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August 4, 1932 |
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Prof. Leonard's arrival as doubtless
a number of persons would like to
and other meeting facilities, and so-
cial ilie in the city is carried on in
a large degree by clubs and other
societies. Fraternally, the Masons
have a fine gempie for its Blue
accompany him on his trip I~o the
tap of the Butte.
It will be remembered that for
years back wonderfully per- lodge, wherein meets the Order
~t petrifactions of fish have been of the Eastern Star, the Royal
f0u~d on top of the north butte,, Neighbors, DeMolay Boys and Rain-
Girls, and the Modern Wood-I The U. S. 0ckerson, one of the new type dredges built in I)ittsburgh and which have been sent to Mem-~
I bow
~llexed from the top of the south I men have a lodge here. Near the I phis, Tenn.. for use in the lower Mississippl river The dredges are the most powerful and largest on inland
waters. They are 214 feet long, weigh 1,500 tons and were bmlt at a cost of $40_,000 each.
~ a number of fossilized remains [ Masonic temple is the new Amer- " • ~.o
what he and others believe are icon Legion hall and club rooms, for
bones of mastodons, ~nosaurs and it he use of the Legion and Auxiliary, y D
others of the reptile world that died ,both of which are live organiza- The on t Like the Lausanne Pact The Beach Advance on its wonderful office and new
mm when the top of Sentinel tions There is also a ch ter BRIEF NEWS
Ikl~te was either under water or a here of the P. E. O.
dense mass of vegetation forming The city has many church organ-
t~e habitat of such monsters, and izations and societies, there being printing equipment.
laying down the vast beds which seven churches: these are the Con- i~s. Peter Bartley went to Chi- ,...,_
form the lignite coal of this re- gregatlonal, Catholic, Methodist cage Tuesday with her son-in-law. ,~
iili. PrOf, Leonard will be the United Brethren, United Lutheran, l Mrs. Gay Tillotson. daughter of
scientist, we believe, to visit St. Paul Lutheran and Seventh I the Advance editor, is in Dickin- E (I MPLEMENTC0
the butte in an investigating ex- Day Adventist congregations, all of son with Mr. Cushing at the hos-
~¢dition and it is believed by many which have a large membership I pital.
that u thorough excavation at cer- showing much interest in their re-
~in points would uncover very re- ligious duties. The Congregational Ladies' Aid
z~,rkable and valumble relics of that The Beach Golf club is one of the annoes that they will hold a bake H B
day from forty thousand to 200,000 popular organizations of the city. It sale at Miller & Wieting's store Sat-• • •
~and years ago. has a complicated nine-hole course i m-day, August 6, at which time some "
in the eastern part of the city, i some choice pastries wll be offered , BEACH, N. DAK.
[:IN D[L which is much appreciated by visit-
ing golfers and where a number of P.J. Edkins and family have re-
tournaments have been played with turned ~rom a long western tr£p to
visiting teams. The Kill Kare i the coast and report a very enjoy-
Kamp of the Lion's club, on the able journey. During the trip they
,Continued from page one> classic banks of Beaver river, near met Vera Hudson, who is now Mrs. ~ ~ --__J" ~j-~_ ~_-_~_d--/'--_~-_~
Ich are assembled matrics (or lit- the city, is used for recreational L Paul Klev and resides in Portland,
t~ brass molds) and lines of type purpcse~ by the club and other or- I Oregon'
~,,-lines such as you are now ganizations, even Boy Scouts from ~ ~ ~------~
l~,dlng. The particular model of other parts of the state camping i Felix Lica of Rochester, Minn.,
machine which we have just in, tall- there in the summer, while the and wife, were making the family
t~I carries at one tLme four sets of Beach Scou~ a~e it and o=er pelnts , of Charlie Micha~s a ple--.nt week tl Ad
li~ces--controlledfromastand- foralikepurp°se, lendvisit. ~.'.,=,,~oo