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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 2, 1951     Golden Valley News
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August 2, 1951
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PAGE EIGHT Saturday, August 4th Shamrock Club, Sunday to visit his friend Rich- Sunday dinner and supper guests at the Bud C/ouse home were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Maus and family, Mrs. Fritz Fasch- ing and Maphalda, Daisy Wass- nmn, Andrew Kohler, Mr. and Mrs. John Irons and son, Edith Care~,, Mr. ,and 'Mrs. Robert Son- nek and daughter, Nancy Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. .Nick Gamroth, Mrs. Tull. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Gamroth and family, .Mr. end Mrs. Gloyd Bury and family. Mrs. Bertha Bury, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ziebarth, Mr. and Mrs. Art White, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wo- Ja~-~, Elizabeth Warren, Clarence Kehr ,and Warren Irons. Mrs. Max Northrop and fami- ly and Bobby Northrop spent Wednesday at the Clouse ranch. in ~he afternoon they all drove to Beach to shop. T~,e following were pot luck supper guests at the Pete Jesok ranch: Pvt. Paul Jackman of Camp Rucker, Ala., Carl H, arry and 'Frank Jackman, Jim Kirch- berg, Mr. and (Mrs, John Barthel, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barthel and girls, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Sch- mltz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Oz Schmltz and Mary. Mr. ~tnd Mrs. Ted Nunberg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Boehlke, Morris Douglas, Orrin Forthun, Marvin Moen, Pete and John ,Hammervold and Leonard Boehlke were guests a~ the Rich- ard Knopp home Sunday after- noon. *Mr. and Mrs. K,arnes Johnson end family, Mrs. Ida Johnson, Ir- ma'lyn Nunn and Larry and Gene Nunn were callers at the Gloyd Bury home Friday eve. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fasch- lng and c~aughter were callers ard Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Nick C~amroth and Mrs. Tull were Beach, Wi- baux and Baker callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rose and daughter of Wisconsin were call- ers at the Nick Gamroth home the past week. Aga, tha Schwartz and Carl George Schwartz of Dickinson are spending their vacation at the Bud Clouse home. Armin Ziebarth from Scran- ton was a caller at the A J. Zie. barth home Monday. Birthday club met with Mrs. Lewie Drewniak on Wednesday with most members present for a grand lunch, Chris and Charlie Cadwell were working on a granary at the Fred Wojahn ranch Che past week. Grace Cadwell was a visi- tor at the Wojahn ranch. Mrs. Bud Clouse, Agatha and Carl George Schwartz were* ,call: ers at the A1 Irons and Nick Gamroth homes Wednesday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lansing and family stopped overnight with Bill Carew on their way home from Washington thfs week. Eleanor Hegge of Seattle, Wash., is visRing her sister and family Mrs. Ida Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Karnes Johnson and family, Irn~alyn. Larry and Gene Nunn and Mrs. Ida Jcchn- son drove to Dickinson Sunday. The occasion was a Hegge re- union; a picnic dinner and sup- per was enjoyed by all. An anniversary ,party was held at the Bud Clouse home Sunday eve. Those attending were M. B. Hogoboom and Mau- rice. Mr. and (Mrs. John Irons l THE MARKET, AS ALWAYS, IS OPEN TO ALL AND I INVITE YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. THAN[ TOUI Will buy hogs next in Beach, Fri- day, Aug. 3, and the following Friday August 10, in Wibaux. Last week we paid the following prices: BUTCHERS Top 180 to 240 .....-........ 240 ,.to 270 ............ 270 to 300 300 to 350 350 Up *lQliili|ll| $22.00 $21.00 $20.75 $19.75 $18.00- $19.00 SOWS 330 Down 330 to 370 370 to 400 Extra Heavy Stags Heavy, 70 lbs. dock .... Stags Light, 40 dock .... 18.75 18.00 17.50 17.00 $16.00 $16.00 ALWAYS PAYING HIGHEST ~ PRICES 1RBOWI 191 mILD, THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1951 I Musicby Bill Cornell and Orch. Everyone Welcome! and son, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nist- ler and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jesok and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knopp and family, Leo- nard Boehlke, Mr. and ,Mrs. Art White, Mr. and Mrs. Karnes Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury and family, Larry and Gene Nunn, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Wosepka and family. Mrs. Bertha Bury and May. nard returned Sat. eve from their visit in South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury and Beverly were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Schouboe of Baker Sat. eve. ii~mml[lmHilUl[]lmlllmlll3flllllltlUl[llmHilimra Ollie News n[]flllllllllll[]llllllllflfl[]lllllllllllltlUltlllUlllLllllltlllllll[]tllll Sunday School 10 a. m. Evening Service 8 p. m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 8 p, m. Thursday Choir Practice 8 p. m. tBob Nash from Bismarck, nephew of Carl Rose, visited hece Thursday. `He, the Carl Rose ram- iy and Claud Schouboe were din. her guests ,at the Ronald Schou- bee home. Several members of the Ollie ~Homemakers Club and the Big ~Hill Club were guests at a par. ty given by the Beaver Valley Club, Wednesday, at the ,Hillside school. Lively games were play. ed, prizes awarded and a love ly lunch was served by the Bea- ver Valley Club. Mr. and Mrs. Dulane Wang and Dave and Mr. and Mrs. Vic ,Berg and children were supper guests Friday at the Terry Cam. eron home. Mrs. Carl Rose, Mrs. Harry Abrams and girls had dinner at the Grove Lutts home Saturday. Fay Shepherd, Ross and Alan Cameron were Thursday dinner guests at the Buck Shepherd home. Mr. and Mrs. Henning Steen. rDon and Gloria. and Francis Madler were Saturday supper guests at the Eldon Mengel home. Mrs. Bill McKay and son Bud and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wang were Sunday dinner guests of (Mr. and Mrs. Dulane Wang. ~Mr. and Mrs. *B. Hudson, How- ard Stark and Albert Ulvin were Sunday dinner guests at the Torry Cameron home. Sunday dinner guests at the Kenneth Rustad home were Mr. and Mrs. George Rustad. Mrs. Lindstrom and son Orrin of Carlyle called on the Carl Rose family Sunday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests at the Rev. Auer home were Mr. and Mrs. Henning Steen and family, ]iiilimsn[]unllllim MUmlOUlliDiiiiilllllm~lllllllmll~llnUlillll i Tr s N ws i {~lHlUlm~l|lllliff,]llllllinnlnllnlllnlt|~nlilfllUili~llinlllll A fair sized crowd attended the meeting of Webbs Willing Workers at ,the church parlors Thursday, when Mrs. Ray Tas- ,ker and Mrs..Hazel Gorrell were 'hostesses. After the business meeting a delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. ~e wish to extend congratu. lations ,to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, who are proud parents of a son. born at the Sidney hos- pital on July 25. Mrs. Smith is the k)rmer Betty Jean Sperry. Congratulations also to the proud grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Sperry. Mrs. Dave Brennan and dau- ghter spent from Monday until ~Friday of last week visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. W. B. Campbell and family. Mrs. Brennan returned to her home at Fryburg on ~Friday, while her daughter remained for a longer visit. Word received from Eddie" Crook informs us that he was accepted into the Marine Corps and is now based at San Diego, Calif., for his basic training. Mrs. Hazel Gorrell and child- ren visited relatives in Canada, two weeks ago Sunday. Three brothers and ~vo sisters- of Mrs. Hazel Gorrell paid her a surprise visit on Sun- day, a week ago. They drove down by way of Roosevelt Park and Boys' Ranch near Sentinel Butte. Mr. and (Mrs. P V. Moore and Doris acompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Crook and Freddie, drove to Williston, on Sunday, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nelson and saw their baby daughter. They drove back by way of Rooseveit Park, and en- joyed a day of visiting and sight- seeing. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gunkel and children were Thursday evening visitors at the J. F. Crook home. Visits Here--- Alma Snydahl, former tele- phone operator in Beach, arriv- ed here Thursday by bus, visit- ing at the Hugh Schmitz home until Friday. She was enroute home to California after visiting at Hope, N. D. Gets New Pickup--- Slim Clark returned last Fri- day from Minneapolis, Minn., where he got a new GMC pick. up far a customer here. He says the heat has flattened out many acres of flax, east of this sec- tion of the state. Have You Tried Our New 25c And Don't Fail to Try Our New Hot Weather Drink "COLLINS COOLER" It's New You'll Like It Come to Beach for the big drawing Saturday night at 9:00 p. m. Our private drawing will be held at 10:30 p. m. Beach, North Dakota MODIFY VETERANS' BENEFIT DEADLINE College students training un. der the GI bill may continue training if they are obtaining or have obtained their bachelor de. grees in 1951. ,Otherwise, Gl's who were not in training on July 25 are now ineligible for further training vnder the GI bill. The approval for continuation of training by 1951 graduates will be given if applications are received in the VA office by the end of September, 1951, E. G. Marks, head of the regional registra¢ion office in Fargo, an- nounced. Visit Son-- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Turn, bull of Ekalaka, Mont., were overnight guests Saturday at the farm home of her sister and hus. band, Mr. and Mrs. Art Under. wood and family, Sentinel But. te. They drove up to see their son Larry, who has been a guest of the Unde~,'wood children for several weeks. While in this community, they called at the homes of their relatives. Our Welcome Mat Mways Out To and is as sincere as our food is delicious Our Specialty--Fish and Chips Tastefully prepared, seasoned just right; the perfect meal these warm days. Serving Every unday: Prime Ribs of Beef Choice of Fowl Virginia Baked Ham Choice of Salads Open Daily 7 a. m. to 3 a. m., Sunday---noon to 3 a. m. We specialize in banquets and luncheons, call for ap- pointment; We can serve any number. New Chef---Eddie Dulony--specializing in choice steaks and seafood. Call 2651 for reservations. Bixby & Orgain, mgrs. - Wibaux, Mont. Francis Madler, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mengel and Irene, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Berg and children. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fishe~" and daughters were Sunday callers at the Dewey Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. George Rustad were guests far supper Friday ni,ght at the Ealph Rustad home. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hudson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nary near Carlyle. M~s. Carl Rose, (Mrs. C. Shep- herd and Larry, Peggy Faye Berg accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Auer to Miles City Monday. OUT-OF-STATE CARS MUST PAY SALES TAX Motor vehicles owned by out- of.state concerns must pay a two.per cen~ sales tax or a use tax before they can be registered in North Dakota, Registrar A. N, La~'ik holds. Lavik said a few out-of-state companies had been in the habit of turning their vehicles over to their men for temporary use in Nm-th Dakota and that these vehicles h, ad been granted licen- ses hy the payment of the regu- lar registration fee, but without paying a sales tax or use tax, This practice, Lavik believed, was illegal, and he asked the ,attorney general's department foe an opinion. This opinion held with him. There is absolutely no reason, 'Lavik said, why out-of-state companies should 5e able to op- erate their vehicles here for ex- tended ,periods without contrib- uting to the upkeep of the state's highways. O 16 ft. auger elevator . 21 ft. auger elevator . 27 h. auger elevator . 41 ft. auger elevator $84.5O $175.50 These elevators will also elevate ground feed and pump water. If you need an elevator---do not fail to see these! Used A R Deere Tractor .One Used H McCormick Tractor. THE Valley News lat 'td u kmmad nmMm' M tim Pn~tm~l~ at !~ l~m'm ~ One Used 1-2 Ton Ford Pickup One Used 9 ft. Disc One Used Power Mower WALYIDt I. mLIk'~q~l North