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August 6, 1931 |
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AUOIYST 6, 1~1
Lorena I-Iurd, Reporter
Andrew Grey and children
visiting at the home of ner
in Sims last week. While
her youngest child Lowell
was baptized in the Luther-
gOOd game of base ball was
in Beach SUnday between
and the Beach boys. Beach
good ball. but Golva simply
not be beaten when they has
old pitcher Lawrence Nistler
on the job agam The score
3 to 7 in Golva's favor. A
crowd from here attended, as
does when a t~each and
game is on, as they all know
Will be a good exciting game.
next base ball game Golva has
be played on the home din-
with Baker next Sunady ann
be a very colse exciting game•,
Kreitinger drove to Glen-
Thursday on busine~.
and Mrs. Ed Fischer and[
returned Tuesday evening
Randall, Minn.. after a two
vacation with home folks.
also visited relatives in Min-
while away.
impending wedding of John
and Miss Beatrice Hfl-
Of Fargo was announced in St.
church here Sunday morn-
John left Saturday for Fargo
the big ever~t took place on
morning. The newly wea~
to Minnesota for their wed-
trip and will visit the groom's
in Freeport and then Jour-
~m to Minneapolis and differ-
points in Wisconsin.
and Mrs. Wallace Hurd ann
"Tin HaW' on
That Was
Controlled by radio from a navy vessel off the coast of southern California, the old destroyer Stod-
dert was used as a target for the bombers of the crack "Fighting Squadron Six" of the navy air
forces. "Tin hats" were placed over the funnels to prevent a bomb from wrecking the Stoddert's rod-
shiners before the tests could be concluded.
Ervin Ueckert, Reporter
Members of North Dakota dairy
herd improvement associations have
found it good business to keep their
:- ....... ----: - .... -:=- to see and hear the Rosebud Kid- with her.
dies. Jas. Hardy and boys got their
GARNER Lew~ Schmeiing ls helping with combine OUt of Its winter quarr~ra
Mrs. H. P. Crossman, Heporter the haying at the Glen Alstott Wednesday and began getting It
..... -------------- farm. into shape for work, so we will
soon hear that musical htt, n that
Rev. Johnson of Bismarck held Mrs• Glen Aistott and Mrs. Fred
is always interesting.
preaching services at the Strahon Wassman anct children called at
Ole Paterson and Gerald Khan-
school both morning and eveningthe Omsberg home Thursday. son from Baker were callers at the
.: Sunday. Vic Renstrom and Axel John- Vlc Rel~trom home Sunday.
Mrs. Jack Northrup and ~wo son motored down to Baker Sun-
i children have been visiting at the day. Roygoof--Well, old man, how do
Henry Omsberg and Fred Waaso Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Johnson an- you find married life in your new
man homes for the last weyM or tertained at dinner last Sunday, apartment?
ten days. / Mr. and Mrs. Stener Ekre and Leewilks- Why, it'sjUSt like
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G~tad and family, Charley, Otto, Axel anq Eden.
children spent the ~Sunday at Adolph Johnson and Mr and Mrs.
the home of Mrs. Oigstad's par- T. Vieland. Roygoof--That's fine]
Leewilks--Yes, we've nothing so
en~s, Mr. and Mrs• Dell Howie. Herman and Henry Wassman wear and we're in daily fear of be-
Edna Wassman spent a couple of helped with the haying at Vic ing turned out.
days the first of the week withRenstroms last week
Hazel Williams. Ran Johnson was an over night Mrs. Snapper--iWllie is so ~er-
A. M. Paterson and daughter guest at the Nic Lundin home on ribly slow at long division.
Evelyn motored to Beach Saturday Saturday. Mr. Snapper--Don't worry. He'll
afternoon. Clara Wassman is on the sick probably grow up and become a
Mr: and Mrs. F. Fasching called list. senator in charge of reapportion-
on Harry Wassman Thursday. Mrs. Jack Northrup returne~ went]
A number from Garner went to home Sunday afternoon, Mr. and
Evergreen park Wednesday nlght Mrs. Fred Wassman driving down ADVANCE ADS GET RESULTS
WHEN we advertised the fast that Fire.
As a result, our business and that of oth~
visited the latter part' The first combine of the season cows at peak production through stone was furnishing us complete lines of Firestone Dealers throughout the eountLT,
week at the John Hanson was put into operation MOnOdy, proper feeding. Records kept ~y Firestone Gum.I~plM~ T*n~9 that not only increased 59 fast that it has been nee.~e~7
near Ranger, N. D They re- July 27th. It being Frank Burn's. these progressive farmers last year met the pri~ but heat the quality and e~n- for Firestone to run their factories twO-
and report a very pleasant He is cutting rye with it. Fran~ showed that for each 50 pounds orstruetlon of every grade of sneeial brand four hours a day and Firestone sold mote
~, Marck is assisting him with me increase in the production of but- tires sold by mall order housesand others, tires in April, May and June than in any like
George Gearey and son Or-i work. terfat, an average incerase of near- the mall order houses made vigorous nro- period m the htstory of the company.
• e in Bismarck last week con- ] Herman Neumann and son took ly $4 in feed cost and an increase tests to Better Business Bureaus and n ade In our advertising we do not make som-
a specialist regarding Orr:s his truck up to Beach Thursday of about $16 in the income over demands upon newsnaners not to accent parisons involwng laboratory tests which
• They returned the latt~=r forenoon to have some work done feed cost was registered. Firestone or our advertisin- r you cannot verify except in a laborato ---
f the week on it. Spending $4 to get $15 is nat bad ~, ~. ry
................ I Mrs Fred Bublitz Mrs W L business, points out E• J. Haslerud, ~ ..... , .... neither do we make comparisons .of trim.
.,,~, ~v,r~. ,.. ~. t~ur~ ann ~v~,.. ' .... we cannot mame mem got tlaey ehd not b strnetion or price based on mlsleadifit~ elaattt,
~ .... ^. _.~_^ Wantke, the Mrs Leonard and extension dairyman of the Agricul-
~,,rs. refer • wem_r m we, .... • want era. owners to.know that they could get, fieations sue:h as first llne tlre~ se~nd--Lhle
s of Mrs Olaf Johnson av.dlWflham Trester, Mrs. Win. Uecger~ turn1 college, who summarized the
hte~ Jessie and Ora near Oliieland Mrs. Herman Neumann at- information, az no more cost, aL~¢ttertlremadehyalead, tireorthirdlinetlre*---wedonotmakecom.
SUnday tended the Ladies Aid at the Oer- In studying the 1930 records of,ing manufa.~urer, bearing his nalne and parisons to confuse and mislead you as to
Iph J~cobs and family of Ha~- iman Lutheran church Wednesday the North Dakota associations, theI guaranteeplusourguaranteeandourservlce, actual values _and serwee--we only make
N• D., were visitors at the!aftern°°n' Mrs. Wm. Roesler sere- cows were grouped according to] ~Vh ......... " ...... statements and comparisons t~mtyou
an McPhee home over the ed the luncheon, the butterfat production, w,htch t " ~u c.~r owners aWaKe~lco to tins xaet,verify for yourself iu our stor~ h~¢m.~ ,....
end, returning home Monday , W.L. Wantke has been assisting ranged from 124 to 598 pounds per t they came to us~ compared the sections we purchase the tire ....... ~""
Page took his brother Jess to I Herman Neumann with his harvest- cow. The two lowest groups ~-ld t had cut from Firestone Tires and special ~ Come in todd " " ......
y ann gez me greater smety,
Saturday to consult Dr. Iing the past week. not pay for their feed. It was not-t a~]~e~ ffx~]rla~ra~7:::%?~w~r~ ~.~e 2rounded ~:.quaHty. and extra values found only
[ey as he was feeling quite ill. I Chas. Kramer, Chas. Smith and Little Countess Mariette Warm ed that as the production in~reased I ~n ~ stone lwes, _~,e"
from group to group there wa~ an/ ~~.~ I'--------'------- ~ ~g~~s,~
and Mrs. Jess Page are stay-lWm. Ueckert were the ones Irom brand of Napajedla, Moravia, has increase in the cost of feed an~ a/
l the Jay Page home in Beach i this neck of the woods that me~ forwarded to the president of ~~"~]~ I *When the [I~L~%~$ [ ~~
he present so to be near the, with the County Duds Thursday C~echoslovakia her own check for steady gain in the income over cost I
r. At the present writing Mr. forenoon. $25,000, drawn on the Children's of feed. I [ Better .BuzhU I .~'~-~
se • ; • I Bank of I'ra-ue with a lit 1 . When the cows were groupe~ de- I ~~~ ~ r~a~ realized _that their ] ~,~~
eros to ;be gaming. Mrs. Ade Neud~ck of Beach is i - • ~ . . t e letcording to milk production, it was I
G , ~ rer requestmg Into to apply it
. olva Sunshine Society met l assisting her father Charley Kram- . . [ Bulletin No. 634 was be- I ~"~~Z~
- ' . : ..... : ~owaros the reduction of the na- found that for every 1,000 pounas~ ~~,~/~l ~ ing taken advantage of ~ ~~~//~~
OlVaof MrslaSt OttoWednesdaYHansen atandthea t weeker with his nousenold duties tms I tlonalsesses debta •larC°unteSSe for" Marietta. pos_ - of increase in milk, the cost of feed ] ~/T;~x~g/~ [ by some advertisersthey ] ~ '~~/~
• " i g rune in her increased an average of $2.50 and ! ~~'~~ [ issued a l]ulleI~2,Ldate~l I ~ ~ ~/~~~
number were present. Mrs. I George Seisvold is on the nick tist own right. She belongs to a well- income over feed cost gained a~out I
m served a lovely dinner ann.this week. We all hope he will re-I known Styrian noble family and is I~~ J July ]0th as follows: J ~L~~~~
SUal business of the club was : cover in ~he. near future. ~ descendant from King Mathias I. $9 per cow. Milk production rang-
e das high as 20,000 pounds per/ ~~~ [ "In our Bulletin No. [ IV I~ i[~fi~~
~ted• i :,lost of the young men from this g:ink-o T~'eA Has ! ^-- cow, with an averageof 7,453 ] ~] ~~~ ] 634 entitled 'Defini. ~ ~[ L ~~~
s Waldahl and son of Sen li r -- ~ .... s
B • " ~ loca 'ty went to hen the Rosebu~ ....... pounds. / ~~ ] tions.__of Terms Used in ] ~ ~~|~ | ~i
utte are puttmg down a well ann Interesting rust
• ;Kiddies at Evergreen park Wed- ~ ,~h~~~ [ the Tire Industry' we ] [~$J~ll[~l
~trry Funk on the school sec- ~a i h ~ The ginkgo tree's native cm'ntry
nesdy n g t .... I pubished definitions of I
I Mrs Charle" Smit~" / had the was unknown to scientists until it
a . I - • Y was recently discovered growing
• nd Mrs. Tony Kre~tinger • ' t "w~ " "
, ~mlsfortune of lesmg'%bou tn y .~.q~ in remote -'tstr ............. t'~~-~ I First Line-- See0n¢! [ ~ ~_~" -'" '!!
~tUed Mr and Mrs Ralph ~ '~ , ,~t~ u~ w~tw-,
s - ~ - " ...... " i of her spring chie~ns Thursdayi China. It has been under cultlva- it ~ O I~P ~ ~ E lJ [ I~ne ~Thlrd Line -- [ [I ~ O ~ P A I ~ ~]
, O~U~..iam~Jy, o1~ nine. resl- I night by a weasel/ It seems that i tion for many centuries, and iS now ] il tr tt a ~; ~. m IF ] ~eavy Duty and Super [ [[ P R | ~ It $ [|
• ~o, va,flvlrs. Jaco~s oemglthe pesky wease~was determinedi ~dely planted as an ornamental] IT-----h~~li IHeav Dut T'res* " I It , ....... . tl
stone Bra.q~ stone && *, . • rir=~ i
of u an and ora !to have his fnl/whne the f Ilngi in an the. civilized countries. I II I0 :.11 I ?Our de .nitlons I I/ I
_~e• ]~u~an McPhee and sis-iwas good I ~ , Just when it was brought to this
lord [a]~'d Donald McPhee at i A woncl~rfu~t rain fell over this~ country isn't known, but it has long [ [I Size ~ ~ o~r ] *~N'--li I pointed out, 'Ahhou~h ] |I / I I -ii~-" ~|
Uatll late 0a~ , ~ U~d~ eM
0'cldl~ dinner Saturday and l... ,~f ,h~ ~,mtrv ,.~t q~h,,r~:av been cultlvated in the eastern ~ II I ~,~:','I II I each man~faeturer's or I !1 ,.. I I .~. ii
.v _ r 1~.~--,, ~,'* '~ ........ J ............ a T r
~ant evening was spent vis-land Friday,~ea-vingthe'fields pret- UnitedLSa~aets?S as far no th as the / I! ! *"°" I~1,,,";. 11 I distrihutor's first line I II "~ I I II
' tire may represent his [ ]t"' , I It
old times, well soaked up Ever *ody is . .. I I .i d' .-6oliL oll I be tst ndardslse4or6 I I1 "211 lSs.s ll
, e'~orence Cameron and Mar- l .,o,t.~,~. or,,,,,,,~ -,~t~ a smile on his '±ms tree has a very mug anu m. [
:~F~-'eltin~er went to Sentlnell:"'"~:'~ ..... r .... . . teresting geological ancestry. It is / ll4~'~ -6:65]x~1] [ plyt~re, there is not n~> iII4"5 "201 4.~0[ 4.78 [ @*~b[i
+,:7,~ ,,.....~.. • ..... ~.,. I wee irom ear to ear. we are nop- the sole surviving representative of i " ~ If5"25-21 ....... I 8.57 7011i ~sari]y" any ecmalltv of [ |14.5 .21 1 ~ J 4.85 ! i!
.... • ~*"-'-~ -"- ,~ ~,~ m that a r in like thm fellall r an ~ nt rou of m
~.. t. ........ ~.~ . i" g $ ' ' " the nume ous c'e g p gy " /necks and arms c0 ered with the 116" V'l.... ! .... Lo :.~ll I competitive ifirst-line I i{4-7' .191 ,.651 5.68 I at.a4 tl
~.."~'~. ":'.'*'"~/" .." .... ,over the drouth districts, nosperms called glnkgoales, whleh ~ tan which ls the gift of the warm |Ill(spa~=~ ~-.~,~,, ,~) | ,~,] ........ " J'I] [workma ~h[ I] [ fire aSntOtires as to mate::e;~,~j [rals,i 11'14"7II ""[ / I./5 75111
~l~e~i~rn~: ~o~nte f::nal Last Wednesday, Mr. C. P. Kop- were abundant du.r/'ngth~linJU~S~C I winter sun of Austria• 's~l=:Z*=~:~" p • * 5.0 .19 ,.~ 5.99 zz.~
Far period Itas a u e g P
"' plin, who is working w'th the - • " "
5 0 20 b.zo
Vaoatton. He left Sunday wal ........ like fruit, the seed of which is [}30xS...~0~la?.,$1517~951~lb~[I ] This interpr~etaflon altm I ]1I. I | 6.10 |Zx.~ i|
mers union Muma, insurance Go .......... I--Y" II I applies to all lines of I |]5.0 .211 ,.~e/ 6.30 |za.4o~J
'orove ..... ~nrougn ~h"~s coun'~y, ma~ng'--- parco ano eaten oy the onnd.d .,roi, I1 ' I tires. II5= " ! /'*" I!
~,s all new to little ChubbyI ................ The name Is pronounced Glnk-go, The French fur trade, in danger
~r a • a snor~ V~Sl~ w~m ~nreu ueeKer~ ,, ,,
, ted four, who d~d not l ..... ' short1,accented on the first syl- of extinction by the British, gave
-_ ................ who nas tl~e agency for me ~'arm- lable ~ [ "We there~o~ me, eom. [ r - _11
~thl,s ...... v '~v ....... • I mend thatadvertlsingto I
Ilste~ a~a ~f~o~ h~,,~ ,,~ ters Union Insurance m thxs part Detroit its excuse for befng. Cadil.
Wh~ he" ~.~1i~" ~'~-'~"?notl°f the state Mr Kopplin is a well ~ lac was commissioned by ths
y, e re, "eo, ne um ~ French government at Montreal te J theeonsumershallavold ]
toget his" bathmg' suit we~. [known man In. the easterfi part o! Conscience Money establish a strong military pOSt on | the use of t ms I
~t half the people in GolvaI the state, and.~s wellup on.the In- "The chancellor of the exchequer the Detroit river, He landed there ] for the purpose of com- [
lffe~--_~,e ...... ¢~^,, ~,~.; .......... ~ ..... ,,,~, surance situation. ~e sm~es that In ureat Britam2 acknowledges6 r , rne on July 23, 1701, and immediately i parlngcomPetiflvep~d-
he wa .... ÷he- ÷~o~o seems I m many of the counties east of the receipt of £ ,87 f om Con- ~tarted the erection of a stockade
-~:~'. ,"~".~'~." ...... ;Missouri river, the Farmers Union science,'" This notice appeared in for Fort Pontehartrain. Later the ~ J nets." -
• ,..rene~ m s~gn~. I .... ~oo +~ ~,,,n. ,~ *he insura,~ce the "Personal columns of the news- little settlement became known a~
' ~Scher lost a valuable cow ~,,,~o ~,, .... ~. ~ ,~.'~ ,_" ^:papers recentlyIn a governmentthe City of the Straits, De Trolt,
~ek i~nicn snows wna~ tne peop~v m . "
• The trouble seemed to .............. office, so outrode the usual channels or Detrolt__ .k~u$1M~ ~r~lllM~~
let tna~ section of the s~a[e mln~ ~nen tha few civll
throat. ~ ' . ' . of the offieialdom t
V ~t comes to sawng money on their
Hi~ing w~nt west Men- 1 " servants are aware of its existence, TSre is made by a man.
a~bo-ut getting a bunch l insurance. From here Mr. Kopplln is the department of guilty con- Ordinary ufacturer ~or distribu.
to wint~-r. There seems to went to Bowman and back alonge sciences." "Conscience money" that Two little boys halted, the other tors such as Mail Order
' of feed in this section if" the southern border of the star , finds its way to thts department day In front of the ~indow of one houses, oil companies
else ' I placing agencies where there are varies from a few shillings to thou- of the big Los Angeles music andothers, underaname
ld J B Page Mrs [ as yet none. The aim of the Far- sands of pounds. Few members of houses.
: Page~ L D' Page' and imers Union is to place an agency the publlcnrealize" that all "con- t "Gee whlz, look at that!" ex- firetbatd°esn°tidentifythemanufacturer to the , •
. ~na ~" ~.~ ~ ~ I in every county of ~he states they science mo ey, no matter how [ claimed one of them, his eyes glued
small the sum, must be acknowl-I on a man in the window who was It ~ 0 1~ ~ A l~ B ~ public, usually because [ C 0 ~ ~ ~ R B [
.................. acn , , edged• As an official of the depart, playing the piano without hands, he builds his "best q~ml- [ P R | @ E S ]
and 1 on J W Page t are only a few eounties that nave went said, "It serves as an encour- t ,,~.~ .¢.,, ~0thtnr," ~,,~nm~a *h,,"
ca led " ' " [ tl I v,..,~.. II F,..m. liity" tires under his own I I" ~ -- C- --=~,,~,~ I -
, - /not an agency, those belng on this agement to the prodigal who has ] _-~*'",~,-? .... ",-'~-~': ~'~'-'h~ :"?
-;,t -n~ - re-roach to tho- "/ moumr sm.s ana uaa [[ i ~.or 14tS,e,~ail *nc.or tl name. Firestone puts h~s [ r [L.., I~~:'ll
, side of the river
, 11 L~ ~t p ~ WhO
.t three-day rain fell in i " " " ~a~n't !" ' often says she hasn't any voice. ,, , Type ] SrantJ | Type II name on every tire he [ [ ~.4U~a,, ] "~" [[
~1 will do a great deal of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Uecker~ and I1s,. I ~:"=1 :,::', I 11 to-dos.
the gardens, daughtervEl:::Oa~ were "unaaY I/ " 17!; II
i --Every tire l~anufa~| I [ __~ [ [[
TALKED FAR3IERS UNIONS The ace ~'~ ~ ]14.75.19[ ,.7a [ 9.75 ] xs.,~]] tured by Firest;ne J~s ] ] 30x~_C.~] ~3.75 ] $3.75 ] $7.~,o ]|
! A goodly crowd ~athered at the ar . eals 1,5"~z'nlxa"'| 13"°5 | the name F 'e o-f' nd I II I I I I!
,oo~,,~ cooked squ 1!,.~0-19| ,3..,, | 13.35 | z5.90/ carries Firest;~'s un- I i ,.,. II
l heard a aood talk on the work of ~____ |i6.00-19[x4.~a| 14.95 I a,.ooi[ limited guar~d'tee and ]]i I I I II
',Paul is accomplishing. The taik
was given by Charles D. Edgley, Firestone Servtee Dealers and Service ~to~'es Save You M~ney nnd ~e~vo Y~ lk~¢l~
i manager of the L ve Stock concern
~and covered the activities of the
!Farm Board and its relation to all Everything the mark~affords, prepared the way you li e
cooperatives and the great work on
it, and most liberal helplngs.
to consolidate as many as possible
13 of the many cooperatives worklng
You ever had a lea-|in varlous agricultural lines. Mr. WE SERVE REAL COFFEE WITH REAL CREAM
Edgley left ~unday morning for
bet! I never write to the northern part of the state ~o
conduct ~l~er meetings. I