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The Golden Valley News
Old-Time Wibaux Wheat Storage Roman Fire Laddies Practice Rescues
Resident Passes Requirements Ex-
Away On Sunday plained By Russel[t
Wibaux---Grandpa Been as he was According to County Agent Russell
famfliary known, passed away Sunday a large number of farmers have in-
afternoon at the home of his daughter quired relative to the standard of re-
Mrs. Ethel Johnst(m after a weeks quirements for farm bin wheat storage
illness, under the Government Wheat Loan
James S. Been was born in White- program.
Ind., on February 7th, 1848, and Mr. l~ssell states that the require-
was 91 years, 6 months and 23 days ments for wheat storap under the
91d at the time of his death. He was Government Lean program is nothing
:~ ~lrst married AU~mt 8th, 1886 to Miss more than m~>~armer would expect to
"Sh~h~ Baker at Mt. AVer, Iowa and to
provide for ~mt-.~ when I~
union four children were born. lowing his own program. ~ Whea~
Two died in infancy, and two dau- bin such that will protect his wheat
JOSle (J. E.) Trollope Of from any pc~dble loss from leakage of'
Mrs. F. I~ Gustan of C01d wheat from the bin, must be strong
Well, Idaho survive him. He was mar- enough to carry the load without
~ted-a~ain in 1581 to Miss Alice E. bursting, must be tight enough to
~Tarshaw at Knowlton, Iowa and three shed water from roof and sides and
~fldren were born to this union, only be high enough off the ground so
~, Mrs, Ethel Johnston of Wlbaux that no moisture can enter from
~u'vives him. HiS third marriage took below. It must also be constructed in
~lace at Mt. Ayer, Iowa when he was such a manner so that once the These young men, members. 'of the Roman fire delmzt~ent, are show8
~;ztlted to Rebecca Jane Miller. He doors and windows are sealed, no per- at their Italian training camp ,as they practice rescues with Haling
,~loved to Montana in 1910 and for son can enter without actually break- ladders. The flre.flghtmm earthy out their ~ as if they were :engaged
~z~ny years lived near Been, which ing in to it.
D0iItoffice was named for his brother, bl military operation.
JOhl~ Been, who was postmaster there An applicant who receives a loan on
,or y rs Most of the his wheat in the bin on the isIH'r Fred Smith V_.eL_ y y. ,ls
*1dace coming here he has lived with still the owner of the wheat until it
~ls~ughter' Mrs'EthelJ°hnst°n'i'q'ctuallys°ldandthereforewlllbe Homemakers 'Head iWedToLawre£ee"
*~Nflde the three daughters, he is sue- held responsible for the care of the '~
, ~tVed by 14 b, randchiIdren, 24 great- wheat asainst any lo~ whatever, or
~(~ I~dchlldren and 4 sl~at-great- ,hether by theft or fire. The fllll ra%tu'ay
"~'l~dchildregt, four generations, who value of the wheat stored mtwt be " =Fletc r
Will miss this fine old gentleman, ~owred by Fire ~nsurance which he Sentinel Butte---The .~z~kers
~zeral services were conducted yes- ~qll-purchase at the reduced rate of club was entertained at 't~)~hmi~ Of .
t~lay afternoon at 2 p. m. an~ in- "~ cents per $100.00 at the time his Mrs. Win, Oa~u~r on Friday ~t~ter- L '. ~ ~)t~la¥,'~ 29t~h~ Mia~ lye=
terrment was in the local cemetery,
'o~n is approved, noon,-a~d'the ar~ual eleet~L .~: o~-
family in extending heartfelt sym- Ou~y 19.~9 wheat is eligible for ~ ricers was held at that 't~. :,Mr$. *lyn:zopfl,. formerly of Beach snd who
~thy. .L,~n, Mlxinq the two years wheat is P~ Smith was elected .~ ~ ~mmtly returned here from ~ttle,
the club, Mrs. Loule ~v)~fi~'~-v~o$~ wb~ mai-ri~l at Miles City, Mo~t~tn~,
t~tkeUYn.t°Whendetermine1938 frOmWheatthehasSa~Plsebeen president, and Mrs. Mam~ see~ t0=Mr. Lawrence Fletcher of Seattle,
Jack Mills Band ,,,,~ mixed with 1. wheat the ap, treasurer. Project leaders f. :ti~ W~.
, plt~tton for a loan will be rejected, coming year are Mrs. Oardn(~: az~
NW W~ #1 ~T*, ~ ' If you have 1938 wheat on hand save Mrs. Roesler. The major project on I - The bride is particularly well known
:- ~lere rrl~]av ~]~ if for seeding m 194o. If it has been "Household Equipment" was disc~ussed ]bOth in Beach and Wibaux, inasmuch
~t . # kept d~] it will be Just as good as it and also a miscellaneous prograt~ for la~ her parents live in Wtbaux. add be-
_ ~ . ~ . . lv a~ last spring. Be sure to keep your the coming year WM.plm~aed. ' [cause she operated the Palace Beauty
TomOrroW mght Friday Au us~ a o
' , ' , - ' eed wheat in a separate bin from the After the meeting a very de~ms~Sh0ppe in ~ch for a number of
~)ack Mills and his famous NBC band Government stored wheat, lunch was served by the hostess. !years. She is the daughter of Mr. and
i Mrs. Henry Zopfl of W~aux.
.Will appear at the Beach Cty Ha'] f'r Wheat stored in a bin after thrash- She came to Beach in 1934 to op-
a dance engagement and a good time ,rig Will always go thru a sweat and ForeignLicense erate the beauty shop and was here
1~ anticipated with a large crowd ex- requwes about 30 days to come back to
Dected for the event. Jack Mills' band cormal. To sample the bin' for example Until April, 1938, when she sold out
Count Here Aug 9 =. ,o
:h~ played in Beach a ntm~ber of other 15 or 20 days after storage one will where she has since been employed,
~ti~es on former years and needs little find is wheat will grade one or two •
!:m~d where she met Mr. Fletcher.
no introduction to dancers of this points low' and therefore the operator • Mr. Fletcher is employed In Seattle
area. They have always made a fine would take a loss on the true value of In cooperation with the Creater as a gias~blower, and Is not known
~pression, and reports are that his, his Wheat. One should however make North Dakota Association, the Beach here.
]~and is better than ever this year. I make application for a loan at any Lions club will sponsor.~& cotmt of Congratulations and best wishes go
Start planning now to take in this time in advance of the date by giving foreign cars passng through Beach on with the newlyweds for a long and
event. Its something you won't want the date when the wheat was stored. Wednesday, August 9th. This is a happy wedded life, They plan to make
tO miss. Inspection will be made 30 days or statewide count which has been con- their home in Seattle it is understood.
---- more after that time. ducted for the past two years with a
VISIT HERE view to obtaining information rela- THE MARKETS
wn tH t "ea- "arves* tive to the tourist tra,e,
We quote from Secretary Ryaus let- Wheat ........................... 50
Mrs. Lola Alton, Florence Woodhull ter. "By doing this, not only do we Flax .......................... $1.24
Todd. all ofBellingham. _In Full Swing get a fine statewide picture of the Rye ............................. 17
)Wn., Donaldarrived in Beach July 19th for o tourist business but each city, by com~ Barley ........................... 15
a week's visit with relatives aud frl- parison with other points, can easily . .Oats ............................. 13
cD~ls. They were accompanied by Mrs. During the past week threshing be- determine its own status in tl~is grow- Eggs .............. 11c
~. H. Woodhuli and Miss Erma Ste- came general over the entire county, ing business." Cream, sweet ...21c sour .... 19c
lter, who have been visiting in Wash- and wheat is now being hauled into The checking will begin at 6 o'clock
]~iss stelter continued onhl to her hOmea midnight or thereabouts and will be in TIIE WEATHER
the elevators throughout the county, in the morning and continue tm~
Hebron where she will spend from early in the morning tmtil ~
• l~aonth before returning to her school at night. It is a little early to----- charge of A. M. Doerner.
~Uties at Somers, Montana. Mrs. AI- nitely tell just what the wheat will run 98 57
~ons party returned to Washington on this year, but it is anticipated, and WOODEN NICKELS HERE July 26
JUly 27 88 63
JUly 27 th accmpa~Aed by MY. and what has already been brought in,
~I~. Floyd Neudeck and two children, shows, that the greater percentage of For anyone interested, a supply of July 28 98 56
Who plan to make their future home in it will be No. 1. wooden nickels commemorating the July 29. 99 @9
Washington. Combining is general practically Golden Jubilee celebration at BIS- July 30 92 69
everywhere and during the coming two marck Aug. 21-25, has been left at the July 31 90 62
weeks, nearly all the wheat in the cou- local bank, where they can be pur- Tots/ precipitation for July 1.68 in.
LocalsTrim S.B. o. will be cut- ~hased for five cents each. Aug. l 79 60
Last Fri. Evening "POLICEMAN'S CHORUS"
Friday night the local baseball team
to Sentinel Butte and there
. 'WOn 'bY a score of 9 to 1, in an inter~
game. Cater, Nellerm0e and Bob
all preformed on the mound for
W~th B~hley and A1 Faseht~
the 'tOmdng for the Sentinels.
~Am~OND~NTn- : '
r ~
Carlyle--On Wednesday afternoon
° of this week, Mrs. Wilbur Hammond
*'~tert~tned her Sullday School class,
• their mothers and Mrs. Una Hart~
, a~d Mrs. C. M. Fulton. The Mternoon
Wb~' spent in playing games which the
little people enjoyed very much. Ice
Cream and cake and nectar Were ser-
ved to the 15 people present, who all
thard~d Mrs. Hammond for the pleao
~ant afternoon.
Growers of row-crops were partic-
tllarly interested in the new Farn~llr
A tractor which was displayed at the
1~. B. Lovell Implement Co., in this
City this morning from 7:30 to 10:00.
The latest addition to the Farmall
is regularly equipped with rubber
and sold at the new low price.
"~llti-Vision" is another added fea-
tllre that will appeal to many trac-
t0r operators.
Mr. Lovell annotmce~ tl~t the o~m-
l~y Will also be putting severalJ~r-
models on
Pictured above is the ,,Policeman's high school band, under the direction JoYce Noyes, Joyce Clark, Ma~T Ann
chorus," one of the big features of of James M. Deehr. In the '~ollce- Vukelic, and Marian Geyer. In the
,~ at z~dn~W' the ~ thrse m~n's chorus" here ~ ...~2ma _C~r,~ "mu~:~" are Mary ~e~ ~n-
Helen Blair, ~ TII~, ~ J~, "D0rl~ Mo~, R~t~'-
act home talent to Ellen Doeraer
Beach nert wee~ In tae ' ~ ~
The much improved Arnegard
ball team comes to Beach for a
game next Sunday which should
from all indications prove to be a
close battle. The management of
the Beach club is making every ef-
fort to go through the season with-
out calling on the business houses
for contributions but in order to
make both ends meet your stttend-
ance at the games is urgently so-
licited. Beach has a good team and
they are entitled to the ~pport of
all loyal fans. Be~eh ha~ gained
much face.Me lmbllctty throus~
lt~ ball team ~o let tm make an
effort to Jtttend the
games and see the lmys threugh.
Home Talent Play
For Band Benefit
Here Next Week
Mrs. Carrie Autrey, director of
Mystery at Midnight, which is being
sponsored for the benefit of the local
band, arrived in Beach last Sunday
Mystery at Midnight, a thrilling my-
stery-drama with local talent as mem-
bers of its cast, is t~ be presented at
"the hJ~,~school auditorulm on Thurs-
day and~Friday nights, £ugust 10 and
.11. !(n~
Mrs. Autrey c0m~ to our town high-
ly recommand(ut, site ha~ an A. B. de-
gree from the .Unlymity of California,
and she has coached plays for the past
.6 years.
The committee ~ charge of the play
dr. Miller and Mr. Dechr, together
vith Mrs. Autrey's hel~), has secured
~some of~ the best talent in Beach, and
the cast is working day and ntte in.
an effort to give this town one of the
"best amateur preformances it has ever
Sponsors of the play hope to be able
to secure a new bass horn for the
band with ~he proceeds earned from
the production.
The following is the cast for the
play "Mystery at Midnight"
Jack Murphy, the bus driver, Gerard
Ralph Norris, the hero, RJ~hard Sch-
Tom Poster, passenger, Bud Miller
Judge Rollins, retired, Rufus Arnold
Sally Grant, just plain silly, Eleanor
E~vtra Nosegray, epinstor, Lenor~
Bonnie Baker, ingenue, Della Moore
Mrs. Halloways, of THE Hel|oways,
Mrs. E. F. Cook.
Prof. Rockbottom, archeologist, "Chas.
Detective Briggs, Of the State Police,
Jess Still.
Sarah, maid to Mrs. Halloway, Luella
The Stranger ? ? ? ?
Custer Trail To
Be Opened Sunday
The Custer Trail ranch near Me-
dora. America's original dude ranch,
wll again be opened to the public as
a dude ranch and summer resort, with
the formal opening date set tenta-}
tively for August 7, it was armounced ]
this week. " , , [
W~rk on a modern main k~ige, j
which will comprise a dining roc~n,
kitchen, rest rooms and cocktail lounge I
is rapidly nearing completion now, and
work is progressing on the swimming
pool, cabins and tennis e~wt¢
A fine string of saddle horses, some
.be on for the
into. the
~, Some forty
'been made,
.~t, daily,
" was observed
the C, M. Fulton :~e. The fol-
lowing program waS=~:
Piano Salo, Helene T~ Sang, Fay
Hammond and Lofatne V~,~terland:
Talk. Good Posture, Gwendolyn Ful-
ton and June Martin:
Piano Solo, Jean O~tby; Health Re-
cipe, Coleen Llndstrom and Dorothy
Waterland; Talk, Safety, Azalla Ham-
mond: Talk. Cleanliness, Betty Shep-
herd: Health Song, Entire group; Talk
Foods for Health. Helene Tatley; Song
Busy Bee Club: Talk, Mr. Ostby; Piano.
Solo. Jean Ostby;
Many Health postures were on dis-
play. Roll call was answered by dif-
ferent health rules.
A sack lunch, accompanied by nectar
was enjoyed by all.
Ed Carlson started work at the
Farmers Cooperative elewtor last we-
out there durl~ t~e
Beach Nine Wins
From Glendive On
Sunday, 13 to 10
In the wildest and most ragged
game played on the local grounds for
many, many moons the Beach Base-
ball team nosed out a victory over
the Glendive team by a score of 15
to 10. Going into the ninth
Beach was leading by a ~rg,~ :15 tO
3 by virtue of eleven hits and t~be a~
sistance of thirteen errors ~tted
by the Montana b0y~,
Olendlve had collected laine ~tterod
hits to produce 3 scores, witl~
two n~plays beln~ eha~ed up
In the ninth inning the Beach 1
evidently feeling sorry
less opPonents, decided
their sufferings by
hits, giving 3 passes
man and contributing
to show that them couldn lake ~.:
tOO. All Of this being produc :-
runs to say nothing of ~ c0kt~
era ~g up and down ~ =b~tk~
of the Beach fans ....
Stolt who started in the
Olendlve was
allowing one free pass
e. lq'e gave way to ~ lt~
enth who allowed,~ hits, '
two: and struck out one.
Frank Wenzel
D~O for Beach and
~Ita~ allowed nine
were good for only
He weMmned in the ninth,
aforln~tioned result.
A detailed
would make a lo~.g
it to yott briefly.
in the fir~,
seven in the ninth.
twice In the first
tWo in the third.
two in the sixth, one in the.~
and three in the eighth.
After ~ettm~ this remedy ot ¢_rro~
out of their systema both teanm ~h~,
plaY better ball in future galore.
The Olendive team brought with
them a large following ~ rooters
which brought the attendance up to
the highest it has been this seaaon.
Games next Sunday,- Arnegard at
Beach, Golva at Glendive, sidney at
Circle and WiliJ~ton at Falrvlew.
Robison Accepts
Montana Offer,
Last Thursday Art Robison, who I~
served very efficiently as t~,,:p~l~
for the Beach baseball team :this
season, accepted an offer from the
Fromberg, Montana, team . ~ the>
Midland Empire league. He left ,h~
the same day by train for that
Sunday he made his
there against Forsyth
feared 13-3, in a game
many errors. Fromberg
syth 9 to 8. r "
During his stay here. Art made a
host of friends and did an excellev~
job of chucking for the local nine, los-
ing but one league game that to Circle.
Best wishes go with him for contin-,
ued success in his new location.
Lamesteer 4.H Club
The 7th regular meeting of the
Lamesteer 4-H club was held at the
~oiskl home July 25th.
The meeting was called to order bY
President Re gin'a Podolski and opened,
by singing the Ploughing Song, follow-
ed by the reading of the 4-H c~d~and
the r011 call which was ~..¢o<
were read by Regina podolskt ~m '~gre
of the Nails", MarisP0doiskI on'4-~-
Progress and Jane Moris. '"rhere,4S no
Place for Hitler in 4-H Work".
The meeting adjourned :. b~,~ Singing,
"Perfect Posture."
After a time a delicious ltmch was
served by Mrs. Podoiski. The visitors
at the meeting were Mrs. Morris and
Maryann KredroskL The next meetinK
will be held ~tt Liberty school on,-Au~
3 at 2 o'clock.
The Viking 4-H club met Tuesday
with Ruth Gustafson with all but one
men~bers present. Articles completed
or under construction were shown ~nd
Mary Kremers demonstrated the mak-
ing of a dresser scarf. Azalia Ham-
mond gave a talk and showed pictures
on her trip to Washington D. C.
The girls decided to have a picnic
Aug. 1 and invite the members of the
Favorite club to Join them.
After the meeting a fine lunch was
served by Ruth and her mother.
M. E. Northrnp left last @4tturday
for St. Paul, Min~.