREAM MARKET IN BEACH I have made arrangements to operate a cream buying station in connection with my Upholstery Shop. Give this new cream market a trial. Your business will be handled RIGHT every time and you will receive true value for every can for cream. Get together with your neighbors and take turns bringing in your cream thereby saving wear and tear on tires, cars, etc. Sincerely, Curt Sill GET YOUR CAN AND CHECK TODAY. HARVEST SEASON IS NOW IN FULL SWING! IT PAYS TO USE THE BEST FUEL AND LUBRICATION PRODUCTS JOIN OUR EVER INCREASING NUMBER OF PATRONS FARMERS UNION OIL CO. "PATRONIZE YOURSELF"  FLOYD HOUCK, MGR.