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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 3, 1939     Golden Valley News
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August 3, 1939
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LOCALS Mrs. Bob Coutts and ~Mtldred ~Tobias left last Saturday morning by car for the Twin Cities where they will spread a week on'a buying trip'for the Mlld- rella ~aOp:0f:~Is citY, MZs. M~ Tobias is caring for the business dur- ing their absence. "' Mrs. W. C. Bradley ~d children motored to Glendlve ~t~gday where they spent the a~ter~, visiting. Mlss~Helen Sokolowski .,~ame home from ~rck for a two months leave of ~ from her duties,at the St. Alexius hospital to help out at her ]home south of town d tnd;~g the har- vest season. Mr. ~ld Mrs.-.Qhas. Purrs returned home the first 6f the week from their vacation spent4n Belli~gbam, Wn. Odenbaugh was employed at the Wa~ace Barber shop durlng the absence of Mr. Wallace, who with Mrs. Wa:lace was vacationing in Minnesota. Elmer YTnang Of Ollie is using a new 12~foot combine which he purchased from C. C. Clark of this city. Miss Caroline De Boer of Linton. NMoo" D.,~IS here,,viSlting at the Rev. rei~i~xne l~t*the city, ariving here Thursday of htst week. On Monday of this week a number of Interna{~nal trucks were brought into the city 'by the K. A. T. Co., a~d dealers from-the western states came here to get their trucks. There were some over 75 trucks here during the first few days of the week and:some over 35 drivers headquartered here for sever~ days, re~dence occupied by Mr. and MrS. Howard Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Oster on ~he north side has re- ceived a new coat of brown paint dur- ing the past week .at the hands of Ellswerth Orr and Harry Brewer, T. ~ IAverson S~d ~his help, Hugh Bchn~tm went ~to Oolva Monday of this week, where they installed a new tel- ephone in the Schwagel Grocery store. the past few months the .air port and 1~nk. 1~.hrom re~dence have also had telephones installed at Golva, Miss Olga Moyer returned home on Sund~y evening from Sprlngd~de, Mon~la~where she had spent a w~ek vi~ her mother. Wanda Bertheau of Llnton,~. Dak~ left for her'home last week ~ ter spending three weeks here vls~- 'lng Miss Della More at her home~ in :~ty. Mr. Franklh~ Guenther of Winona, Minn., arrived here yesterday for a ~qsi~ as a guest at the Earl Miller re- sidence. Mrs. Pat Ryan and baby of Blsmar- .ok arrived here the first of the week for a visit at the parental Floyd Hou- ck home in the city. Miss Janis Lonbaken of Glendive has been a guest of Miss Jane Miller in this city the past week. Lute Hodgin Jr. started work on Monday of this week helping out at the Occident Elevator in the city. Tommy Strackle of Bismarck and Donnle and Tommy Muggll of Rich- ardton have been here visiting at the Gerard Muggll home. THE GOLDEN VALL~!:NEWS" HOSPITAL-NOTES 1 CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE L-gKFA~A tent, size 8x8, i with 2-ft. waiL M. P. Lovgren tf Mrs. Dick sechrist of Sentinel But-] We wish to take this means of ex- FOR "SALE-~e used natural gas te announces the birt~ of Larry Day | pressing our sincere thanks for the ............... " n ~ - ~ , ~ raJ~e !11, gooG conQl[lOil, wiJut 1 ma y oral offeringd and other ex- ld on Ju y 26th. ble Store c in ] re sio ....... ~ reamnable. Gain Agen Y, ................ _, ....... Jp S ns oI sympathy ~enaerea ~o us _ _ "t J"~" 26 suffe"~'~; ~r"~ ~ ~i~SO~;! "~-'~ .......... "~ "'~'~ ..... mg ! do we especially want to ~ Roy. ~ ~ PLYMO~Yl~ COUPE • ' ~ ,, ..... _. M~re and the choir. .... Logan Auto Servlee. " It Steeg Johnson, Jamesr~owrL ~. Y. ~MP~ S R BRYANT was admitted July 27" giv~ri ~xDedlcal care for 2 days. He was vlsltil~g his uncle. Frank Johnson of Sentinel: But- to. His cousin John Johnson entered the hospital July 29 with a slmflar ailment. Is being released today. Grace McErlsln, grand-daughter of Mrs. Thompson. city received treat- ment for middle ear Wouble. Mrs, Carl Hudson, Carlyie, was a patient July 28th. Arnette Quaale, sentinel Butte, was released July 31 after 3 days treat- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sutherisnd of Beach are the parents of a-baby boy born July 29. Ed Oswood hod treatment, for sore throat and infected hand.. Mr. and Mrs. john Brettin of Beach announce the birth of a s~ 0ii July 31st. '~ - ~- ~ ~ : Mrs O. E. W~yckoff of WibR~x. had tonsilectomy on ~u~ 3:t.:- ~_,~- . Miss Joann C1a~kSh~td t~h~RLectomy [on August 1st. .~ ~.~ ? ALPHA Ni!i ....... Miss Helen Tull of: Dickinson spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Nick Gamroth. Gordon Gronning left last week for Bismarck where he will help during harvest on the Edw. Flanagan fa~n. Mr. and Mrs John "White and fam- ily returned from Forsythe Tuesday followng a visit with John's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. White and other relatives near Alpha. Mr. and Mrs. Jake. Kingsley and family of Baker spent~,the weekend at the Win. carew-home. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Nunn and C. T. ~RYANT and tam~ly C.l~ DAVIS Grant S. Mcor%t~ Sunday school I0 a. m~ Preaching service il a~m. " ~' Epworth League 6:80 p. m. • Ladies Aid will be held at the church on Thursday, Aug. 3. Mrs. E. Pur- vis, Mrs. Carroll and Mrs. Wallace serving. I The Methodist church will hold an ice cream and bake sale on Main street Saturday afternoon and even- ing, Aug. 5. The church is serving home made ice cream. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR S~McCormick-Deerlng- th- reshing machine, 28 inch. In good con- dition. Inquire at Pat Sokolowski. It FOR SALE--3 room stucco house. In- quire at the News. It FOR SALE--Airway electric cleaner with attachments. In good condition. Reasonably priced. Mrs. Minnie Sor- ensen, Beach Itp WANTE~omeone in this vicinity to take oVer slightly used beautiful small mod~!-piano by paying out bal- ance on original contract. This is a REAL BARGAIN. Small monthly pay- ments if desire& If interested write Tavis Mu~c. C., Bismmedk, N.D. 44-2tp FOR SAI2Fe--Model T track. Inquire Poul Horn, Beach ltp TWO GRANARIES--One is 14x16, one is 12x20,~ shingled roof. For sale re~- THURSDAY AUGUST 3, 1939 FOR SALE--International 12-f~. corn-, FOR SALE--19Z~ Two-door Chynder bine in good condition. Beach Co-I sedan. Must go at once. See or op. Grain Co. 41-tf,I write Leonard Thtll. Reach. 4~e FOR SALF#---One 500 gal. steel pros-[FOR SALF#--TWO 8-foO~ Deerl~ b~- sure tank, also one 340 gal. tank. OneI ers with truck, m good cou~tl0r~ double Harpoon hay fork complete. I Bargain price. Phone 5-F-22. ~L J. E. Trollope. Wilmux. 43-2tp A. Finneman, Golva. ~.-$t, m FOR SALE 1 28 in. Bee-City Separa- ]Ii ,.;,, ,. MATERIAL HEADQUARTERS emtor, ~; I l~ ft. MeCor- FOR TRUCK AND GRAIN BOXES . mJck'De~mg~--; I" n" ~d'!!Hwln ~t~ ...hines tug.-- :RA;AR~ REPA: ;D ALLe C0 Shape: Mike Br~, II~vieh, S. D. Itp Lumberyard items for everything NOTICE CHANGE of Sale Day to Monday, Aug%mr 7, 1 p. rim, Dickla- ans n u er an ar war . son, N. D. Held in Sales Pavilion. Bring any stock you have for .male; Golva, North Dakota commissions reasonable,, prices good,: received up to $I03 for good cows, no inlllililliinillllililillnnilii charge for stock not sold. Had ~ -- SEE US FOR GOOD RECONDITIONED USED CARS STANDARD CHEV. COACH CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN STUDEBAKER SPORT SEDAN DODGE DELUXE SEDAN DODGE SEDAN 1936 1936 11935 1935 1932 cattle, some horses, hogs and pigs last sale. Will have good steek~ and feeder buyers. Dickinson Livestock Sales Co., R. ~ Sehnell, See.-Treu., Richardton. 7-2tc. FOR SALE CHEAP--One Case 12-20 tractor: one 1931 Pontiac sedan: one McCormick binder. All in good con- dition. Will trade for cattle. Start Ab- raham, Medora, N.D. 43-~t FOR SALE--10 ft. Baldwin combine. In good shape, l~st used in 1935• In- quire Jimmy Johnstone, Sentinel But- te. 43-3tp i LOST--Last Saturday night. One black ] suit coat. Will finder leave at News office or return to Herman Ueck- ] ert, Beach. ltp FOR SALE---8 ft. MeCmm~ck-Deering binder and McCormlek-Deering 15-30 tractor. In good eonditton. Priced re- asonable for quick sale. Ed. Kledro- ski, Beach. 441tp FOR SALE---Ford Pickup. Inquire H. Kettner. Beach. 42-3tp. FOR ~AZ~--Seven-room house: All 1937 CHEVROLET PICKUP @ family, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zie- barth spent Sunday at Aud Nunn's. Mrs. Wm. L~rrey~ ~: ~ to .the Alpha Birthda~ climb Wed~eSdsY az~er- .~oon. There was a,.~. a~. n~. an~ cO~ nembers and V~.,:~ aam~y fun was served a( t~,~dlbse of the a~ter- Miss Sophie Wo~Ohn of Beach is a visitor at the ho~e;~oP: h~r~'brother, Mr. and Mrs. Fr~: Woj~tir: on the river. " Mr and Mr~ a~ ~:~ dau- ghter Margaret tff Austin', ~ta arrived last week for a few days visit with Mr. Youngs sister. Mrs. A. J. Ziebarth and family. They left Wed- nesday morning for home by way of the Black Hilis. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Wassmann and Mrs. Robert Colemann arrived last week from Los Angeles and are visit- ing at their mothers home. Hank Keihn, of Minot, who is em- ployed by the state gas refund dept. was a business caller in Beach Thurs- day and Friday of this week. sonable. J. M. McCoy, Beach. 2tp. modern. Inquire of Carl Davis. ~9-tf ,:,. A Rabb ts:F0ot" .. Is what most people need to b~ing them luck in finding good accommodations When they are traveling.. YOU WON'T NEED ONE IF YOU STAY AT THE HOTEL FARGOAN with the most beautiful lobby in Fargo. Fargo's Newest Hotel Rates Still Begin at $I Single, $1.50 Double W. C. SCHULZ TRUCK TIRES RUSSELL.MILLER MILLING C0. :You can save some money withoutsac- MERCHANT MILLERS 33 1-3 percent off on First Line Tires, Minneapolis Minn., July 19, 1939 • : . Sun Lite Bakery, Beach, North Dakota. • .p. o - A few days ago we received a loaf of bread made in e air er ce whether you own one truck or a fleet. Gentlemen: your bakery and we were reques~ect to score this bread. , Our bread expert has scored it as per the attached rating Bring your Repair Jobs, small or rificing quality at SE' M 'condi- CASE Se rat0r, Comein and see new CASE RC and you will note his comment that this is a very good loaf of bread and should win favor with the consumer• Your formula has beeli examined and we find no changes that we would recommend. You do not mention what type of flour you are using but presume that you are using short patent spring,wheat flour; and/ff thls is the ease~ your formula seems to be well balance. :I~,a~ any tlme we can be of assistance .m YOU, wewill be ~ore th/m glad to have: yOU call on us..: . Yours:~erytruly, R '~ : " .... " RuSSELL-MILLE I~N(~-, CO. • J.H. BOSARD, " - ..... ~tant Western ~. ~"::":" "SCORE CARD FOR BREA:D ..... , of ~ EX-~RNAL:AP~IItA~CE: the ~P~~i~::~ Window We Use ~ ~.:~xclusively BAKERY large, to the Community Garage,~ where it will be given the most care- ful attention. We are also in position to take care of your welding needs, both electric and acetyline. Our weld- ,~. ing outfit is portable~ jobs where it -"is. inconvenient to bring them to):the. • shop. - ..... .. ...... . ........ ....... reseating ~g~ valvesJs another of .... " .our.s.ervlce~ :- ~ .,,~_ • _ If y0ur~maehiner~ ~n~eds any.,~.~,-~..~,~:, eo~ifionin ' b~f - g:- ore: start -YOUr .~" .ha.~e~tw0rk~ ~i:~W: :i, t~°u time ~ :iiave ]t done. Comem a~ let us . s g~ve you :,, ~ an esflm~e, :We:ar~well equipped :~ ~: ~ do good.' work, • ~" Genuine' Joh~:,':~, Deere machin~ parts will,be used. • DON~DE~Y! See us at once. .',2'. : : " • Our Welder Guarantees ~'~:' SatisfaCtion ~""~'"" ...... " ........ Your John ~re Dealer COMMUNfrY 6A 6E ~2 > : ,. SAX AUTO .... "r'" " " " '