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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 13, 1942     Golden Valley News
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August 13, 1942
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/ i THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS VOLUME VI BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1942 NU00BSR WAR NEWS Sate USDA War Board, ,in wth e State office of Vv'PB, 's asl0ed for an eara of welding rods o meet harvest and reshing repair from souter states are moving  North Dakota .mrvest the ,bumper crop. USDA Ftr Board is work- Wll war boards in other sates an effort to instn'e #,he move- of-combin into  state. Ar- ve been made pernt- the movement of combines and acrces ,the ir#bernaonl border combines).  are in llands of USDA Wet Boards and Employment offices. scrRp iron quota for North for  lot six mozths of has been set et 34,000 tons. The USDA War Board estlmages 40,000 tons of scra iron have spped out of J Nozh Dakote e campaign began last fall. National salvage goal up to De- 31 is seven.ree millim tons p iron and steel, aiming t: two and $ half mill:on tons from lae natlom's frr. workers must request cf inducton into amy! of induction of neces- farm labor for rveet will not nted  the prospective in- askt for pos¢.ponemert before indoted. Select]rave Service advise tlat it is impossible after physical and induction at Fort War Boazs-urge farmers lve .rust-reetsnt varieties of o ve ts year crop for seed. pcoduction goals may cell for ncveased ge of flax and un- to save approved may Bison rtt: (golden) are quite eestsent, electric motors from now on be vesleased onty for the most wtr aid civl'l require- and cipher applicants will have used equipment. 'th.e WPB Faxmers ehould exhaust event zra4-m of locating used equip- bor filing pplicaion o for a motor. Deaths In. creasing Annually and Ignoranc are among greatest sabotetL of war. It hvte wbher it is a war HRaer or a war eg@inst the course of babtle will ,turn a people Whose efforts are )y Delay ud Ignorance. after the eaemy has been and  bttle  furl- everywhere must continue ggremlve war agslnst In e future hls war nms be foug with vigor  o day te tide is s@nst the people. Con- or a moment the latest corn- issued by  North Da- e Departme of HealNa. 1930 sLty-six out of 1C0,000 died of cancer. In 1935 the diviskms of cancer rolled aver ot of every 100,000 people a Zgl cancer claimed Inety- of every 10@,000." tide of babtle contue in cancer .as R has ce 1930. fvem  dease alone will out of every 100,000 pay-pie 150. The battle will continue of cancer mfless we fight vigorously. 1950 will cancer claim 130 e hndred musand or will aese lives be saved because efforts o reduce  cancer rae? If some would llve, we Ignorance ,and Fear by more about cancer; we must erly ,treatment ir Delay tbsttte the know]edge that c4m be vtmed for Fear tat Which shall we coose-- and death or know- early .treatmen and health? your doctor at t first sign Child Health Con- ferences To Be Held In County Democracy must be defended ot only on the battle front, bu also on our home frot. Every American- man, woman ad child, has an im- por,tat part to play. The defense of democracy requires hat every cid ve. the right sar in life. Cildren bear the promise of a bet- tar world. What are we doing to help em ge this mt. "In order to aid parents in pro- riding he right start n life for their children, a series of conferen- cea for nfants and preschool cld- ran will he held a the flowing places on the dtes indicated: &olva S0hool, Mondw, August 17th fcm 10 a. m. ,to 4 p. m. entnel Butte ehool: Tuesday, August 18th and Wednesday, Aug. 19bh, from 10 a. m. o 4 p. m. Beach City Hall, Thursday, At 20th ,and Friday, August 21sL from 10 a. m. ntil 4 p. m. Parertts are invited to bring ohild- fen under school age for a review of their phFsical and mmtal health. There will be an opportunity to dis- rams all aspects of he c.ild's spe- cial needs, such as corretbon of any abnormal comdiMos, food habits, problems of behavior, or he proper time and mebhods for receiving pro- betlo against Whooping cough, diph- lerta. and smellpox. A physician and nutrition]st from he Division of Mterrml and Child their community. Defense School Proves Popular Grand Dad Peterson Observes 90th Birth- day Anniversary Four hndred hirty-four defense art Sunday Carl G. "Grandad" Beach Men Will Help With Harvest Beach people axe interested in ,orkers reported for work and a Paterson was honored on hi 90h helpirig the farmers during this Lwo-week instruction course t BiS-lbirhday anmversa'y .at a diviner at period of labor shortage in getting marck's first wardens" defense school. Ihe home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank he ,harves work doze. Two car drivers were fied $2,00 Seven divisions cI me aeIense coun-iHuber of this city Other us.Ls A survey is being made by some cil were reprssned wi't 116 ai,r-  • -"  "-- , 1 4 f present were hm two sons, Emil and, of the Lion S club members and other raid wardens 1 ire-watchers, 341LeonaTd Petrson and his daughter, I persons to see who will be available, emergency floor and housing key men, I Mrs Ir Ttsor nd amily of Me-]what kind of work bhey can do, and 6 mass,ugh's, 26 auxili.ary p°llce, l d and granddaughter, Mrs Jr what time of the day t'hey will be 20 av#xiliry firemen and 48 auxiliary ]Schulz cf th4s city who had tk I available. rvice men. re b lhe large birthday cake I According to individuals contracted, The roup was add ssed Y May°rl Following the bourt" dinner ns°me will be able to go out from noon. Nell O. CAurchill, who stressed the]afternoon of v:sitlng was enjoyedlS:00 to 9:00 in the morning, or from need of organ]ned prepareduess. and durhg the evening the W. C. I "5:00 to 9:00 in the evenhug; some Spen.cer _BO, state cmmnander of I Schul z family of Beadh were also/can work half days and some can the ttizens eteme corps, spoke onuest s at the Huber home to con-tke off certain days of the Week. the civilian deflne council end .its t gratulate Mr. Pemon on his ann]-[A good many of Beaahs mere]rants duties, and czv] mn morze was  l versaa-y.  and employees are willing to spend .oplc of John S. Jeffrey, superil.ten- I Many Bach friends wish rand Sundy helping wih combine work, oen of the state mg.nway patrol.. [Dad Potemc many more :happy an- driving tractors or ,trucks or any other lzgo ts aomer pc|hi in t2e stae 'rversaries. Beach Defeats where defense warden instaction has taken hold with maked success, Brig. Can. L. R. Baird, executive officer reports, FFA Boys Are Do- ing Their Parl Every active Future Farmer of America is a commando. They may not invade the enemy's territory, b)t Officers To En- force Parking Laws In City Glendive, 13.5 Beach defeated O]endive on the local grotmds lst S2mday by a core o 13 to 5 in a slow game wto_,h lsted more than two and a half hours. Roy lwei pithed the fst eight for Bea and Homer Mad]- Anyone interested in hiring ese fellows should contact Lewle Erick- son, the employmer officer or the ounty agent's office. each for double parking on £he down towns streets in Beach last week and one was flued on Tuesday of this week. One person was brought before Police Magistrate Lassell on Mo, day and another on Saturday whll the third appeared Tuesday atero "Fhe city authorltles state la the drive o do away with doubl parking is because of the hazard tO pedestrians due o the narw bl. V#-nen four cars are parked alt acr0es the street it leaves very "lle room for-passing ca. We ve been quite fortunate here so far :tt no serious accidextts have .resulted but they have just as Intpo1tsatt a Job so finished  game. Pete Linson to do on their home farms and in did he catching. Big Scotty Chat- Wt is accom- terton was on the mound for Glen- seven imngs wh Micky kind of work tkat is needed, the idea of keeping %he streets cie for traffic ls to see that none re., Hygiene, Stae Depaxtmert of HeaRh pltshed by each member will help ill be presertt, i add up to victory. The Suine Club of Golva, the] The Golden Valley Chapter has Get-To-Gather and S.Udy Cltbs ,t been doing its part and up to the :nt:nel Bttte a.d .he Wman's present time bhey 'have a toal of Club and legion Auxiliary in BeaCh ]$5t4.10 lnv.ested in war Bonds and ,viii b sponsors of ,these corerenees, l,sm " Tey have collected .5,740 sore@ iron, I${) Iba. of au- Loan Price On Flax In County The Golden Valley com loan price on flax Will be $2.16 per bushel for No. 1 fMxseed and $2.11 for No. 2. according to information received by te local County AAA Commit- tee. This loan price is based on te sult because of crowded ste. Beach business men are asked again to park their ca behind mre plso of business especially on 8s#turday night when ere s usually a con- Jestic. No merchant wants your car in ront of his place of business eell for an hour and there are time hen ears will be let tmrked In front of mer man's store for days, Everybody is requested to give park° Ing a littl more thougit'and fftero will-be no Ted tickes pas! ou but i.f you ould receive one, 'lcl i carefully and theft followil lzz. stxuctions. Three Vacancies 00arload of Bins Received Here The County AAA C has received maGYar carload of four fabricated wood bins which are offer- ,1 or sale to farmers of  coln- ty. -qenfly te o0st is a little more. of paper;: Fro. of rags and 30 ll. of bber. Every one of the members have  or are assist- lng wt victory gardens. Beides this the boys nave a el of $2"/10.40 in- vested in farming, whtoh is  vital factor in the "Food for Victory" pro- ranL Snook-Howard The conferee also received .bill-of- Vows Exchanged lading for a carload of ,te large I plank bins designated to Oolva and ... .. ,f 5'0 bushel bins desi-I The weoazng of Mrs. Hat, ty Snook ..... 7-)i-  and Norman Howard, bot of Man- nted ,m • e 1 ................ braci - to I dan, occurr d Ju y 28th in the par- • xnese blns ,,ncmu ev " 1 " " "barl W 1 B rm So far e county has received ]SOI};ag OI me u es es e u ' stmn ac }Methodist chttroh Dr C L Wa21ace wenty bins ottt of an aAoc " , - " ' " .... cording to coies of 't'he orders, of pa,sor, officiated. " The couple was attended by Mrs. 178 bins. Julia Wohkittel. Dallas, Texas, and Homemakers Meet At Zeilsdorf Home Pesant Valley Hornakers ,held their regular meeting on Augt 5t at the Louis ZeRsdorf hmne. Afr a brief business meeting, and discussions on next year's work, the meeting was turned over ¢0 the chil- dren. They pleasantly entertained ]he Club wt a fine musical, consist- ing of piano solos, duets nd song This is .the ouscmding program of the ear, and is kaked forward to from year to year. The next meeting will be wlth Mrs. Hans Anderson on Sept. 2nd.--Reo porter. Selective Service News G. hykeson of Finley, N. D. The bride wore an af, ternoon dress in Eleanor blue nd a corsage of seasonal 1owers. ,She carried a Bible which was a git from her son Aaron Snook. The ntatron of honor wore a luggage 'brown dress and a corsage of sweet 1;s. A wedding dinner ,for i0 guests w,s served at he club ,house follow- ing the eeremor#y. Mr. and Mrs. John SChauss, rural Mnd, and Mr. and 'Ms. N els Noben, Bls=navek. Mrs. noo was a resident of fc a number of years and ,has many friends here who will wlah te new- lyweds every good fortune. dive for Wmr, er finishing the game. Johnny loan price of $2.40 per bushel  No. Wtli'ater did te ca#,_2ting. I f t eapelis, mnu .iffte Bw.h scored in he first inning frelgDt and hadilng charges. wn  Bob Jones walked. Se2wei There is no payment made for doubled and IMmn stngled to ac- storage as ttere Is with weat. If a cant for two runs. Three hits for wareame loan l ken on flax the one base each by Ralph Jones, Lin- son and NeliePmoe, ne second free Bob Jnes and an err' up  more runs and an- other was edded in he fifth when Ralph Jones wet armmd without a hE being made. He w safe at first on an enr and scored on sttcoessive sacrifice hits by Bob Jones and Salwei. Orundhauser was hit by ,the pitch- in the sixth axtd scored on Boyd's base It and Gilman brought Bd home with a single. Five more were added in Vhe seventh on singles by Salwei, Linson. Grunclauser and Aldrich and two base hits by Ralph Jones and Gilman. This added the scoring .for Boh with a snug total of thirteen. Gland]re did not score until hhe sixth en two runs were made on a free pass an error, a fielders choice and a one base hit. They mtde eheqr final runs i the eighth on hree singles and a couple of errors, makirg a total of five runs'. Beach collected fifteen ,hits and Glendive six. Strike ou,?s by Salwei, 11; by Madison, 2; by Chatterton, 3; by M. Wanner, 2. Bases on balls off SMWel, 3; off Cltterton, 4. Two base hits, Salwei, Ralph Jones, Boyd and Gilman. Errors, Beso 3: Glen- dive 3. Only wo balls were hit to the outfield by Gland]re, J. Warmer get- Mr. IZwrd is employed by the tlng both of em, one to center field Wtr Department Federal Security in the first inning on which Bob Adnnistratlon. Jones made a nice running c Mr. and Mrs. Howard will make end th second one to let field on heir home in Mandsn a 315 3rd whlc Nellermoe did likewise for the St. S.W. firm2 ou of the flame. Out-of-town guests Were Mrs. W The largest crowd of the eson Aron Snook, Los Angeles, Calif., was on hand to enjoy the gme, a fact Which is mu appreciated by the players and mert. No gaaes will be played urtll after Parves when it ls hoped tha a few more will be played before snow flies. Hospital Notes Garden Club To The following men Were exmnln- by 00-onsor Show ,nmrning of this week: Lwrence kJ r IVus, Howard VIIXlUit, Haxold M oe, I Norbert Finneman, Edmnd D The Garden Club is agal plan- Owen Vamms, August. Bo.eY, einlng a flower show as they have chie Lewis, Mrlce osvo-,mTsmes [in the past few years. Besidm bou- Kurkowski, Alvin Feragen, . .... l quets of a11 flowers, hhere will be Kreltinger, Justin Dykins: t le:xhibit s of flaeden gadgets, Nellermoe, Walte¢ Khn, war u- j houses, terrariums, fruits and choice terfield and Edward Krern. plants. Oollis McCoy nd Rudolph SclMtues I. for for the daie  pla.n were rejected by he Armed Forcee. o en.r_r__sne rtre o__rr,usu p ls .  J or i[r UAUAI WJ.Ln yUUX" IJz,* 1 Seeley returned .o . Ned e DOUqueus. yesterdty from Butte, W[ort._, whe[ he passed his enation Iorrsen, ,, • . c • training and will ms co : ] JOln ervlces . aviation t E)iekins0n wry soo,. The United Bre/hren and Congre- _- • gational Churches will have a joint Notice ,o.lce sunday, August lObh at the Congregational hreh at 11 o'clock ..--- t.m. For he convenience of our frds, I St]he Deuglas of York College who during the harvest we will _ office . servir.g a... ohurfh t m, ,hours fxm 7:00 to 9:00 on Monas.ys NeDrasga, wm conouc me '21 nd Wednesdays, and from 7:00 to j Stine Is ?. om  .told  we, 8:00 on Fridays, ad Ssttrdays l0m known in e communl ana weu. 8:00 to 10:00 a. m. for acu ,thout of Y everyone. Cme out med Wvt amman. S.naa.nd r o s: p ,. mer" l  everal lrson from Beaoh were hospite21zed tlxis week. They includ- ed: Mrs. Be Miche/s, who spent one dry, Augamt 1-6, for trment; Mr. Ted SokoloskL who came in August 7; Mrs. Erneat Foldmnn, who was treated ffrom August 7-9, and left feeling mucl improved, and rs. Joe Bruskl, hospitalized August I0. Gerald , son of Mr. end Mrs. Frank ecb_ler, underwent a ton- sillevtomy August 9th. A tonsillect- omy w performed August II on Miss Frances Stockie, Miss Mtrgerite Hudson, daughter of To Be FilledHere m m r4wt  M. mma storage nttmt te prepaid through June Qumnen, lzne Econcmie : acher 30, 1943 or a deudctl of 7 cts a he hlffh ml, Itve''Yea. per bushel  .be made a the time cs,teie .*o e film bltere,\\; 'l loa. is made. CtXl", a head for the "People should be very careful dat !P  O. .'- what kind of a bin ¢Ixey lt flax in," heSS,  k ttoW aoging . states county Agent Ebeca Lee, "as dextt, and a oceeaor of Mrs.. ,, we have seen by tis past ears ex- men, WhO crone here  yem" frC perience what moisture will do .to Olendlve, Mout. wheat and €he same amount; of mois- .M. Okidye Ooddard has been ture  flax is my, mny times cured for the fourth grade at t worse." Lincoln school. There are still two vcancies to be filled here for the ixzstio .held by MAes Eth Youth Held By w signed. In addlt4on two aches f0@ the rural soois h the Beth dis- Local Officers tri00 to Superintendent Wallace ott, Of Wibeux. was in town Stm-day eve- A young man glvi.g his name as ning and he states tha he Is V- Jack Kolrnn. and is address s ing quite a bit of dHflc In tn..ll. Seat'le, Wn., was picked up by Sheriff i'ng his high tchool posions with W. W. Kunkel of Billings cmmty and four vacancies. Clerk John Honnold, Patrolmun Dick Schuster, at a farm of the Sentinel Butte school board, home nvth of Fryburg last week also says that the hig school there ad was turned over o Sheriff Cook will need .two mcee teac2te, one O of Golden Valley county o be held take ,he place of ftss Pearoe, the for a few days unttl an investigation principal, who goes to Wibux, and could be held. another to succeed Coach Dnus, Kohr is wioud a registration who was called into the Army. card and authorities ,hink that he nht be a draft dodger. Honor Roll Has Biirmgs County Two More Names Making Comeback The names of ,two more young me who left for te Army last week, -- Vtetor Bares and Edward Wosepka, Billings county, our neighbor on will bring up to a total of 44 for the east, is coming back to Its own he Hsnor Roll placed facing e ftnamially. Faced with dissolution business houses of %he town in Sent- two years ago as a county te voters inel Butte. decided to stick it out. The Wis- The Honor Roll will only ve dom of sticking is now own. Five room for six more young men years ego on July I, 19.7 Billings then it will be necessary to ele county was $79,291.00 in debt. On the space. "le Roll Is in en at- July 1st of this year that tdebted- tractive seing with the American hesS had been reduced ¢o $23,107.00. fleg on Vhe right, and native On July 1, 193 te oourtty's income i scorio and native lava rock wleced was $60,663.00. The correspcding at ,the bottom end to form he border period this year shows an lnoome of at the base. $98.41.00 upwards of a sixty Per- cent gain. NEW MANAGER R Ri h 00Writ 1VLonday evening of 11 week for eY. C el'00 es h00ir pa00n00z D., where he will help his fa,ter A letter from Rev. Floyd N. Rlchert on the arm during te ,harvest asks us to publish the ddress so ,,mnns aas Mr-t'Pa ul:s°n for the Pat folks wisklng €o write would know.,loea I  Wln - ma. g. of tha. It is Olmplatn First Lleutena Floyd ore *,net the i  place iS ng filled b,, Mr ...... N. Rdchert, 31Oth Troop Carried Group Bowman Field, Kentucky. j hnug, a ie man, who oome here Ray. Ricert is now with a topifr°n. Dickinson where .e hs beelt employed for s'ne carrier division. He states tlt the Owl stores, tithe by the Red troops are air borne ad fo:low the parachute troops wlh pplies and iB__, tier. t  __ men. They have taken over many .I1iedllnger, Jr., of Sentinel of e larger civilian planes and are , ads wribten h!s parents hs Mx. and Mrs. Bert Hudson, Ollle, using them for transpor duty, i he is now zn traiing as  radio M0wt., sPent two days om August operator at :edford Springs, Penn., For te benefit of hse who may a  - 5-7 at the hospital. From Carlyle, not ,have known about Rev. Rlchert ,1. ( avat trating station. Bert en- Mont.. Mrs. Stanley Bob]hey, was hos- He served as pastor of the Chur% of i sed in the Na o June 8 and pallzed Aught 9t. the United Bzahven in Christ, fragile_ els quite ProudVh:t.e h hn Mrs. John R. Woods. Sr., hospital- the pat ye at Trotters, BeaCh elected to take . , and 4 ^-  course. Out of Ized August llth is from Wlbaux. Alpha in iorth Dakota, and Ollle md:. vv Who were in the group @ was Also from Wiux comes Mrs. Mike Carlyle, In Montana. From wt,*, m ortly slxtv f| ,m.h  a Goodale, who was in the hospitalized it may be inferred t2mt he was zther,na;eV, PreliAnry ex €o take AUgn 9-11, and Miss Betty Wit, a vy umu. v eoursea ,- St', entinel Butte on Jtly 1st ucoe- came m. Aut . eAlon$ with the che oI in  Notnan B,ug, mttm, he will ecelve ¢xe GOlden,and the rad . t ir. m,Wd