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August 10, 1944 Golden Valley News | |
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MenU~ the
Ads toOur
It Will Pa_y!
U. S. Army Air Force
Somewhere in Italy
1 August 1944.
"The Golden Valley News
Beach, N. D. (U.S.A.)
Dear Sir:
About 1 July 1944 I notified you
to discontinue sending the Golden
"Valley News to me, because at tsar
time I did not have a known ad-
~lress, due to the fact that I was
going overseas for further Army
As I now have a permanent APO
number, I request that you continue
8ending the Golden Valley News to
me at the below shown address. I
would appreciate that all issues be
sent to me, beginning where they
were discontinued about 1 July 1944.
I assure you that all issues will be
very welcome over here.
I am in a very good Squadron,
~nd we are really giving "Hitler
and his gang hell." I have had an
opportunity to visit, and appreciate
some of the historical grandeur of
:Italy, and its people, which was
~ery interesting. I like it fine here,
and I feel that I am able to do
great deal more towards winning
. - __
Commencing with this is-
sue, the Golden Valley News
will be under new editorial
management, Fred A. Ship-
man, editor and manager for
the past 18 months, having
resigned. W1flle Mr. Shipman
will remain with the paper
for the time being, he will
not be responsible in any way
for its editorial policy or
business management.
@ .... I*
Pearl Kirkpalrtck. Reporier
Miss Eva Rising was a caller in
Beach on Tuesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schouboe
and Dolores spent Saturday at the
Ernie Stark home at Ollie.
Miss Dolores Schouboe assisted
at the Morris Douglas home dur-
ing the past week.
Mrs. Hugo Kreltinger was a din-
ner guest at the Frank Kreitinger
home on Sunday.
Mike Finneman underwent sur-
gery at the Glendive hospital on
• he war from here. Of course, I Saturday.
..... the "S'a-- " The Misses M~rgaret Fisher and
~o~In to De DacK m ~ ~es, v^,,;.o ~m,.~1o
sol ...... 5-~ made a business trip
as I know the majority of we "~^ u~ .... Friday of the past
tilers do. That is where our hearts .......
aare, with the country, and the peo- we~.~. Agnes Clapper of Washing-
~ple that we love. ,,-~,llsh this!t°n has been visiting at the Roman
I request that you ~e News Finneman home during the past
letter in the Golden y ,
.so that my many friends in Golden week.
"Valley county may know where I
am at now. If anyone wishes to
write me a letter, it will be greatly
appreciated, and I assure all that
:I can write you an interesting let-
ter about th~-c~atry, and I will
George Sygulla was a patient at
the Johnstor~ Memorial hospital on
~'~onday and Tuesday of the past
Mrs. Mabel J. Smith and Mrs.
Clark Reed were visitors at the
O. M. Clarin home on Friday after-
noon of last week.
Very sincerely yours
~,+ ~,,h~n ~ ~r~i- Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and son
~'~ ........... °'~" " i0f Washington arrived here during
,=^~ "o are ve"~" so,~ {the pest';Week to spona some tnne
"Editor's ,,,f~: ,,~ - '~.'~ ;"Y_' ~ ~islt~ng ~tt the Hans Haukaas home.
~Sergeant, ~u~ we are not a~oweu ~o
........ n' The Mesdames A. E. Scheffer,
prm~ me_~aresses o~ servmem__eJ ]George Gearey and Frank Schou-
~verseas, mr oowous reasons, we~,~ ,~o,,~ afternoon callers at the
" ad ......
~vouid be very glad to give your -
tires to your friends if they Will Bert CoVert home on Wednesday.
Mr. and. Mrs. George Oearey
call at this office, slant Suflday afternoon picking
July ~, 1944. cherries at the Paul Wehrman
home near Sentinel Butte.
:Dear Friends:
I returned back from leave I Mr. "and Mrs. Bert Covert, Mrs.
Tbegan to realize that I did not Laura Strahon and Jack Lewis
~tange my address while back spent Sunday afternoon in the hills
there on leave. So I sure wan~ to on a picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bares and
take this opportunity in doing so Tony Bares were business eallers
I sure don't want to miss a ............. sda-" of last
in ~c~nson mz we~n~ y
~Paper. I ~m stationed here in CamP ~eek '
Parks, Calif with about 35,000 other -- _ " - .......
---- " - t ~ Mrs. jonn ~cnulte ana mmnt son
~J~$, so you can see I am no ~vrtw~ bnme from the Johnstone
e -- -
alone here Leo Roberts from M -] ...............
dora t~ ~ th~ same outfit as I Memorial hospital during the past
-- ~ week.
am, so that makes it really nice, • *-~,-~ ~hwo-el was a business
As far as the weather here in *~'~ ~ "~
........... h-~a-" caller in Dickinson on Wednesday
t;u~orma, you smor~uer m ~ e u ~- ^v ,~,~ ~oee ,~,~ ~t, rninff home
time and freeze at night. We g ^-~m.,.ro~a~
pl?tsY~: ~wo~--~efa~t, t°~em~~ U'~On'S~n,~d~y afternoon a ball game
m~,,~L in th-nkin- all the ~le between (}lendive and Golva was
.~.-- -- --~ ~..~. - ~-P~-~-'- played on the Golva diamond, with
the paper and am always loG ingl w~,~ ~ ~-o~vo~ ~e~ ¢~nm the l
~orward fo the next issue, r
a=o~ ,~,,~, o ~t ~, ,~ ~r I War Department that Sylveste I
....... ~ot~r~ ~en'~~ ..... i Barthel of the U. S. Army was re-I
~ ~,., ~ t ported missing in action in France.t
...~.,, ~^ , ,.,D"~ ......... ] Mrs. Alice Fischer and Mrs. Sadie/
~.o,~,, ~&~o ~o,~ {Page were visitors at the Ann
~v -- -~, ~ { Kirkpatrlck home on Tuesday after- ]
"noon of last week.
LIGHTNING CAUSES DAMAGE Miss Christine Schrom returned
_ ._ . ~-- -~home on Saturday of last week
a~r. anct .M~: Robe~ WYCgO~ .or{ from the Dickinson State Teacher's
.east c~ ~enunel Du$~e naa me ram- ! ~,~,o ~ere she had ~nent the
• chicker~ when lightning s~ck the; ~s~.~W~lter Jo~on and
.c~cken ooop .Thunday ~ght~ui~-{cl~lldren of Miles City are .v~tt~
ring Ilre to abebt~ng. ~I~e ". o+ ++,. ,,^,,,~ of Mr -'oh-~-~ ~ar
ing was Saved with the aid of the 1~.+o ~. .~ ~ r~.~ .^~ ....
ne~nDoI~ ~ n~ inm~, ~ ~f (~lva
re .....
• a number of the chickens we { Mrs. Naomi Reed left on Tuesday
smothered by the amoke.
Memorial Services
Held Last Sunday
evening for California to return to
her home there after spending the
past week visiting at the home of
her mother, Mrs. A. E, Klrkpatrick.
I" Mrs. Frank Kremers arrived here
[during the past week from
bama. She plans to spend a while
visiting with friends and relatives
Mrs. Mabel J. Smith left on Sat-
urday for a trip to Minneapolis
after spending the ~st few weeks
at the home ,of her mother, Mrs.
A. E. Kirkpatrlck.
Mr. and Mrs. Tonie Kreitinger
and family and Mr. and Mrs. A1
l~sching and family ~r~de a trip
to Dickinson on Wednesday of the
past week. 'AI is-now waiting his
call to the army o~ August l~th.
~ struck a number of
buildings in this communlty on
town ~ Sunny aft~-
Members of the ~alfleld and
m body.
the by the choir
Rest," a ~olin solo
heroic Mar-
additional informa-
is that Clarence was
In action June 22 in the
of ~Mpan.
AME.~ICA *.~ WAY O,e R,~WA/~)/N~;
/A/~/V/Dt./A/.. ~rfP'ORT ~V~ ABILITY,
News of Interest From the
Sentinel Butte Community
Mrs. Inga Carlson is visiting Mra
Myrtle Bicknell.
Mrs. Wm~ Aldrich spent Friday
at the John Jordan home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reinholz spent
Sunday at the John Sanders home.
Art Underwood was a business
caller in town Monday.
Jennie Dempsey left last week to
visit relatives in the east.
Ed Cook has again taken over the
Standard Oil bulk station.
Mrs. Nell Hogoboom visited Alma
Rink ~riday afternoon°
Miss Ramona Smith went to
Dickinson Sunday.
Mrs. Math Teacher was a Sunday
visitor at the simon Schmitz home.
Lyle Petersllle is working at the
John Berg farm a few aays: .
Harry Olson was a caller in town
Monday. a
Sam Johnstone of Beach was
business caller in town Wednesday.
(}wen Petersilie assisted at the
Butte drug store Sunday.
Miss Helen Jablonski of Chicago
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hail
for several days.
Mrs. Dorothy Loveil and Mar-
garet Ann were overnight guests at
the Lloyd Yates home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall were sup-
per guests at the Frank Jablonski
home near t~t. Philips Sunday.
Mrs. Bill Gardner spent Thursday
at the Ernest Nelson home helping
can vegetables.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson were
Sunday evening visitors at tSe
Peter Teacher home.
Mrs. May Fisher and Clara May
were Dlc~n bUSiness callers on
The Mesdames Elmer Rost, Ray
Zinsli and Joe Strietz were Beach
shoppers Friday.
Mrs. Wm. Aldrich was a dinner
guest at the Mike Theisen home
Mr. and Mrs. RaY 7,insli and
family were Sunday evening callers
at the Math Teacher farm home.
Mr. and Mrs; Victor Carlson and
Lynn visited at the Norman Haugse
home Sunday. al
Mrs. Ole Waki spent Friday
and Saturday in Olendive receiving
medical treatment.
wednesday night of last week. Nick Mr. and Mrs. E~ Oison and faro:
MaUs had the misfortune of havin~ fly were gunday evening eaner~ a~
his cow struck and kU~ed by light- the Charles Johnson home.
Mr. and Mrs. ~d ~k and fancily
~l~Ota ~M~ose~torm~g°°d oldl were S'~d~ ~eS~ at the
Cook home at W~swrnem~.
Mrs. Joh~ S~l~t~ and Mrs. Fred
Reinholz were Beach aho~pers on
Thursday. " was a dinner
Mrs. Ray Brown n
guest of M~. M~ Lehman o
to vt~t
Mr. and Bettle
Carlson W.T. Brown were
Sunday ~r ~ests Of Mrs. May
Fisher ~ Clar~ May. d
Mr. ~nd' Mrs: Bill Gardner an
Marion of Beach and Mrs. Win.
Aldrich were Wednesday evening
caners at the Paul Wagner home.
Mr. a~ MI~. Ray Zir~ili and
baby spent Sunday afternoon visit-
tug the Leonard Treater family and
Mrs. Jennie Treater,
Mrs. Larry Colbreese stopped here
Sunday enr0ute to Dickinson, and
visited the Ed Cook f~afly and
other fr~,
in playing cards a delicious
lunch was served. George ~tm-
mond and Mrs. Bert Covert receiv-
ed high prizes for having the ht~h-
est som-es in the card ~ame. Mrs.
MarJorie MaJeru~ and MIss Dolorez
~es are extended to Mr. and
Mrs. q~clllda for many more happy
wedding anniversaries together.
WAR BONDS . . . buY them and
~oin America's victory march!
Mrs. Bettie Carlson visited Wed-
nesday and Thursday with Mrs.
Bertha Waldal.
Mrs. Norman Haugse and Mrs.
Nell' Hogoboom visited Mrs. Victor
Carlson Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Win. Aldrich was an over-
night guest at the Peter Lardy
home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Honsold were
visltors at the Ben Maus home
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pendieton and
Wayne were shoppers in town on
Mr. and Mrs. Lars Vanvlg of
Medora were ~llnner guests at the
Otto Petersille home last Monday.
Waller Allen returned home from
the Beach hospital Monday, where
he underwent an appendectomy.
Dona Kirkpatrtck,:spent several
days last week with Clara May
Mrs. ~ Rink and echlldren
vi~ted Mrs. Win. Scherle Sunday
Alexander Allen spent Friday and
Saturday visiting his father, Henry
Allen, and his sister, Mrs. Herman
Dietz, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. PaUl Wagner and
Mr. and Mrs. Bertfl Wald~ ~re
Saturday evening guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Halvo~ (}Ison and
the Clarence Satre family were
dinner guest~ at the Sevv~ Van-
vig home Sunday.
Callers at the Satre home Satttr-
~day afternoon were the Misses SOl-
vlg and Gudrun Vanvig, and their
brother, Andrew Vanvig.
Mrs. Harold Davis arrived Wed-
nesday evening from Bozeman to
visit her mother, Mrs. Bertha Wal-
dal, and other relatives for about
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown are
[ the proud parents of a baby da~a-
ter born to them Monday monu~
at the Johnstone Memorial hospi~l
in Beach.
Miss Dorothea Wlschow arrived
Saturday morning from Park
Grove, Calif. to spend some time
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Wischow.
Sgt. and Mrs. J, Loren Rllea are
the proud parents of a ~ boy!
born to them last wee¢ a~ mm
Dickinson hospital, Mrs. Rflea is
the former Marie Berg.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sheelmn
children arrived Saturday
bridge, S, D. to visit Mrs. sheelmn~s
mother, Mrs., Bertha Waldal,
other rel~t~ea Mr. Sheeh~
turned home Sunday evenl~
home on
Included Mr. •
Davidson, Mr.
and f~mlly, Mr.
Wassmann, and
and his wife.
~rs. 1%ttis t
Mrs. Alma Rink and children
rived home Friday morning
having spent ten days visiting at
the Merrltt Paddock home at Cle
Elum, Wash., and with Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Hess in Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Petersllle,
Mrs. Henry Hanson and boys, Bev-
erly and Kermlt Rink andMrs..
Dorothy Lovefl and daughter were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Yates Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold FosJard and
family of Wibaux and Mrs. Fos-
Jard's mother Of Billings were sup-
per guests at the Clarence Satre
home Saturday. They also called
on Mrs. Wm. Scherle.
Mrs. Walt Dixon, Jim and Marl-
lyn were Sunday afternoon and
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Bertil Waldal. Mrs. Bill Gardner
and Marion and Mrs. Win. Aldrich
also visited there Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hall, Sr. and
Mrs. Junior Hall of Wibaux. Mrs.
Mabel Latcha of California and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall enjoyed a
picnlc supper on the south Butte
Flight officer John Nelson ar-
rived home Sunday night from Vic-
torla, Texas to spend about ten
days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Nelson, and other rela-
tlves and friends.
Quite a few from town attended
the party at the Westerheim
school house Saturday evening,
given in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Cook, who are visiting here
from Aitkin, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner were
Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Fasching at Wibatlx.
They were dinner guests at the
Ed Nistler home near Wibaux that
S-Sgt. John Johnson left Monday
morning for his camp in Kentucky
after having spent the past two
weeks visiting his wife and par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson,
and other relatives.
Mrs. Ai Hanklns arrived last
week from Billings to be with her
mother. Mrs. Mike M. Lardy, who
has been ill. We are glad to know
that Mrs. Lardy is improving at
this writing.
George Van Horn and daughter
Be?nlce arrived Monday morning
from Washington to spend some
time here. George will be employ-
ed at the Clyde Polley farm during
harvest and Bernice will visit
The many friends of Miss Leone
Paddock will be interested to know
that she was united In marriage on
June 4th at Shelton, Wash. to
Walter Charleson of Shelton. Con-
gratulations are extended file
happy couple.
Word has been received here that
Mlss Dolores Hess was married to
Albert Gautch at Seattle, Wash. on
July 28th. A wedding dinner was
served at the J. J, Hess home fol-
lowing the ceremony. The many
friends of Dolores wish her ancl her
husband the best of luck and hap-
pin, as. V }
A surprise birt-~ay party honor-1
ing the 66th birthday of FatherI
Lack of (}olva was held in St. Mary's
church basement on Thursday
evening of the past week. Members
of the parish attended.
The evening was spen~ in card
playing and singing. Mrs. Ed
Fischer received high prize for the
ladies and Mr. Schumacher received
high for the men in card p~aylng.
A program of singing was held,
with Darlene Jesock singing "Hap-
py Birthday" to Father Lack."
A delicious lunch was served ~d
all reported having an enJ~
time. A gift of money was pr~
ed to Father Lack from his many
friends at the close of the evening,
together with the best wishes of
all present for many more happy
~V--- -
The Pleasant Valley Homemakers
club held Its regular meeting at
the home-of Mrs, Kathryn Smith
on Wednesday afternoon. August 2.
The meeting was called to order
by the president, Mrs. Glen Hatha-
way, and ell joined in singing
"Sweet and Low." Roll call-was
responded to by giving a "Hint on
Harvest Meals." After the business
meeting was finished the afternoon
was spent socially. Mrs. Leslie
Baird presented two interesting
contests which were won by Mrs.
George ~ and Mrs. R. H. Welsh.
A delicious lunch was served by
Mrs. Albert Still and Mrs. Kathryn
Smith to fifteen members and four
The next meeting will be held at
the ~ tourist camp in Beach
on September ~th.
B/r~, BepertM for Month ~f July
Mrs. Ncal Kennedy,
Mr. ~M~ I~l~ ~bel, WI-
I Mra ArthUr Cote, WI-
were held
'Adrian B. Wicka and h;s bfic
fhe former Helene M. Blair,
have been honeymooning at
B~cj Bear lake.
Miss Carol May
Heath Marries
Montana Man
Miss Carol May Heath, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Heath of
Forsyth, became the bride of S-Sgt.
Herman Watts, son Of Mrs. Isabel
Watts of Kinsey in a pretty wed-
ding ceremony conduc~,~t the
First Lutheran church on ~es-
day evening at 9:3Co'clock.-~rhe
service was read by the Rev. Norval
Hegland in the presence of a few
The bride was. attractive in, a lav-
ender wool two piece suit with a
small black hat and black acces-
sories. Her corsage was of white
sweetheart roses. Mrs. Fred Swan-
son of Sanders, the sister of the
groom, who attended the bride,
wore a navy blue suit with white
lace vest and ,~ corsa, g~ of gladiolias
and baby bre~h,>~Harry Watts of
Kinsey attende~ his borther as I~s~
man. Other ~uests were the par-t
ents of the couple and Isabel and
Harry Watts of Klnsey. I
S-Sgt. Watts is home on furlough,
from Salt L~ke City where he has
been stationed with the Army Air
Corps. His furlough will expire
next Tuesday and his bride will
ter Sgt.
and son of
Wlcka, of I81~
The Rev. ~ther
clated, ! :
ing in
50 guests followed at the~ ~
the bride.
The beautiful brldiU grown wU of
white satin styled
fashioned with a
and sweetheart neckline
gertlp veil was held ~in
a beaded tiara.
a bouquet of wl~te roses
with orchids.
mer Agnes W2cka
She was
swiss and
performed the
best man.
bearing many medals
tiGris. Wearing his
wings, he also holds
ver Star and
Written by Pet. W. A. Rin~
A soldier serving ov~
The ward was in an uproar
Chaos reigned supreme
The surgec~ waved a rummage
On Genera] SO and So
Arriving there at 10 A. M.
He's dangerously loW.
Six nurses changed their
And powered up a bit
Then took some
To look alert and fit.
The surgeon was so
He cut a man in two
Then strappefl his scalpel
On the bottom of his shoe,
Siren sounds approaching,
~Brought tension to a pitch
Award boy wiggled nervously
As t~ough he had the itch.
Carried at attention
By stretcher-bearers four
make her home in Kinsey for the The general was delivered
duration. ] To the surgeon's door.
A bridal dinner was given by the Gently, as an infant
groom's mother at her home in They placed him on the table
KAnsey on Thursday evening when The personnel was in formation-.,
a beautiful wedding cake centered Willing, ready, able.
the table where the guests were The General slowly looked about
seated for the delicious chicken HIS face was drawn and pale
dinner. Covers were laid for Sgt. He weakly raised a shaking hand
and Mrs. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. Ber-
nard Heath of Forsyth, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry A. Watts and family,
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Watts and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swanson
of Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Becker and the hostess.~Mlies City
Ration Reminders
For Coming Week
As Issued by OPA
Sugar--~tamps No. 30, 31 and 32
(Book IV) rg0Od for 5 poUnds in-
Canning Sugar: Stamp No. 40
(Book IV) good for 5 pounds. Ap-
ply at your local board for ad-
ditional canning sugar using Spare
Stamp No. 37.
Meats and Fats: Red Stamps 8A
through 8Z and 5A through 5(3
(Book 1~) valid indefinitely. Three
s ps b ome
~u e~ and 5A through 5~
(Book IV) valid indefinitely. 1five
Shoes: Airplane Stamps ~;, 1
and 2 (Book HI) each
one pair of shoes indeflnitel~,
Fuel Oil: Period
'~Cut off this damn' hang ~I:'
$86,500,0@0 IS NECESS&Ry TO
Highway department o~iclals to~
day announced that recon~tructh~
and modernization, of the sta~s
primary federal aid highway
would cost an estimated $86,~.
Included in~e
r~,5~,~' ~.
mate in reconstruction and mo-
dernization of 2,642 miles of the
4,010 miles on the primary system,
plus 180 structures over 20 feet In
Items detailed in the estimate
are: Right of Way, $1,316,7'77; Str~-
tures, $2,88~03.00; Grading, ~1~6,-
656,798; Surfacing, $47,965,011; a~
Engineering and Contingencies, $~-
thatDteP~rertment engineers estimate
t reconstruction and modernlza~
tion of the secondary system, would
~)~Ua~nan additional $65,000,000.
_ p ent off~ point out that
there is h~cluded in the estimate
only those roads which are obsolete
or deflolent