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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 4, 1932     Golden Valley News
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August 4, 1932
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/ ' FLATS Emmet Heaton and family at the Wm. Ueckert a caller evening. a guest Mac and Marie Smith Smith went to Modora afternoo~ to meet committeemen of a trip to the s to look after the road grad- Dmds Zook had an outiag with her little friend .Miss Vlda 6mith lUt Wednesday. Alfred Treater returned Monday ~rn~ the Bismarck haspital where he has been confined for the treat- xnent of poison ivy, A few years qo Alfred had the misfortune of in contact With the pesky weed and ~nce then ,has been try- ing to get cured but it s.e~ heha as had no hick. The doc~ors at B~s- IDSXCk told him to stay away from all ~reeds and dust. His many friends hope that he will soon re- cover. ~Mlss Hattie Ueckert was a guest ~weeher cousin a few days the last k. She returned home Tuesday Floyd Wilson went to the ~00! yard to loOk after the shrubbery which he planted there in the sprLng before schoOl let out. Mr, Wilson is again returning there to teach this fall. The OathoIlc ladies aid of Sen- ttuel Buj;te met last Tuesday after- noon with Mrs. Ray Zinsli as hos- tess at the Wm. Treater farm. Alfred Ueckert is nursing a very painful finger tht~ week. He got a ~n thistle thorn in it and fufe~hm set in and caused him sleepless nights. MS. Wm. Ueckert and daughter Eleanor, Mrs. Alfred Ueckert and Carl Jandt and daughter were guests of the Home- entertained by the and Mary Ueckert last 0on. Kustck and daughter dinner guests at the Wm. last Tuesday. Roesler and Mrs. Leon- at the La- Mrs. Ray Liom Mdm Wichita Man President SE£KS SEAT the black pearl, of which the finest ------- specimens came from the Paumott] archipelago. last Thursday ~ afternoon. When Railway Came Burkey Twenty fathoms deep in the .Mr. J~hn Kusick ~md daughter Moved to Golva ! left last Thursday m(~Ang for their t South Pacific brown-skinned divers horns in St. Paul, |Minn., after Bodily ~ searci~ed amid the' coral for the spending a week hew with friends black-lipped sh~lls that house the and old neighbors, | great prize. Mr. Frank Burns ~nd Mrs. Tom TOWN IS LARGE SHIP- Annually there was a "pearl ~ms sp~ nt Saturday evening at PING POINT FOR GRAIN rush" from PupPets to the biddeu h001E of Mr. 4rid Mrs. Wm. atolls where the mother-of-pearl w ken, l Mr. and Mrs. Jim I rdyz nd chil- shell for distant button factories and M~and _~rs. Charlie loner a certain income, while a znal were'~]i~,und~y visitors at Has All Needs for First chance lucky find of a big black , rm. eckert i ak. Class Farm i pearl meant fabulous wealth. MI1- Mr. andMxs. Wn~i~R~sler and Town i lfonaire yachtsmen charted their chi~n were Sunda~l afternoon n set!lea hi! course to the sun-kissed atolls, first . and supper guests ab the home of ~ familiarized by bride's pendant or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ueckert. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wan!ks and Eary i the lent of Golds black pearl ~:~rring~. children were Sunday afternoon and Valley county a liLtle town wa~,i Ten years a~. one could learn of ~rguests at Leonard Tresters. started around a ~t, ore located ~i ti~e Pa~.~:n~tu ish|nds--kuown also Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jandt and El- 1 what was called Burkey and for :~: as the q?ua,a~otu archipelago---only Hectic North Trip Lose to Watford City and City and Arnegard, Bat- tle Much Mud Last Sunday the Beach Indepen- dents started out for We!ford City to play a return game there with the base ball team of that city, and arrived okay to 01af before the smallest crowd of the season, losing by a score of 8 to 1. warlord pre- sented a pitcher who was a little too much for the local lads, although they play f~'~e baseball themselves. A revamped infield appeared for Beach and functioned fairly well for the first time. Several of the locals were unable to be present at the Sunday contest and a closer game might have resulted had they been present, according to Manet- er E. C. Teed, Mrs. Edward Eslick, widow of After fnishing the game at War- the late congressman from Tennes- ford City the boys then journeyed see, who will seek election to con. over to Arnegard and tilers played tress to fill her husband's unex another full game, losing it also in pired term, Esltck died on the floor a sea of mud to the tune of 5 to 0. ot the house from a heart attack, Rain had made the regular playing while speaking on behalf of the sol- field entrely too soggy to play so fl~e contest was moved to a grass diets' bonus. At the annual convention of tl~e International Association of Lion: Clubs in Los Angeles, Charles H. Hatton of Wichita, Kan., was elected president. In our photograph he is seen with Miss Betty Clark, winner of the Lions' essay contest, and the huge gavel he wielded, ihere,~This isandtheaXelast OUtregular to getgamerevengebook. I led for this season. SPECIALS Black Pearls. I Many Persons "Blind"Per week Washlnmon.--At the apex of pros / to Touch, Expert Finds August 4 to 11 METROPOLIS perity the single article most Columbus. 0hio.--If you are color i sought by the world of fashion was met Erdmann were Sunday after- ~ime this was quite a center o.~ ac noon and supper guests of Herman ~ tlvity for those living in the south~ TJeckert and family, i ern part of the county. Clarence Overstad from Bear~h When, however, the brancl~ line the Herman Ueckert of the Northern Pacific was built afternoon. 'south to ellis from Beach, the Alfred Ueckert were at the home of Mr. Mrs. Clifton Schaal last Sun- ~s. W/r~ Roasler and~ and Mrs. Leonard family were Sunday at the Ray Zinsli ~own of Golva was platted 13 miles south of Beach. activities of Burkey went over to the railroad at Gcdva. which experienced a lively boom and s still going strong. GoDs is a hustling town for one of its size. It has a good bank, a fine grade and high school, many stores and garages, lumber yard, hotel and all that goes wth a live berg. The religious needs of the parish are supplied by St, Mary'~ Catholic church under the ben!- fieent care of Father M. I. Lack who also takes a lively Interest in secular affairs with the other pro- tress!re ctizens of the place. Golva is a lively wheat and other grain center, having several eleva- tors to care for the large crops that are a rule in that section of the Ervin Ueckert were visiting and electricity for all uses, The town has a public hall wl~ere I many activities of the community ~are held, alsoa telephone exchange, from pilots' eharts and Imlf recon- dite books of SculL sea lore, Now there are a dozen books, by tired business men, college boys, high seas racketeers, and Gee. Gifford Plnchot of Pennsylvania, which tell of their palms, pearls and soft trade winds. The Paumotu or Tuamotu. archl- the W2n. Wantke family Sun- pelage is situated about 4,500 miles southwest of Panama. It comprises about 100 island and islets, in total area 330 square miles, scattered over 1,0(O miles of ocean expanse. The population is variously estimated from 3,500 to 5,000, chiefly Polyneslans, but In the black pearl days including also numerous Europeans, Americans and Asiatics. Because of the uniformly low ele- vation of the Paumotu coral isles, ] usually only 15 to 45 feet above the sea, they are known to mariners as the "Low" or "Dangerous" archipel- ago, and countless ships have dashed to pieces on unlighted reefs. I The islands were discovered in , ]601 by !lie Spanlsh navigator Pledro Fernandez Quires, and after !centuries of indeterminate status many garages andshops for ban-[ dling practically all lines of bus!-I were occupied by France in the mld. neas. Its people are progressive and dle of the Nineteenth century and annexed in 1881 They are admlnts* all movements for local betterment, sport and social amenitie~ are back- tered, with other French posses* ~inished haying Herm Brown farm and has at the F, slons In the eastern Pacific, as a dependenay, with administrative headquarters at PupPets, Tahiti. As the valuable black pearls are rarely discovered, the more certain income depends on commercial lots of small pearls and cargoes of moth- Pc-of-pearl shell Prosperity, there- fore, depends to a considerable ex- tent upon the status of the button trade In America, which affords a market fo~ th~ sda~li. Zook has again been asthma the past few not been able to do Mrs. Win. Ueckert ar.d -, the Klomltte." '~ ~ m,v gramtmotl~r." AUGUST 4, Advance ack get re- mite John ~hafer and family w~t tot ] NOTICE OF MORTGAGB SAL]] BY ADVBK~ISEMI]NT Notice is Hereby Given, That that certain Mortgage, executed and de- livered 1)y Lylia Pure!s. an unmar- ried woman, Mortgagor to Los An- spies First National Trust & Sav- ings Bank, as trustee, Mortgagee dated the 29th day of March A. D. 1929 and filed for record in the of- fice of the Register of Deeds of the County of Golden Valley, and State of North Dakota, on the 29th day of April A. D. 1929 and recorded in Book "17" ofr Mortgages, at pages 480 and 481. will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such Mort- gage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the Court HOuse n the City of Deach. in the County of Golden Valley, and State of Ne)rth Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock I', M., on the 13th day of September 1932, to satisfy the amount due upOn said Mortgage on the day of sale. / Carl Jandt were business -~hop- i county, which has many of the best / morning, farms and intelligent farmers whose !home vie wtt] city dwellings in size Herman Neurnann arrived cvmforts. It has both natural gas Winona last ~onday to of h~ Crop which is now himready to harvest. He brought two men who will help fall. "Ueckert was the first to do in this part of the! combined his barley " and Saturday, reporting ed most heartily by these enterpris- ing folks. Mr. Bold: I'm a self-made man. Mrs. Bolder: Well. I'm a self- made widow. A correspondent in a rarely pa- per declares tacit her baby wiggles out o~ everything. Obviously an in- c~ient poBU~ian.--Boston Trus- serS. with the method of and a fair average crop good grade. There are farmers who will start this , among them Chas. Kramer Zook. Mrs. Charles Smith and guests last Sun- home of Mr. and Mrs. Klrkpatrlck near Golva. 3rare and visit- . few mm-e days with his grand- The premises described in said Mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situated in the County of Golden Valley, and State of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit: Section Twenty-three (23), Township One hundred thirty- nine (139) No~th of Range One hundred four (104) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian; pasture nearby, where Aberg, Arne- On account of default in the terms Lard moundsman, held the Inde- and conditions of said mortgage, the pendents to two hits and no runs. Timely Tip mortgagee has heretofore and does hereby elect to declare the entire Madison started on the mound for [" The man who keeps himself tn amount secured by said mortgage as Beach at Watford City, but was re- the pink of condition seldom has the immediately due and I)ayabl~ By amendment to its eil~frter, the placed in the first inning by Teed, 1 blues---Boston Transcript, name of said Los Angel~:First Na- w'ho finished the game in good __~~ tional Trust & ~aving~r Bank, was style. Evans hurled the first six Young Wife: 'The t~o-'~ office is changed to Sec~rity-fl~irst National innings at Arnegard and secured a very careless at times, isn't,it?" Bank of Los Anglele~" There will be ~l~ on such blort- good nundaer of strikeouts in tha~ Friend: "Yes, dear, why? ' I gagae at the da~f of sale the sum eli Nine hundre~'seventy-eight and time, Teed finishing the contest. Young Wife: "Hubby is in Albanyl 44-t00 ( $978.44J Dollars. As we go to press no game l~Slon business and the card he sent SECURITY~IRS'P NATIONAL been booked for next Sunday, but BANK OF I'~JOS ANGELES, a na- On the following Sunday the Iocals',me is postmarked Atlantic City." tional banking corporation, as ~'ill go to Baker to play a return l trustee, mortgagee. H~OLT & NILLES, game there, having .previously lost Attorneys for Mortgagee, A Tru-Oil Pe~ent wave I at $5>0~. The wave thj~ reconditions blind, or tone deaf, don't feel badly, because there are some people who are "blind" to the sense of touch, accordin¢ to Dr. Laurence H. Say- der. professor of zoology and ento- moh)gy at Ohio State university. Persons of this last group are un,able to distinguish the shape of qn object by handling or touching it. Doctor Snyder says, even though tt~e object is perfectly round or square. The scientist has been able to make experiments by placing a box of blocks of assorted shapes on one side of a screen so that his subject is unable to ~ee them. Shampoo and M_m'cel, $1.00 Cle~u up P, tcisl, 50c Jones Beauty Shoppe Uncle: "And what are you going to be wlten you grow up, John " Neplmw: "The same as you. uncle ---an insulting engineer."--~New York Watchman Examiner Phone 126 Clothing @ Shoe Store Welcgraes . The As A neighbor and congratul- ates it on the fine new home On its new home and improvements Lincoln 6.Volt hot shot battery ....................... $1.59 Fargo, North Dakota. (August 4-11-18-25---Sept. 1-8) I The painting of the N[W ADVANC[ was done by C J, [ID[ & SON Interior and Exterior de- corators and finishers. We congratulate the B[AClt ADVANC[ II On itsu '0ffiee and machinery and many im- provements noted. _It,s new home is worthy of _ the good home paper._. W[ CONGBATULAT[ lfl[ on its new shop and machinery. Lumber---MillworkPaint exaco Lincoln Motor oil, two gallon can ..................... $1.29 Assorted solid copper rivetes, _be/ ................ 20c Assortment of three-blade poc et)[nives .......... 49e J / Four and one-half ft. fork ..................... 49e - Two brooms for the price of ....................... 59e Never before such glove value, now pair only ..... 5e Phone 62 Beach, N. Dak. Are up to date and the best to be had in any mar- ket, so we are glad to join in the general congrat- ulations to , / The e ch /ance on its new home and fiew maehinery, which shows its faith in this community. Two boxes 22 short cartridges, strictly firsts _ 28e Six water glasses, good quality, standard size __ 21e Extra forged steel hammer 59c the worm The Beach Lions dub, an orgmmlzation of business and professional extends to Lion P, shing and The Advance its eoagratuhtio aon the expres- renewed eonfidenee in onr City, and County. Fourteen-inch pipe wrench, extra special .... 79c Twenty ounce high grade polish, just mac-half price of the regular polish 30c Just received a ear of the famous Plymouth binder twine. We carry a good supply of parts for John Deere binders. I Tryour new triter'fuel. It isanly 10e a gallon - • Dealer in Hardware and John Deere Farm Implements BEACH, N. DAK. Beach ~r