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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 10, 1944     Golden Valley News
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August 10, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, August 10, 1944 and Mtss held heir Dale, Wednes- Mrs. afternoon grand- week for visit family. several of Father on Floyd, Mrs. k Lee w ' of Christian and GLENDIVE, MONTANA CURRENT WEEK NOW: SHOWING: HARVEST MOON" Dennis I~r~ Manlng with Jack ~OST ANGEL" the brllll~.nt and lovable O~Srien .... also : and Marsha Hunt. performance bY actress that will you to tears with pathos. WEDNESDAY ONLY: ,~rAMPICO~ mdWard O. Robinson Lynn Bad and Victor Me- very ~per- son was helping out at the store was held at the evening for nfln~ter and his moved from Sta~Mom~. ~turday to Glen. M~. Rust and baby with. her and Pedemen of Qtealdl~*~stted Stainer Pedersen at the Beach hospital sunday. M~. Eve~ Good kft for her Victor Bruskl came home Sunday from Farre4~t after his boot train- lng. Earling Bekken, Roland Quade and George Larson returned Tues- day after a 10-day leave. Mr. a~d Mrs. Ole Syverson, par- ents of S, Syverson, are visiting at his home for several days enroute to their home at .Harlow, N. D. from Tacoma, Wash. Mrs. E. wenlever gaye a tea party Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. M~el Latcha .of Pamona, Calif., who is visiting her sister, Mrs, Guy Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lute Mgek, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Arley Meek and Arley Meek, Jr. and Mrs. Frank Beeler drove to Miles City Sunday to see the Junior League bah game. The IAor~ club held their regular meeting Monday evening. The din- ner was served by Mesdames Chas. Dahl, M. Barclay, L, Hoffman and W. Burns. Mr, and Mrs. George Sommer- feldt, Mrs. E. Welliever, E. B. Sher- man, Wm. Dick, Mr. and Mrs, Staggs, Mrs. Burton Welsh and Russell, Mrs. Don Welsh, Mrs. Wayne Marcus and Mr. and Mrs, F. Reineeke were business callers in Olendi~ Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hart are ex- pected this week ~o take over Ray. Ooossen's work while he a~d his wife go on their annual vacation. They expect to leave Thursday eve for Billings via bus. Mrs. Alda Hanson is also leaving Thursday for Great Falls to visit her son Marian, and family, Mrs. Guy Hall and Mrs, Ross Blxby were hostesses at a birthday party Monday afternoon, given in hpnor of Mrs. Fred Reinecke at her home. Present were Mesdames F. Elliott, S. Severson, E. Welliever, Ed Sherman, Alda Hanson and Mrs, Mabel Latcha of Pamona, ~alff.. Lucllle msl~,, Ral~rt~ | An appendectomy was performed on Ruth Quale Tuesday of last Week. Ed Martin and Lonnle Vanetta went to Baker last Thursday after repairs. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Flake were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F~ IRst Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle Vanetta and :hildren were Sunday evening call- ers at tt~ Earl Higby home. Tonsillectomles-~ were performed Wednesday of las~ week on Dick, Joyce and Butch O'Connor. Sid Woodard has resigned from the position he held in Carlyle. He has gone back to Wlbaux. Mrs. Claude Land, Mrs. Hazel Workman, Adele, Patsy and Bob Land, and Jerry Olson were Baker shoppers last Friday. Faye Hammond and Patsy Land left Tuesday for Billings to spend a few days with Patsy's sister, Miss Leon~ Land. Mrs. Harry Abrams has been visiting her patents in Billings. Harry and Marion Hartse went to Billings to bring Mrs, Abrams home. They arrived on Wednesday morning, l[ II Esther Granat of Zap, N. D. has been staying at the Charlie Huff- man home. Miss Granet came here looking for work. Mr. end Mrs. Joe Dobrowski and children were Sunday afternoon callers of last week at the Earl Higby home. Ted Davis of Springfield, Wis. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Stewart. Ted is ~a nephew of Mrs. Stewart. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Hammond, Dorothy and Faye, and Celia ~u- ger went to Beach Sunday to at- tend the show. Mark Jakobson, son of Mrs. Bessie Jakobson, won the $400 sec- ond prize in a contest sponsored by the Elks Club of Missoula, entitling him toi a national scholarship for college. Incidentally, he also won high honors in ~hysics. Mrs. Wilbur Hammond, Dorothy end 1~, Mrs. Bessie Jakobson and Dick and Maxine Bargfeld were Tuesday afternoon callers at the Ed Martin home. The ladies took along a cake in honor of Dorothy Vanetta's birthday. Howard B~er has been called to the army. He is the seventh son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Boer to be called. There are two sons, Roger and Ar~ur, that have been killed in action, Roger in Italy and .Ar- thur on the Wahoo, when that ship was torpedoed. The chimes that have been in- stalled in Beach by the United Brethren churches of Beach, Alpha, Ollie and Carlyle will be heard daily and should be heard almost anywhere in Beach. These chimes, have been inst~lied as a memorialt to Ray. F. N. Richert, our formerI pastor, who was killed while serving] as a U. S. Army chaplain in l England, . 1 The Carlyle Sunday SChOOl was] invited to join in a ~)icnic wlth the Ollie Sunday school at a very nice grove on the June Billlngton farm. A very nice time was enjoyed by us Carlyle people and we came away filled up on all kinds of good things to eat, including ice cream and pop, lemonade and coffee. Church services were held by Ray. Wetzel and a talk was given to tile young people by Mrs. Wet~el. Beach shoppers from Carlyle last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Chuck McDivlt, Mr. and Mrs. Chat,Stew- atr and Ted Davis, Mrs. Charley Land and Calvin Land/ Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Fulton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gannon, Mrs. May Anthony, Leland and Harold, I and Mrs. Lois Welnreis and son, t Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fulton and l Mrs, Earl Higby and Mrs. Albert l Shaeffer. The U. B. Ladies Aid was held at the home of Dais~ Fulton Thurs- day, August 3rd. Election of officers was.held, with D~sy Fulton being retained as president, Ranett~ Mar, tin as vice president, Mary Water- land as secretary and Pearl Ham- mond as treasurer. The visitors present were Mrs. Ed Hartse, Mrs. Hilmar IAndstrom and Coleen, Mrs. Dudley Fulton and Donna Mac, Jsnloe and baby Marlys, Mrs. Bes- sie ~akobson. Mrs. Chat Stewart and Miss Esther Granat. A lovely lunch was served after the meeting by the hostess. Raymond Still, Leo and Madge Hartse were hurt in an automobile accident about one mile west of Baker Sunday morning about one o'clock. Raymond was driving the Still pickup. In turning the curve near the bridge he missed the bridge entirely, landing right side up on the other side of the creek. Leo and Raymond were sariou~ly injured. At this writing It is not known whether Leo will live, but he is holding on. Madge was injured quite badly, a deep gash in her leg, a lot of teeth knocked out and other minor injuries. The pickup was smashed l~eyond repair. Beimy Kreuger arrived on the scene a few minutes after the accident oc- curred. He took Ray to the Baker hospital and the doctor from Baker was called to the scene of the ac- cident, as Leo could not be moved. A passing truck took Leo and Madge to the hospital in Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hartse and a priest were called to the hospital. I III I DR, MILES NERVINE FOR SALE- 160 acre farm, mostly all under plow. Good set of buildings and artesian well piped into buildings, Plenty good water. Located one mile east Golva. Will be Melvin Land bought the scrap pile from Wilbur Hammond, the remains of the old hail that stood in Carlyle for so many years. Hall has been doing severe dam- age around the country. From south of Baker to Ekalaka crops have been destroyed. Wayne Stark was taken to the Baker hospital Monday of last week, He is su_ffering from pneu- mol~la. Mrs. Charlles Abrams, Mrs. Harry Abrams and Elaine were Baker shoppers laSt Friday. Mrs. Herman Storkel and I~is were also in Baker on Friday: Roy HRrp is back from numerous places in the west. He says he has never seen any country he liked as well as Montana to live in. He is working at the. Charlie Hoffm~n home. There have been three barns struck by lightning in the past two weeks. One of them was on the ferm of ,Harry Hoisted, and another on Leonard Feldmann's farm. Both were completely destroyed. NOTICE AND CITATION, H~ARINO OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND DISTI~R~ OF E~TATE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA County of Golden Valley IN COUNTY COURT Before Hon. James Donaldson, Judge IN TILE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HAROLD HARRIS. DECEAS- John~DKeohane. as Admln- Istrator with the Will An- nexed, Petitioner, VS. Harold R. 1~arris, Helen E. Harris, Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Estate of Jennie H. Harris, Deceased, Gilbert E. Har- ris. Helen E. Harris. Marion Rickel and Ina M. Still. Special Guardian for Mar- ion RickeL a Minor, and all other persons interested in the Estate of Harold Harris, ) Deceased, ]RespondentS. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RE- SPONDENTS: You, the said above named Respon- dents, are hereby notified that the final account of the Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Last Will and Estate of Harold Harris. late of the City of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, deceased, has been rendered to this Court, therein show- Ing that the estate of said deceas- ed is ready for final settlement and distribution, and petitioning that his account be allowed, the residue of said estate he distributed to the persons thereunto entitled, his ad- ministralion closea and mat ne oe discharged; that Monday, the 21st day of August A. D, 1944, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that dax, at the Court Rooms of this Court, in the Court House, in the City of Beach, County of Golden Val- ley and State of North DakotaL hs~ been duly appointed by.this ~ur~ for the settlement v.nereoL a~ wbJe~ time and place any person inter- ested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions, in writing, to said ~ccount and petition and con- test the same. And you, the above named Respon- dents, and each of you, ~-e hereby cited and required then and there to be and appear ._before this Court, and show cause, If any you have, why said account shall not .be al- lowed, the resiaue of said estate distributed, the administration of said estate closed and said John Keohane, Administrator with the Will Annexed, discharged. Let service be made of this Cita- tion as required by law. Dated this 1st day of August A. D. 1944. BY TRIg COURT: JAMES DONALDSON Judge of the County Court. (SEAL OF COUNTY COURT) KEOHANE & KUHFELD Attorneys for Petitioner Beach, North Dakota. (August 3. 10~ 1944) W The "weasel" is the latest addi- tion to the series of ingenious vehi- cle types developed by industry for modern warfare. Declared ca- pable of operating in snow, deep mud, swamp land or sand, the weasel is characterized by ex- tremely light weight, broad tracks and low-slung body. It is Used for arctic reconnaissance or commando raids, I i I i1 WANT ADS TWO CENTS PER WORD PER ISSUE If you wanf ~o buy or sell somefhing; if you need h~p or wau~ • Job, you can get result~ from News Want No •d ~pt~d for I~m FOR RENT--Raiment almrtm~ Mrs. Rube Clark. Beach. 4~-ltp FOR SALE--8-room modern house. Mrs. Carrie Gordon, Beach. 66-tfc FOR SALE--6-room house, known as Zook house. See Ernest Moore Beach. 4~-tfc FOR SALE---RCA Victor radio with b~ttery. Like new. S. A. John- stone, phone 68, Beach. 46-1tp FOR RENT--Grain storage Slmee in Beach. See L. D. Logan at Feed Mill. 46-tfc FOR SALF~-Used l~-ft, eambines, ready for the field now. Sax Auto Co., Dickinson. 46-1tc FOR SALE--12-ft duckfoo~; Singer sewing machine; wheel chair. Chas. Purvis, Beach. 44-tfc FOR SALE--1 re~ste~l Hereford bull, 2% years old. John Susa, Golva. 44-3tp FOR SALE--A few used quart and two-quart jars, 50 and 75c. In- quire at Golden Valley News office. 45-tf FOR SALE--Cedar telephone poles and split cedar post. Hanson Lumber & Hardware Co., Golva, North Dakota. 38-tfc FOR SALE--Model A Nichols & Shepard 12-ft. combine, in good shape. J. E. Metcalf, Trotters, N.D. 44-3tp FOR SALE--The Flex-Seal Pressure Canner, something new in pres- sure canners. Liquid cap. 20 qts. Holds 7 full-slzed qt. jars. $15.90. See Mary Ethel Gilman. 46-1tp FOR SALE--640 acres with $8,0~} improvements, plenty of good water, six miles north of Carlyle, $8,500 with terms; also 16-ft. Rumley combine ready to go. W. O. Fletcher, Wlbaux. ~-2tp TRAINED Auto and Diesel Me- chanics, Welders, Top and Body men in great demand. A short, practical course willprepare you for a good job. Free catalog, HANSON TRADE SCHOOL. Box 1780-X, Fargo, N. Dak. 4~-4t¢ FOR SALE---~#0 aere farm, fen~d and cross fenced, good buildings, 3 sections under fence. Plenty of free range, water. 300 acres in crop now, can have one-half as is. $7006, has to be taken in 10 • days. W. L. Staggs, Wibaux, Mont. 46-1"tp REAL ESTATF-e--Well I m p r o v e d farms, from 160 acres up. Well improved ranches up to 10,000 acres in a block. BUsiness build- ings and modern homes in town. Beforeyou buy, drop in and see me.W C. Howard. Real Estate Broker, W|baux, Montana. 42-tfc FOR SALE--I John Deere 6-foot combine, with motor on, good as new; 1 1936 1½ ton Dodge truck, dual wheels, 2 brand new tires and inner tubes, has been over- hauled; 1 McCormick-Deering 8- foot binder with tractor hitch, in A-1 shape; 1 I2-foot Deering header for windrower. M. A. Finneman, phone 5F22, Golva, N.D. 42-6tc i Farmers and -Ranchers! FOR SALFe--Res~dence. Inquire at Montana - Dakota Utilities Co., Beach, N.D. 46-Itc FOR SALF,--Two 9 x 24 Urea, tubes and rims. Logan Garage, Beach, N.D. 46-tfc FOR 8ALF,--Model T Ford truck, good tires. 60 bushel box, suitable for hauling to granary. J. E. Metealf, Trotters. 46-2tp II II I LOST--Cap for B~me/~ae Finder please leave at the Golden Valley News office. John Rider. Beach, N.D. 46-t~0 FOR SALE--Wild fruR. Cherries, 1O qts. $.75; plums for sauce, $~.5~ a bushel; plums for Jell, $1.50 a bushel; buffalo berries, 20 cents a quart. Orders filled in order received. Mary Rathbun, Sentinel Butte. ~-~tp ~V Oe,. CMO. that offdr' extra mileage Smooth leathers Or Rich Suedes WOMEN'S SHOES open-toe bow pumps and tailored oxfords. Goodyear W'elt : MEN'S 0 Moccasin or plain toe bluchers, straight and wing tip. "- ~'~ ~ Moccasin ox'ords ~ dO -... ......... II| BEACH LIVEST MARKET SAVE MONEY ON YOUR REPAIRS FOR HAYING AND HAR STING MACHINERY We have a large supply of Repairs to fit practically all makes of machines! Mower and Binder Parts Binder Canvas FRIDAY AND SATURDAY August llth and 12th • Will take as many hogs as you may delivex, at .the following prices: - " ToP 140 to 240 lbs. - .... $13~0 to $13.35 HEAVY 240 lbs., up ...... $12.40 t~ $I~ PACKING SOWS all weights - $12A0 to STAGS, 70 lb. dock, all weights STAGS, 70 lb. dock, all weights ~': - -~ - Twine, Ete. Make Our Store Your Headquarters for all kinds of Harvest Supplies & SON: • . .. :/- NORTH DAKOTA