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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 6, 1931     Golden Valley News
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August 6, 1931
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TROTTERS OLLIE Mrs. J. F. Crook° Reporter Josephine A. Conner. Reporter • Joe Orr had the misfortune of tlta~t'lng his left hand while mln- tt~ ooal. He bruised the palm, attti atmosses formed which were very painful. He has had to make ~V~tl trips to town during the la~ week to have it lanced and drained. O. K. Omley was on the sick list a few days last week. Roland Buckley, Mildred Ricla- ards and Billy Hill took in the ball game between Marmarth and BaK- er at Wildwood Sunday and spent the evening at the Leary home In Marmaxth. ° Mr. and Mrs. L. H. West and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hayes and family were Sunday supper guests at Esnmy's. We are glad to say that Mrs, I Chaxlie Hayes is spending this Citmpbell is able to be about again I week at the home of his grand- ~ter having been burned quite lmother, Mrs. P. O• Esmay. treaty. A few of the boys were practicing Mr. and Mrs. John FosJard were dinner guests at the Nolan Wlll- ~tmball last Wednesday. Kyle lares home Sunday. In the after- Slurry happened to be in the way noon they visited the burning coal Of & fast ball which struck hlm m tim face and broke his nose. Stewart Stair has been taking htl father's ~lace on the mini r011te, while Mr. Stair takes a va- e~tio~ trip to Yellowstone park. A very interesting game of base- ball was played on the local dla- mand last Sunday, between T~ot- and :Beach. It was a very el01e game with Beacl~ in the lead mine. The Ollie Christian Endeavor en- tertained the Carlyle members Fri- day evening. On account of bad roads the Alpha members did no~ get to the party. A good time was had by all who attended. A Joint meeting of the Ollie Boosters and Willing Workers 4H club was held at the U. B. church Tuesday afternoon. ,After the most of ~ time until the last in business meeting games were play- nlng when Trotters made two ed and a delicious lunch was serF- more scores which made the final ed. Mrs. Lucille Everds attended seven to six in favor of Trot- the meeting. /~ WhaYs the matter with Trot- Pat Plurnmer came hon from t "a? They re all right! Wiilard, where he has world- Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Trester, son lag the past three wee . Alfred and a friend from near WI- Mr. and Mrs. C. H/Hall were ~l~ motored to Trotters on Sun- over night guests at t~e Rush Hall day to visit at the O. K. Omley home near Baker Sjfturday. home. / " Grey Stuart dled/n a hospital at Dan Johmon has r~urned to Helena, Mont. l~rtj~ay, July-31. His "ITotters again.~ ] death was caus~ from intestinal The church at~The~n has been trouble. ~meralVservices were held ~lrchased hy thc~ "~]llling Work- at Marmarth, Sunday, at the Con- ~, part of the ~o~ey being do- gregataonal church. He was a noted by Mrs. We~ We hope *o brother of Everett Stuart. TRPE BEACH, N. D., ADVAWC~ I FOOD FOR THE FAMILY rected and delivered and now li~ September A. D. 1931 at the my hands issued out of the Clerk's I of ten o'clock i~r the foreRoO~ ____ office of the Sixth Judicial Dls- said day, at the front door ot for the County of Golden Valley County of Golden Valley and SI CANNED corned beef and sau- trict, State of North Dakota in and Court House in the City of Be! sages with sliced hard-cooked upon a Judgment rendered in said[°f North Dakota, proceed to Court in favor of Lloyd DeLong}l the, tight, title and interest of l eggs make an attractive platter Plaintiff, and against John Evan~r. abtvb named Johr~ Evans in and Veal loaf, too, will add to the varl- Defendant. I have tnI~ (t,~ levied ] th~ ~tbove described property ety. Slice the sausages very thin, upon the following described re~l;~t~Yy the said judgment and e~ property of said befene, ant tCp'tvit-l~-mou~-~f~g to E~ghteen H~la~ place a spot of tartar sauce on ~ The North Half ~XX~),~ad':t~ "*"l~-sovon, D~'~-~s anal" t~"'~ 'z:~-l"" ~I~e:xszn'tere~st o~S! each, arrange the meat in thin slices and the eggs with bits of ~°ut~he~aStonQuart~(SE~)! ~0f l~n"tbe 5th day off'larch~ A: .... • ~. ~.xz~/~_~,~. ~ou~tnw~eSt ~I931 at the rate "offal-yen per c2 cress or curly lettuce. It Is a wise .~ ....... ' ~.,~v* ~4) Hs~ tile; SOll[[I I (7 n#r,.',,an*~ r~,~" ~?~llm -togei Half of the SouVfleast arter t''. " ........ " ~'," ....... , ""= hostess who keeps on hand a few (S, ~E'/- ..... "' -Q~'~ , w~th all accrui~L~=co~-'of sa=le: ~o ~) ot ~ecr~on Tan'teen p~blic auction o the hi best bid cans of fish, meat and various sau- (13) all in Township One" Hun* I ~, 1- )n~-the highest bid sages and loaves, which with a pl-dred Forty-one (141) North o~ ~or eas,. / ........... , Range One Hundred Four (i04) I x~ated tJaqs 4th day of AuguSt quant dressing or cheese may be "~Vest, of the Fifth Principal D. 1931.~ drawn on in an emergency, when ~Ieridian in Golden Valley /~TIS.SILoLu,t the unexpected company arrives. County, NorthDakota. " I ~- ~,;afley Cou together with all the heredita- i None] Dakota• meats and appurtenances thef/eun-i~L2OHANE & KUHFELD. Baked Stuffed Onions. to belonging or in anywise al~per~~-t~,-" Boil even-sized onions until ten- taining. ~ ~ Bea~'th Dakota.-' _. der, remove the centers, chop these, And that I shall on the Sth d~_. 6-~3-20-27--Sept. 3, 1931) Polish Cadets Visit New York mix with butter, salt and pepper The Polish mercantile marine training ship for cadets, Dar-Pomorza, arrived at New York for a visit and anchored in the Hudson river off Seventy-ninth street Furling the sails on a full-rigged ship is an Intri- cate Job. The cadets are seen making the bowsprit sail fast. For "M tatton worn..'. and bread crumbs. Add a half cup- ful of cooked sausage or a half cup- ful of chopped pecan meats. Moisten with cream and set into a baMng pan to bake, baste with thin cream or milk with a little butter. Hot Potato Salad. Boil potatoes with their skins on, peel and cut Into slices, add a table spoonful or two of minced onion, a half cupful of fried bits of ba- con, add~to a hot frying pan with two tablespoonfuls of bacon fat or enough to thoroughly season, add salt, pepper and mustard well blend- ed and a half cupful of mild vine- gar. Boll up the bacon fat and vlnegar then stir in the potatoes and seasoning. Serve hot. Lemon Slrup. A nice lemon slrup which will keep indefinitely and always be ready for a refreshing drink Is pro- paved as follows: To one cupful of water add one-half cupful of sugar and one-third cupful of lemon Juice, boil for ten minutes, bottle and put into the ice chest; when cool add a spoonful of the strup to a glass of cold or hot water. Milk Toast. Your Bast Investment A BANK ACCOUNT Who Really Controls Your Bank? r Actual control of any bank res~ with the ~-~ople who own its stock. The management is responsible to and must conduct the bank in a manner satisfactory to the stock- holders. It is important for you to know, therefore, that the Farmers Merchants Bank is owned by people whose interests axe move it to Trotters as soon as tbls Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hall and Mr. ~ ~ A. be done, The building will be and Mrs. Rush Hall were at the erected by the men of Trotters, Grey Stuart home at Maxmar~h WhO will donate their labor. Saturday, OUR NATIONAL Rev. Roscoe will hold church Mr. and Mrs. Marian Hopper ANTHEM ~rvic~.~ at the Trotters schoo~ on took their daughter Clara to BeaCh August 9th, at the usual hour• Sunday to take the train for Man- "avOW that co'~gr~s has so de- Those who desire to may attend dan, N D, where she will visit the [%1 eree" '~° ..... • " ~- • u, -xne~mr-~angiea CharlieYoung fam~y for about ,, ~day school, have picnic dinner Banner has become our national at the school house and attend two weeks• anthem. Why not? It certainly e~uroh in the afternoon. Mrs. era Stark entertained Mrs. took a long time to arrive at that Genoese Omley has been on sick Lee Greiner, the Parker Grelner decision.While other nations had during the last weeE. ]family and Mr. M. Larson and their national anthems- France, L. Hod~in is harvesting wheat lson for supper Saturday evening. England and many .other ¢ountries now, but we don~ see much harvest- t Dorothy Zeltinger and Marmn 7tnere.was no parueutar!.otic Zelt1-~r W~n haw boon in 1~t1~ hymn tnat cout(l De cauea SIBlinG tt~ in our community this Year.[ ................... em n rq+. ~th +h~ ~.~ho~ o~ ~,,~o tively our national snth . Co - Most of the grain is being cut for t ~ ~x Y" wi ........... " .~-'~ .'" .... gress had choice of four well-known ~, "l~esaay "th Mr. anct ~rs. ~.eroy anthems from which to make a We were blessed with a Wonder- Moline, who had driven up ~o choice. Amer- eryone is rejoicing as it cooled theI e~ atmosphere some, and makes vege-I ttion g ow Like every thing. ItI gave Monroe a of l ~g the ro~ds. -- .... na e ~ celled ' • to which those Ancnent t.ot a c, ffi Madlsons entertained quite I majestic lines it number of their friends Sunday Some Corinthian colns, 2,300 ~ were set was of svening with a dancing pa~y. years old, have recently been put IAght refreshments consisting of through a test alongside of some cake and ice cream, were served, modern mint productions and in tile The party broke up about one a. opinion of the Investigators the old m. and the folks departed for tnelr I pieces wore far superior to these of homes after an enjoyable time. I the present day. The a~alyticai study was made in tile department ------------ of chemistry of Princeton univer- sity. Corinthian bronze was, for the ~~/ - _ ...... --._ = use for which it was Intended, much better, since it was extraordl- narLly hard and, in this respect, dis- tlnctly superior to the present United States bronze coinage, al- though the latter is made with spe- cial reference to this quality and __---7.. in accordance with the most mod- I By NELLIE MAXWELL [ern metallurgical knowledge. The _ _ _ _. : : _- _:_- : _ report reveals tlmt coins of the city of Sicyon were made by mass pro- • ~BtranEs ta It not? That of the duction methods. As in modem myriads who ~ i ~fore us passed the door of mints, the metal was hammered out , ~arkness through, into sheets and the design later l Not one returns to tell us of the cramped with a die. ' , ~Ic~ ~t~" discover we must l travel too," Oaly Ome Bank • ,.., Au C 's- m Dishes J Modem check signers who some- times revamp cheeks of one bank GRATLN ~slgnlfiea, in French, to make them payable at another can envy, the Ame~Jca~ c?lonJ~, a dish baked with a coating of who had no nell to wor~ t~ofi~ ib¢~td crumbs, Such dlshesarepar~ drawlng the right check on the lU~llarly good tO serve for lunch- right bank. There was but one British o ri g I n and not Ameri- can. "The Bat- tle Hymn of the Republic" w a s another which they might have selected ; as was "Columbia, Gem of the Ocean." L. A. Barrett. After much de- bate and fire- works "The Star-Spangled Banner" was agreed upon and met with the hearty approval of everybody. At last we have a national anthem. Francis Scott Key, son of a Rev- olutionary soldier, was born in Maryland in 1780. He was one of our early American poets. A vol- ume of his poems was published in 1857, fourteen years after his death. His life of sixty-three ~e~r~ was very quietly spent, hfiving been blessed with a very happy marriage and a home life that was quite ideal. Some one character- lzed his life in the words of Gold- smith"s description of the village ~reacher: Remote from towns he ran hls godly race Nor e'er had changed, no~ wished tO change, lfls place." AN AUCTION FOR THE BASHFUL ALL the world wants to help the bashful. They seem so help- less, they fill us with a sort of pro- tective feeling ; and partlcularly bashful swalns--those who are backward about coming forward to get a wife---many of us have long since felt that something ought to be done about them. And now we learn that a little old village in Germany, St. Goar, has gotten ahead of us by a few hundred years ! For it is an old custom in St. Goar that every spring the maid- ens of the place are "auctioned off" so that the bashful swains may get at least an option on a sweetheart. According to the terms of the "Auction for the Bashful, each girl taking part must agree tO keep com- pany with the man who chooses her for the following year. During that year she must not dance or a~so- elate with any man other than her "purchase." Many of us will rejoice that there is one place in the world where bashful men may be encour- aged and aided in this way. But it is my personal opinion that the terms at the St. Gt,ar auctloa are,~ a bit extreme. To forbid a girl to even dance with any other man for a whole year may be said to be stacking tile cards tn favor of the bashful; and then, too, it may n**t be as good for them or fcr ,.he romance of the town as they tidnk. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. The young man who is forced upon a girl for every single dance for a whole year may find that it might have been better for his cause had the reins been a l~ looser! But a~-~ay we must take our hats off to St. Goar, which, by the way, nestles on the River Rhine. not far from the rocks of the Lore lei maidens, for taking the initia- tive a long time ago and doing something to help the bashful. On less rigorous terms the girls of some of our modern communities might not be averse to adopting the idea. {~, 19~1, Bell Syndicate.)--WNU Service. Milk toast is not a very filling dish ; it may be made of tasty, well- buttered toast using either milk or a thin white sauce enriched with butter, all depending on the way you have been used .*o eating it. Grated cheese may he added to the hot milk toast, increasing Its food value. (~ 1981 Western Ne~va~er Unlon.~ ] AN ORX)INANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF ~EACH, NORTH DAKOTA. ! BE IT ORDAINED by the CityI Council of the City of Beach, North] Dakota, as follows: [ SECTION I. That there be and hereby is levi-I ed on all the property s~Ibject toi taxation in the City of Beach as taxes for the fiscal year commenc- ing July 1st, 1931 and ending June] 30th, 1932, the sum of nine thous-] and, five hundred ($9,500.00) ctol- lars. SECTION II. That said sum of nine thousand. five hundred ($9.500,"0) duliars is levied forthe following purp-~es and sums, to-wit: ('Ollt il!gentfund ............... $ 1,300.00 Salary f'dn 1 ............ 1,(;00.00 Stree{ Lighting fund ........ 1,500.00 Board cff Health ~ -- ]m, n0 Fire Department ft~nd ... 1.000.00 Street and Alki~ ~2~jd .... 2,000.00 Police fund .Y~.-~ .......... 1,500.00 Poor fun(~ .... .~-: ............ _ 500.00 ; Total i ......... 7__.~f. ........ $ 9,500.00 n~EC T~a~ON III. That t|ole be and hereby is levi- ed on all~l~roperty subject" to taxa- tion in the City of Beach, as taxes for the fiscal year beginning July 1st. 1931 and ending June 30th, 1932, the sum of five thousand )$5,- 000•00) dollars• SECTION IV That ~aid sum of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars is levie~ for the following purposes ~ and ~ms, tof wit: r, ~ "° Water Bond Sink~gl~v~ $ 2,400]60 Water ]~vnd |~*I-~res~ ~0/.00 fund ..~L...#.~o~-: ............. ~00.00 Paving ]~i~r~ Number / ............. otal .................................. $/5.000.00 Passed on its flrstt rea~ng July 22nd, 1931. | ]_. . Passed on its secon~ r~ading Au- gust 3rd, 1931. 1/ Approved August 3r~, 1931. Published August 6th, 1931. (SEAL) ALL Attest: J.G. PE , A. A. ABEL, Mayor. City Auditor. ORDINANCE NO. 121 ~, ~ they are easily prepared bank in the land at that time, the Bank of North America, located in The poem for which he will ai- NUWY NATU RAL THZ ANNUAL APPROPRIATION fitS/ quickly eerve~ However, they AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR tl~ make a chief dish for dinner, Philadelphia. Checks of the Revo- ways be remembered is our na- FOR THE CITY OF BEACH, I0~ for a part of a company dinner, lutlonary w,@ era accordingly did tlonal 9~nthem. HlSVORV NORTH DAKOTA. not mention any bank, merely start- The occasion of the writing of f~ main part of the dish, whether BE IT ' ORDAINED by the City !~Ih, meat or vegetable, l~ umlally lag out, "Cashier of the bank; that poem is most interesting. The4 aY NUON NlsrTON 4k CouncilDakota. Ofasthefollow.s:City of Beach, North ;~e~ wtth a white sa~uce. To these paymettP~ee~r:enr~asV to--~e°rd~r~°ft'0e~0 ,fa: British had ravished the seat Of SECTION I. t~e* one may add cheese, chopped C government, burned the Capitol, THE BEARDED BLOW- edThatthe sumthereofiS fifteenhereby apropriat-thousand, e , pepper Lta @I re£p.. WORM defray all the necessary expenses 'u--n~e~ ~h;ig~nr ~n~] t'h'~t ~a~ff and liabilities for the fiscal year '~r~,lIi~O~sle~. Wh~PffeIt , ~,~ "',;,~.,~,~,~.,~ an so~ pletely held t~e ~orgej nine hundred dollars ($15,900.00) to '~ Is all cooked,, tht e buttteredd "'~m~-~ ........ quest seemed an undisputed ques- ~b~ tt~ tt~ J, Pr,~ tonpln~ a_B£1 Older Than Ram tlon. At this particular time a ~0NE of these curious creatures beginninging June 30th,JUly 1932.1st' 1931 and end- IN has been seen in recent years, That the said sum of fifteen hea{e l" irJr ten Este, in Italy, a city older than personal friend of Key's, a citizen SECTION n. flft~'en minutes to brown the, Rome and claimed by hlstorians to of Mar}land, had been arrested and but were formerly quite numerousthousand nine hundred ($15,900.00) ~ambs. When food is used that have been founded after the taking was held a prisoner by the British. in the Black Forest of Bavaria, dollars is divided and set apart in to-wit: the following fund.s, to-w meeds longer cooking the crumbs of Troy, is a victim of an odd pro- In order to secure his release Key where they were put In small cages t Contingent fund ..~- ........... $ 1,600.00 ,~ added ten minutes before re ellvlty. Tourists seem to pass itwas given permission to visit tlle by the peasants to put out the glow [Salary fund .$......J*........... 1,600.00 ',tS0ving from the oven. / Board of ~Ieal~a,ff~nd .... 300.00 ] ~abbaga au G ratln.---Cook cab- by without any pangs of regret, not British admiral then In command,worms when they lit up the country i Street Li~tin~ fgl]bd ..... 1.500.00 i~e eight minute~ in boiling water, realizing what a ,wealth of noble ~rhat same nlght, however, the Brit- too brilliantly, The blow-worm has i Fire Dep~tm~~" ffin~,~,:. 1,000.00 1 memories it treasures within its ish fired upon Fort Henry which a powerful pair of lungs that will ] Street an# Al?~y ~ . 3,5O0.O0 ! • 1 ~00 nO i drain, chop in small pieces andwalls. Yet few ruins are more rein- necessitated Key's being kept ondouse all glow worms within a ra-/PoorP°liCefuT~ f ........................... ...#P?7 ................ 600.00 1 ;~4~kle with salt and pepper, cover inlscent of ancient times than the board the vessel. During the night dius of ten feet. Although his- I Sewer a~d]~XVater Oper- ~ n ~Wlth a rich white sauce, stirring fragmentary structures of the old he witnessed that attack. Heknewtorlans are not clear on fi~e sub- ] sting ~nd ................. .]~_ 4.000.0~. : }lightly with a fork to mlx well.castle, built in the Fourteenth con- that his countrymen were safe be- Ject, it is supposed that several Total .......................... ~. $ 15,900 00 1 Turn into a baking dish and covertury by Ubertino of Carrara and~ause he could see, floating above ,~ECTION IJq. i Ti~at there is i~e~el~- appropri.~t-i With buttered crumbs over a lightthe basilica of Santa Tecla, whose the fort, the Stars and Strlpes. In - - ~ ...... "~ ed the .~om of five~t~housand (,o.- layer of cheese. When the crumbs origin is lost in the mists of an- the morning, when he was con- 000 6o) doUara fo~ h~ter~t on ti(lUitY, which stands close by. It vinced that the British had failed b,n~ds and for sinkh~und for lt~e! are brown the dish is ready to wr]s l~ere that Byron took a villa in he wrote our national nntheln, 'Tho ' ~rv~ ' .~ " f scal ve ~r bev:inniu~ Jtl~" 1st, • ~ummer squash, potatoes, carrots, 1S17 and the following year loaned Star-Spangled Bnnner." 1931 a~{d ending .lt~e fl0th, ~32. i eggplant, in fact, almost any veg~ it to his friend Shelley, where the (~ 1931, western N®wsl~ar)erUnlon.) SECTION ]~¢.,' table Ls most attractive served in latter wr~)te, with vast flights of ~ That the s~i(1 ~u~ ttf~i\'e thou- that manner. The nlee thing about imagination, some of his best and ~vt alSt~ ~ the following i Such dishes is they may be leftovers known m,~sterpieces, sums. to-w~: ! ~,~k~n Water HMn~L=" S" "', ~" from the dinner of the day before, r Fund ...~. ................. $ 2,400.'1U Epicurean Firman Haddie.--Soak Woter Bond Interest a three-pound haddle in warm wa- Not That David Fund ......... ................ 600fi0 .ter or milk to cover, for an hour. An American. traveling Inthe NF V : ~ y One L~vy f,~d .......... 2.n.O.O~; Bake tn a moderate oven fol thirty north of Scotland. arrived at Tain, ., Total ................. $ 5~,n ,.~ minutes to separate tim flakes: and ~ntered into conversation with 22nd, 197,1. there Should be two eupfulr,; cook a resident who assured himthat ASOFT varnish brush with a , a~,(,passed,,~onitsit~ ~i]'s~.~.e,,,n.treading' July ires,ling As- one-fourth of a cupful o~ butterTaln was a very historical l~ace, in- string or wire through the Martin Luther in his famous Diet l-Al)~n-oved August 3rd, 197d. I gtlst 2r,'i, 1931, five minutes, sttrrlng constant/y, asmuch as it was one of the old handle to hang it by is a desirable of Worms. Add a teaspoonful of salt, one-half royal burghs of Scotland. utensil in every pantry to be used ] I'nidished Augu~ ~;th, 1'3:]]. telspoonfut of paprlkai a few ,,~" , h A double peanut with split navy ~to,, interesting," said t e tour- for brushing bread, rolls and pastry bean eyes, popcorn nose, and elope I ~StEe~:;) J.