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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 3, 1944     Golden Valley News
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August 3, 1944
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, August 3, 1944 The Golden Vall yCounty Farmers Union -- In an effort to cooperate with moves to estab~h a lasting peace and to create a just and democratic economic order has leased this space for the next several issues and in It will en:_~_av0r__to bring you the aims and purposes of the FARMERS EDUCATIONAL AND COOPERATIVE I UNION OF AMERICA as well as to encourage your patronage of cooperative business enterprises wherever possible. I • Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gas and CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Scotty Donaldson of Beach: Mr. and Mrs. Woodward moved intoI Roger Nelson, son of Mr. and • and Mrs. Bennett, Agre of Colum- their former home. which they re- LOCAL NEWS :Items of Interest picked up here and there by ouI News reporters. We are always glad to get your news items. PHONE 39 Mrs. Margurite Stecker and Judy and Mrs. Mahlon Stecker were call~ ers Saturday at the Butterfield home. Miss Carrie Witzig and nmther were dinner guests of Mrs, Butterfleld Sunday. Mrs. Emma Brown ~nd grand- daughter Margian Butterfield re- turned from Belllngham. Wash.. where they have been for nearly a year. Mrs. Brown will attend to business here through harvest, Miss Doris Erickson of Los An- geles, Calif. and Mrs. Ivah Car- rillo of Downey, Calif., who have been visiting at the Victor Ren- Ward Butterfleld is helping his lirother Ben. at Rlchey, Mont. He ls~r°m' heine for the past thlee weeks, left Monday for their homes. returned to Beach Monday. : S-Sgt. Glen Fakler. who has been E. A, Weaner of St, Paul was a here on a nine-day furlough, visit- wekend visitor at ~he E. D. Evans horlle. ORDER your gas floor furnaces now! No cert~ates required. Ket- ner Sul/ply Cir., BcaciL 45-1tc Mrs;. Emma Brown arrived here l~tst week from Belllngham. Wash. to ~pend the summer months in Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Nelson of Transconia, Manitoba, Canada ar- rived Sunday for a visit at the George Oas home. Mrs. Kenneth Noyes and daugh- ter moved from the Anderson apartments to the Rube Clark • partment on Monday. The Social Hour Club will hold a ~'1~¢ at the Mrs. Minnie Soren- non, llark on Tuesday afternoon, Augus~ 8th. ,Ita~ld Smith returned last Sat- urd~F from Billings where he had been spentiing several days trans- acth~g business matters. Mn anti. Mrs. Ray Sleeker and of Tacoma Wash, are visit- ing at the home of Mr. Stecker's lirother, Mahlon, thrm~gh harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Youells t!nd guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Peck, el Tacoma, Wash. c~lled on Mrs. J. C. Butterfleld and Zona on Saturday evening. Mrs. Butterfleld and Zona return- end with Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Full- er and daughter, Gayle, from a trip to the Black Hills. h~vl-~ enjoyed the scenery and a good time, ~ ~ Ben Lechler. who has been em- Ployed by Ernest Feldman for the past several years, has accepted a position running a combine for fferman WoJahn. Mrs. Hild~ Miller. who has been with her daughter, Jane, at Oak- hind. California, is a house guest at the Marshall Miller home, hav- ing axrived in Beach recently. I I I II ""°" 12 SAT. AUG. ONE DAY ONLY CIRCUS GROUNDS AT BALL GROUND BBO E. ANDERSON STARRING RANGER IN PERSON WITH -- "JUMBO" World ~amous Elephant FUNNN' CLOV4NS BEAUTIFUL GIRLS [11 II ' mg his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fakter. retm'ned to his camp at Muroc. California on Monday morning. S-Sgt. Fakler Ls a me- chanic in th'e air corps, George Fakler of Sheridan, Ore., son ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fakler. is here for the harvest and for visit witl: hk~ parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fakler. Mr. Fakler left here for Oregon eight years ago and this i is his second visit home during that time. , Mrs. Enm:a and Ray Brown were business visitors in Dickinson last week. Mrs. Brown stayed overnight with Mrs, Ellis Ayers, who is re- cuperating from a recen~ operation. She Ls recovering nicely, which is good news to her many friends around Beach. Miss Mary Jane Alguire complet- ed her work as a teacher at the summer term at the State Teachers ' College in Dickinson on Friday and ]arrived in Beach that evening to spend the balance of the summer vacation here with her parents, ~Mr. and Mrs. L, J. Alguire. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Babcock re- ceived word of the arrival of their Ifirst grandchild, Donald Michael, who arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Trainotti at San Pedro, ICalif. on Saturday, July 29, weigh- ing 7 lb. and 7 oz. Mrs, Trainotti will be remembered here as Velma Babcock. According to a news item which appeared in last week's Killdeer Herald. Orris Berg, a teacher in the Sentinel Butte sct:ools in 1941-42, was reported killed during the init- ial invasion of France. Berg had I many friends throughout this sec- ; tion. his home being at Dunn Cent- er. North Dakota. i H. B. Flnneman of Golva, re- turned the forepart of the week I[ from Minneapolis where he had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Lorraine Knudson. While in Min- nesota. Mr. Fineman purchased a good used automobile and a farm, but the latter is located in North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doering re- turned to Wendell. Idaho on Tues- day morning, where Mr. Doering is a teacher in the local schools. Mrs. Doering is a sister of Mrs. Randall Thompson of Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Doering have spent the summ,~r here. living in the Nel- son apartments while here. Beaci: will have its first public attractions of the season starting next Monday, when the Northern Expositmn Shows and Carnival will set up for a t~lree-day stand. This carnival is well known to the peo- ple of this community, having shown here previous years with a very satisfactory record for clean wholesome entertainment. On Sat- urday, August 12. the Bud Ander- son circus will give two perform- ances, their circus to be set up at the ball park. ~-V- UNITI~D BRETHREN CHURCH D. E. Kenney, pastor Be~ch, North Dakota "The Little Church with the Big Welcome" Sundity, August 6: 10:15 A. M., the morning Worship service. 11:15 A. M,. Bible study classes for all ages. Wedne.,~Lay, 8 P, M.: The mid- week service of praise and prayer, followed by choir rehearsal at 9 o'clock. You are cordially invited to wor- ship with us. V-- UNITED BRETIIREN CHURCH D. E. Kenney. pastor Trotters, North Dakota Sunday, August 6: Sunday school for all ages at 2 P. M.. and the Worship service aL 3 o'clock. A friendly handclasp and spiritual fel- lowship await you. Servk~'~s every 1st, 3rd. and 5th Sundays of the month. WOODWARD BROS DRUG, BEACH i | We Ca~ Your :Orde~or an ALA~ CLOCK BUTTE DRUG daughter of Terry, Merit, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Siegler of Bremerton, Wash. were visitors at the George Gas home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Siegler continued on to Gar- rison, where they visited with Mr. Siegler's parents. Mr. and Mrs, Gas remained in Beach for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sorensen of Beach, received word Sunday of the death of the latter's brother. Capt. San ford Frank. who as a member of the parachute infantry was killed in action in France. June 12. Captain Frank. who was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Frank. pioneer residents of the Fryburg comnmnity and later of Belfield wls well known to many in western North Dakota. having attended scimol in Belfield.' In May, Cap- tain Frank was commissioned sec- ond highest in command of his battalion. Dixon MacDougall, llnotype op- ' crater on the Golden Valley News left Wednesday morning for a short visit in Bismarck and a general check-up at the clinic. This leaves the home-town weekly pretty much cramped for help, but with the forced assistance of Judge John Rider, we hope to have the paper in the mail on time. although short of news matter we were unable to set into type matter. It ls bad enough for three people to try to do the work of six. but when the work falls on just two. it brings the skilled labor situation almost to the impossible. i Beach: ~1~ ~unday school 10 A. M. Service 11 A. M. Pilgrim Fellowship 7:30 P. M. Choir practice Wednesday at 8 P. M. Sentinel Butte: Services at 2 P. M. Medora: Sunday school at 3 P. M. Worship service at 4 P. M. --V-- METIIODIST CHURCII Ray McClm~e. minister John R. Roberts, pastor bus and Dean. Marlys and Diane cently remodeled and repaired. Johnson of Columbus. , --.V- Mr. and Mrs, Leland D. Rice and Bones of prehistoric peoples have family of Lakota moved into the been discovered by scientists, and A. Woodward house, formerly own- you car] see the bones of some liv-I ed by Mrs. Della Kukowski on Sat- ing ones through their eveningI' urday. Mr. Rice is the new mana- dresses. I ger for the Beach Co-operative EI- WAR BONDS . . . buy them andI evator, taking the place of L. J. Alguire who recently resigned. Mr. join America's victory march nil A Friendly Church with the Gos- pel Message. Thursday, August 3rd: W.S.C.S. meets at tl~e church. Mrs. Ristuben and Mrs. Olson are hostesses. Sunday: Sunday School 10 A. M. Worship service 11:15 A. M. Epworth League 7:30 P. M. Evening service 8:15 P. M. You are cordially invited to at- tend any or all of our services. ---V Mrs. Scotty Donaldson went to Columbus last week for a visit with friends and relatives and to visit with her brother, Pfc. Glenn John- son. who is home on a 16-day fur- lough from Camp Bwift, Texas. Sunday the family enjoyed a family reunio~ when all but two daughters of the family were home. Those present were: Pfc. Glenn Johnson, Coxswain 3c and Mrs. Herbert E. Hayes .of Bremerton. Wash., Mrs. MR. FARMER- ,: I The new lumber ration rifles require that you let a ¢ert'fi¢ te | from the Comity U.S3~.A. War B~mxd (County Agent) far hunber iyou need in any amount. i We have 2 in. franfing lulnber, boards, i shiplaps, drops~ding, flooring, shingles, paper cemp6t etc. A colnplete stock on hand~ A~Dry Lumber. Br:~y~Certifica~s to us for Complete Service Hafison Lumber & Hardware Co. YOUR LUMBER HEADQUARTERS, GOLVA, N. D. Mrs. Ernest Nelson of Sentinel Butte, who recently received his wings and Commission as a flight officer at Aloe Field, Victoria, Tex- as, is now receiving transitional training before being assigned to combat duty. He is a graduate of the Sentinel Butte high school and was attending the University of North Dakota before entering the service. JAR RINGS 3 ~o~ 10< STOCK UP NOWI FRUIT |ARS .o~ 59¢ ~TS 7~¢ PTS. DOZ. |~-- HARVEST TIME is "stock-up" time at Red Owl. Buy now for the Harvest meals and Winter months. FLOUR RED OWL, 50 lb. Bag 1.99 Enriched All Purpose PUFFED WHEAT 2-'~ ,~R~E BAGS13< COFFEE CAKE . . s,= 17' WIZDOM BRAND TOASTED RICH JAM FILLED AND ICED MACARONIsPAO&TT, S.LB. < ~ox39 BLACK TEA . . . ~.o~. PKo. 33' WIZDOM ELBOW CUT LAKELAND BRAND DEPENDON BRAND 3-LB COFFEE FLAVORFUL--Ground Fresh BA~" 59C • At Time of Purchase t _. SEMI. l~r ¢ . PIGS 21 WILSON'S CERTIFIED PICKLED Northern Exposition Shows Will Exhibit at Beach Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 7-8-9 J~E~RING / ME/Cff~NICAL FARM SHOW Rides and Concessions, etc. Ride the Big High FERRIS WHEEL CRISCO MILK ~AN CA.P'S ,,~-o,. EVAP ~,PO,NT 3 CANS 27~ SMALL 6-OZ. CANS 3 FOR 14e CALUMET ,.LB. BAK,NO POWDE; " " P'