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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 6, 1931     Golden Valley News
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August 6, 1931
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• igh~ about it and now I've come Morning worstfip, 11 a. m. to pay for those lanterns." City officials found no recoras of three lanterns havlng been broken that far back. and they would no~ allow the man to make restitution. Sorrowfully he turned away. Denver. Colo. -- Warren E. McLean, 61, Denver barber, wa~ killed a~d ihs wife, Sarah, 56, narrowly escaped death when an old fashioned folding bed trapped them as they lay lis- tening to a radio program. Evenlng Junlor C. E. 6:30 o'clock• Clt:'istian Endeavor. 7 o'clock. Preaching service 8 p. m, METIIODIST CHURCH J. Ralph McNeil, Pastor Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Anthem by choir. Epworth League, '/:00 p. m. Evening worship, 8:00 p. m. Selection by orcllestra. Mld-week Bible study and Pray- er service Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. Our motto: "Jesus Christ the So- Champaign. Ill. H.A. Glass-[ cock, 82, read G. A. R. memorial lution of Every Problem•" services at the funeral of H• M. Hemingway, 90. Then as the run- "-~ ~ ~ ~ "~- OHDINANCE NO. 120 eral party marched out of the r---- ~hurch he fell dead• An Ordinance amending Section ---- 5g of Ordinance No. 1.15• being an Tallahassee, Fla. -- Begin- Ordinance regulating traffic upon ning August 1 and until July , and USeof Beach•el the public streets of the I, 1933, Florida will levy a tax ICity Be it ordained by the City Coun- of seven cents a gallon on all icil of the City of Beach, North De,- that Section 58 of Ordinance No. 115 be amended to read ~,~ for g~soline sold in the state, the ]kota, highest state tax on gasoll~ Il°ws: S~CTION 5~: WI-IEELS I~JUR- ~nywhere in the United States. ) ING STR~EETS PRO.I-IIBITED I No wagolt,/ lruck, englne, machine or other vetl~cle shall enter upon or Kenosha, Wis.---The nation-wide I cross any pSrt of any paved street wtthoyt ~lvJ~i g smooth wheels ~onomy wave now being reflect-i whichlwlll~b~ inJure/[~sald pave- ed in lower prices also 'Is to 'oe-tmenl, ]a~'~p/heel~ wtth a lug, come effectivein Judge Calvln t call~ ~Ike, I~ Prg~cti°n or any ktn~ A~hall b~ Do.F~nltted upon said Stewart's municipal court here, ne pavement; &_nds/'n~ wagon, truck. ~d. :Pines for intoxlcatlon wtlli engine, shal~vemacll~e' ~br-°therjttDy wheelVehlcle be $1 and costs, or five days m iwhich or, runner w~ a~ l~..calk, spt~e o)e county Jail. Former rates were $3] proJectil~ of~ny kind with le~s and ~o~ta~, or ten days in jail. t than a/one in~ face, a~d shall ~t- tend/~o~ th~ on,and th/~ee- S~tttle. -- A dream became I of such .v~el o~' r~lnner, or~hich~-hich shall inJure*~a~y street cross,.walk ~, ~ealistte thin Miss Katie l or driveway~ st~all be permtt~ed upo ~t: ~ q awakened and accl- I°n any ~nlSaved, graded, [ public it~ .t herself. Sh, ~ ad street or ~l~by Bn the City q~ Deach. Passed upon Its First /Reading b~ ..ruing of bm:):~ he i July 6th, 1931. - L .. .. 1Sassed upon its t!~col~ Reading lh)[(}. It)N~k~.. ]August 3rd, 1931. \/ Approved August 4t~,]1931. e, N. Y. -- I~lizl~ theI (SEAL)PUblished August 6tvd, 1931. near, Mrs. Felicite Cham-lAttest: J.G. PEALL, ~'& wro~ her own obituary~ A. A. ABEL. Mayor. City Auditor. 4 36-Lnch, Bleached A Bell-Ringer for the housewif~