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~, u, i
Mr. Howard Van Horn and children
Were business callers in town on Sat-
Urday afternoon,
Mr. Henry Lehmann spent Thursday
visiting in Medora.
Miss Lorraine Petersilie is assisting
With the work at the Coffee Shoppee
during the busy season.
Mr. and Mrs. Nazer and family of
• Milwaukee arrived Tuesday evening to
spend about a week visiting Mr. and
Mrs. E. O. Busch and family.
Fred Gobel was a business visitor
in town on Saturday.
W. J. Ray and Joe Brittner of Med-
ora were business visitors in towr
Carl Englund arrived by train last
Week to spend several days visiting
With his friends here. Mr. Englund
has been in Minnesota where he at-
tended the funeral of his father• Mrs.
Englund remained in Plortland and
Was unable to get away. The Englunds
now make their home in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. George Lardy were
visitors in town on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sewey Hanson and
Children were callers in town Saturday
Mr. Albert Gallus returned to Sen-
tlnel Butte Thursday from Fargo,
Where he had spent the last seven
@eeks at the hospital. Mr, Gallus fe-
els much better since he returned.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick sehrist are the
Proud parents of a baby boy born last
Mr. and Mrs. Art Rienholz and dau-
ghters were visitors in town Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waldahl visited
Mr, and Mrs. George Wosepka near
Golva on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Peflerson return-
ed Monday night from a ten day vaca-
tion trip. They visited their son Clay-
ton at Quincy, Wn. and also friends
tn Seattle.
Mrs. Victor Thompson spent Sat-
llrday in Sentinel Butte giving run,i-
Mrs. Albert Allen and child"en sp-r~
Thursday visiting with Mrs. Ed Car-
Jeanne Martin and Ro-~ona S---i~
Were Beach visitors on Fr~.-'a-'.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Busch ~n~ ¢am-
fly and Mr. and Mrs. Nez-r and f-m
ily spent Wednesday evening aL t"e
SOUth Butte.
Mr. and Mrs. Louie L~r~y ond f-m-
fly of Olendlve spent Tuesday and
Wednesday at the M. M. Lardy farm.
• .. they bring a lot of pleasure
to more men and women every day
Smokers everywhere are finding out
that Chesterfield's HAPPY COMBINATION of
mild ripe American and Turkish tobac-
cos gives them just what they want...
When you try them you 71
know why smokers all say,
"'They "re Milder
They Taste Better'"
Paul Wagner and Fred Smith at-
tended the Golf Tournament he~d a'
Wibaux on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Rudy Kunick returned to his
home Saturday after spending the past
two months in the west where he was
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Young and dau-
ghter Margaret arrived Sunday from
Austin, Min., for a few days visit witt
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Z~.ebarth and fam-
Ily, Mr. Young is a brother of Mrs.
Mrs. Harold Ziebarth was a visitor
h~ town on Tuesday afternoon.
Don't forget JACK MILLS and his
I~A2~rD play at Beach tomorrow night,
Friday, August 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Niel Hogoboom had
their guests last week, Mrs. Don
Richardson and Miss Vera Powers of
~t. Paul. Miss Powers and Mrs. Rich-
ardson are nieces of Mrs. Hogoboom.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wosepka were
.t. ,own
The Pre-School Conference was held
at the Sentinel Butte school on Thurs-
day. Dr, Smith of the State Health
Department of Bismarck and the
| County nurse examined the children.
There were about 42 children regis-
tered at the conference. Those who
also assisted at the conference were
Mrs. Paul Wagner, Mrs. Vic Carlson.
and Marian Gardner.
M. and Mrs. John Berg and children
~Vere business callers in town on Sat-
tLrday evening.
Neil Lardy of Glendive is spending
aeveal days at the farm home of Mr.
: and Mrs. George Lardy assisting with
the work during the harvest.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jordan are eno
~:,~ JOYing a visit with Mrs. Davis and
| : datlZhter of S. Dak. and Mrs. Jordon
| of McIntyre, Iowa, They will spend
| about ten days visltln~ here before
~turning to their homes.
last McDonald of Dickinson was a
Visitor in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lardy and ch-
Ildren of Glendlve spent Wednesday
evening visiting Mrs. Olga Lardy.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Myers were din-
~er guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Oetz
on Sunday.
Mias Kathleen Boisen left Thursday
Zaorning for Rochester, Minn., where
She Will be employed as interne, Miss
13Olsen was graduated from St, Pran-
cite8 College this spring.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Howe of Glen-
dive were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Jordan on Sunday.
Jeanne Martin, Lorraine Petersllle,
.and Romona Smith attended the show
l~ Beach Sunday evening.
, Virginia and Angeline Boisen spent
~aat Week visiting at the home of their
Rtlllt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
F~ahl near St. Phillips.
Mr. Fred Oberg and Mr. Dunham
~Pent a couple of days here attending
to business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. McPhersen arrived in
~entinel Butte Sunday. The McPh-
ersens will make their home here and
Will occupy the house where the Tovey
~a~nily lived. Mr. McPhersen wil be the
~ew school superintendent.
Mr. Win. Brown spent a couple of
at Medora last week visiting his
Mrs. WYcoff and family.
from a visit with relatives in Pomona,
Wibaux News I
Mrs. James Elliot entertained the
B~idge club Friday afternoon corn-
"---'----~L"-~~"-~rmmIMIIW~lMee ]plimenting Mrs. Walter Woods.
Billy Swartz and Mr. Clark spent[ Dr. March, who left last week for
the past week in and around Circle• I Texas, called there by the critical il-
Mrs. Walter Bulma w ' lness of his mother will not return
n as a peasen-I , , to Beach Wednesday where sh tand Dr George Keller will continue
_ e •
hter his duties here indefinitely
I visited her daug , Mrs. Otto Wo-!
john and family. I Robert Manning plans to attend a
Business College in Billings.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colton of Bil-
lings spent part of last week here, lo-
ollng after their property and visiting
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Aden Miller of Beach
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Roberts and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pederson of
Glendive spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Carlson.
Orville Woodhouse was a Beach vis-
itor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Winkleman from
the St. Phillips country were county
seat visitor Thursday. Mr. Winkle-
man was transacting business and Mrs
was a guest of Mrs. B. Welsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Schaal were down
from Glendive for church services on
Sunday and were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Steele the remainder of
the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of the
EdgehiU country made several trips
to town last week getting things ready
to harvest the crop.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brenneise spent
the weekend in Fallon and their sons
who had spent a week wlth their
grandparents returned with them.
Miss Margaret Scott who attended
zchool at Missoula this summer, is
visiting her mother and friends here.
Miss Camilla Dahl of Billings visit-
ed at the parental, Chas Dahl home
last week.
The Lutheran Ladies Aid sponsor-
ed a farewell party for Mrs. Jack Bal-
lard Wednesday afternoon. They pre*
sented her with a gift and all en-
joyed the lovely lunch and a plea°
sant afternoon.
Mrs. Walter Wods who has been a
guest of her brother, D. E. McCann
and wife, left Saturday for her home
in LaCrosse, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. Cell Trollope, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Z. Lelghton and Mrs. Robert
Symington came from Roan, Mont.
Saturday, called here by the critical
illness of their grandfather. Mr. J. 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Massey, who Been. Another grandaughter, Mrs.
recently moved to Culbertson, spent Lawrence Lund came from Fallon on
t Friday and has been a guest of her
t parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Trollope.
] Mr. Rayder of Beach spent Monday
with his daughter, Mrs. Doyle and
] family.
Sunday with relatives here.
Robert Faltermeyer has a position in
a bank in Hysham and left last Wed-
nesday for there.
Mr. and Mrs. Sig Pederson spent
Saturday evening in Glendlve. Their [ Miss Agnes Cassldy who taught near
son Clarence who has been visiting re- I Dillon the past year, spent the past
]week in town with Grandma Cassldy.
latives there for the past ten days re- Mrs. Pete Kramer took her son to
turned with them..
Mr. and Mrs. Irving sweeney of Ter- I Dickinson for a nasal operation. Mrs.
ry were weekend guests at the Randy IBert Carroll and Mrs. Alger Meek ae-
Meek and Mike Kramer homes. ~ companied them.
Mr. and Mrs. B. ~ and children] Miss Katherine Lawrence of Richey
came up from Dickinson Friday and,and Mias Agnes Butler of Wllliston
spent the remainder of the week visit- [ who taunt in the local high school
ln~ relatives, l last year, visited friends here last
Mrs. Kartis and children, Marian
Trollope and Eel Brennelse were a-
mong tho~e who went to Be~Ch last
Thursday. •
Mr. Schultz of Rtchardton and the
Seabed children from (]endive were
Wlbaux visitors Sunday.
Don't forget JACK MILLS and his
BAND play at Beaeh tomorrow night,
Friday, Angust 4th.
Mrs. Maggie Scott who spent ten
days in Mlssoula with her children
who were attending school there, at-
tended her son James wedding in HeN
ena, and came home with Mr. and Mrs
James Scott last week.
Arlys Trollope and Evelyn Morgan
spent the last week visiting at the
Lawrence Lhnd home in Fallon.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hutchins and ch-
ildren came from Missoula Sunday to
visit reIatives, Mr. Hutchtns plans to
work in the harvest fields.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zopfi and dau-
ghter Evelyn and a friend autoed to
Beach Monday.
Mrs, Guy Hall returned Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Otter of Deer
were guests of friends here last week.
John B. Kenyon, pastor of the Ohr-
Istian Fundamental Church left Mon-
day for a months vacation in Minn-
aplis and other eastern points. His
mother who has been ill the past two
weeks is convaleselng at the home of
Mrs. Mary Scammon.
Mrs. P. A. Fischer was hostess at
a lovely 1:30 bridge luncheon Wednes-
day afternoon. Mrs. HaskeU and Mrs.
Leiper of Glendlve were out of town
Mrs. Earl l~oberts and sons took
Mrs. Roberts sister Mrs, Rafnson, who
had been visiting them from ~n-
eapolis to Glendive last week.
Baxter Larson. who attenkled the
University of Minnesota last year is
visiting here.
Mrs. Harold Bushman and daugh-
ter Doris came from Reeder, N. D., on
Saturday and visted relatives until
Tuesday, The former Mary Tarbell
who is visiting the Joe Weir family
and had accompanied Mr, and Mrs.
Bushman and children home v~en
they were here recently, returned with
Ms. Bushman and expects to leave
for her home in California soon.
Miss Helen Beek came from Miles
City recently where she attended scho-
ol and will make her home here with
parents, Mr. Beek is the new mech-
anic in the Hazlwood garage.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Helvik, John
Carlson and Earl Carlson attended
funeral services for Mr. Undem at
Terry last Thursday. Mr. Undem, who
was H. R. Carlson's fathr-in-law had
been in poor health for several years.
He was an old resident of the Terry
country and frequently visited at the
John C~rlson home here. We join in
extending sympathy to the breaved re-
~ : : . ~ . .~ : :.~-
A fair sized crowd gathered at the
t Trotters church for services on Sun-
/day but no minister appeared, so the
t folks had to return home disappoint-
~ --tedMr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and dau-
ghters and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mo-
ore motored down to the McClena-
hen ranch on Sunday for a picnic din-
Cecil Omley arrived at Trotters on
Sunday from California. where he has
~been employed for several months. He
Is now employed on the Hodgin farm.
Harvesting is now in full swing and
threshing will soon be under way.
O. K. Omley was a week end visitor
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Richmond and
family were Sunday visitors at G. E.
Schallocks in Beach.
Mr. George West of Neilisville, Wis.
came Thursday to visit his two broth-
er-in-laws, Charles and Austin Slo-
comb. He came from the west where
he has been visiting relatives also took
in the Frisco Fair. He left Monday for
Monango, N. D. where he will visit
another brother-in-law before leaving
for home.
Mr. LaSale of Beach was doing some
welding in this community Friday.
Mrs. M. Zelier and family, Marlys
Hahn and Austin Slocomb called at
Charles Slocomb's Friday evening.
Mrs. F. D. Waldahl was calling in
the neighborhood Friday.
M~3. Euince l~dger of Meeteetse,
Wyo. arrived Saturday evening to visit
her daughter and family, Mrs. Chas.
Rev. and Mrs. Dissen and family
called at Fred Kannenbergs Sunday•
Burns Aberreethy called at Harry
Kukowski's Sunday evening.
On Sunday afternoon about fifty
friends, relatives gathered at the Ch~ts
Lingk home to honor Mrs. Lester Tis-
or with a bridal shower. The afternoon
was socially spent after which the bride
opened the beautiful gifts she rece-
ived from the ladies. Delicious refresh.
merits were served at he close of the
at Trotters. We were glad to see that afternoon by Mrs. Chas and Mrs. Ray
his injured head is healing so well. Llr~k.
Mr, and Mrs. Francis Boyce are now Mr. and Mrs, Bill Brittin were din°
employed on the Richard Moore ranch
during the haying season. Eddie Ore-
Icy is also employed down there.
Mrs. P. V. Moore has been driving
the tractor during harvest.
There was no meeting of the Webbs
Willing Workers last Wednesday M
only "one member came. The next me-
etlng will be on August 18, when Mrs,
A. Nellermoe will entertain. All mem-
bers are urged to be present. The an-
nual election of officers will be held
that day. Mrs, Nellermoe says that this
may be her last chance to entertain as
the Nellermoes plan to leave for Minn-
esota this fall.
Ollver ~eretto,
Beach: o
Servlces 11 a. m.
Sentinel Butte:
Servicea 9:30 a. m.
Ladies Aid at the church Sunday
noon, followed by devotional service a~
2p, m.
V. EL Dizen, Pastor
Divine services 9:30 a. m.
Sunday school after servlces.
The Ladles Aid meets W~
family, Alice Joyce and Wanda l~.n-.
ckle, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Youells and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Avers were
Sunday guests at the J. M. Stecker
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nielson and family
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pesha Sr. and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pesha Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Godfrey Pesha and Wayne,
Earl Helmsteler, Bernice Elaskowskl,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Steeker and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stocker
and family enjoyed a picnic supper at
the Odland dam on Sunday.
We are sorry to report that Mrs. J.
P. Reeve received a very serious back
injury last week while enroute to Ca-
nada with Dr. and Mrs. Neuner, where
they planned to spend the ~veekend. It
wil be necessary that she rema/n In
in a casF for sometime.
ner guests at the Clifton Schaai home
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Youells were
Beach callers Sunday. Ardis Scott re-
turned home with them after spending
the past two weeks visiting friends
in Dlck2nson.
Mr. and Mrs, Obert Peterson were
callers at the Albert Still home on
M. and Mrs, H. W. Brown and faro-
fly, Mr and Mrs, C. H. Stecker and
Hay Fever Relief
Drugs-Kodaks -Eooks. StaUonery
L unumuunnmunnnnnmnunnnununuuumnunnnununwnnnmnu~
- Sheet and ~eta~ Woet 1
., No Job Too ,l~u~e Or Toe ~ I
2-? --7 ,
• L .
All Your Snspshots in Nt4m~
Colors, Anmslns~ besuUful
DvelOl~gl, 8 Natmm~ .._
Color l>x~M for only
Natural Celm" Rel~-lnts, ~e
Ma~i ad with film te
#anesvflle, Whmonsim
----_-- =-- -- _= - . .... .
These superor fuels will give you the fullest performance
at the lowest cost.