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August 6, 1931 |
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AUGUST 6, 1931
BF~X~ N. D. AI~VAI~m
Thursday Noon
wheat .............$ .42
wheat ................. 30
wheat ................. "z9
........................ I.I0
....................... 14
...................... 19
......................... 12
...................... 16
Weather report 1or the
July 22, 7. p. m.
Max. Mln
August 5, 7 p. m.
30 ........ 69 58
31 ........ 53 59
1 ...... 61 53
2 ...... 77 if2
3 ...... 91 54
4 ...... 90 59
5 ...... 78 52
last night .20 inch.
July 2. 24 inches.
is here visiting with relatives aria Efforts put forth by county
! friends. Mi~ Ross has just re- agents in the drouth area in north-
turned from a trip through the
Black Hills and to'Iowa where sine
visited her borther. Homer Ross.
Mrs. Roy Davis and daughter Doris
Ruth accompanied her.
Tom Gilman went ~o Billin~ Iast
Saturday to !cok after a b',:slne~
proposiuon in that city ~nc~ ex-
pects to be gone several weeks
Roy. M. S. Bovey ot Carlyle ass
bought zhe t3arney Piesik home m
the southeastern part of the city
anti with h~s sister, will become
resident of Beach.
J. C. Abel. father of Mrs. Ted
Johnson me~ with a queer accident
last week at Spearfish. S. D Mr.
Abel and family of New Engiana,
this state, had gone to the Black
Hills for a week or two vacation.
and as the father was stan~ng vn
the edge of a swimming pool ~'eaay
to dive in a boy ran around a cor-
ner with his head down and plump
into Mr. Abel's side with such _~orce
as to break a rib and otherwz,e
severely hurt him. The family re-
turned to New England and Mr.
Rain Abel will be !aid up for some time.
In conbrolltng stable flies, re-
moval of their breeding Places Is
Cooverative Observer perhaps the most important mea-
sure. Stable flies breed in man-
ure and in straw stacks.
I "Vealers" is a term used on live-
Advance was late getting ~o stock markets to designate calves
today owing to the ~ea~ three to seven weeks of age fed ex~-
of legal matter that had to tirely on a milk ration.
up. In order that our sub-At a meeting held at the Trotters
on the routes out of Sen-
school house Wednesday afternoon
Butte and in Sentinel Butte
get their paper on time, the the people of that community voted
to organize a United Brethren
for those good folks will be church. Following
this afternoon by car te
Butte so as to catch the rn'ea.ching .ervice n~xt Sunday aI-
route mails tomorrow ternoon opportunity will be given
for admittance into the fellowship
of'the church. The church at The-
BRIEF NEWS len has recently been purchased
and will be moved to Trotters where
it will be remodeled and equipped
to serve the needs of the eommun-
H. Hippie, mother of-Mrs, ity.
[ok m, and family of Ta- Egg production among flock.s up-
Dickinson [ on which records are being kept in t
a pleasant visit. ]cooperation with the agricultural
Ross, eight supervisor or]college was 14.4 eggs per hetl In
hospital, Billings, Mon~., ]-June. -----"=
Ill-Piece Luncheon Set. Usually Sells for $1.60. Our price 99c
Wrench Set,
$1.59. Our Own Fly Spray, $1.39.
Coffee Boiler. 99c
Fence Plier. 98 cents.
Rack Fits any Boiler. 29 cent'
There's always a lS
Take it from guess
Somebody more shoddy
And sell it for a bit lesS.
Vegetables are wonderful thlngs.I Mrs. E. D. Evans has returnecl The ladies of the U. B. church The Norwegian Lutheran Ladle5
They can be up and still in be~.i from east where she went to a~-will serve home made ice cream and Aid will meet in the church par-
The picnic next Sunday at the tend the funeral of her father, ranch Saturday, north of Eliasons lors tomorrow.
Felix Murphy grove north of Sen-and her many friends are sympatn- hardware store from 11 a. m. to Mrs. J. P. Smlth is In the city
tinel Butte. originally planned Ior izmg in her loss. 10 p.m. having arrived from Seattle ana
Masons alone, has been openea to Mrs. Minnie Smith went to Glen- Miss Loretta Wicks went down Montana points, where she has
!the general public and all handsdive Monday and visited with Caleb to Dickinson Sunday to visit herbeen viisting friends, and do like-
are invited to join in the get-to- Heath who is at the hospital there sister Mrs. Trenkensehuh. forwise here before resuming her way
gather-affair and have a good time. recovering from a severe operatmn, three or four weeks, to Chicago.
western North Dakota have resulz-
ed in state authorities granting the
privilege of coal mining on state
land to destitute residents,
Mrs. Coyle, Westerhelm pv~-
mistress met with a pecuL"ar ac-
Cdcnr. l~st v:eek. She and others
!'fake your own eats,
Word has been received in the )
city that a baby girl. seven aria COME IN AND SEE THE NE~V
one-half pounds, and named Mary STOCK OF GENUINE
Jean. was born to Mr. and Mrs. GREEN GLASSY, VANE. THE
John Bartley at Riverside. Calif.,. AND UALITY A
on July 31 The Bartleys were TO N, ELlA-
former Beach residents and all SON IIARD' 14-1t
hands rejoice in their joy.
J,ere riding in a waaon when the
neckyoke broke causing the wa-
gon ~o upset, pinning Mrs. Coyle
beneath the vehicle. She sustained
a broken nose and many severe
bruises, from which she is happily
recovering. Other members of her
family with her escaped with
small bruises.
I G. A. Pure Cider Vinegar. 32-oz. bottle ................ 21e
I G. A. Red lipped Jar rubbers 6 pkgs .................. 25c
No. 2 1-2 18-K Sliced Pinea~.~pte ......................... 26c
Parowax. 2 pkgs ......................................... 20c
I. G. A. I-Lh Tin Fancy Med. Red Salmon .............. 28e
Per-Jel, 2 for ........................................... 29c
I. G. A. Pure Vanilla Extract. 2-oz. size, 2 for ............ 35c
I. G. A. Pure Vanilla Extract 8-oz. size .................. 53e
Johnson's Harvest Asst. Cookies, 2 lbs ................... 35c
I. G. A. Apple butter, 32-oz. jar ........................ ~f
I. G. A. Mayonaise, 1,000 Island dre~ing and relis~
spread, 8-oz. jar ...................... ~ ...... 17c
Bananas, 3 lbs, for ................... ~./ ............... 17c
........... L/ ................... :
It's a fad you save more at
Bonnie Ada
clothes 10ok
Our cleaning process is
feet and our prices
Having bought the Blencowe
Drav Line, I am prepared to
do all kinds of draying, haul-
ing and kindred work.
wear soiled
I respectfully soliciL. he usi-
ness of merch -' nd others
apd - 'careful handhng
DENNIS CUP AND SAUCER, FOR BOTH ..............................................12c
NO. 2 GALVANIZED TUBS ................................................................ 68c
THREE 12-QUART DAIRY PAILS FOR .................................................... 99c
12-INCH, ALL WHITE WASH BASIN .~'~°i ......................................... 34c
17-QUART ALL WHIT~E DISH P~ ../C ................................................
32-OZ. BEER BOTTLES, PERD~EN~t-~ ................................................... 95c
RED BARN PAINT, PER G~I~ON---"~" ..................................... .. .............. 1.159
OUTSIDE, WHITE, ~ PAINT, PER GALLON ... .................................... 2.45
TWO LARGE ~I['ZE, 5-ROW STITCHED, BROOMS FOR ................................... 66c
• •
[[ I I Iq , I I
Not In ore than ten per cent of all people are inde-
pe ; ent and in comfortable circumstances at the age of
t_,.: almost, all cases these are people was mlln:.rede
throughout their lives a plan of consistent saving and
careful i_,westing.
The 6% Preferred Stock of The Minnesota Nortl>"rn
P ver Company, now being offered at $90 per share with
cm ,_, on stock purchase warrants attached, offers an
u tia] opportunity for obtaining an independent inc m e.
]i It tn.~y be purchased on the easy payment plan of ~19
[! d:,wn and $10 per share per month. It pays divi(ie uts
four times a year, and each sharo of Preferred gives you
have superior [RUng qualities
This makes them the
choice of women
and girls who
~u,~ ~ want style ..e.~
every Sunda) z, vening
Sunday EvenincJ wi[h com- ENNA : '.CK
MELODIES ~ O r t. ovm x, 2. ~nd
ow~ XX/J Z ~nd
Assoc;at;;d Stations As~oc~a ~t~',~on~
Beach, No. Dak.
the riuht to buy. three sharel ] the Comp any's Comnl Oll
Stock at .820 per share atomy time before January 1st, 1934,
This is aqop unity well worth--investigatlng.
// Write or telephone
a Subsidiary of Minnesota,Northern Power Co.
I .~L .......................... , ._ i i i,,