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of Fatal Illino -
COUNTY I Ni ii !i ii
-- , i
Practically All Old Settlers
Of This County Are I
Entered There
ladustrious Z Prosperious -
, Community With Fine j
School System i
The Poneer t'~: Gol .. i ~ :~
~e f den vat- I :~:::i:: .!~; ii ~
Y county is Sentinel Butte nine I i:~:~i~:~ ii ~::i~::~!::;~::~i:ii:::.:!~
,l~Lles east of Beach. No sooner had :*:7i~ i~ ~::: :!]
railroad reached the present'I ::::i:i:iii!i! ii~]
role of the town than stores were:! ::;: i ....
Called a 100 percent to~n was born., " ~
~ha~t at2:A e~aSt~ernGo~:ar~Tlt° ! View of the huge cofferdam being constructed at Marseilles, IlL, by the federal government, where un-
and as the tide of immigrati;z~ Ion and nonunion laborers engaged in a battle. One man was killed and more than a score were wounded.
I~ept this way, the "heading in"---~ ~~-L-~_~~
~lace was Sentinel Butte named be-I ................... SAGE OF THE WEST
cause of the remarkable formation l ....................
~aown by that name four miles to t ALPHA ' , ,,,
the south of the town, and which is I (Olo - B.,v Edit- " SEN 1 INEL BU I I L
of the landmarks of the state, I ya '., or J
Ig, with one exception, the high- I .... " .....................
point of land in North Dakota. } ................. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Witt and their
bly a majority of the earlier l Rev. R. C. Ryan and wife enter- two sons from Dernnison, Wyo., axe
of the Golden Valley came rained the ladies aid at Ollle last vLsiting at the home of Emil Well-
the Sentinel Butte gateway, week. Ice cream and cake was nor.
--: : :-- -- ............. I Wampum, WIL--Membm of the.
r~u- ~ g'~l~lrTl~g'IIT]h~OI State Priaon bueball team he=e,
ALL~ ~-~&='~ ~JlIIJl%%~llr.L~[ who have a heavy summer schedule
UNITED DRETB[~EN C"URCH-I~lfn:'hom:he::y2't:zO~vll~ ~peclal
F. G. Roscoe, Pastor |~
Bible school10 o'clock,Ottte! I ~_.* .... ~,_._ • ,m .
Douglas, supt. , /I ~ctence r inas l hat
Morning worship, 11 o clock. [[ Bible Correct
• ...... / I Scl£ -
Serwces, Trottvx~ ~ u. m~r . "'
y f each nlonth, 3 0 ClOCk. /I ~bllcal theory.- ....
Sunda o .... , a proves a Biblical theory
Services at Stoddard schoolhou-~e, |~ Clarence R. Studlnskl, assist-
fourth Sunday of each month at ~ ant cry engineer, has completed
2:30 o'clock. I a graph showing the weather cy-
Evening , I I cles lnthe vicinity of Pueblo for
Senior C. Endeavor, 6:30 oclock, I [ a period of 50 years.
Edna Buck, ~resident. I [ The graph was prenared from
Preaching service 7:30 o'clock. II local- =-w~x-~a~:~:~ "~::
, records over
Otterbein Brotherhood, fourth [ mca wea_ ne;r roT. kept _over
.......... i ] that period by the bureau here.
ruesaay each monm n O ClocK. I ~ - - .............
.................. tl- It proves that, in Pueblo, at
/ ~ least, the weather runs to seven:
METHODIST CHURCH ~1 year cycles~-in-the. ~R/h~
J. Ralph McNeil Pastor / [ ~0 lnthe Bible,
__ ' ~[ wrztten long before there were
Sunday school, I0:00 a.m. i I anY~weather men...
Morning worship, 11 a.m. I I The graph revealed some un-
Anthem by choir. I ~ usual facts. ~fiy, usually thought
Combined Epworth League andI ] of as a dry, hot month, is the
evening services 7:30 p. m. Special] ~ wettest. August is next. Janu-
mus!c.. - • I [ ary Is the dryest month and No-
,win-week Blbze s~udy and Pray-i ~ vember the second.
er service Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. I I q.h~ ,,.,~,,~. ,:,-.-~ .........
Our motto: "Jesus Christ the So-1 I ~t~e month of the great flood
l i " I at Pueblo, Suns, 1021, a total of
ut on of Every Problem I T 1
............. l1%L here..
, Studlnskl s figures show that
ST. PAUL S LUTRERA.NT I~?~o?~"e~2= 2Y.
H. J. Trinklein, Pastor I "P".. ~-~. o cc_ur a~ r eg.ular perl.-
l OaS,.anfl o_n the basis of his
Sunday July~ [graph, he believes 1938 will be
Service,' 9:30. " r a very dry year.
Sunday School, 10:30.
peop~ of the town• happily be- served for lunch. Mr. Olaf Anderson of Audubon, ORDER OF MASSES FOR JUNE,
the right kind of cooperators Mrs. H. A. Olsen left for Fargo ~Iinn.. is visiting at the home of his JULY, AUGUST
could be depended on a~ all Thursday evening to seek medical i sis~er. Mrs. Win. Hollar. B ....
to be a practical unit on all aid. Mrs. G. D. Miller left Friday for ~r~:
tons, and this tendency for Mr. and Mrs. L. Tungcvick drove I New Salem where she will visit with I 1st. Sunday, 8:30 a m.
~rity has given i~ the name of to Willston last week to visit a cou- I friends. ' " I 2nd. Sunday, 10:00 a. m.
percent," a tradition kept up sin. They report good crops all the I Frank Ftablang laborof extra! 3rd Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
~ ~ ,~~
/ ?ftlf~-s~°nethDi; S/ ~i~.,5 L BUTTE:ter~°eytd~y:eeAt tFrh;tt;g%an~ ~:Ye'and lots of haxvestmg dexng gva,~:nNi~jlureOd, th:l lg::Oog : £
eMontana line was in Billings John Adams son-in-law of S.L. rail, when cutting the/~-ail it drop-
' d He • • Ist Sunday 10'00 a m
:ty, and until Beach was born White made a short visit at Bury's ~pe . was taken j]mmediately to/ ^ ": _ . , _'__ • •
town by the big Butte was the !ast Wednesday afternoon. He is [Dr. M. W. Lyons, tb~n taken to the | znu. ~unaay, u:~u a. m.
• group of ,buildings in what is ~ne of the old timers here, now liv- [Glendive hospital./ | 3rd. Sunaay 10:00 a. m.
known as Golden Valley coun- :rig in Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. ~-,ddie Cook and! 4th Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
- The f-neral ~f .t~hn ~rm~n'.~ children of West~rheim were Sen-}5th. Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
" " .................... F
atznel Butte has Ce~eral e-ram , tmel But calle s Tuesda ather Hake
~T " .- ' ~, i~aoy was held at the U. B. church 01~ ~]s Tues y. [ .
ators and is the marketing place ~ Alpha Friday afternoon Mr. Ken~eth] Flum from Twin I
I~ a ~ide territory north and south ~"r S ' L White who broke his Valley, Minl~esl~ta is now operating I CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH
many miles. It has a full corn- t ,.~ ~,,~rs~' weeks a',o was taken to the Cargo elf]~ator. ~ Rev. C. O. Elllnger, pastor
ement of stores of all kq~ds lure- I .... ~'~,.:~ ~.~.,,:,~ ~, ,~+ .... ,~ Mr. Elvin n Eaton is em lo ed
:r Yards, and excellent ho[ei, re-t .... sda"' e"enin~P at the O~o ~oniseE~t~anrm north of t Sunday school i0 a. m., Mrs. C. C.
eat~on parlors, a public hall a]':~-,'~ Mc:~ani~al was a visit Beach. ]Hollstein Supt.
l~nolic and a Congregational .~:nd-~'n~:er-~uestat ]3ury's Sun-- Mrs. d. P. McDonald and twol, Mornng worship 11 a m; Subject:
larch, an accredited high ~choolI ..... daughters, Mary and Patricia Ann,' The Unencumbered Life.'
l der_ an excellent corps of teach-[ ~:~< Ho~oboom cud Grandson and accompanied by Mr J J Me-I Choir practice: Thursday 8 p m
~he school haxin cons:Qetab~e, " .....
, ' " g " • ' t ~' " " :°" -' "~ re~.~'~h~ e Donald left Monday morning for Ladies Aid soczety August 11 at
ay a,~*,aratus an~ :~.~--o ,,~_.~ ...b:)y visited at ~nl. t3a ;" • .i ... ',- .... . ,
~v ~, ~,rg,~o ~z.c=~u/ ,.- ~'o.nh,~,~m ,.~4,~ ~ h,,sin~¢~S trio ~rea~ raus, z~ontana to visit with j the home of Mrs. C C. Hollstein
r~Ollegiate sport activities. It has ] -':,.,."~..~ .................] friends and relatives lwlth pi~n.ic lunch
• D~- 61- ~ll. , ' . "
. urlst camp garazes, and m_~,ny l ' • ~'~:¢ ................ a-~h I Mr. O. A. Miller and wife are now I
cieties thri've amon~, the mer-, an:l ~ .~'~;~'~(~ .vva~,~,z~p~,.t ~ ~i~-] occupying the parsonage They l~
~l~en for ° r . ,_~,,~ z,n~ ~,,,~.o ~ ....... -
educatmn and remae- -~..~ .... ,~ ...... ;,,,, " 1 came from Dickinson N D and l NOTICE
ent are strong characters of tne ........ ~ . . " . ! Mr M£1er zs now second trick oper- [ l
Ople of this lne~ ber ¢ .~s t~Aldred Jeth*l ton resumes
• -..y . g. ~ ;i:v ' " ~ I ator at the N. P. decor. Thav have ~ Examinations for Elementary Cer- I
~ne f on F~r-~o 1~ ~e-k ~he, ~ - zf
.................. I -- ~: . r :.~ so " .,_ _ " .'e I one daughter that "has graduated i t" lcates. ]
h , ~ b~eu att~ndlw- bu~zne~s col i Examinations or el me
~, , . ~ c .:~ :; ~.. " "~ ~ " -, from the University of North Dako- " ,~ $ ~iltlllT cer-J
• ~ew York.--"I don t know what -e-~~ ~ I ta and she's now teaching in a!tificates will be~glven~ln~m~ office]
' say or do," said Jacob Liel)er- I~iug (~man w~ a business call- This Indian is one htm,h',,d and school at Fairfield Iowa They under the dir~tion Ibftl~e State Here's Why. w,~ .,,.l .... .... ;..... ",h ~h.,,=...~
8-11 tL , • ' ' .... t f ~Iofb' ~ ~UI~ U~..-" ' e"ellinc;o I .~ . ' • • " Su erlnten" • •.~. , • "~ t-~,~,- ,.,,.,L .,,a~.~,~ .z~., ,,.,,.,,.,o,.~,u~
. . I couldn t be hqppter with i:: ~ •[~ • ,- , . . ,~ght years ( ld al,I lives I,a(.k in have a son that m now hying at New P denlfcf l~tll~hc jFInstruc- t of I a a ....... f....... t •..... ~ • -
I , b~ ,* ~ an e t es dtea n~ at~ , .~ ..~.,,,~...o .,. ,~,,,,o~ ~,, ,,.ua~v * ~ 2k COIl
lllons , t 'iq.e 2".~' ~ ' ~ "- " -,the tuotnltaills oi1 th(, Warm St,ring Salem.. l tion on Thurgday and Fr[flay, Au-[ __..'__.~ ; ._ ~ .... . ..... ". " " ". "
lie ~.:.,, ....... I other victoz%" forlAl~)l:a, 19-4. The : Indian rt~,rv ~lhm ~, () ..... . r~, _ .... ] guest 11 and 12th beginn~g at 8'30 szsten.y Brings you oeuer iooos at lower prices.
• ,,,u ~opeu lU aargness ror ,~..,. r~...~ rj~l,a ..,. $. ~^ill~r short soy ' ;, c ; ....... "'% ...... -- i ........ '-o -- " [
i~u, ~ux~ v uu ~ ~'~" " a Mz and Mrs Olaf Thorson and A ~w anu z au ~"
Years---blind At eighty-seven -'a' "-la,,er~ ~ ' - c rries the distinction of being the " . _ -. I ' " -: =___/_ .... I For i-o" .....
~r ' • " ie, • v ~ • , .. so nspen~ ~unoay evening at the au~u'~ w. W~:~IT~AND "'~""~-
r s old, it seemed that he wouldI ByronHo~oom of SentineIfWest's oldest h~tmbitaaL Ted Hoeck farm / Co Supt. of SchoolsI .......
ver see sunshine, trees, and Butte was out to visit his son on l-- --~'. ~ " 1 ............... --'[ uarol flour, car nere Friday or Saturday
Ces again Then surgeons oper [Thursday night n.nllnnc ........ . -- 98 " "" ^-,
~ • " " I.~. ~ ..... an~ Harold Whitaker ' r~r~v,r~ r~r~V2ttUlt¢ /t'1 Mr. ~,ow of the Buttrey store and I~ / .-. ,,-t~ ...................................................... ~t.I~6
~-u on his eves in the home of ~oya ~ury a Paul " ' •
.... • 1 r:' Frida after E B TE Beckley were Dickinsonvin-
e New York Guild for the Jew-Iwere Beach cries y -j SENTIN L UT HAS itors Friday afternoon I.G.A. Dessert Powder, all flavors, 4 for 25e
Z Blind His eyes were ban-In°°n'. .... a - Miss Stull BEEN FULLY REPAIRED " ' /II ......... [11t ..... .............
• , : Frea Mc±wan~gal no I "
aa oressln oz "a
ged for da3s. Fmally" they werel ...... ~=~+,,,~ or. n,,~'s FTida,, eve-} Mrs. Melvin Nelson. Stella Rich- ]~ .... ~1 gt "Ja~- ..................................... 10e
~ vered, He blinked and smiled. !ning. The Farmers Elevator company awre%' Luellle o t n O ato, :rll Sentinel Butte II SandwiCh Reli&, j.r .................. ~0¢
,~ see! he exclaimed. [ Andrew Kohler was to Beach on lat eenmel Butte has done a good Sat" r~e~'*°-x--^ n ......... /11 II1 i ] ................
~tr u u y ~z,~zxtt.r~
s seemed to fall away front ]Thursday getting some repairs for I job in repairing its elevator by " /11 Call at . Luna Soap, 6 a@s ........................ 15e
COb Lieberman after that Ileihis binder. H. A. Bury helped Mr./building under it a new foundation, Leo "'~ '- Ill ...... f~| ~ ........................
• " " ' a . . rm gn~ anu otu ~mitla mo-
llled younger, haDnier Friends ]Kohler repair his bznder Thursd Y}gradmg wzth gravel the approaches +~.,~ +,, .~ ..... t, ~r,,.,,.,, No. 10 Prunes ...........
had known onlv bv their voices[afternoon. . [andotherwiseimprowngtheexte- [I ]] 7 ..~ A __L ][. _. I]
..... " " r .................. " - ...................... 39e
Came • - - • , Miss Doris Odman was a visitor ior aspects of the grain mart ~ YVUfC KI:I . No. 10 Blackberries
• vzslble. He looked at hzm- i ....... mba and Am [ ....... ".. ~ Stella Rzchards and Hollls Golliet |~ ~ US~p/~ / ~ / - .................................. ~¢
In • [ oz MLSSeS ~,oume u~re " Anaerson d~ 2acL~ormlct oi ~eacn
the mzrror and laughed. For ni ht . left Tuseclay for Bismarck, after a , , I •
~ ........ gela Jendro Saturday g • . /have just completed a race electric two w~et- ..... ~F,- .... III f No. 2½ Peaches, Pears and Pineapple, 3 for .~3~
1, -,-~ ume ne saw ms snow-~ Leslie Howard was a caller at ~./job on the inside which will enable i :_,_ ~ ................... v'~"ll l~&&~gJmFg~ I/I ......
~e hair and beard. He was IF. Irons Sunday night. . ]the company to easily and cheaply l~u~" III Jr II H Fresh Hamberger and sausage, pound 10¢
~u of his mllttary carriage, still/ H. A. Bury and John Irons ann/handle grains, the obsolete thingsl~ [I " #/ Ill ..........
.tuned, a reminder of service in/families were fishing at the MIS-/being replaced by several electric] Ill if II'~I~T('O'I" Iill
[ Russian army. / souri Sum2ay. They report fair/motors for elevating the grain, dis- | I II ¥ [] I I __
rot the first time In 20 years he luck. charging it and transferring it to I~:O[cte ~ i:1 McD0nenat! B Boiten
11 for a fif un and cand '
th of a century. |were callers at Otto Johnson's S -/and more efficiently and this,~ I I and candy. ]II . D.
~e Smiled Joyously at trees ~day afternoon. . [means cuttings costs. I~ "----- " _ - !1 ......
~n new 1 .~ ~ r Joe Tort and wife and daugh an is to be congratu
g eave,_, but he was I M . " | The comp y " I~ _ ..
aZed at the trafficth~ hi~her terf Freada arrived from Minne-]lated on its enterprise. I~ ----~
l{]ings, new-tvne cars ,nd:apols Frday nght wth a truck loadI ..... III My crew moved/the Ad- IT~~'F~/f--~~,l-'~-~/~/r,~/~e~--l/r~,~,~/~,E-~/,~-,w/P--~/F~--,/,~--,,~,J,, ......
~formed streets ' " t of furniture and household gooas, j The nublic spirit of the Sentinel/t ........Ze ..
!ack at home, he look a b~th I T~:[ aw~P.~ect to ma~e ~ne,r nome lButte l~eople is shown by the efian~]~ vancc~ new ~4no~e machine h~ .........
~lded and nut on a new suit I _ . .~:; ........a~h~,~ M~ /flower garden grown on ~ne o~ from the train the paper's
~ a,...,"~. ...... • ,i trYing uumw/ .... . ,=~%--2-*,~,-lof the communz~y nail, and we sus_ I fr°m thltrain]~° the paper's
• u rzcner than RocKe~elter, uardt were caners a~ ~ ~, #onn had a ood
aa~,~ t q ' . , . " ' " ~ pect that "Dad" Norem g II new hon~. If was the heavi-~I|
"" ston's Sunday nzgnL Ideal to do with it. At any rate it [] ! ] _ I~L~. ~1111[
] " " - Mr and ]is very pretty and impresses one II est 4200~l~nCls I ever hap.- ~ i~ ~
~,.~lngton.--~onty-four~uaxtsl " __..=--= .---~ , I hand and m~cal help h~ ~ be~~ ~ ~
uz and twelve pints of whlp- Elmer Miller .zs .su~.zermg from_ t called to get it out. I KRI IE
cream are delivered daily at an nfected hans wmcn ne naa ~oj I II ------ ~ .~.
White House, making President have lanced. I She: I'm afraid to go into that l ~ IIitl nT_ . a . ./ n a a~ . --
~: .and hls household one of Mrs J~ Golva is Idark room" . axest I'm with ou II "/~ll[t,' tin,ray congratmate me Beach Aavance for the
st customers of Washington much'troubled with an infected eye. 1 He: ae ,. Y " [ | | II111 ....... & LL.... L____ / / • . ~[
sen. The average daily milk -'Miss Nedra Wyckoff of Sentinell She: That's the ~rouble.l| UUD LIilIL01 .t~ mpzuv©m :ut tu©y uave maee uv movlnff to
,' the White House Is $12.85, or Butte is helping Mrs. Harry Rleel ," -~ /il ........... d._:...... ,_ .- - °
Ximately $4,500 a year with her work. I 'Do specmczes netp your eyes]l[ The D~ym~ mmz new iocauoll . [
• This Magnificent harvest weatherlany?" , II~ .
could not be beaten for man and [ ' Do they l They:re kept three guys I lt~ |[~ I]
beast. / from hitting me. |,~ ~ 1
,;rrunen wor ers _ , anu we congratulate ourselves bv avinor'klr,aa ~.A +,,l~. ;..
.... • - " " - ........ " .... stock ......... .havizz ........ . ....
. we nsg a iew sizes oth
NOW "[ravel by Air - ' - -- 4 _ , er SlZ0g proportionate in price,
'a~Lngton.--~he a v e r a g e sucn as: ~ j/
l~e per mile on air pas- 4.40x21 Speedww . . " .
~r.- llnes In the United ....... "',, ~1~1~ SS 59. pair '6 98
t~ ,t.ouxzl ~peea asin '
Is 6 29 cents, according to ' - ............. 5 2 ..... t Jtty Jffasing $$.89, paw $7.58
mmerce department. ....... • peed a asing $6;15, pair $11.98
.~ ITn 7;2ten:t 17£be~: I The J. C. Penney companfl congratulates The Good car tubes from to $1.10. All kinds of electrical
of only about half 1 nts it" has parts and fan belts for ALL Cars
average rate In effect on Beach Advance on the trnproveme t
~ry 1, 1'980, and compares ..... vlant b- which it has •
i :ry and its peo- i
e£t " eat were computed on
miles of air routes In the ~ t, • ¢
1 States. .................... =-_4
travel rates have become ~"%=-----------------------=~-"-"---------~ ......................
that government era-
on ofllclal business, are
allowed to travel by air
of raiL