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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 3, 1944     Golden Valley News
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August 3, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, August 3, 1944 WIBAUX NEWS A. D Bryce went to Miles Ctty Thursday on business, Ore Johnson is home on furlough visiting his relatives. Mrs. Fred Zopfi sPent several days last week visiting at Terry. Miss Francis Baker left for Bis- marck Friday to visit the cllrde. Mx. and Mrs. Bill Burns. Jr. and son left last Thursday for Salt Lake City. James Griffith left Sunday for Farragut, Idaho after a short fur- lough. Win. Schuett spent several days at Bismarck last week, returning Sunday. Mrs. Calvert Stair is visiting at the Stair home. Calvert is now overseas. Marian Carlson is home from Terry after visiting.there two weeks with relatives. Mrs. E. Welliever and Mrs. Ray Scammon were in Glendive on Thursday. Freddy Good left for his home at Pompeys Pillar after spending 5 weeks at the Stair home. Mrs. Bill Manning and Mrs. L. Faltermeyer served lunch at Red Cross Friday afternoon. Miss Clara Skaar is spending sev- eral days at the Helvik home as a house guest. Mr. and Mrs. Arley Helvik are the parents of a baby girl born July 26 at the N. P. hospital. Miss Charlotte Fischer came home Sunday from Forrest River, Wis., where she has been teaching. The Misses Hladick and Jean-I nette Welsh and Mrs, Don Welsh! wez~e in Glendive Tuesday. ] Mr. and Mrs. Fiord Bossermanl and children of Goiva visited at]l the Burton Welst] home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Don Welsh. Nell Welsh, Ray Seabed and Miss Eliot- beth Scal~.d went to Glendive Sat- urday evening, Business callers at Beach Thurs- day were Mrs, S. Nodlun. Mrs. F. E. Elllott, L, Fattermeyer and daugh- ter, Mrs. Clam Cowee. Mrs. Kuch and grandson Bobby got home Thursday from Chicago after spending several weeks visit- Mrs. Lena Hoffer and daughter came from Billings Sunday to visit at the Goossen home and with relatives at Baker. Miss Irene Goossen returned to her home at Glasgow Friday alter spending several days with her bro- ther and his wife. Erling Bakken, George Larson and Roland Quade arrived home Friday on leave from their camp at Farragut, Idaho. Mxs. Joe Sokaloski spent several days last week as the house guest of Mrs. Lottie Freiss. She left Fri- day evening to visit her parents at Circle. Mrs. Will Welsh had the unfor- tunate experience last week of hav- ing her pressure cooker blow up and burn her several places quite badly. The Christian Fundamental Ladies Aid was entertained Thurs- day afternoon at the club house by Mesdames Will Welsh, P. Fischer and Bertra Stlpek. Mrs. Don Welsh and her brother, Ray Scabad, and sister Elizabet~, who is here on a vacation from New York City, returned from Glendlve with Mrs. Welsh to visit at her home• Mr. and Mrs. Sig l~edersen and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Stainer Peder- sen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scammon and son, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finkle and ,son and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Preston and chil- dren all went on R fishing trip m Burns Sunday, -V TROWERS NEWS Mr. Filkowski cut oats for P. V. Moore last ~eek. Mr. and Mrs. John Greenup made a trip to Beach on Saturday. Several from this community at- tended the home maker~ picnic on Sunday. The P. V. Moores were Sunday evening callers as the Filkowsld llome, The lightning struck in Cecil Metcalf's pasture, near Ridenhow- ors's, on S:tturday evemng. It burn- ed quite a few acres of ground before they got it under control. Burneal Nellermoe was doing housework at the Ridenhower home ing with relatives ale a " • ;last week. Joan Good h s been Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lackey and]herding sheep there. daughter of Circle spent the week-[ A fair sized crowd attended Sun- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. [day school and church services last w. ~cnuevt. [Sunday. Rev. Kenney preached a Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fasching and[fine sermon. There will be Sunday children left Sunday on a short lschool and church services again on vacation to Bismarck. Mr. Fas- [ August 6. Everybody welcome. chlng's father of Sentinel Butte Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tasker made will keep the shop open. a trip to Bismarck last week. when Mr. and Mrs. KorneyChuck of Baker visited at the Goossen home Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. Goossen left With them to spend several days with them at Baker. ROSE s Theatre Calendar GLENDIVE, MONTANA CURRENT WEEK NOW SHOWING: '*PASSAGE TO MARSEILLE" starring Humphrey Bogart and Michele Morgan. OWL SHOW SAT, 11:30 P. M. SUN, MON. TUES.: "IN OUR TDIE" Ida Lupino and Paul Henreid. It was daring! It was defiantl It was irrepressible I It was rapturous! Their love was all these things! A picture to stand with the greatest of all time! WEDN~_~DAY ONLY: "HENRY ALDRICH PLAYS CUPID" With Jimmy Lydon and Dianna Lynn. Advise to the lovelorn . . . learn how to get your mun Ray went through the clinic, in regard to a throat ailment, He went on to Rochester, Minn. for further examination. We hope Ray's condition is not sermus, BONNIE VIEW Marly McCaskay, Reporf~ Miss ELsie Pasha has returned to Billings to resume her work there, after spending several weeks with relatives here. A number of friends and relatives gathered at the Joe Pesha. Sr. home Sunday for a picnic at the picnic grounds there, honoring Godfrey Pasha, whose birthday oc- curred that day. • S-Sgt. Glenn Fakler of Muroc, Calif. was calling on friends in the Bonnie View community Wed- nesday, Glenn was a former teach- er at Bonnie View. before his en- trance into the service. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stull spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pasha. Jr. This is Willis's first visit with relatives and friends at Beach since he en- tered the Navy about two and one-half years ago. Cpl. and Mrs. Glendon Gordon. ======================== 0LLIE NEWS Mrs. Joe Baker, Reportez Sammy Werks of Baker is visit- ing at the Merl Buckley ranch. Mr. and Mrs, John Stromme were dinner guests at the Lav~Ince Mor- ! rison home Sunday. Mrs. Carl Rose and Wilma visited ] at the Claud Schouboe home on Thursday. Fred and Byron Hudson ol Baker spent the weekend at the Bert Hudson home. Mr. and Mrs. Claud ]~aker and Leslie were supper guests at the George Cox home .Sunday. A number of people from here attended the sale Saturday at the Golden farm west of Baker. Miss Leone Bryson left Friday for Billings to vlslt friends for a few weeks. Percy Bryson and Herbert were supper guests at the Archie Slater home Sunday evening. ~p:nt Mr. and Mrs, Carl Sliper the day at the John Sliper Saturday. Rose Marie and Betty Ulvin and Dolores Hudson spent the day at the Carl Rose home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boat, Rev. and Mrs. Berg and daughter of Baker, and Mrs. Narum were Sunday guests at the Christ Sherva home. Rudolph Lutts met his daughter, C.N.C. Juel Lutts. who came Mon- day morning from Billings to spend her furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Thoma.~ Ferrel and daughter moved into the Booster station home on Cabin Creek, where Tommy will be in charge. , Mrs. Charles Nelson and Marjorie returned home Sunday morning from Pamona, CaliL, where they spent the past month visiting with relatives. Ed Newton of Spokane, Wash. ar- rived Timrsday at the George John- son home to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Bert Hudson motored to Baker to meet him. Mrs, Bert Hudson entertained Thursday evening a a birthday din- ner in honor of the sixth birthday of her niece. Marie Hudson, Miss Carol Rose, Mr. Bryson and Fred Hudson were presenL Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sllper and Mr. and Mrs. John Sliper met the train at Marmarth Friday, when Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Foster arrived from Washington, D. C. for a visit. Mrs. Foster is the former Anna Sliper. Mr, and Mrs, Christ Rost return- ed home Sunday after visiting their children and families in Wisconsin the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rost brought them down from Medora. Percy Bryson spent last Sunday at Glendive at the Glen Manthey home. Miss Leone and Herbert Bryson returned home with him Monday. Leona had spent the past two months visiting in Iowa and Minnesota. The Farmers Union association held a picnic Sunday at the grove on the June Billington farm, A big crowd attended and had an enjoy- able time. Don Chapman. state Farmers Union president of Great Falls gave an interesting talk. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shepherd., Mr. and Mrs. Bob Corbitt and children, Mrs. Martha Shepherd, Mrs. Willis Higgins and Anna Keaves were supper guests a~ the Randolph Perry home. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rost and family, Mrs. Shy Tenn~nt, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Boat, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rost, and a group of other young people had u picnic at Good- saws Sunday. Mrs. Fred WassT~nn, Cot. _ 1 Fred Wassmann was a Dickinson caller on Tuesday, Henry Trester called at the Wassmann home on Friday. Mrs. Walter Wassmann and Jerry were callers at the home of her mother, Mrs. Emma Beeler, near Wjbaux on Tuesday. Staff/ Sgt. and Mrs. John A. Johnsg~ were overnight guests at the Fred Wassmann home Tuesday. They also called at the C-co. Stull home Wednesday morning. Mrs. Fred Wassmann and Mrs, Loyde Wassmann and Carolyn were Sentinel Butte callers on Monday, They were also supper guests at of Kingman Field. Arizona, arrived Tuesday night for a visit at the home of the former's parents, ~. and Mrs. Irving Gordon. Gle~ and his wife spent a week at Des Moines. Iowa. previous to coming to Beach. visiting Mrs. Gordon's parents and Glendon's sister, Mrs. Inez Carlson. there. V. ORDER your gas iioor furnaces now! No certificates Pequired. Ket- ner Supply Co., Beach. 45-1to ---V.~ NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Comfnissioners of the Frank Johnson home the' Golden Valley County, North Dakota, night. will receive sealed bi~ds for the FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH ....... -- --- O. L, Olsrud. pastor tel. 154 Beach: Services at II A. M. Ser- W ANT ADS mon fl~eme: "A Wise Steward." Ladies Aid this Friday afternoon TWO CENTS PER WORD PER ISSUE at the home of Mrs, E, C. Nelson. Sentinel Butte: Services at 9:30 If you want to buy or sell A.M. something; If you need help Garner: Services at 3 P.M. or wmal a Job, you can gel rolul~i from New~ Want Ads. ---V No ad accepted for leas than NOTICE AND CITATI@N, HEARING 25c per ln~rflon. A sarvica OF FINAL ACCOUNT AND charge of 25c will be meda for DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE "~blind'" ads. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) ---===-=====---- -_ _== ) County of Golden Valley ) IN COUNTY COURT GIRL WANTED--t~ do r~om work. Before Horn. James Donaldson, Golden Valley I-~q. 45-Itc Judge IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE FOR SALE---12-f-~" "~t;~.u~c~ Singer OF HAROLD HARRIS. DECEAS- ED. sewing mach~J~,~ wheel chair. John Kcohane, as Admin- Chas. Purvis. ~ach, 44-tfc istrator with the Will An- nexed, Petitioner. FOR SALE---I registered Hereford vs. bull. 2~ years old. John Susa. Harold R. Harris. Helen E. Golva. 44-3tp Harris. Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Estate o£ Jennie H. Harris. FOR SALFr--Royal Typewriter rib- Deceased Gilbert E. Har- boris. Golden Valley News ris. Helen E. Harris. Marion Rickel and Ina M. Still, office. 5-tf Special Guardian for Mar-~ .......................................... ion Rickel. a Minor. and all FOR SALE--Model A Nichols & other persons interested in the Estate of Harold Harris, Shepard 12-ft. combine, in good Deceased. shape. J, E. Metcalf. Trotters. Respondents. N.D. 44-3tp THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RE- SPONDENTS: FOR SALE--A few used quart and You. the said above named Respon- two-quar~ jars, 50 and 75c. In- dents, are hereby notified that the quire at Golden Valley News linal aecoum of the Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Last office. 45-tf Will and Estate of Harold Harris. late of the City of St. Paul in FOR SALE--6lroom house, known the Count>' of Ramsay and State as Zook hot,so. Also apartments of Minnesota, deceased, has been for rent. Ernest Moore. rendered to this Court. there~r~ show- ]~ 44-tfc ing ti~ the estate of said deceas- Beach. ed is rc~dy far final settlement and .......... distribution, and petitioning thali his ~t~ ~al~'_...~,~,l~ t$1~nhnna naive account lee allowed, the rcsiduo of ~-v~ ...... -- ......... ~ ...... v .... said astarte I~e distributed to the and split c~al" ~st. Hanson persons tt~ere~mto entitled, his, ad- T ~ ~. xza[,..~.¢~ ~ m,~ r--_ 1. ~,~ .. I r~ ,~o.~a ministratior~ ~losed and that he- be ~ ~ ....... dischm'ged; ~ tSmt Monday. the 21st North Dakota~.~ 38-tfc day of ±ku~st A. D, 1944, at 1,~n -- ..... o'clock in t~it~ forenoon of timt day, ~.. ~..-~.-~---~.. .-~L_ )tl GO ns IK~II~/LI} auto anti l)leSey i~le at the Coul~ t~ I s of this Cou~t, ~ " - " in lbe C'ou~l House, m the Cit~." ('halliCS, Welders, Top at~d Body of Beach County of Golden Val-' men in great d~in'tnd A short e~ and Sta~e of North Dnkota t ~! . " 1 " " " ' been duly appointed by this "('ot~i pracllcal courseiwilt/prepare you for the settlement thereof, at which for a- good jo}L/TYee catalog, time ;rod place any person inter- HANSON TRA~ SCHOOL. Box ested in said estate may appear m~xt 1780-X, Fargo, N. Dak..P45-4tc file his execptmn~, in' writing, to said aecotlrll aBd pehtion and con- / test In," same. R~-L ESTATE--~Vell ~ p r o ;:ed And you. tl~e above named Respon- farms, froln 160 a~r'es up. Well denis, and each of you :.'e l~ereby improved ra'*c~'e~/up~|a7 to 10,000 cited and required then and there to be and appear before this Court. acres ill a bl}ck/Business build- and show cause, if any you have. ings and mo¢~e~ homes in town. why said account shah not be at- lowed, the residue of said estate Before you b~ry. drop in and see distribuied, the administration of me. W. C Howard. Real F_.state said estate closed and said John, Broker, Wibaux. Montana. 42-tfc Keohane. Administrator with the Will Annexed. discharged. Let service be made of this Cita- FOR SALE--1 John D~c~e 6-foot tion as required by law, combine, with motor/~)n, good as Dated this 1st day of August A. D. 1944. new; 1 1936 1~.~ top,Dodge truck, BY THE COURT: dual wheels, 2 I~and new tires JAMES DONA~.~DSON and inner |tubes, has been over- Judge of the County Court. ~SEAL OF COUNTY COURT) hauled; 1 ~[c~ormlck-Deering 8- KEOHANE & KUHFELD foot bindez~ ~th tractor hitch, In Attorneys for Petitioner Beach, North Dakota, A-1 shap~ 1 12-foot Deering (August 3. 10. 1944) header fq~ windrower. M. A. ----V Finneman, phone 5F22, Golva, NOTICE TO CREDITORS N.D. 42-6tC IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANK NOLL DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given 2fy the1 undersigned Administrator the estate of Frank NolL late of the , Townsbip of Lone Tree in ~he County o~ Golden Valley and State of North Dakota deceased to the creditors of, and all persons hav- ing claims against. Said decedent to exhtbit~ them with the neces- sary vouchers within s~x months after, the~*,first publication of this notice to said Administrator at the office of John Keohane in the City of Beach in said Golden Valley Try Alka-Seltzer f~ County, North Dakota or to tt~e Headache, "Morning After" Aching County Judge of said County, in his Muscl¢~. Acid Indigution. Plesumnh office in said County and State. prompt, effective. 30¢ and 60¢, NOTICE is hereby furtber given that the time and place fixed by the court for hearing and adjust- ing such claims are the 6th day of February, 1945. at ten o'clock A. M. in the Court Rooms of the High Vitamin potency at low coeb-- ONE-A-DAY Vitamin Tablets. A Ind County Court in the Court House D tablets in the yellow box--][~a- in the City of Beach in the County plex tablets in the grey box. of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. Dated this 26th day of July, 1944. DR.M|LES JOHN L TSC.ID.. N E RVi N'E Administrator. JOHN KEOHANE For SleepleuneM, Attorney for Administrator. bility, Headache, and Beach. North Dakota. Restl~unass, wheu due to Nervo~ First publication on the 27th day Tenaiom Use only as directed, t of July. 1944. (July ..~7~ugust.~ 3. IO. 1944) Farmers and Ranchers! SAVE MONEY ON YOUR reconstruction of the Williams Creek Mr. and Mrs. John Stall and in one easy lesson . . . the Al- Dam. Bids to be ]eft "with the David. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon C]ounty. Auditor, to b~ope~ed Sept. Sehmeling, Mr. and Mrs. E~ld ]REPAIRS ~un," am, Ivaa at I0:00 o'~ck A. M. A ......... certified check in/ti~e amottnt of Johnson and Holger, Enoch A.n~- I0% of t~e Bid rrflfist aceorffpany all s0n, Adolph Johnson, Mr. ~{~ YI G Ai t HAR ! ] bids. ~USm~ Estimate: , Mrs. Thorwald Vieland and l~m~ ~i, Embankment, ~m 6100 cubic yard, s Mr, and Mrs: Olaf Orated and girls, Spillway lsxca~ation 1900 cubic yal~ ~[r. ;a~nd Mrs. Art ~YJnderWo{~ and Rock ripr~p ~6 squai~ yards I family, MT. arid M~s.~NVt~tkll~ and Rubble Cob~i'ete cut off "on spillway " ./-'j ~ ~ ~ ." " ~'" " " , I0 cub~.-ya~"'dS_" '~ ' , i Dareel. Te Stull, Mrs. Joe Dietz ] The Boafd~of County CoR~n~dssion- land children and Miss Lois~ Wa~s- ]ors reserve the rlght-to re~ect any I~ o41 bids. ~mann were Beach ahopper~ on I(August 3, I0, 17, 24, 1944) t Saturday. t drlch Way! Laughs guaranteedt GARDEN CLUB TO MEET 'names. 4. Romance of flowers irt " melody. 5. Flowers in verse. Exhi- The Garden club will hold its bit: Flower arrangements, Qua: regular meeting on August 3rd at Florence Hanson. the home of Mrs. W. D. Adamson. i --V- - Topics for the evening are: Roll call. Nature lore: Eagles, hawks ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCI~ and vultures. Mrs. M. E. Freese. I V.H. Dissen, pastor I Flowers: I. Flower arrangements in1 Divine services 10 A. M. the home. 2. How to cut flowers Sunday School 11 A. M. for display. 3. Romance of plant Ladies Aid August 9 at 2 P. M. ~lilf~lIF @0.~ IMOe High in, Fashion Low in Price | t6.50 an wool fleeces and newly smooth fabrics boast- ing softly rounded la- l~S, gentler shoulders, new flange fronts.. Glowing new colors. Chester#~eld Hits So]t Fitted Styles Ca.ud Boy Coats I q BEACH LIVESTOCK August 4th and 5th J I @,