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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 4, 1932     Golden Valley News
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August 4, 1932
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TEN ,ij~ , , t~t . J FOR ECONOMY TURNED DOWN ,Wanted to Initiate Many New Prolmsitions to the People The future policy of William Langer, if he is elected governor, at least ~ far as leading legislation 8~es, was outline~ before a commit- ~e of leading Nonparttsans at Bis- marck ~ week. It being the idea of the candidate that each of these ~aeasures should be initiated and voted upon at the general election. It ~ understood there was no dis- cussion as to the desirability of the suggested laws, but the meeting deemed it best to refer them all to the legislature next winter, that body undoubtedly being Nonparti- san in both houses, and therefore in position to decide what the gen- eral policy of the administration i q'gE ,ACTZ. D.. ADVANCE i i " ~ i r m,, i i i FattedLamb for the Argentinian Athletes "" THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 193"2, Ferd Splegelbeeg and son Bud, I E. H. Ma~n was out to Ray "Mr. Low of the Buttrey store° al~ motored to Jamestown Wednesday I Brier's Monday evening to take in Paul Beckley were Dickinson via= to get his daughter, Marie, who haS]the cream, ttors Friday afternoon. been attending college there. They I returned home Thursday. | Aud Nunn and son Donald were in sown Tuesday ,buying supplies for the ranch down on the Little Missouri. MARKETS Thursday Noon Northern wheeat .............. $ 35 Winter wheaet ................. 27 Durum wheat ................. 16 Flax ........................... 68 Rye ........................... 10 Barley ......................... 08 Oats ........................... 04 Cream ......................... 15 i Eggs (in trade) ............... 07 Butter ......................... 12 i Did the electric wiring in BEACH WEATHER The New Advance Office should be. The suggested laws fol- Weather report Ior the week low: Sharply increasing the income tax ending August 3, 7 p.m. and congratulates the paper on the safety charac r rate, excepting in lower brackets, Max. Max Preclp. tip to 50 percent in the case of in- July 28 ........ 8O 49 of the job, on its splendid new home lino- comes in excess of $30,000. [ July 29 ........ 80 54 Increasing the income tax on July 30 ........ 81 56 ~ t / corporations. ~Acensing all forms of businessI i July 31 ........ 96 61 type machine, wlth heavier fees against chain . August 1 ......82 53 stores The first national celebration held in Olympic Village at Los Angeles, which houses the foreign par August 2 ......80 47 ~ssing the cost of conducting] ticipants in the Olympic games, was a feast for the Argentina athletes who ceJebrated their independence August 3 .....90 50 lnvestig~,tions by the railroad corn-!day with fatted htmb in accordance with the old pampas custom. J. ~.,AYTON RUSSELL, e|to mission against the publc utilitlesI *]~'le Cooperative Observer Our firm is prepar do all kinds of electric ff ted, tnclu g ,n __r_eCur nt • - ll Scenes _ _. _-_ ........ Requiring that publlc funds or ~-- work, radio repairing and instalYmg Deice Farm light- .kinds, and of all political subdivi- sions, ,be deposited in the Bank of North Dakota. Abolishing the office of commis- sioner Of immigration. Aboli~ing the office of bank ex- ~lner and the- receiver of closed banks; creating a new department headed by a superintendent of banks to administer both activities. and taking supervision of closed ,banks out of the hands of the su- preme court, Revamping the state highway eom2nisslon law by abolishing the oresent three-man commission, sub- stituting therefor the operation of the department under the direction of a single official. Changing qualification:~ of persons who may be appointed to the post of adjutant general by broadening the field ~o permit appointment ouL- side of the field to which such place is now restricted. Making it unlawful for the head of any office or department to ap- point ether wife or husband, son Or dmlghter, to an3 position within the control of such head. IAmiting sinking funds that may 1--Part of the ~reat throng of war veterans who stormed tile United Sta,te.~ Cal)i|ol building in Waste- be raised by cities to retire bonds to region in the vain effort to persuade congress to vote the payment of tile bombs before adjourning. 2--Pur- fOur mills and providing for invest- tiament building in Oitawa, C:ana(la, wllere the British Imperial Economic conf(~renoe is in session. 3---W. ment of sucll sinking funds in state Averill Itarrinmn, son of tiie late Edward II. llarrhu:uL who lm:~ been elected (,hairmnn of the board of and other forms of public securities, qm Union Paei ic ~ad three other railways, a post formerly iio]d by Ifi~ f'tther. E en the Tots Have the Olympic Spirit $10,000,000 in U.S. Paper V Money Wears Out Daily St. Louis.--United States cur- rency Is weartng out at the rt~ta of $10,(X~0,00) a day. ae('