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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 3, 1939     Golden Valley News
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August 3, 1939
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PAGE 2 The ( olden Valley News Jk continuation of The Beach Advance and The Beach Review W. R. Bratton and H. E. Enderle Editors and Publishers A weekly published every T41ursday at Beach, North Dakota. filtered as second class mail matter at the Postoffice at Beach North Dakota. October 7, 1936, under the act of March 3, 1897 Advertising rates furnished upon request Ilubseription price $2.00 in No. Dak., Minn., Mont., and So. Dak. Elsewhere $2.50 L [I I III II CARLYLE III I III I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Virts and son ~rrived here Sunday from Missoula. They are visiting relatives and Robert will seek work in the harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Prouty and Kenneth Fee left Monday for their home in Iowa after visiting at the Charles tB~eperd home the past week. Miss D/hie Pratt is visiting at the Connie Pratt home. Mrs. C. M. Fulton and daughter, Miss Azabia Hammond and Mrs. Con- tad Pratt attended the 4-H council at Wibaux Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tatley and son of Marrietta, Minn., left for Canada Monday where they will look after land interests. They have been visit- trig Mrs. Belle Tatley and Helen the past week. Mrs. Ed Hartse has been on the sick list the past week. Mrs. Carol Hudson was taken to the Beach hospital last week with a severe case of stomach flu. Her many friends are glad to hear that she is much im- proved and has returned home. Little Miss Lorraine stayed with the Anth- ~,V's during the mothers illness. Mr. and Mrs. Fisk and Gwendolyn F~tlton were dinner guests at the J. C. home sunday. MiSs Marlys Ballard was an overnite guest of Jean Hartse Thesday. Miss Walter Allen is visiting at the Herman Bargefleld home. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Pratt are the proud parents of a 9 pound baby girl born at the Phillips Maternity home in Baker. Mrs. Charles Woodsend is visiting at the Dudley Fulton home. What could have poven to be quite a catastrophe occured at the A. ~.. Schaffer home Wednesday evening, five of the family were taken sudden- ly ill. The cause is given to some meat that may have become poisened near the bone. The doctor was summoned and Miss Yvonne Still was taken to the hospital. The others have comple- tely recovered and Miss Y~onne is getting along nicely. The Charles Doubles family were dinner guests of Mrs. Ed Hartse on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Futon were visit- ors at the A. J. Bier home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ballard and son were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Wilbur H~mmond. Melvin Hartse was supper guest at the Ward Flake home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Pratt and Dixie motored to B~ker Sunday night where they visited Mrs. Crutis Pratt and attended the show. Mrs. Jessfield was a visitor at the Wm. Swanhro home Saturday after- noon. Mrs. Jim Gammon and Mrs.. Wm. Swanbro motored to Baker Monday whee Mrs. O'ammon consulted a doctor for glasses. UNITED BRETHRi~ Herman Grove. Unified worship service at 10:15. the sermon will be by ~ Eloise Tabor of the Glendive church. The last ~arterly Conference for this year will be held at the church on Wednesday evening August 9 at 8:00 p. m; in charge of Rev. G. G. Em- erson of Oerat Falls. Quarterly Conference at Trotters on August 11 at 8:00 p. m. Plmne Your News to 35 A ag. 23- 24- 25.26 4 DAYS . . . 4 NIGHTS • 16~ acres overflowmz with the finest exhibits EDUCATION AGRICULTURE LIV ESTOCK COMMERCE 7 Thoroughbred Races Daily A comb a n e all that Is bigflsst and best in slrcus ach|svemsntl A Mal.glesnt . . ÷ Speam~ GRANDSTAND 8 AGE SHOW A BrJlilant Arrsy of 8tsr8 "STATE FAIR REVUE" t0 -- $lnsers, Dancers -- e0 ena Cemad~s db I GOLVA III L I Mr. Theodore Maanum left last we- ek for Bismarck where he entered the Bismarck hospital there for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Krietiuger were Dickinson visitors Thursday bringing back Miss Margaret Krietinger and Miss Ethel Kraus who graduated from the Dickinson Normal Thursday eve. Frank Halgh, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Haigh, Mrs. Homer Madison were in Dickinson last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Curl and son Gerald were ~'aker visitors Wednesday. Gerald remained to visit a few days at the home of a friend. He returned to his home on Saturday. Mis Theodora Maanum, Miss Mar- cella Fischer, Mr. Art @i~trin returned home Friday from Dickinson where they spent the past eight weeks com- pleting Summer School. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Covert were Sun- day dinner guests at the Casey Higins home. The Whist club met at the home of Mrs. Andrew Paterson Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Schaffer won travel- ing prize, Mrs. Scheffer high prize. A delicious lunch was served and all re- ~ort a ~ood time. Don't forget JACK MILLS and his BAND play at Beach tomorrow night, Friday, August 4th. Mrs. Flora Funk and daughter Mar- Jorie were Beach visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wosepka were dinner guests at the Flora Funk home Sunday. MIS Helen Kaistad was a visitor of the Hammond home Thursday. IA large crowd attended the Big tent show in Golva Sunday evening. Miss Adeline Fischer was a guest at the Ed Fischer home Sunday. Mr. Gerhardt Schumacher ~rrived here Monday from St. Michel, Minn., for a short visit with friends and to look at his farming interests. Mrs, Frank ReZab arrived last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Hubert Schmitz and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Swagel were din- ner guests at the home of L. Smith of Wibaux on Sunday. Mr. John r~underson Jr. and Jim- my Freman of Dickinson were guests at the Ed Fischer home Sunday aft- ernoon. Mr. Tom Oldis was in Ool~a. Mon- day on business and visiting old fri- ends. Mr. Oldis was formerly of Oolva but for the past few years resided in Iowa. i Omitted Last Week Miss Fergneson and Martha left last 'Saturday for Libbey, Montana to take l:ack her niece Miss Janet Warren to her home who has spent the past month visiting at the home of her aunt, Miss Janet Feurgeson. ~They re- turned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hanson and children left Friday for Steele to visit relatives. They returned Monday br- Inging with them Miss Helen Ka~stad who will spend some time visiting with them. NOTICE To the Tax Fayers of the City d Beach:- The City Council wm meet in the Council Rooms at 8 o'clock P. M. on MondEty, August 7th, 1959, at which time the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1940, will be adopt- ed and the annual tax levy made. This meetine is open to the public. The preliminary budget is on file in the City Atlgfltor's c~ftce and is open for lnspect~n. Proposed expenditures for the fls- ca/ year ending June ~ 19~, are ms follows: Maintenance and OlmraUon Ll:l,~0 Cs~tal and Betterment .... 2~00,00 Debt Retirement ........... I;~1e$~0 ~u~ .......... THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST 3, 1939 LOCALS Charlie Carlson and Knute Farst- veet are starting their fall's harvest beth using new Case 12-foot finger control combines which they purch- ,ased from AI Longbottom, Case dealer here in Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benson and son Flordia spent several hours here one day last week visiting at the A1 Long- bottom home. The Benson's were en- route to Tacoma, Wn., where they went to visit Mrs. Benson's parents. Mrs. Benson is a niece of Mrs. Long- bottom. ' t Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Wallace return- / ed home last week end from theirI I two week vacation trip to northern] I Minnesota ~here they visited rela-i I tires and friends. They report a plea- [ sant outing and vacation. I I Last week the News reported Ad- olph Steen and Ed IAevens buying new power binders from C, C. Clark when it should have read that they had bought new G-Harvesters combines. Winnie Wallace started work har- vesting for Raymond Kukowski last week at the Kukowski farm north of Beach, Ted Dickinson left on the morning train Monday for Minneapolis where i he attended Market Week and trans- act business for a week. Miss Della SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY DISTRICT cOURT° SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT The Federal Farm Mort-) gage Corporation, a cot-) poration, ) Plaintiff.) vs ) Mildred Meeks; Lela Gib-) son; John C. Schel]; Rus-) sell Schell; W. R. Schell;) Thee. Blue and Mrs. Thee) Blue, his wife; and all) persons unknown claiming) any estate or interest In or) lien or encumbrance upon) the real estate described) in the Complaint, whether) as the heirs, devisees, le-) ~atees, or oreditor of Lydia) chell, deceased, or other-) wise; ) Defendants,) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS : You are hereby summoned to ans- wer the Complain In this action, which will be filed is the office of the District Court in and for the County of Golden Valley. State of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the sutmori- bet within thirty days after the service of this ~ummons upon yu(~ exclusive of the day of service, an~ in case your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the re- lief demanded in the Comlxlaint. This action relates to the ~ore- closure of a Mortgage upon the fol- lowing described real estate in the County of Golden Valley, State of North Dakota, to-wit: The Northwest Quarter (N'W!/4) of Section T~veive (12)~ 'Posen- ship One Hundred Forty-one (141) North. Range One Hu,d- red Five (105) Vgesl. Dated this 31st day of July A. D. 1939, at Dickinson. North Dakota. TOBIAS D. CASEY Attorney for the Plaintiff, Residence and Post Office Addre.~s: Dickinson. North Dakot~ Aug, 3-10-17-"4 NOTICE OF SPECIAL EXECUTION SALE Notice Is hereby given: That by vir;ue of a judgmeLt and decree of foreclosure an.l sale eno tered on the 8th day of July. A. D., 1939, in an action in the Dis- trict C o u r t of Golden Valley County, Sixth Judicial District of the State of North Dakota, where- In The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul, a body corporate, was Plaintiff, and Eugene A. Livermore and Mary A. Ltvermore. his wife; Joe Kadrcwski and Mrs. Joe Kad- rowskl, his wife; Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation; and Ths Valley National Farm Loan Asso- clauon, a corporation, were Defen- dants; and a special execution issued thereon, the undersigned sheriff of Golden Valley County and State of North Dakota, for that purpose appointed will sell at public auction at the' front door of the Court House at Beach, in the County of Golden Valley, and Stats of North Dakota, on the l$th day of August, A. D., 19~9 at the hour of Two o'clock F. M.,'of that day, that certain real property and mortgaged premises situated in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, directed in said tudgment and special execution to • sold. and more particularly dss- cribed as fellows: Tie SoRt& Half of tke Se~th Mbllf (S~S~f~) of S~'tlom .~kt~. trotwn (~)! AI~ the Seutb- east O~mrter (SE%) of flea Tklrty.ens (~1)l AU la 'l~wmmS.ip Ons Hamls.e4 l~ox, tw- two (14~) No~&, ~ (hte Hundred Four (104) Westt or so much thereof as may be acc- essory to satlpfY such judgment and costs amounting in all to $1.977.8~, with interest thereon from th@ datp of szld $udEmemt and the a~crUlng costs.of sale. Dated l~th da~z oz JUly, ~L D., 15|~. GLENN P. COOK, Sheriff of Goldolt VaHsy TOBIAs DC%~Y,N@ttt~" Dakota. Attorney for Plaintiff, Dgckinon, N. Dak. (July $0-~?; August ~) Moore is helping at the store during his absence. A fire broke out last Sunday near the tracks west of Beach and had a nice start when several men on a pas- sing freight notified Don Hathaway and Paul Hom of the fire. When they got there the fire had just started on the wheat field in which they were fight the fire while Don came to town for help. When they returned Paul had extinguished most of the blaze with an old rug which was fastened to the endgate of the truck. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Knauer and son of Boulder City, Nee., arrived last we- ek for a ten day visit at the Felix Wicka home southwest of Beach. Mrs. wind-rowing. Paul remained there to Knauer was formerly Miss Marion Wick~. NOTICE TO CREDITOR~ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Overstad IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- spent Saturday evening in Baker visit- TATE OF LENORA HOM PEALL. ing friends. They were accompanied Deceased. home that night by Mr. and Mrs. Jud Goodman and daughter who left the next day for their home n Plenty° wood. Bob Doerner took the early morn- ing train Monday for Golva where he was met by George Oldis who will employ him during the harvest season. Don't forget JACK MILLS and his BAND play at Beach tomorrow night, Friday, August 4th. Chas Robinson arrived home last Saturday night from a week's vaca- tion spent in the west. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned, Executor of the Last Will and estate of Lenora Hem Pc- all late of the City of Beach in th~ County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons, having claims against, said dece- dent to exhibit them with the nec- essary vouchers within four mon- ths after the first publication of this notice bo said Executor at the office of John Keohane in the City of Beach in said Golden Val- ley County, North Dakota, or to the County Judge of said County. NOTICE is hereby further given that the time and place fixed by the court for hearing and adjust- ing such claims are the 14th day of December, 1939 at ten o'clock A. M. in the Court Rooms of the County Court House in the City of Beach In the County of Golden Val- ley and State of North Dakota. Dated this 31st day of July, 1939. RICHARD R. HALSTEAD Executor JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Executor. Beach. North Dakota First publication on the 3rd day of August, 1939. 3,t NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER O F ) THE ESTATE OF HENRY) WEINREIS. Deceased. ) Notice is hereby given by the Undersigned, administrator of the estate of Henry Weinreis. late of the City of Beach in the County Of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons hav- ing claims 'against said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary Vouchers, within six months after the first publicatioz) of this no- tice, to said Peter Wetnreis, at his residence in the township of Lone Tree in said Golden Valley Count£. or to the Judge of the County Court of Golden Valley County at his office in the Court House in the City of Beach Golden Valley County, North Dakota. You are hereby further notified that Hon. A. E. Kastten. Judge of tbe County Court within and for the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota, has fixed the twenty-second day of January, A. D. 1940, at the hour of ten o'- clock in the forenoon of said day, at th~ Court Rooms, in the Court House in the City of Beach in said County and State, as the time and Place for hearing and adjusting all claims against the estate of the said Henry Weinreis. Deceased Which have been duly and regu- larly presented as hereinbefore pro- vided. Dated July 17th, A. D. 1939. PETER WEINREIS. Administrator of estate of Henry Weinreis. First publication on the 20th day of July, A. D., 1939. GUY LEE, Attorney for administrator. (July 20-27: AUgUSt 3) NOTICID O1~ MORTGAGI~ FO~L~- CLOSURE SAL~. (Installments Only) Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage executed and de- iwered by Clyde V¢. Myers and Eva M. Myers, husband and wife, Mort- gagor2, to the Manager of tile Bank of North Dakota, M~rtgagee, dated the 4th day of April, 1927, and f]le~ for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of the Coun- ty of Golden Valley, and State of North Dakota, on the 13th flny of April 1927, and recorded tn ~ook "17" of Mortgages at pages 147-~'-9 and duly assigned by said Mort- gagee to the State Treasure.- ef North Dakota, and his successors in office, in trust, will he f~re- closed by a sale of the premis~,s In such mortgage and hereinafter pc- scribed, at the front door of the Court House in the City of Beach, tn the County of Golden Valley, and State of North Dakota. at the hour of two o'clock. P. M., on the Sth day of August, 1939, to satisfy the amount due upon advances and the past due In- stallments of such mortgage on the date of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the installment and advances due under the same are described as follows: Lots One (11, TWo (2). Six (e), Seven (~), EIEht (8). and Nine (9), of Section Four (41. Township One Hund~.d Forty (140) North of Rau~e One Hum- led Font, (104) We~t. in Golden Valley County, North Dakota. There will be due on such mort- gage at the date of sale the sum of $422.81 which includes insur- ance premiums in the sum of $21.20 advanced by the holder of said mortgage, and lntsrest to- ~oether with the statutory costs Of reclosure. Ths lien of the por- tion of such mortgage hereby foreclosed is inferior to the lien thereof for the . residue of the amount secured by such mortgage. Dated June 27. 1559. John Omland. State Treasurer of North Dakota, as Trustee, Amslgnse of Mortgagee. Robert Blrdzell, Attorney for Agent of Assignee. Bismarck, North Dakota. NOT]~: ,Foreclosure being conduct- ed with con~nt of owner to ol~&r title. June 29 July 6-I$-$0-~ Aug, | I • i!i BEACH C0.0P GRAIN C0. ! - sTANDARD BULK STATION SMITH SERVICE STATIOn" Fred Buldhaupt, M~r. Franklin Smith, Prop. _.~ New Seats--- Air.Conditioned FRIDAY- SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p- m. "Racketeers of the Range" Cast: GEORGE O'BRIEN, MARJORII REYNOLDS, CHILL WILLS. A splendid western with several novelties. COMEDY-NEWS Sunday- Monday- Tuesday MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. M. "DARK VICTORY" FARMERS Cast: BETTY DAVIS, GEORGE BRENT, H H_REY BOGART, GERALDINE FIT- ATTENTION! Z L:G RAD. Rated the best of the month SOLVE YOUR LUBRICATION PROBLEMS By Using Mobiloil - MoHlgrese - Mobilgas "It Pays To Use The Best" Drop in and see me before starting your Harvest Agent when released. A great story beautiful in its simplicity and depth of appeal. An ex- ceptional cast. Comedy Wednesday- Thursday "Naughty but Nice" Cast: POWELL, GALE PAGE, REAGAN, ANN SHERIDAN. A picture comedy, romance and music assures enjoyable entertainment. Comedy