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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 3, 1944     Golden Valley News
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August 3, 1944
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Thursday, August 3, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE FIV~ Dance at Sentinel Butte Hall Musicby Golva Orchestra. Good Time For Everybody. I I I in Friday Eve, Aug. 4th Tickets: Gents 85c plus tax, Ladles 25c. iii I [I ii iii I I I I II I I ii I li I II L I I THE GOLDEN VALLEY HEWS A Weekly Published Every Thursday by The NEWS PUBLISHING CO. Fred A. Shipman, Editor N. C. SI"HPI~, Business Memager J. D. MacDOUGALL, SupL Entered as Second Class matter al the Postofftee at Beach, North Dakota, October 7, 1936, under the Act of March 3, 1897. Ration Reminders For Coming Week Sugar: Stamps No 30, 31 and 32 (Book IV) good for 5 pounds in- definitely. Canning Sugar: Stamp No. 40 (Book IV) good for 5 pounds. Apply at your local board for additional canning sugar using Spare Stamp No. 37. Meats and Fats: Red Stamps 8A through 8Z (Book IV) valid inde- finitely. 5A, 5B and 5C become valid August 2. Froeessed Foods: Blue Stamps 8A through 8Z and 5A (Book IV) valid indefinitely. 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E and 5F became valid August 1. Shoes: Airplane Stamps No. 1 and No. 2 (Book III) each good for one pair of shoes indefinitely. Fuel Oil: Period Four and Five coupons good for ten gallons ~er Unit through• September 30, 194.. New Period One coupons now valid. Order your fuel oil now. Stoves: Applications for purchase certificates on all gas, oil or coal heating and cooking stoves must be made to local war price and ra- tioning boards; Gasoline: A-12 coupons good $or 3 gallons each through September 21. B3 & B4, and C3 & C4 supple- mental ration coupons good for 5 gallons each. Tire Inspeeti~: Truck'(ire in- spections must b~ made every six montt~ or five tah0usand m3es,, whichever' occurs first. Tire inspec- tion records must be kept and ser- ial numbers properly noted thereon. ~-V-- Hospital Notes The following persons have been hospitalized at the Johnstone Mem- orial Hospital during the past week: Mrs. A. F. Doblar, Beach, Clar- enc~ Hageman, Wibaux, and Lyla Jean Wagner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wagner, Oorham, all July 26-27. Eugene Witte, Beach, was hospitalized July 26-28. Sivert Vanvig, Sentinel Butte, came to the hospital July 30. On July 31, George Sygulla, Golva, and Alfred Nunberg, Wibaux, were hos- pitalized. Mrs• Sam Wilson, Carlyle, and A. F. Lemire, Beach, were hospital- ized August 1st. Tonsillectomies were performed on Beverly McManigal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McManigal, Car* lyle, and Mrs. Leslie Baird, Wibaux, July 27th,.and on Donald Matejcek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Matej- cek, Beach, July 28th. Mr. and Mrs• Orville Poore, Beach, are the parents of a 6-lb. 12 1-2 oz. son born July 29th. Appendectomies were performed on Walter Allen, Sentinel Butte, July 29th, and on Ruth Quale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Quale, Carlyle, and Stainer Peder- son, Wibaux, August 1st, Tonsillectomies were performed August 2rid on Herbert and Norma Jean Harland, children of Mr. and Mrs. W. C• Harlan, Wlbaux, and on Richard, Joyce,~ and Jerry O'Connor, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. O'Connor, Carlyle. Ill H Penal-Cola Coml~nil, Island City, N. Y. Bottler: Pepsi-Col a Bottling Company of Hettinger TNE IrJRE YOU'VE ]BEEN WAITING FOR A BRAND-NEW GRADEd &OODfl EAR It took the taxis to teach us how very good this new Goodyear all-synthetic rubl~er tire ia-- 3000 Goodyears each before recapping! Sixteen fleets in averaged 22.360 ~R~ter, that'S figures~ Come in soon and look i ; ..................... -~ Dorothy and Nancy Higby were | ~,~v TTV !", ~VlrVTTV~ I dinner guests at the Ed Martin |T_AW[V[[4~ [U~ | home, the occasion being Dorothy t ~0~'U.U,/J[IJl~ Jill:/][lk~ | Vanetta's birthday. ! LuciUa Htgby, Reporter | Earl Higby and Herman Bargfeld ~,_= ...... _ .............. .- made a business trip to Dickinson Saturday. Herman visited the doc- Mrs. Earl Stark and Laura were tor. as he hasn't been feeling very Beach shoppers last Friday~ well. Harvey Flake completed his work Dorothy Jean Waterland arrivedt at the Higby home last week. He home from Los Angeles Tuesday. I worked 2~ days. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fulton and Enroute she visited relatives in Hel-] ena. Dorothy Jean has been at~] Mrs. Bob Carew were Beach shop- tending school in Los Angeles. I Saturday of last week• i pers Roy Hartse has been here visiting~ NOTICE~VTo CREDITORS Ji his mother, Mrs. Ed Hartse, and i ! i ot ?,21 tivy2.. ............... I IN THE S ATE ~au.~ o~:txe~ xt~t~ occtt uu~*t~ ~uxx*~I OF A. E. SIMMONS DECEASED. interior painting at the Rudolph NOTICE is hereb.y given by t)~e • ~,,++~ "L-,~ , [ unuersignea ~amm~s~ra~or Wx~4 ~ne ~t,~o **~,**~• . -- l Will annexed of the estate Of A. E. --Mrs. Harvey Fi.'ske and Mrs. ut:om[simmons, late of the City of Daven- ~l~on were caners oI Mrs. Jim port in the County of Scott and Gannon Wednesday of l~tst week State of Iowa, deceased, to the ere- ..... re I ditors of, and all persons having Mr and Mrs Ea N~artm we cl • • I aims against, said decedent to ex- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey hibit them with the necessary vouch- Flake Sunday era within six months after the .o _ ::5~" .......... I first publication of this notice to ~¢~r aria Mrs ~.onme vane~a aria • • [ said Administrator at his office in children were Sunday evening call- the City of Beach in said Golden era at the Earl Higby home. Mrs. Hazelle Workman was a supper guest at the Claude Land home Sunday• Edith Carew and Mary Waterland entertained Tuesday of last week, the Home IYemonstration club and Red Cross at the home of Mrs. Carew. A lot of sewing was accom- !glished, kit bags for the armed services. Election of officers was held, Margarite Sartz being elected president, Edith Carew vice presi- dent, Lois Stewart secretary, and Isador Huffman treasurer. The Valley County, North Dakota or to the County Judge of said County, in his office in said County and State. NOTICE is hereby further given that the time and place fixed by the court for hearing and adjust- ing such claims are the 30th day of January, 1945, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Cocrt Rooms of the County Court in the Court House in the City of Beach in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. Dated this 19th day of July, 1944. JOHN KEOHANE Administrator with- the Will Annexed of the Es- tate of A. E. Simmons, Deceased. ! visitors present were Mrs. Paul I KEOHANE & KUHFELD Bowen and son, Mrs. Gordon Rus-I Attorneys for Administrator tad, Mrs. Arnold Beach and Miss Beach North Dakota. I First publication on the 20th day Connie Carew. A lovely lunch was [of July, 1944. served by the hostess. L(July 20, 27; AugUst 3, 1944) --'V--"--'=~i | ~ H i ....o.s Willys STATE OF N~)RTH DAKOTA !ss COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) IN DISTRICT COURT SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Ruby E. Doerner, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) E. G. Favell, T. E. Hudson, ) Z. Vlasoff, the tmknown ) heirs of Z. Vlasoff, also ) known as Zosima Vtasoff, ) Deceased, and all "other Per- ) sons unR'nown claiming any estate or interest" in, or lien or encumbrance upon~ ) the property described in ) the Complaint, . ) Defendants. ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEF~N- DANT~:..~ You' are hereby summoned and required ,to answer the Complaint of the above named Plaintiff. which is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer thereto upon the sub- scriber at his office in the City of Beach, in said County and state. within flairty (30) days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of such ser- vice, and in case of your failure to appear or answer as above re- quired, the Plaintiff will take judg- ment against yea by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint, Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 26th day of June A. D. 1944. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff • Office and Postoffice Ad- dress: Beach; North Da- kota. NOTICE TO THE ABOVE NAMED D~FEN- DANTS : You, and each of you, will please take notice that the abqve entitled action is brought for the purpose of quieting t~ue in the Plaintiff and depriving you. and each of you, of any and all interest in and to the following described lands and pre- mises situateo in the County of Golden Valley a~d State of North Dakota, wz: Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) in Block One .(1) of the Orig- inal Townsite ot ~eacn, ~orm Dakota, as the same is platted and the Plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of (~olden Val- ley County, North DaKota, and of determining, adverse claims i thereto, and that no pe.rsonal claimI is made against you unless you ap-[ ear and defend in this action. { P JoHN I~EOHANE [ Attorney for Plaintiff I Beach, North Dakota. ] (June 29; July 6, 13. 20, 27; Aug• 3t ! CAN'T YOU ,SLEEP? builds &e 5 Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer'LindstromI Mrs. Ed Martin; M~s. Earl Higby The combines for ~ IH~-: and family arrived home from fond Lucflle, Mrs. Lonnie Vanetta mond were unloaded ~ ~h Idaho last Thursday, where they land children were Beach shoppers Tuesday, and Wednesfl~ ~ ~t had been visiting for a while. I last Friday. .' week. I I I I iii iiiii il IIII I i i i Hill! J l .... II ' , :, ~ ~ THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... "I can't think of anything else you'll need for your Victory garden, Judge... you've got ~ty nearly everything." "I think so, too, John. Ever get your asparagus patch going?" "I gave that up last year, Judge. Tried it six years in a row with no luck. Just haven't got the right soil, I guess?" "Well, I think you're wise, John... no use keeping on trying things you know won't work. Just like prohibition. State-wide pro- hibition has been tried in this country seventy-two times in the last ninety years. It has been adopted forty-seven times in the past thirty-three years and discarded everywhere except in three states. Same thing was tried in eight provinces in Canada and in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia but it was an admitted failure and universally abandoned. "The reason is prohibition does prohibit. All you get is bootleg stead of legal liquor, plus no end of and corruption." TMs adn~,$iser,~ sl~,tsared b2 ConJe~ct d/Akckolix Bct~tta~ Indus~rits, the. ! , ..... ' v i I | II I I ii I I I I I1[1! MASSEY-HARRIS HARVESTBRIGADE THE GREAT MASSEY-HARRIS SEL PROPELLED HARVEST BR ' "~' 1 : ' I S H ERE NOW | ..... The Harvest "Brigade is now BREAD IS ON The~"Bri~e" cor~bines are 12 and fo~ larzer aJere~Ke farmers, but this wonderful serf-propelled principle to-the Combine in 7-foot cut size. The ~ ,trai~t-th~u~, ~ther Pun.Type assey-Harris • '.. an(l m~ney.. ...... . Come In or I~one and weql tell you where~ the Flmrvest ~ls ope~,** ating and th4m you cam se~ it at the most ~onvenle~nt Ibne 4rod I~l~" ~ ...... face of a serious It s ~mT opportunity E BATTLE FOR a vast movement of l~assey-Hm-Tis-b~dlt )~-$ Tanks on the 1~tt]efront, hundreds of Ma~seyoHarris ~elf-Prope~ed C~)mblnes ,- in the hands of approved, reliable op~ators, are invading America's grit grain belt in localititw whece the need is Ireatest. The goal d the "Brigade" is to harvest at~ least 1,000,000 scres this year. It is estimated that the~ ~elf.1~ropdled Massey-Harris Corn b~e$ will save half a million bushek which tractor-drawn combines tramp down in epenin~ Up fields--save 300,000 man.hours and th0uNnd~ of pilots of tractor fuel Golden Valley C. C RK,!Proprietor i!'] i