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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 2, 1951     Golden Valley News
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August 2, 1951
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]PAGE TEN ,ill i ii lUlll i i i i OCAL NEWS Items of lnleres! picked up here ~1 there by our News reporten, We azo always glad te get your Mews Stems. PHONE 39 Visi*s Children-- Mrs. Emma Wojahn arrived ,]lmme this Monday, after spend- i~g several weeks in Denver. Colo., visiting her daughters Vie. let and Hilda, and attending Violet's wedding July 8. From there, Mrs, Wojahn went to l~owell, Wyo., where she was a guest of her son Herbert and wife. who are residing on a vet.. rafts homestead, which they .were selected for two years ago. :Mrs. Woj~hn saw it then, an~ was very pleasantly surprised now, to see fine crops growing, and new farmsteads being de- veloped. Everything is irrigated there. She also visited with two former Beaehites, Mrs, Sam Sam. .cells, and Mrs. Harold Morris, w.ho live there. Visit Park-- Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Ku- kowski, Dick and Margaret were visitors to Yellowstone park last week, Toured Norway--- Ole and Matt lverson of Wil- ll,ston were overnight guests Fri- 1lay at the home el Mr. and Mrs. ~laCt Ristuben. The Iversons jusl returned home after .a seven-month tour of Norway. Fishing In Canada-- Mr. and Mrs. "Junior" Sehulz ,znd two sons. and his sister. i~rs, Adeline DeVoe. left this ~onday morning for a fishing ~ip to Canada. Their exact des- Ilina tion was uncertain when they 3eft here. To Twin Cities-- John Rohan left by car Sun- day for the Twin Cities where he will atlend to business matters lot the next fen days or so, in- cluding a furniture and hard- ~'are dealers' convention. From Seaifie--- Mrs. J. O. Ramstad of Seattle. Wn.. arrived in town ~ast week re visit her (laughter. Mrs. Ar- thur Nellermoe and family, and her son. Rudy Ramstad and family. She was accompanied by Mrs. Tilde Kjoniestad of Bell- ingham. Wn.. who is ,a guest of he~. sister, Mrs. P. O. Peterson and family; she planned to visit other relatives in Fargo, also. Visit At Ranch-- Guests last week end at the Art Reinholz ranch in Sentinel Butte included Mr. and Mrs. Don Wright, and Mr. ,and Mrs. Ted Wright. Billings, Mont., the lat- ter coming after their baby son, Terry Joe, who had been with his grandparents for .two weeks, and at his aunt, Mrs. Fayne Kannenberg's home. From Hospital-- Mrs. Robert Taylor and new son, Tom, returned home this Sunday from the Beach hospi- tal: .Miss Mary Menke is help- ing out at the house for a few days. From Minneapolis-- Visiting since Thursday at the Victor Thompson home in Beach have been Mrs. Thompson's mother, Mrs. Lydia Maanum, and ,two sisters, Theodore Maa- num and Mrs. William Burnett and two children, all of Min- neapolis. They pl,an to leave this ~eek end. ~ At Parental Home--- Mr. and Mrs. Buck Eason of Boise, Idaho, arrived in Beacll Saturday for .a few days visit at the home ~f her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zook: she is the for- mer Doris Zook. Business Visitors-- Laughton Osborn ~tnd his dau- were business visi- tors in Beach test Friday from Dickinson, where he is proprie- tor of the O~bc~:n photographic studios. • In Orecjon-- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dickinson left last Eriday to visit her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hipple, at Hillsboro. Ore. NEW IN TIRE CONSTRUCTION FOUND ONLY IN COAST-TO-COAST SAFE-FLEX TIRES ,,|, I MORE MILEAGE I EAS|ER R|D|NG ~i sorbing, flex- /- ible sidewall~.. ~ / construction ~lJ~t l, provides an I~li~l~ extra cushion J ~ --- absorbs -Temp, the new, tougher, road shocks blll'~ | longer-wearing cold rub-I ---- for easier • "~ | bet, proved to give mor~[ riding. [ mileage in exhaustive tests, i | ow-ouT T..O El LOCALLY OWNED :TION Designed for safe stops, safe ~urns maximum NATIONALLY ORGANIZED ON SALE--three '50 model ]2 em ff.l nard refrigerators, at reduc. e THE GOLDEN VALLEY NE% S. BEACH, N. D. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, Takes Family Home-- George Bennett of St. Paul, Minn.. arrived in Beach this past week end. to take his wife and two children back home; they have been house guests at the home of her parents, Attornev and M, rs. John Keohane. Mr. Bennett says they have had cool- er weather there than we have been having here the past weeks. He described some of the dam- age done by the recent 100-mile an hour wind. that destroyed homes, business structures, and many ears. Home From Camp-- Norma Jean Harl,an returned home Sunday evening from Camp Grassiek where she had speech therapy, which she also had the year previous. The children re- port a wonderful time. with swimming, craft work, and edu- cational movies, besides their classes. Vacation Trip-- Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Baish of Bismarck have returned home, after a vacation tour through Yellowstone park, and to Seat- tle, Wn. and Portland, Ore., and the Black Hills. Mrs. Baisch is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Goodale of this city, and spent a week with her parents, her husband picking her up here prior to their trip. New Daughters-- Mr. and Mrs. Cl,arenee Feb row. Salem. Ore., are the par- ents of a girl, Lindy Lou, born July 13. Another girl was born the same day to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bruski of Bozeman. Mont., who are expected to visit rela- tives here this week end. Visit In Beach--- Mr. and Mrs. Terry Blue and family of Girard. Ohio. visited with his twin brother, Ted and family in Beach last week. and with his sister. Mrs. Vern Oste- roth of Glendive rural. Mr. Blue had no~ bem~-An Beach for 27 years and said he really enjoy- ed visiting with old friends here. Visits Aunt-- Roy Butterfield and daughter Mary of Minneapolis, Minn.. visited Monday with his aunt in Beach Mrs. M. Butterfield. They were enroute home from Rici~ey, Mont.. where they had visited his mother and looked over the oil operations there. Visiting, Here-- Mrs. Kathleen Sabelko of Durand. Wis., has been visiting this week at the home of her cousin and family, Charles Mi- chels, planning to leave today, Timrsday. for 15au Claire. Other guests Mr. Michels' brother. wife and daughter, the A. J. Michels family of Eau Claire, returned home last Monday. Extend Hours-- The dining room of Sack's club has extended its hours, and has announced. SWATHER Aetna PUSHER $99.00 Motor Co.. Be ich, N. Dak. Drive To Garrison-- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Koshney drove to Garrison. N. D.. Sun- day, expecting to meet their son Wesley there, and taking his boat to him. Guests In Beach--- Week end guests of the Gor- don Olson family in Beach were ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nelson of Kenmare and an aunt. Mrs. Ellen Petersen. To Last Rites--- The J. D. Moriarty family left Tuesday for Marion. S. D., to at. tend last rites for his aunt. They expect to return some time this week after visiting other rela- tives there. Week End Guests- .Guests t'his week end at the Curt Sill home in Beach were Mr and Mrs. Ken Sill of Fargo and Mr. and Mrs. Garlan Seidel of Fessenden. who were enroute to Yellowstone park. Old Pet Succumbs-- John Kalkman. caretaker of the Beach park. is saddened by the loss of his old dog, Bob. who died this week: the animal was 17 years old. Bridal Shower--- Margie Brown was guest of honor at a pre-nuptial shower Friday night at the J. M, Steck- er home in Beach. Marlya Stecke¢ and Virginia Cadwell were hostesses, arranging novel. ty decorations and lunch for the 50 guests. Theatre BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA • • ~ t • Fri. • Sat. Saturday Matinee "The Great Missouri Raid" P MACI)ONALD CAREY. WEN- DELL CORY. Tills ,lames Brolht~rs story com- o;ncs fine performances, sweep- inn action and impressive au- !henli('ity and gets an "excel- 'ent" rating. Shorts -- News Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Sunday Matinee "The Lemon Drop Kid" BOB HOPE, MARILYN MAX- Wt~LL. A delightful comedy that brings Bob Hope at his best-- the Runyon ~tory with an "excel- lent" rating. SNo?s --- News Wed.. Thurs. "Cause For Alarm" LOI ETTA YOUNG, BARRY SULLIYAN. A suspense thriller that makes a most entertaining film. ALSO "The M. G. M. Story" 60 stars bring you the story of this great motion picture com- pany. Shows at 7:30 and 9:45 I1' I I .18~ II m ,! ---q. r Cuts Styled For !i Summer Comfort ii and Becomingness Simple enough to require only the min- imum of upkeep• You'll be more com- fortable in this hot weather with one of our contour cuts. SPECIAL--Helene Curtis Flexa-wave, for the loveliest, softest curls you ever saw; the superior cold wave, only $10. Phone 100-112 Beach, N. D. Rehearsal Cancelled-- Roger Stolberg. director of the Beach band, reports that no re. hearsals will be held until fur- ~ncr noti('e, with the exception of the practice tonight. Thurs- day; the group will perform at the scheduled concert in Beach Saturday night, he added. Close Statian-- Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hodgin are planning a trip to Wyoming where both have employment for the winter months, following the closing of Hodgin's Standard serwce station they have operat- ed in Beach for some years. They are expecting to engage in farm. ing next year near Glendive. Returns Home-- Father Elwood Cassedy return- ed to Beach Tuesday night after From Laurel-- .. [[arold Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith of Laurel, Mont., visited their mother, Mrs. Minnie Smith and other rela- tives in Beach the first of last