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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 10, 1944     Golden Valley News
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August 10, 1944
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thursday, August 10, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS \ I¢o sIo s' PR I)IItQS August 1st, 1N, 9:00 o'clock A. M. The Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment --wltn commissioners Tescher, Wosepka and Odland present. . . _ The minutes of the July meeungs were read and approved as reaa. Mr. Roy Tyson, .Eng~negr of the Wate~ Conservation Department aria A, G. Fasching appeared before the board, and presented plans and specl= fieations for the reconstruction o¢ the Williams Creek Dam.. A~r consideration of the specificatign$/~ne Board decided to reyadver~'tlsLse bids, which bids wnl incmue ex- tended and necessary requiremen~ not previously advertised. The oi submitted by Victor Strzywski on the first request for bids was re- jected by the Board• 12:~ o'clock the board adjourned and reconvened at 2:30 P. M, with all members present. The Depository bond submitted by the Farmers & Merchants Bank was approved as to form by the State's Attorney and,, to sufficiency by the Board. Joe Stewart appeared before the Board and asked permission to hufld cattle crossing on section 19-144-105: one crossing to De in the southwesx corner and one crossing at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section 19. Tl?e Board granted the permit to Mr. Ste~arz. Roy Snow appeared be~ ~the Board regarding the cor~truet~Wl~ of a concrete slab crossing at the~5oum line of section 1o135-105. The. matter was taken under advisement until inspection is made by commissioner Wosepka. - . , Mrs. Adamson, ~uperintendenz oz Schools appeared before the Board in the interest of the purchase of a sound motion picture machine for the benefit of the schools and county projects. No action was taken at this time by the Board. Mm Bert Thompson representing the Northwestern Sheet & Iron Works appeared to interest the Board in thc purchase of a snow wing to be used on the No. 99 Patrol. action to be taken at the Sept. meeting. The annual buagct request of the county Welfare Board for the fiscal year ending June 30th. 1945 with statement of actual expenditures in NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That under authority of an Order of Sale granted by the Honorable James Donaldson, Judge of the County Court of the County of Golden Valley, in the State of North Dakota, dated the 4th day of August A. D. 1944, the undersigned, the Administrator of the Estate. of John B. Kukowski, also known as John Kukowski, late of the City of Beach in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, deceased, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation by the Judge of said County Court( the follow- ing described lands, to-wit: Lots Seven (7), Eight (8), Nit~.e (9) and Ten (10) andthe South- east Quarter (SEIA) of. Section Six (6), ~and the North_east ~er ~rE~.'~-Or ~Sectiot~ Seven~ ~I1. ~,.. ~:b~nsb~ One Hundred i~:ort~_" ~40) North~ of Range One HU~Ftve (l~f) West. of the Fiftl~ Principal Meridian in Golden valley C6unty. North Dakota, The sale will be made on or after the 28th day of August A. D. 1944. All bids must be in writing, and may be left at the office of John Keohane, in the City of Beach, P~orth Dakota, or filed with the Judge of said County Court, or de- livered to the undersignea person- al~ated~" this 5th day of August A. D. 1944. HARRY KUKOWSKI Administrator of %e. Estate of John . Kukowski Deceased. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Administrator Beach. North Dakota. (Augu#t 1O, 17,. 1044) ". NOTICE FOR BIDS 'NotiCe is here~iven that the Board of County Commissioners of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, will receive sealed bids for the reconstruction of the Williams Creek Dam. Bids to be left with the County Auditor to be opened Sept. 5th, 1944 at 10:00 o'clock A. M. A certified check in the amount of 10% of the Bid must accompany all bids. Quantity Estimate: . Embankment, Dam 6100 cubic yaras Spillway Excavation 1900 cubic yards Rock rlprap 636 square yards Rubble Concrete cut off on spillway 10 cubic yards The Board of County Commission- ers reserve the right to reject any or all bids. (August 3, 1O, 17, 24, 1944) ~revious fiscal ~ear was approved y the county board in the sums as set forth in the county budget, d~ A statement of the disbursements of Golden Valley County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1944, was submitted by the county auditor. . . Upon motion oy commmsioner Odland, and seconded by comnussmner ~osepka the followingrcsolution was adopted: ......... WHEREAS,. The Boaru of county commissioners of t~omen vaney Count~, North Dakota in session pursuant to .time set for Budget Rearing as aavertised, having estimated and determined the expenditures of said count~, for tl3e fiscal year of 1944-1945 as set forth, consisting of the county buaget and aemiieo expenditures. . _ • ]Now,-Therefore Be It BESOLV~ED, by the Board of county com- missioners of said county of Golden Valley North Dakota that there be levied Upon all ta~able PrOPerty within' said county, as taxes for all purposes £or ~ said fiscal yeai~ ending June ~R:h, [~tS" the ~ ot $63497.00 arrived at as follows: Payment by Amount " Amount PURPOSE OF ~j~PEI~D]TURE Co. warrants in Requested This year i/G~~.' OOVERNMEN~: County" Board: District No." I--$ 84.50 District No. 2-- 189.36 District No. 3--- 139.10 Total $41~.96 Auditor ...................................... * ..... Treasurer .......................................... Attorney ............................................ District Court .................................................. Justice Court Juvenile Court .... - .......... ~ ..... Courthouse~Mtce. of Bldgs. ................... Light, Water. ,Fuel and Supplies ............ Janitors ............................................................. Examination Fees .......................................... ' Publishing and Printing Notices .......... Elections .......................................... :: ............... Books, Stationery, Office Suppnes ........ Postt~ge, Telegraph, Express .................... OffiCials Bonds ................................................ Vital Statistics ............................................... Sub-total .................................................... :-2, PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Sheriff ............................................................. :-- of Deeds ......................................... Compensation Ins ................. Jail--Maintenance ........................ Jail--Outlay Supplies for"~i'~'ners'":::::::: Sub-total .............................................. AND SANITATION: Nurse .................................... Sub-total .................................................... AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMIC Agent ................................................. Fairs .................................................... Sub-total ................................................... AND CHARITIES: Welfare ................................................ e Asslstan~e ........................................ Dependent Children .................... County Insane ...... :...~...~ ............... Count~ ~'eedble-mm eu ............ "0~ ~ools ........................ and MOt~ Vehicle Exp ......... ed Road Expenditures ...=.~ ..... Rd. and Bro Expe~di~!~es .- Sub-total ' OTHER: Extermination .................... Books---District Court ...................... Reclamation .................................... FUNDS STATEMENT OF interest of Indebtedness Approp. last fiscal year . This year 100O.0O 3033.09 3175.00 2062.99 2400.00 1450.80 .1647.00 50.00 404.01 500.00 43.12 100.00 24.54 I00.00 1050.04 1000.0o 734~&7 I00O.00 1171.~ ~200.00 100.00 356.50 10o0.0o 552.63 150O.0O 1849.56 20O0.00 767.94 1000.00 500.00 91.50 $14205.------~ $18172.00 $19072.0O 31][0.74 $920.00 3600.00 24~.74 $7~0.00 2750.00 289.00 300.00 300.00 50.00 10O.00 I00.00 500.00 229.70 30O.00 300.00 $ 6113.18 $ 6290.50 $ 7650.00 199.92 200.50 200.00 177.~8 1200.00 $ 377.4----~ $ 200.00 $ 14~-~-~.~ 1192.48 1900.00 $ 1192.48 $ 1900.00 7270.80 8000.00 935.01 1500.00 2060.00 2500.00 861.05 100O.00 410.18 500.00 118.97 500.00 607.15 4060.00 $12263.16 $i~0o~ 1685.63 1975.00 B3~.44 15O00.00 150.10 10O0.00 2991.35 . $1~A68.~9 $16OOO.0O 2000.00 327.55 10O0.0O 382.03 183.74 50.00 $ 943.32 $ 3000.00 170O.0O 200.00 $ 1900.00 7500.00 100O.0O 220O.0O 1500.00 100O.0O 300.00 $13500.00 1975.00 $1975.00 10o~.00 1000.00 , 5000.00 $160OO.OO 10O0.00 1000.00 $ 2000.00 $ 100.83 None None The following bills were audited, approved and ordered paid by the board of county commissioners, sub- ject to personal property taxes due and delinquent• Bismarck Tribune Co. Service agreement for Calculator ........ $25.00 State Treasurer Examining county offices ................................ 82.60 Northwestern Bell Tel• Co. July telephone service ,. ........................ 27.95 State Treasurer Care of Insane patients .............................................. 188.00 State Auditor Care of Feeble minded patients ............................ 106.82 State Auditor Care of patient in Sanatorium ...................................... 35.89 b. E. Kastien Repair work ........ 5•35 Golden Valley News Print- ing ........................................................ 211.~9 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Ribbons & paper ........................ 7.31 Mont,-Dakota Utilities Co. Light & .gas ................................................ 14.62 Paul A. Thomas Prisoner's board ........... : ...................................... 1.40 Ray L. Zinsli Mileage .................... 383.71 Guy Lee Mileage & expenses ....193.26 County Treasurer Misc. expen- "ses for July .................................... 47.40 The Lawyers Co-op. Publishing 10 percent of lawbooks ............3.~0 Golden Valley News Printing .... 5.49 Natalie J. Adamson N£11eage ........ 23~67 Lewis Odland Canvassing board 5.0O meeting . ............................................. R. C. Dayle Canvassing board meeting .............................................. 5.00 J. M. Still Canvassing board meeting Emogene Abr~ am'" - "'Clerk'"'"in 5.0O THE GOLDF VALLEY A Weekly Published Every Thursday by The NEWS PUBLISHING CO. N. C. SHIPMAN. Busine~ Mansgor J. D. M~DOI~ALLo Supt. ©ntered as Second Class matter at the Postofflce at Beach, North Dakota, October 7, 1936. under the Act of March 3, 189~ Westerheim Mildred Trester spent the week- end with Kay Wright. Joan Kunick visited her cousins, Eugene and Darlene Kunick. Wendell Youelis was in Sentinel Butte and Beach Thursday, Pete Wirtzfeld was in Sentinel Supt. office Globe-Gazette "" "Ptg~" "'"'C'o~'"'" "Sup': 7.00 p PbTM lie Weifare"'Bd:"'of""N:'"'Dak[ 88.8~. Butte after lumber. Pete is build- Old Age Assistance .................... [ ing a new granary on his place. Pu]~lic Welfare Bd. of N. Dak. 127~05 ~t. Ikey Allen and Dad Allen • Aid to Dependent Children .... 265.00 spent Tuesday and Wednesday at John N. Haverluk Repairing Lee Webb Allens. bridge Thomas Tesch'er'"~'ul'in'g"br'idge 4.60 Barbara Allen, Cla~lce Playle and] lumber ................................................ 8.00 Helen Hilgendorf visited at the ] Stanley Raisler Lamps & Sup- Albert Allen home Thursday. [ plies ................................................... 8.58 Eugene and Buddy Kunick and[ Dakota Tractor & Equipment Co. Repmrs ...................................... 3.54 Ronald Robertson visited the Rath-] Industrial, Equipment Co. Re- bun children Tuesday A.M. [ paxrs .................................................... 11.38 John Will arrived from South l Peter A. Tescher Operating pa- trol Dakota to visit his daughter, Mrs. Earl Roberts. Sorry our items were too late last trol & tractor ................................ 197.101week. Will try not to let it happen / again. / Mr. and Mrs. Harrison O01dsberry land children from the river were [in Beach Monday. None billg~- and contracts .................................................................................... of liabilities now outstanding ........................................................ 100,63 Ensuing Year ........................................................ 63497.0O 47623.0O $ ~0 taxes ................................................ a0~l.86 License Fee collections & None .................................................. : ............ ' ............... 20@:00 et,est , ..................... * permanent deli~luency in u~. ~,~,~ ...... ~ ............... w:.--. , ! I~ .....:; .......... ~ ........... $ 4~ a~ :~ ~ v0te{i[ ' aye" atafl rel~fluflon " Albert Kiein-Operat'ing'"gradel::::: 19.80 20.30 Connell's Standard Service Gas 8.36 Arvid Abraham Operating pa- Albert C. Klein Operating grad- er .......................................................... 81.25 Johnny Klein Operating pa- trol ...................................................... 74.53 Anton Kreitinger Operating pa- trol .................................................... 180.90 Ed Koshney Operating patrol .... 198.10 Farmers Union Oil Co. Diesel fuel ................................................. 191.91 Ray Brown Hauling grasshopper bait from Dickinson. N. Dak ..................................................... 3.00 Lewis Odland Commissmner's services ............................................. 21.00 M. C. Tescher Commissioner's services ............................................. 30.80 T. A. Wosepka Commissioner's services .............................................. 24~0 6:00 o'clock P. M. the board ad- journed to meet Sept. 5th, 1944. MINNIE E. SMITH, County ~uditor, Golden Valley County North ~ SUMMON5 STATE OF NOaTH DAKOTA ~2 COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) IN DISTRICT COVaT SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT W. C, Schulz, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) ~'~] Clinton C. Lord, Frederick ) ~'~[E. Near, George Meek, Mar- ) ~'~'~] tha I. Darby, Florence Hou- ) "~,~'~[ den. Brownton State Bank. ) ~'~ a corporation, the unknown ,~'tm] Heirs of W. S. Davis, De- ~'~ j ceased, Waiter S. Davis. ,~,{~m ~ Minnie Smith, as Adminis- ~I tratrlx of the Estate of ) ~'nn[ Mary Adelaide Davis (also ) ",~'~ ] known as Addle Davis), ) ~'~,~ Deceased. and all other pero ) - ~'~ [ sons unknown claiming any ) ~'~lestate or interest in, or lien ) ~'~I or encumbrance upon the ) %w~.~ property described in the ) ~w.w j ComplaL'lt, ) Defendants. ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE- FENDANTS : You are hereby summoned and required to answer the Complaint of the above named Plaintiff, which is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer thereto upon the subscriber at his office in the City of Beach in said County and State, within thirty (30) days after the service of this summons upon you, exclu- sive of the day of such service, and in case of your failure to appear Dr answer as above required, the Plaintiff will take judgment against you by default for the relief- de- manded in the Complaint. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, ~Alis 5th day of August A, D. 1944. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Postoffice Ad~ dress: Beach. North Da- kota. NOTICE TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS : You, and each of you, will pleas~ take notice that the above entitle@ action is brought for the purpose of quieting title, in the Plaintiff and depriving you, ann each. of you, of any and all interest in and to the following described lands and premises situated in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, viz: Lots Seven (7), Eight (6), Nine (9), Ten (10), EFeven (11), Twelve {121. Thirteen (13L Fourteen (14), Fifteen ~15), Sixteen (16), Seven- teen (17) and Eighteen (16) in Block Eleven (11) of Near's First Addition to the City of Beach. North Dak~i~a, as the same iS platted and-the Plat thereof on file and of record in the office o~ the Register of Deeds of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, and of determining adverse claims thereto, and that no personal claim is made against you untess you ap- ,ear and defend in this action• JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff Beach. North Dakota. (August 10, 17, 24, 31; Sept. 7, 14, 1944) NOTICE TO CREDITOI~ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANK NOLL DECEASED. NOTICE iS hereby given by' the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Frank Noll, late of the Township of Lone Tree ih the County of Golden Valley and state of North Dakota deceased, .tO the creditors of, and all persons, h~w tug claims agai~t, said decedent • o exhibit them with the neces- vouchers within ~ix months ~r T: first,, publication of notice said Administrator at office of John Keohane in the City of Beach in maid Golden Valley CoUnty, North Dakota or to the County Judge of said County, in his office in said County and State. NOTiCe- ~ hereby .further i~va~_ .that the time .and ,pmce .nx~.. ]~ me court for nearing an~ ao3us~- ing such claims are the 6th da]r of February, 1945, at ten o'cloCK A. M. in the Court Rooms of the County Court in the Court House in the City of Beach in the ~:ounty Rf Golden Valley and State of No [orth Lm~ota. 1944 Dated this 26th day of July, JOHN L. TSCHIDA, Administrator. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for AdminiStrator. Beach, North Dakota, First publication on the 27th day of July, 1944. (3uly ~; August 3_~v10, 1944) CARD OF THANKS ~ w~h to ~ alln~v ~x~d neighbors who so kindly ed me wl~n my barn ThUrsday mama. Math Bown and son Lloyd were Sentinel Butte and Beach callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Peck visited at the Tom Wirtzfeld home Wed- nesday evening. Mrs. Page Myers and little daughter were Beach callers on Friday. 1V~r. and Mrs. Wm. Jandt, Sr. visited at the Dick Pendleton home Sunday, July 30th. Sentinel Butte callers Monday :were Webb Alle4~_, El[tst" 8tecker, Ed C~rney, P~ I~t~ly, DonI Evans and Char~ PereeIL [ Conni~ and Gordon Dietz spent l a few days at the Webb Allen home, as did Clarice,.:;Playle and Helen Hilgendo~'f. We want our voting precincts back before the ~ovember election. Who starts the ad~lon to get them back? Wilbur Stedrnan had his tonsils removed at the Beach hospital on Thursday. His mother, Mrs. Harri- son Stedman, stayed with Wilbur, Jess Playle has~ returned to Beach after spending a couple of weeks at the home of his slant, Mrs, H, Stedman. Jay Wright, Larry AII~, Charles Rathbun all had a ~hd~ty the past.week. Many ha~::retur~s of the day, boys, :. _~. Don Evans basra n~W, buck rake, Don says L. Hilhnan and he are going to put up tJae D4W on section one this year. Ellis Stecker has a ~new second- hand 12~ft. Oliver combine. Ellis better get an elevator, too, to keep up with that 12-footer: Norman Berg A.S. is visiting his parents at Hill City, Minn. Norman ~ys he'll ~ay his friends here a visit on his way back t~ Parragut. • Theo. Becker. Jr. ~and Alton Becker from the river~ took a pre- harvest va~tion in DiCkinson over the weekend of July ~-31. Miss Ann Shypkoski~of Gorham was a house guest ~t the Emil KUnick home the past. week, re- turning to her home ~day. , Paratrooper Hank Allen wrftes, ' We start on the high towers and Ltve.~ Jumps nex~ week," Happy landings, Hank. Don Wright went in ~;0 Sentinel Butte after Ted Wright and Ruth RelnhoL~ for the PaXt~ at Wes- terheim. Geo. Wright tried Wednesday. drying weather was got it, and Saturday the oats and Callers at the Thursday were Ern Dalley, Mr. and Mrs,, Cook and faznfly, ~Allen and Hogoboom, the 011 man, was in llve;i~g gas and Eddie Cook, the Thursday. The community was well repre- sented by young and old folks at the dance at the ~enLb~el Butte hall Friday night, .~ey all report a grand time was had. Rev. Charles Armstrong of Dick- inson was making calls in our com- munity Saturday. H~ spent the[ ~ght at me ~ ~nal went to Golva Sunday all.noon. ] Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen and] Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rourke ] and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson, David and Mariene were Beach callers We~e~la~, u was John from Dickinson Wednesday. -Mr. and Mrs. Tod Davldson and bsby called at the A1 Allen farm Saturday event~, lookiv~ for~ a hired man, as Tod go~ his right arm cracked when he fell over a rockplle while chasing cattle Fri- day evening. ~: .. The TSylor Oe0k f ~smlly, Win. F. Brown family, Eddie ~ook family, and the Harold Cook family helped Ted CoOk celebrate his birthday were 4 8~y, women, I up this month know' I just Many more happy A good held at the house in honor of Mr. and Mrs. As usual, Beach callers Monday were Win. Brown and Ila, and Mary Rathbun and John Clair. John Clair had the cast removed from his arm, so now John can help milk cows, which is a relief to his mother. Kenneth Allen is helping with chores at his uncle's, Walter Allen, as is Jesse Playle of Beach. Walter is improving as fast as can be ex- pected, and will be home again before this hits the printers ink. Jim Rathbun F2c is through night schooI. Bet Jimmie hates to give up sleeping in the day time. Never mind, Jim, maybe youql be lucky enough to hit the night shift at your new base. The Ray Stecker boys have each secured a saddle horse to use while] visiting their uncles, Ellis.and Mah-I lon Stecber. As the boys come from Tacoma horseback riding is a treat for them. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnstone and son Harry brought Dlckie Allen home for the weekend Saturday evening. They were accompanied by three patients from the "Old Folks Home" at Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pendleton and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kunick and family, Ronald Robertson and Ann Shypkoski attended "Lassie Come Home" Tuesday nlght. R0n- ald Robertson left on the 11 P. M. Albert Allens are just more than[Dickinson AUgust ~ I going to town binding barley and[father oats with two outfits. They wflllgrandad so bind Rathbuns, also. • [citing Lorraine and Gladys Pendietonlgoing down to ~; left on the 7 o'clock bus Tuesday lwith John and Thea ,to night for a visit in Minnesota. ,little ras aL" Uncle ,( a~ | They will visit their father's three t' I'm ~oiv ~ too ', But ~ mk sisters, Ethel, Florence and Gladys. says '~C me becaus I' | From cards received from the girls the little tyke might 1o~ Dke ~ae~ we understand they are h~v~ a All this excitement wonuerful time. boy, while his father. I Hi, Grandmother and Grand- stationed at the ho~ father Berg! At last that new Diego and co~th~ grandson has arrived. A • dandy (maybe hour~) un' ~t w 7 lb. 19 oz. boy named David Lee, son David will be able;to !son of Lt. and Mrs. Loren Rflea, at there. ~ -, MR. FARMH1- The new lumber ration rules require that y~ 'gtq; a ~,tlt1~ you need in any amount. We have 2 in. framing lumber, b~ards, shiplaps, dropsiding, flooring, shingles, paper cement etc. A complete stoci on hand. All Dry Lumber. train for his home at Deer Lodge. Bring Certificates to us for Complete Service Webb Allen hauled out two grain elevators Friday, one for George U ..... [____L___ Q_ TT _ | _ g'~ Lardy, and the other for himself, l lall~Oll ~i~r~narQware t 0. Webb says he couldn't buy a scoop shovel so had to get an elevator. YOUR LUMBER HEADQUARTERS, GOLVA, N. D. It's funny what excuses can be[ found to save a person work. ] ,:,,,,~~,~,~,.,~,,~,~~ " , , "T- ........ I ....v-~ F'--r ........... ~ -- --u ~. °~- THE OLD JUDGE SAYS.., " Good m~, Doc.Your goodwife teUs rue you're working night and day now that so manyof the younger doctvrsare in the army.'" "That's right, Judge, and I'm gl~d I'm still able to do it. Had a long letter from Harry... that bright young fellow I was breakin' in to take over my practice. He said the boys in the service are getting the best medical care of any armed force in our history. They really should with all those brilliant doctors and plenty of supplies to work with)' "'Spealdng of supplies, Doc0 not many people realize that a large part of the alcohoI required to make the medical supplies that a~e being used fight t~s minute to alleviate pain, combat infection and save human lives, is produced by the beverage distilling indtmtry. For nearly two years this entire industry has been working night and day producing nothing but alcohol for the government's program." "N~body knows better than I, Judge, what an important contribution to o,t~ war effort that has been." " ,,, , , ii" rh~ ~v.ti~or~nt ~.~d by ConI~.~ of Alcoholic B~¢ta~# Iad~$1~, lr~. I I I II I ii ill i I[ j *A ~YMB~t OF In 1885 the Statue of Liberty was erected in New York Harbor as a ~h from the Fr~ach people to commemorate the lO0"th anniversary of American Freedom. It is the largest smtne in the world staading 506 feet above the water amd m all Americans, past, I~resent ~md fmu~ symbolizes the freedom for which our lbre- fi~thers fo~gl/~ and died ~nd for which our son~ ~athers and brothers are giving their lives today. It symbolizes Freedom of Speech, Freedom o~ the Press, Pzeedom of Religion, and many other beedoms which were Ipaar~ to all Americans under our constitution. It symbol- izes freedom from waau freedom from fear aad fi~zdom for each oae O6us to live our lives and work om ~asr desti~ as a hum people. It ~m- bolizes FreedOm of Enterprise, Freedom c~ Op. porttmity and h'~dom from tmfair compe~tion in ,the,business or 'job of our choice. There are some in our midst who would sa~ rifice some of our .freedoms for new and tin- prove9 panaceas, b~t with 1 50 years of h/story behind us, based upon our various freedoms, we need have no fear of the fu~. No promise of miraculous results based upon aa unproven theory is worth tbe ~crifice of a single Am~ i~m freedom, FR~~D~M