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August 6, 1931 Golden Valley News | |
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August 6, 1931 |
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A YST. 6, 1931 .]
!lflMCO P g~'t'~- Ca°u~t Adv'ertisfn'- lz~9;9~. !eond.ed. by Wosepka the fonowtng I Warth,~, Ho .... :,~
amiilmmn ~ .~, _ ~ ~. _ m ~,u~mvu J resolution was adopted-Whereas i ,~'-- w ~ i~you uoa'~, an InsuIG,
~£erK ot uourt and Juage 1 739 00 the Board of Count ' S ak to Boo I
PIVIILI| J Justice Courts '..;.~ i . Y Commlsslon- ] pe jura anymore? ] ............. A I'~kTLqDITl|~|ltdr~
Juvenile o .... • .................. ~oo.~o [ ers .assembled in regular session, [ D+,.~,. -- ..... I t'*lgs~y---NO'? welt, I was piaymg .¢'11,1,,# •
~t~t~it~lPIPl%|a|#~#~ I Court ~ouse\~ai;7;::;72::'=: ,~.£~ , navlng estimated and determtnea I -,s~j--ne znsm~e~ me. tie as~- :+he ,,, .............. ]'-" I'h'l%lllO|l~[IkJ
Pl/lll'l'l'llllgl't" I Court -~ou~e ..... ~ I [~e expenditures of+ said county for !ed me if I knew how to play the [ ........ ~ wueu ue a~ea me. I ...... L
" - ,, , e ~seai year i-al-3Z as llerei f-• ] %VANT ADVERTISEM N
/IIVULLUll|UO or outlay .......... 1,0~a.32[te, set forth, consisting of n~tn~e plane. -- All orders for advertising under this w. T RA'I~I|
3'~nit )r " ............................... .~'2.2~i County ~uaget ann detailed report[ Warthog--Why I ~on'e .on ¢h~¢' . ............ ~ ....... C=ah, ,he rates are ~w ........... h_ead must .be aocompaAl~
~.', . +"--:=--; ......... -'-7 ......... ,+,.ve. ot expenditures THEREF¢,T+~+ ~. ! o ~, .......... ~ ruJV2XA~u.~ 2LI.J~ O~A x~'~u~,'l~ I-e-* .... < ..... :.- .- ,- ~.~-~? a ~vau wlta a mlnln~um oharffa o[
• e~epnoneJ+'ele ra n and i , : . .. . ~ , • .]..tu ~, --- [ -, ,,~-. =- ,,~?ruun• zso SUCh advertisements h -
Postal2 g P - -, - i ]q RESOL% ED by tl~e Board of published wlthout P Oned or mailed illWti~W
of North D ....... m~ ............................ 1,3.+~ 39 + County Commissi()ner~ in dud foi ' / account w ...... _P+repayment unless the party ha~ an esta~
aKo[a onel'li[ 3 ~50 ~+~ - ,~ t . ~ " -- ltn ~nlS Otrlee.
• ~ . .................... , • ~sa u County anu State a ~d that ~'1' ~T "M ' " • " • ' , -
SS rReg~ster of Deeds ,-4a0~ .~.~.,~ + ...... '. _- .. (. : !. I'~N! ~(}R I[IM~I(A'ilON i..
' of Golden Valley ' Reg. Birth~ and i)eat'l~:~" ...... ":" 3~)~e" ~rsc nere,)y .lev,ea upon all tax- ___ ) - , ......... . +.+
" i \Vorkmen,s~ "~om ~ - +-" ....g'- • p operty w~thin the said coun- RECEIPTS IN GENFR /g " •
gdivMbJoU~yfi30'i1921" theB°.a.':d I Insurance t. .... t ensanon 4r, a oo I ts,;..a~ta~:s for all 1,u1"poses for the Cash i?) General Fund (to ha,~ds ",,f l)[-~tricAL,,.eU~NDer and ex- t I~IISCELLANEOUSf [ FOR SALE /'
t +7. ~,~..2~ ..... Y2 .... .~,~. *'"'.'lTransnortin~- ir;:;2~:}';,21: .... .+-[y.-~2*gg z~sca~ year ot July 1, 1931, cmumg Shlking Fund) July 1, 1930 ........ " + ~ ~ ~aa ,~a I~------- .... " - -'-------'----------,'--~-----~- |.~_- ........... ++!+
h,~,~v,,,~uauu~-men~wttn all j tan ............. ~a--o j[o julff 1, 1932, in the sum of $46.-Total amount received from ;apportionment .............................................. ICE--Nil d " - ........... -- - .... --.v-~-..
t~""::.ff'+',+°en"~ ... IAnalysis'"~ger .......................... ra+'a+X[ ..... uu arrayed at as follows: _and CountyTuition Fund ............................... of StateS 19629 1 v++~tr lll~C~v~e~d~J~o2,~ +]~1~++1PeR ~ --" Ford CI~
~'r'd "-'t~- ~oya_canenqer appeared / Counts" SuI)erinienaent .... I GEN:ERAL---AMOUNT APPRO- Amount, received from Taxes Levied by ~District ' |.,, "............. ~ ....... ~| Fertilizer. Pine or
..... oaru rein[tee to the , Board of Health ........... 40850, FI~IATED DY BOARD ......... ,~ ...................................................................... 900.,9 t i 'OW II O~~~~
,smlert~ntAf~fere~reaapefderlPerSOnral[AgrtculturaI Agent .......... 2,676:83[CcOoUt~ly ~oard: ................... $ 900.00, Amf~l:/g~e~lTc~d from Tuition of pupils re 2/ng in~*~a?. AUTO. mz m+ os, a
Items from th ~,~-- ~ - ~ - t 3~ee ~ounty ............... 43 50 t o- .'. ".~ ....................... a,aao.ooi . ........... ? ;" ......... ";z":" .................................. ~t.....~ .. 24.00 [ lzacmrs, glec~riclty, 1~eld/r~z I ~.,~ ~,~.u. ,,,~., ~macn. /" I~,*~
.......... e .+~uessment o~ I insanity Board " "" 0^',^ i ,+ounty Treasurer ....... 2 370 00 ] ~*uU~nl+ r~celveu Irom utner Sources: • _ _. VA ~.
pard .Canender. to Lloyd Col- i Poor Relief ..... 7 ................. 2 5~g'~ ] Books, supplies and" re':' " I ~ena}ty and Interest, County ..... ..~..~...+.~.~..+.+ ........ 37 75 ] Best trade, Practlca~tralnlng. | r~=+,-,,~ ..... ,..... -
~._ ~ne ~oaru accepted their tMother's Pension ................. '~a~'~l . ports .................................. 2 5U0 001 ~v,+oenus and Interests on Depos~ ]...~..~:[::... "" 26'39 | Free catalog. I-JOhNSON AUTO ~i"'Y"~*~ ~-=w~ =x~z~,iS, OII1~
~nents as turned in by the ] Care of County Insa'ne"i'n ...... assessors and assess. ' " ~mount received by School Wreasu'r~l~durtng th~"year ' ~ ~ ~ea eo [ WR.~.~ .¢U~T-V~f~U'~T~',~,~'"g'~ ~. | tom grlD.dln~. ~, ~ -~
..... state asyl,,m .... ~.~ merits ............................. 2no 00I'r°ta~- amount received by ~.~ool ~striot 'Pr~r~u.~. ~i~i'~',';i': ......... | ......... t%~" ~ ~u',e~,l I~i~'~1~'-~'~-~ -.~,~v~
.at Niece came before the t Care of County "'p'al:'[en-ts ....... ~ ~ State's Attorney ............. 1 900"00 I ing cash on hand) --l----- -~:-++:-t ........ _ .7.:..~.+..+_...++:....~.2 ..... $ 2 349 56 ] 2'argo, N. Dak. v Jlyg-Sptl l ~m__~v$ woo~fler aa~. 16. ~
ru In regard to taxes of 1991. ~ as state feeble minded |vv.ater, JMght and Fuel .... '60000 |. .+. EXPENIDITUI~s OF ~ERA~FUND ............. ' • [+.# , ,, | J.+ogal~ V"
which he asked that the ~2~ ~ institution ..... | ~strlct Court .. 1.800"00 ~mounts ~'ald DurluK ear f t FoIlowln~ Pu, os NO better
an .... v~-- i ~. . - ....................... .~u.uu , r'mntin- ~ "'~'" " -'+': ..... ' " ~ Permanen~ lm-rov--- nle.j r f.oj~..t~ . .~ r~ e., .4 time to enter Mankato / +++
kin°_at :~: ............................... 9 ......................... ouu.uu - • ---- ----"" + I ~,,+~---wu~b=v=g
resolutio# haviny _~he _boa_rd, I Motor Fund: 7.0u i Tree .Bounty ...................... I00.00 [ Ca sh, i~ Gea..eral Fund +(~n hands of District Treasurer and ex- [ cription ~ we.+ Seed ~ Iree[~Io14Plcklemlx 0I ~
i ~ ,~*~uy ueen Receipts Insanity ~:~oard ...... +s J~'unu) JUly I l~0 . " . ? Did his pare~
memhers of the Slope Expenditu;e .......................... $ I oor Relief : :: ........... 5 O5O°°° ITota!. mou t Vc i:+d ap ortion e',C'oi' ' .................... $ 1,857.58 I- pamphlet. B. Ha I ¥E ,0D.,
" + ...................... ' ...... !±uother's Pension ........... 1"000'.. / ann ~ounty. TmtlOn ~'una .......................... 392 58 Mana in Director rnat~on-
;1Jokllet located.on Lots_15 _and IBalance on Hand ~ I Care of Insane in'"'State" .... ]Amount. r ecetv.ed from Taxes Levied by"Dl's'trict$ ' i .... g1,,g ~.,,~.~+H~.-IdWerna ^_ | BJorD.---No, they ctlre~ ~ by
Was sold to Ted Vaughn for ] Rg:e~sHlghway Aid: ....... + Care Yell Pa+en+s"+n"'fee+l'e 3,000.00 [Amount received +rom+"O'{h'e+r"Sou'r'~es+. ............................... 3,837.78 [ dime Mart C~[-~IC+AGO. 13.4~ [ ~oclrul~t~.g ~ wlt,~ ~.l$1z~+ ~ ,
(X)UN.PV ~,r~kYERS ON 11931 at 9'00 A M Y ,[County Taxes+'""'"-se'w'er"- " / .... EXI'EI~"DI;rUR~S'6"F'~~'~i~XLF~~i) .............. + ;" / rate. Mrs. AndtreJfHelm, Tel.|
P]~.~. T~ T-~D~'~r~ ....... | (Seal) " CHA'S CHRIm'~TA~'~u"'" | pavement etc . ' 500 00 [ ~monnts raid UUring Year for. the Fo~n~.J~t~uose~: / [ 65-M, Beach. ~r 14-3t. [
_v_.~ .......~,--,~ ~v~N tnat / " ,-, "2"'~:'%~Y"~, | Superintendent of Sehoo[s 2 35o'n, | ~ermanent Improvements: ui s and re s t 7 ___
~Pliance with Senate bill No. [ t~ounty ~uultor. ]School Contingent 'la~'7,X / fuel ann Janitor Service~.. ~ 9sll~l~, etc. $ 2,1.85 / / ........... [--- -- ==. =---_ .......
• ~ *~ ~esmon Laws and | ~+~+~ ^. ~,, ,~ - /Insurance--~ .... + i.£Z::~:: ..... vv [ Teachers' Salaries 1.~ ......... ~ ...................................... ~ / [WAN+£'~l~-d~n001 DO~ or glrls r,o [ .......
I.~nl No. 97, Session Laws or[ ......... or~u ~aKota, "~ etc ............ o .... [Salaries and Expenses'"o'~'Sc'h-oo/~-~c'~'~'~ .......................... ~.?u ~ [ v~nm ,rid hn~ J[t~S n~v mftnth | ~ll~PPA~|~s~s, ....
toe Board of County Commis-[ o SS. Bonds_~cour~------~ous ................... Transportation of Pu il ........................................................
of Golden Valely County, N. C)unty of Golden Val+ley. I ployees e era- . .... ITuition to other schPo~D~sTri~_-::''+ .............................. , ,.+++:~ I ~+ ~: ~ty ,,-+I l'llfltHi, lllHAl l:AMfl.q
~ve designated July 30, 1931, ],f2u~ ~L=+t',~ Ju}y a.1, 1931,. the[Maintenand~"'-'~'+'"":--~i'~'ig-£; [Books .......................... ].__-__:2 ......................................... ~ff~ |. I .......... ,,,,m ~Smll~tle
~+~ o~clock A. M. at the court m~+~'~,,.~_.,w°un~y~.c°mmtssioners| machines ......... ,~, ^, |Other Expenses .. " .............................................................. ~ .~Iz~'~ IWAN'rED---Scheml boys or ~ls tel=-=-= ................ ,
z~l~ the City of Beach as the I al~r~em~ers'~,~resean~J.°urnment wtth|Tax Supervisor ........ • ....400"~ Total Expenditures During Year by School District~rere~j~r~$ ~rer 4 [ .......... ~h--
.~.p~ace at wnich time and]~ U~on motio~'~ ~.-"~ .........|State Examiner .......... 80"00 [R EIVTS AND EXP NDITUP ES tX SINKtNG AN I S ,445.01 room and board in B . Mrs..
S heard in ~ ....... - - -'.~--= '" I-- ;l~n,,,',::~:: ..................................... :~- ........... ~' ......... +,~+ ............. |-~ ............. $ 1,608 71 " ~" +'~. ~*v=+~,,~.~, ~, ~"~"+++'~" ~ • ...... = - - - = ..... L
¢O~,osed ^..-~+~.. ur agamst I ~ Total General .................... $ 47,000.00 | .............................................. ~-~ ....... .~-4x:~_+ .~: ................ ~.....~ i:267~2Z [ Butte L/ 13-4t | I -I
.... p+enui~ure,: I + --J " ['~-and Total Receipts ?..R..+A..N.D... T~..+~..~LANCES ~ X~O][~L~T~ 4k X~l~r~
tollowing is an estimate of General l~nal Appropriation .................. $ 47000 00 "~" ,-~
Poposed exDendit ..... ~',, ,holGeneral Reserv~ " ............ - ..... " [Grand T ............. ~I'T .................................. $ 6792581 ]I ---____ I
+ar enatn June 30 1932 ...........................................................0 Grand Total Cash on Hand+-+i+nV++ ................................................................... 2.. ............. ~
at ~eac~t ...... ' ~- :" - [ Total Viabil,*i^- _ I both Funds. June 30 1931 $ 1080 35[ READ BEACH ADVANC~ AD~ [ 1 [[
, *~vrut A)aKota .~ ~ v~ ................................................ 8° 50 ' ............
th day of July, 1931. |Unincumbered Cash .... " i--~.~.~:$ -.2 .00 • | Clerk Saddle Du't .......... J.M. STILL, [ /I ~ Nm'~ ~ |
• CHAS. CHRISTIANSEN [ Uncollected Taxes Less "+5""~erce'nt'"of"Or[~+'2 .... [ ~ e ~cnom Lustmct ~o. 1, Beach, North Dakota. [ [ | _. ~ ~ +
• Udltor Golden Valley Couhty | .. i~tal Levy .......................... ".. ................ = 2388600 |" .. [ CITATION HEARING PETITION|| ~ ~
and amount of each budget l~.~imated Collections from other'" sources 2'000"00 I | FOR LETTERS 0F AD-
te payable from County G~n-[ ........ I (STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION) i MINIgTRATION I~=--= .... ==-- +___=- -.-~
~nd: /T°tal Resources ...................................... $ 4123700 [ R [ I-- ~"
Board . 120000 ....... ' " ECEIPTS IN GENI~RAL FUND
' $ To Cash in General F State of North Dakota County of
a.udlt o r .::::::::::::::::::: 3:940:00 1 ~. be raised by tax for general fund ............................ --$ 4101m00 | ~i .............u nd (in hands of District Treasurer and ex.1 +.Id.. V.I, .... ' [" - _ :TZ
+~feasurer v'-'~: .... 2,740.00| ~gaenrSa?nl~es~erivdegeS--Flnal Appropriation .................... $ 7 96+5.00 ' +' | To't'al~a~oun~r'recge~vUnafJro#U'Y~-~+~n~:=-2-+2;--+;2; ...................... $ 1,587,11 |"+in+'-+ot~l~f~'~o~rt Before Hen. A.[} Dlk I, m ~ ',
• "-~P~ anu ix, e- / ............................................................. 5974.00 / and Count*, Tulti~-'~---~ v,. ..... ~,t u~ ,~e .... /E Kastlen Judge' I|
• ' " a, uz~ ~UUU .... 4| 1 " ' "
................................. 3,000.00 • ' -- Amount receive . - .................. ~ 7 , 7 In the Matter of the Estate of W',
rs and Assess- ITotal L,ab,litles .................... , 13+~+~+qns I ...... d from Taxes Levied by District la ~m,~h. r~ ...... . ]I D]~I"~'~,~ t
Aaorn'e'y ................... 22~0.000|~ncn~mt~lreTdaCaShes;---g--i~-e-r-c~r--g~--6r.[g--$ 4,485.00 + - |Am~ea°n~r~°~;ad--~r-om---~-uii~ion--o.~--i~-~p-t-i~--r;;i~in.~..i+fi 5,087.73 ,e" IEo~l~ti:l~nOehrsn. and Chas. C, Rehn,/] Zo~--,I[~ ~ ]
..... / - o ner Dlst.cts I: ] 1
Light and Fuel ...... 700"00 lnal Levy ............................................. $ 7 454 00 . - ..................................................................... 48.00 +~+ --vs'--
Court .... 1 " , - Amount received from Other Sources' •
, - ................... ,800.00 Total R -- Interest on checki Ella E. Kelley, Conra W. Bohn, ~ ~. ~.
, ~nd Advertislng 2,250.00 esources .................................................. $ I1 939.00 State Aid ng account ~,m~..+-~ .................... 1+8.27 ~Ze/ Katherine J. Boh~ I~uth E. / __
• ' ur~ and Coun- " .................................................. ~," .......................... I* ~J~ n r n Hll B n "
• *-- /To be raisea u .............. -- [Amount received by Nohnn| Tr~'~'r~, A,,v~no- fh.... ~:2 • F ...... [ He de so , ~ S.~t oh , [ .... ~"~'-"-~- '
'~ 1 866 00 u ~,v ~o.2~ JLUF IuaQs anu brluges 2 .................... ++ ...~ ~r D,~Is ss o
Court ........................ o=,'^, |County Court House Feed ann m-e .... ";+2+ ........ i':+:" $ ,000.00 [Total amount received b+2 Sctt~- District Treasurer 7+fnci",','~1~ , } ~Rachel L+ ~ohn, l~tobert) Bohn, |
t Court :. ................ 300.00 l $ $ ?a Jo2L Board ....................................................... , 4,200.00 I g cash on hand 7,507.1+0 1 The S te + l ota tel : - - -- - .... -" i
,Ouse Malntenance 60 0 *~+~v~ + -- 3 50 ~ ~ v.+,~o vr~*~r+~ja JrtJ~u
0. 0 ................................................. ,1 .00 Amounts Paid D the Abe dents.
louse Betterments I: ....... L __ Pu,.o.e.,/ I' to. + o J+om a2+ hereh+ll ms, ,ll 'IL
+£ay 150n nn I 3.°tai .... ~ 7 ,m, .. /rermanent lmprov~nents: BIHlaings and repairs e~ $ ~102.66 I ^+,-Jf-l.l~--.^%'v~r.:..Jl+~ ~.~...~:.~. ~.^~+.-~ / I ~ee~,,~,.~.. ___ /
S ........................ I.b:nincumhered Cash ."'" .................................... ........ [Teaching supplies] ........ .......................... :....1::. ,fii3" g : I / I £'g /
.............................. '~,:+Y,'7,X/ Uneol,ected Taxes Less"5""A'er'c'en;'"2~;"NJ-=.- ..... /u'uel and Janitor IServi~tc incLdentals .l ~ 2'~6:03 : I~,':.'~~j~;," j~'\~,~'~'.',~-=/! ------ "
.................................. ~u.uu inal ~" ~ "~ ""~" Teach rs' " ................. • ,,~u~ ,, ~. ...... ,~ ~ v, at toe
l e, Telegraph and / Levy .......................................................... 2,437.00 Vmm,..,e+ ........ =='; ; ........................... I/ ,offi p '; cou.ty said ll Am |
................................ I,~Oo.oo [Total Resources ~ o i .~ranspor~a,~on-+#~es~ ~cnoo£ u[[,cers ................ .+:.+~.: lh~..;~ I Coun~r+, at _the .C our .t~ouse .in the || -- ~ I[
................................ • ,*uu.uu .................................................. + + 561.00 ............................................................ uity of ~eacn i sat ounty and ~ N,
of Deeds :=:. ....... 2,935.00 ]To be rats.............. ' I ~n to other School Districts ........................................ 830.20 [State, on the g4~'~l~%Yay of/t ~ /
son of l~lrths ~ ,,~ t~x ~ur county oonus ................ 3 9 .................. " ............................................................................. * August A D 1 at th our of -- = ..... . I[
'eaths ~nn nn [ l~'norganized Township Roads ............ $ ,,, .88 .00 [ Total Expenditures During Year b School Dlstrict Treasurer 4 419 28 ' II
, + ........................... - ............................................................... o £,evy $ , • ten o clock i ~ore n of that -- :
,s Compensation 500.00''~,+, ........... - ,I RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURESY~[N SINKING AND INTEREST FUNDIday to shc~ caus{~¢ youl" "
~ ~ealth ................ 500.00 I" ......... au+eu Dy taxes .................................................................... $ 46 902.00 I ~+2~'~,,:~2j............................................................. +.................................... $ 3,169.17 |hav'e why th+ petJlffSn of Louisa];--= .=_ - ...... -.-~+
Unties~-gent .............. 2,100750.00 The application' for refund filed. -' ..................................................................... GRAN TOT@ ~+~I~kN'CES'~"; ................................. 3+058.34 Bohnt a andn dC s. '(2, Bohn asking ...... - , L a
.Board ..................... 7, a, lby00 b Frank. Schrom was laid over for ] rand Total Receipts ........... .................. ,10'+70 271.,,,toh t Bobs,,, ..... of Sentlnel, o,o. |I o. mum
llef ........ ::::::~::::: ...... 5 000"00 I more time for legal advice. | .age.._.~+.v..v:. ........ =: ............... 23.00 ] ~rand Total Expenditures -4ff4"--~ ...................................... :.:.:::.:::-: 7:477:62 ]A¢]~nl+~ls'+r~ttor ov" ~"i'~s'~id +-es+}~g"ana/1 ] .... /
,Pensions ........... : 1',000~00 ]o_Lets 14:1.5:16, +Block 2, Hunter's [ ~-~llgens~ ~rlntlng ~o., sup- • .... | t~rana +J.'otal uasn on r~and ~111WSth Funds, June 30, 1931 .;.:~.:~.a.. 3,198.65 ~iPhat Letters of AdminlstrationL~/ ula'Sl'£'Ul~ /
• usane In State i p~conu ~um~lon to ~each not hay-I Globe-Gaze~72 ...... "~¥ .......... 74 ..... "'°~/ ,-,~.,. v ............. w. ~. ~-~m~m~, [thereon issue to him. should not bs+ff | ... --. I!
.............................. 3,500.00 I lng been carried on the list ot [ su )piles .....g" ,~o., | .... ~ ~ower va.,£ey ~cnoo£ ~ls~rtct No. 16, Golva+ North Dakota ~ranted and you are hereby no~. I | ALL WOI~ t~.m..--~.-J m
teFfebtt t... D_ded ...... l °ut tfcte rOtPert /acthesoamUeaitor wa+[ Vi+ia'+. wa++ a a ....... 52.86 +. a' V;:l I ..... I
, ~utlons ...... z,uuu.vul:: v e on saial clerk ' 7800/ --------------" I vu+ + ~t +,~ trine u~ nls de~,'n wasl I ~m~l,~ I~rOP~TJ~ ~ll~mmm I!
; Tubercular In I~lSt and th0 appraisal price fixed at ljos ~r'i':Jl~:"':a'ssi'~n'Z~'+'"':~. " / (STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION) /at Sentinel Butte. Goldelz~Valley] | ~,~wa~ |
~nstitutions .......... 700 00 [$2,000.00.., [ C'has ~ris-~an~ ~',-,~,~ [ -- [County, North Dakota / i z~_ ........ I! "
inmates In Coun- ' / 2~n app£1cation for $1.50filed by I dra~.,,ir~: ............ " , ~^/ RECEIPTS IN GI~NERAL FUND [ Let service 1~ made+~ this cita-I"+ -- - ---: :: _;~
L ................ 300001W. A. Turnquist, account of his be-[Fred ~I~, S~acl~er'"r'oad"drag" o.oo [Cash in General Fund (in hands of District Treasurer and ex- {tion as require4 by 1~@. I.
raxes--Pave'm'e'nt " ling a Beach fireman was annroved I ~,~' ' - .... [ cluding Sinking Fund) July 1 1930 . S .~ an~ ~1 ,Dated this 3r~ da,~ of August A. [ .....
letc'.'-: ...... a ............ 700.00|The following bill's were'a'udi*ed'[Au~s't'i~-~]est+e'r'n'"'"Road'"'Ma .... °U[T°taI am°unt°m'apt)°rti°nm~'nt''o~'''S~a~e ............................. /1:).1931. _ .[ 2~- - "[; -:-- -- -:'--- " '_a-_~
nperlntenuent of a r v -- , " ann uounty TUl[ion Fund 44 1 ~:sy the court
'c,: ........ ;'-':------:-----. .... 3,150.00 [ ~.2ppOr2dnaln%rO~)de~d taPxated ?ubjegtr t~ra~e:; ....C.o..,.....c+.a..b!e.......f.or 1800 [Ar~°t~onotl r~Co%i-ved from Taxes Levied by DistrictS . __87 [(SEAL OF C~(T~ T,'A ....... If D]~ ~,M?,~UI t
~uperlptenuent's aelinctuent" State Treasurer ~-,~ ,~ "t~" " | .............................. ~ .......................... J. ~J~.Z3 | ~,. ~, -~£~'riJ~, i &-,l~,&~l%J~ •
Cent F;+4-+, ..... , " ~o,, ' ......... " .... /Amount received from Other S es" ' Judge of the County Court. - " i
.............. ~u.~u[~ u Nina Kirst, court services$ 18 00 --~ "~'-~+'w ~roaerlcK,'"'~'"'=";'" ............ court: .......... ser )~.,+3 /IatereStAm on Deposit .+~ ~.....r~ 71 39 [ (Aug. 6-13 1931) t OfflP.~ P~D~ 40, I
o Page Myers witness fees 430 oun rec I b cho |
tlnty"E'm'pi'o'5;ees 600"00 [ ...... ' - - : ] "vices " " 8 00 [- - • t e red Y "S.+'"i+'°i'~u~ur'in'g'+'l;he'+'Y'ear ....... :....S~"1,885.79 [~ , l~l----~llt ~l@n~ ~. "
riCe of Adding ' I w.. inlr" ~tecKer, roan drag- I Ross Mi"kic ............ e roan"; ......... wor~;-'" ou'^'-^ou tiT°tail amount received by ~cM~tol Erfstrtct Treasurer (includ- '
re.. ......................... 150.00 ] Nigh. g~|'~;'"";:X;;'~'~'+'g,~'~.'~;i:-:Xg ~5.0~| John Hanne~;old, road wori~ 130"7S ng cash on ha n~d.~li~l;K;.;;:.~str;_...x.=:...:.;~~ ....................................... ?Z 5,287.94 [ NOTICE OF BIDS ~t~h, NOrth /1'~i~
~rvlsor . 400 00 1 "~ "'-~-'"~:' -'~-'- .... .: ......... W R. Schell milea,~e a'nn _ -- . ~,~ ~'~pJ~U~ t)J~h~2NERAL FUND ~ | ~ I
..................-~. .,.. ~oauaru, wl[ness • , ~, ........ e.~ ~mouuts mid Du ng r for ollowla Purpose~: II
trainer of County .... [ fees ~ ~, Beach Advance, pig ... 4500 p,~rm~n.~n+ r~.~.^~n~t~ ..... ~11~_ _ o11o ~ + - J.- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I~''~'~'='=~-= .......
............... + "e°|John W. Wentland. mile- JonnT. I)rown,+road darg- ., ..Teachers' Salari~:'.'r:.~J ...... ' I~.K~ That the Board of County Com-i "--'
~. s,,,s ...................................... *~.~oSalaries and Ex~nseb~=l~ ~ch~'~'{"~:{t~'~;::" ..................... ~. "jff~Yv'~7, missioners of Golden Valley Coun-] -=: ......... -- ~-+
t+eneral Fund ....$ 54,096.00.------~. CB. G. Johnson, road work..136.75 Transportation ~f--Pupils ~..~.'.~.."'...~..:~+.++....'::::'"::: ........ ~ Jlr~-~'~'~ ty, North Dakota, will receive seal- " - - - - -- |L~"
t*--# r, ........... each Advance, pig..: ........ 80.05Tuition to oth~4~Schsol Districts" ........... "| ~ ~ ed bids for the furnishing of re-I I ~1, ~ m~a,~,,,~ ,, _ i~
v~ ~.v~* ~uuu, Jack UlarK roau work .... 12 00 Books v ...................................... I~ o~.~u cord books blank~-~-a ...... ,,~= .^. I ! -.* v. ~X. ~ ]~. I
LABILITIES John A Fischer road dra ......................................................................................... sz.~6 t , + ?¢+.,, ~,** ,,~ .v. ~ - --.
am .................. " ' g° _ Other Expenses ......................... .,~ .... >.. ......... F 3~:~ he offices of the Court ~'ouse as ]~Fl~Ola~ ~
amo~un~t~ re#u~r~e~Uforrne~Stcol M2;2rg C+af-e-.--.~uror;s...mea.~s. ~.75 Total Expenditures Duri n~__Year bi~q~h~l District ~rea3p:er375 3585.03 P~r+2:n~eoaU!.e. on file in the office [~ ~ N. a 1
n , • " • t~ D T ~%LANCEs ' t ~ t. unty ~.uc[l~or.
onroe Ga to road drag X
.......... . ~ , " Grand Total Receipts .++.~: .... ~.~++IL~ ........ • 528+o, Au hids , b,II - _ m,,k+ I
taken c+ glng ~...:...: ........... ::...... ....... 15,00Grand Total Expenditur4k+t...Li.~.-.~[...:~.~ ................ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3'58+'0] County A, iito 'i .... J~JlOi~ I
~+ ; )renz ~cn' re, roan drag- Grand Total Cash on Hi~n~+.J~V-Both Funds June 30 1931 - 1:702'91 County, N( th ~ UIII~@ 15 ]R,A~dm,~, sam
"~'ii~i ~ glng .::..:.. ; ............................ [ .... A." F. IR()NS" " be received not t ---=~ |
..~ .... Dt~l~i~cn, ~, expenses tc Clerk Bullion School District No. 14, Alpha, Norlh Dakota. b-r-_-- ..... = ......... a
~rcent of .............. " -
of taxes therein Monroe Gasho, road drag- ~ o~ a~ All bids to be addressed to tlxe
liabilities to bR t~ in Logr~%g Schulte:'"road'"'d'r'a'g- ~ ~'~ ,un ¥ Audxtor, Golden Valley
• '~n~ o, un y, North Dakota Bids will
........................ 4~ ......... 817.00 ging ..................... 9.00 +' ...... r~ ~oived not later" than 10:00 ]
. ~. . /] i . ~ W. R. Schell, expenses to ~t~,~ o'clock A. M September 1 1931
!.reCtta':lret~aSns 1~1 .... .~('] ...... r r~i$'l -|+4 I~ ~/" C. DiekiH. Percell,~s°n ............................ road drag- 13.60 __-- ....... companyA cer tilled" cheCkeach bid.el $500'.00Ali certifiedt°' ac-]1 ....
~ol]ec~'i+~'~oi~'"otll2r ~ Augstig_~_~+e~se.r~---+R-o:~a+..~a:. 22.50 . -- checks wlll be returned to the un-|V= ==----- - - ,, ._ u___
I/~ J ~ -- I+ chinerv Co. tractor sup- (~TATEMENT FOB PUBLICATION) successful 'bidders innnediately af-[ | - +_aT
Mr~l~r .............. ~--.~-.~-~ ............ 565.~ plies ":. ..................................... 34.30 -- ter the opening of the bids and the[ |
• - + [I -.~ .~ . , IT----- :Mildred Kirst, Auditor's bidder will /
~j~n____.,RECEIPTS IN GENERAL FUND check of the successful
~atea J+ia~ lltib~-ro be tabu/ ke $ 50,153.00 clerk ..................................... Cash in General Fund (in hands of District Treasurer and ex- be retained until such a ti ....
clud~ng Sinking Fund) July 1 1930 1 ...... " " ~&
iv fr $ ,526 28 the successful bxdder has corn • L~e ~r~e AI
[-~Bri~ge+r~bl+ld: ....-~-. ,, Sta e Bonding Fund Bona- 66.00 Total amount rece" ed om apl)ortionm'e'it't'"ot:+'S'tate ..................... wl .... " + • plied [ t ~
llJ~rl.year. $16,000.00 ing Co. Officers" ................ ' 83.95 and County Tuition Fund ................................................ $ 405.34 !t sa~l J2~ce[el'nis anu conditions ofiX --
re cluirl~l
................ Texas CO gas and ell Amount reeeived from Taxes Levied by Dlstriet All bldde'rs are re ueste- - ~'| C]n~Ola][F,~lqRr~l
: o Upatxrequ, trf?.,flmg xt fiscal year prior ....... W~n Coman Federal "'+Ai~ 178.91 School Board ................................. ~ ................................ 2 935.37 ' q U tO nel , ....
• .~ ~tav~#n .............................................. AA,~+8.00 Project ............................. 875.34Amount received from Other~ircg~i: ' ;[ present, if possible, at the openlngl I ..... t
- f~. / 7- ~Vin Comas--assigned to Interest on Deposits ............. ~ff..~,,...~f: .................................. 5010 ]] o~ nlgs,' The Board of County [ | _ ~Z]I~ ~[~| ,
g~:b~!l~esi to be taken care of in curtis27 ..... / Glendive Tractor & Equip- Amount received by School~t~ea~rSrer during the year --. ~--. $ 3 391 R~I ~ommlss~oners reserves the right [ | @ tO lib St, In, ~ ~ • , --. ]
Total amount received y he District ~reasurer (i+nclud- ' " tO reject any or all bids. "~" " i~ talk i
............................... ~o~ uu 1 merit Co Federal
]_ +'T+"T ................. R E+OUP~ES" -- +@ '* " +'~ r, ojec+ ..... "' Ald ing cash on handl ---.-~--.--~-3°..~..?+i+~st ............................................... 4;~0;I._.Da__ted .at Bsach, North Dakota,[ I Phol~ -- ]
'~ Cash $ 4 2+"/~ J i .................................. 1200.00
• - "'"'= ................. :'"'"~"/'~" .... ~ '~/ /~ . A. V nqulst rood drag- EX~ENj~ITURES~ GENERAL FUND "'~/] ~l!ls Twenty First Day of July 1931 / / "~ 1
taxes less ~ percen~ ottlQClg- [/~f/ ,d~;' I ging .......................... .+ ........... Amounts Paid Dur/~lg ~ar fo~ Following Purposes: / / +,~eal) CHAS. CHRISTIA.N'SEN " ' a . _ I
S .............................................. [~J[.~~0 ~1{ | J%y Gronning, tree bounty 29.304.50 Permanent Improve~nen~'. :~#fl~lings and repairs etc. $ 1,725.02 / [ Auditor [ | ~ OV~P ~ L ]
11 .A/w----M~ ........ ~, ert Bares, tree boffnty 9.00Apparatus ..._.: ....... :.~.-..+:~ ............................................... : ......... 11.;~/ (July 30--August 6-13-20) '[ | ~eJtc~D{4 ~ ~ |
7.50Teachers' SalariesJ ............................................................ :: ..... 1,SU~a ' II ........ I
~rces ..................................... +..~...../ $ 11,9aS.00 ~ [HUgAh' %uROS~,rtree bounty J~'ue, ann Janitor +rvtle .................................................... 69* "-
Liabilities to be taken care c~in current / Geor+e Rrps'ler et%^b°#~'tY+:" 10.50
6 + y 9.00Salaries and Expenses of School Officers .................... +~_6.00 NOTICE TO CREDITODm [ | ~ "~' 151~ i
Interest on warran~u-.i.fs ................................................. / 8.70 .... I~_ I
.........ends.: ....................................................................... LIABILITI--- /$/16'000"00 I[LeWiSRayHathaway,Odland treetree bountYbounty 9.003.00 Transportation of P" ' ............................................. ~t- .... #f 98.00 -- [---_ =_- ....... |
~eed i ~:s G~een H. Hathaway, tree
, s nking and interest ........................ $ 5,250.04 [ bounty .................... : .............Tuition to other School Districts ............. ?~. .............. .~...+ fl' 382.00 In the Matter of the Estate of E / - - - = ----=-:-a
Books .................................... ,~ .............. ~ ....... ~ ................ 1.--/ 40.69 J. Snllth Deceased " / ,
sinking and interest ................................ ~ 1,950+@0 [Mrs. Amelia Odman, tree 6+00
Other Expenses ..................... --f- ....... ~--~---~,-~.- ............. .-+~ 147.16 Notice' Is h~r~hv" ~,|v~n h,. /-~ ~ ...... r
tt required for next fiscal ,'ear priol~ / [ bounty ................................. Total Expenditures Du~i~#l~ +~A+~L I~o~I D4~_tl~'Treasurer $ 4,179.59 u~des~?/::~;d,o/Oll@ Keohane, Ad- -- "
taxes therein ............................................ ~ 3,4f[.00 [J. A~.~Miller, tree b.nlnty__ 6.00 .... : ..... ==-''
600 ~~'~) ~+ + ~' " t e Estate of E, J. _ .
G~and Total Receipts ~..~ ~ $ 491809 Smi
• . ~ [Chas. "Otramb9. tree bounty 6.00 ' -- --tur"'T'" " .................................................................. , -_ th late of the City of Harlan in • U~ DU 1
~e taken care of in current.]. _/ + [R. L. Johnston, tree bounty Grand Total l,.;xpenui e~ .. 4179 bo - ~ YO
6.00 ~ . - - ""-'7"--:= ........... "v'"'-= ......... "=-.:+--:-:-:-: ............... ,__ ._~ cue t:ounty of Shelby and State of
........................................................ ~1~661.00 |E. Sutter, tree bounty ........ ,n on ~ana i:ootn unus, June nO, i~I ............ "l~.bU ....
t~ /A, J. O'Keefe, Com, sere- 4.50 EMMA KETTNER, p
Cbices "i(-i'i:kp'a'tl:]'c'k: ...... "Corn'.24.00 Clerk Valley School District No. 4. I~each. North Dakota AINTING
liabilities to be taken care of in eurre~ 66"000 ]5~ US DO YOU~
...................... 000 Grand Total Cash on Hand in both FundsJune 30, 1931
:~axCa:hless+..+" +p.er_c..~2{S.OU.~.~+~.i.~S$ :::~ :: 44 EM +A KE~ +NEI-~: Iowa, deceased, to the credltors of, r A|I +T| ~G
, • C ++r] roll. y ;clio( . Dlst| +~t Nc4, I~ea h, Nor and all persons having claims
' against said deceased, to exhibit
........................................................ ' " T set~ces ............................... 34.00-- ------:-----': "-- "---'--: "-- -----Z " -'---: --. --- --. --. them with the necessary vouch- ~
Irces -- • 3 461 "" . . VVosepka Con:. + (STATEMENT FOR PUBLICATION~ ers, within sixmonths after the
liabllit'i'es"'t'o+'b'e'"t'ak+e)t"'care'"oi'"'in current ..... s.ervice~l "';":;'""';::'":'-"'=a ..... 38.40 first publication of this notice, to DECORATING
Tnem o~ rne ~tate ~'ire & Tor- ] RECEIPTS I~'ERAL FUND said John Keohane, Administrator,
. ' node Fund was laid over for cor-I at the office of Keohane & Kuh-
z'e~"~?'o~;n's'~']~"'l~',~-~'hm+: ........................................ $ 7,200.00rection in rates. I Cash in General Fund (in hands of District Treasurer and ex- feld in the City of Beach in saict LOW l~t'l~l~ ltDd I1~
cludlng Sinking Fund) July 1, 1930 .............................................. $ 65.47 Golden Valley'County, or to the
"'" ..... -I~IABILITIES . The bills of Megarry Brothers[ Total amount received from apportionment of State
~mOunt required for the fiscal year ..... $ 1 200 00 were• not allowed on account of[ and County Tv, itlon Fund ................................................ $86.3~ Judge of the County Court of Gel- w0r~
l~l~°unt~ .... ~axesrequiredthereinf°r .............................................. the fiscal year prior_' 900.00^^^ "- eetgarnlsnmentThe348-AblllSwereofPr°ceeaingSwinnot paidC°manonPending'°naccountPr°J" [[Am°untAmountSChool receivedreceivedB°ard .................. fromfr°m T~fi tie q#]~fTa'xesf~evied ~- ----~ --.~- .................................... pupils bYresidingDlStrietin 9,613.41 B each,uenthe valleYcourtc+oldenHOuseCOUutY~valleyinatcounty,thehis offiCeCltv~N~o r th°fln C, J. EIDE ~ S O N
labilities o ,~ + o are of i current+ b~ .akin e n t sald°f claim of shortag.e of scmia on~]peI" project. "[11 iiii 9907516174 uaK°ta'1111 You are hereby further notlfiedfixed[ Go[de Va]leyl
.................................... "i~'i~'~o{ri~c'~)S ................... $ 2,100.00 ...The road dragging bill of J A that Hen. A. E. Kastien, Judge or
~red Oa~. ..... ~ 12lOan vlnquist ~as reduced 1000 as" h' the County Court ~'ithin and for
letaX~s+~ess'"~"'~ercen't'"o~"o'r'~g': ...... ~oard Considered the Sill' too hitglhe. $ the. County of Golden Valley, audl --
24700 ~vV J=" ~1 the Board adjourned[ ' ~tate of North Dakota, has "=---------------~
........................................................ to meet at 9 00 A. M September 1 ] the 15th day of February A. D. [
}Urces --¢ 1 ~='~ ,, 1931. " '1 1932, at the hour Of ten o'clock In[
~" - ................................................. + ....,.~, [(Seal) CHAS. CHRISTIANSEN, / the forenoon of said day, at the[
liabilitl trent County Auditor
es to be taken care of in cu I . [ Court Rooms, in the Court Heuse in I II
.............................................................................. $ 643.00 I-- " [ andthe CitYstate,OfasBeaehthe timeln saidandCOUntyplaee elI
,ted liabilities to be taken care of in current bud--- [ Hotel Guest--I wish to lodge a for hearing and adjusting all Hot
.~+.~+.~ claims against th~ estate of the
said E. J. Smith, Deceased, which
the above a statement $ 73 996 00 [ CO Transportatio'n"+o'{"PuP'l~+~'+'-++.'-.'~[ +-'+':'--.~'.'+.:'-++'.'++-'--J.--.'.+.'-'. 373'.10 have been duly and regularly pre-
~ents of Golden Valley ~o,t- nench Orator ur~ .... [ h°~'r~--tBut' sir' every r°°m in the Other Expenses ......... '-'/i~-:~ .................. ~1-'---;;-- 760.88 Dated at ]~each, N. D. this 30tO
Books ............................... Z~-.- ~. +-~.: ............................. 314.25 sented as hereinbefore provided. ~ ~ 8tOI1~
te year ending June 30, --,~.= -~ -~,--.n~ wu i --'~ is full.
~litted by the auditor: need in this country is men with I Total Expenditures D~ri~t~ Year hy School I3~btrtct Treasurer $ 41,960,68 day of July A. D+ 1931.
tor ................ 3'693"0~,. o backbone. . / Flora--How £10 .... yOU l~lOW ne ls aReceipts ................................................................... ~ ................................. $ 9 794.45
Aumlnistrator of the Estate of E,
SureP ............ 2,602.75 Breadline Bill--Yeah, and spare-]brush salesman? Expenditures ................................................................................................ '900,00 J. Smith, Deceased.
~, Supplies ri~s ' GRAND TOTAL BALANCES First publication on the 30th day
e ................... 2,445 32 " [ Dora--Well, his index finger In Grand Total Receipts ........................................................ $ 21 765 59 of July A. D. 1931.
Grand Total Expenditures ............................................ :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 12~860"68 AKEOHANE & KUHFEL~,
assessments 234:'10 .... worn down to the first Joint from Grand Total Cash on Hand In both Funds, June 30, 1031 ......... 8,904:91ttorneys for Administrator,
1,872 75 A{~
Fuel .... 542.97 BeStch Advailce Pay, ringing doorbells. J.T. TSCHIDA,' Beach, North Dakota.
Clerk-Lone Tree SchooI District No. 6, Golva, NOrth Dakota. (July 30--AuEust 6-18)
;:;::C+~: : ,: :~