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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 2, 1951     Golden Valley News
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August 2, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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( .-/ .... AUGUST 2, 1951 ~llllttnililMliltg~lfllilllmt(llilllllliilIDUltlSliilH[)llliSItllllL'31 Mrs. Rudv Risin~ and daugh- l K'I 1 ~T ~ [tcr Kathryn. Mr..~nton Rising, I, olva ]_~ew~ -is],., and Mrs. A. Scheffer motor- | ........... =-Jed to Bismarck Sunday after- noon where Mr Rising received II[lllllllllllll[lllllllllllll[lllllllllllllnllllllllllll[lllllllllllll[lll] [ . ,' -- -- ' ..... . lano[ner checkup a[ :he cumc. Mrs. Sadie Page was an over- I Mrs Ed Kremers and children llight visitor of Mrs. Laura Stra- ]and Mrs. John Tschida ,were 'lion Friday and a Sunday visitor ]Glendive visitors Thursday. With bMabs. F~irlawHaammond.. A special meeting of lhe Gol- and MrsYwgerne asi~°rn [o ~lr. va Homemakers Club was held ke: the 'ast werl~ sner of Bur- Tuesday afternoon at the home _ P " " of Mrs. Geo. Gearey. Election of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Barth-officers was in order and Mrs. el were Bismarck visitors Fri- John Schmeling, Pres., Mrs. JObrn flay. Schulte, Vice Pres., and M s. Mrs. Paul Wehrman returned Donald Hammond, See., were re- Wednesday from her tripto elected. Refreshments were serv- t{oc__hester, Minn. ~ ed and the next meeting will be SPECIAL and lOth There is demand for all classes of horses, especially on these light yearling and two year olds. This is the first time in years that there has been an outlet for this class of horses. Killer horses are in good demand, and good broke horses have been selling good. _ All horses must be in the yards on Thursday, August 9th, so they can be taggedand brand inspected before sale. We will have buyers for all classes of cattle, as well as horses, so bring your cattle in for this market. Regular Cat- tle Sale every Friday. Cattle Sale Will Start at 9 a. m. Horse Sale Will Start at 1 p. m. Get your cattle in on Thursday and Fri- day forenoon and horses on Wednesday and Thursday. THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. PAGE SEVEN on Aug. 9, at the home of Mrs. , Donald Hammond, Mrs. Edna Red Ryder and the Story of Sod Conservation. H~:mmond assisting hostess. 'J J Friends are ~,rieved to hear ~ ........ -.--.~-._~ ~ _ ' " HE3) LIKE'~oFORE.CLO~E" #lEAD /'~A"AI'~-,~lJ61~'fi.'S5 that Mrs Wm McMamgal, Sr. ~E EE~ ~ '~ passed away Saturday mght atI a ca. e ,5 r oa . m [ I 1 Hoc a .* HeLL It A6A , tq= g ACRE , I r'(0 0VER. CEO I nil the home of her daughter Mrs. J c0~~~ A6~LLO_~.'. __ I I LE~ HE~ rf3k I~l V,)ITH YO~R.BNLP~ ] ~ ~.0t~0~,], LO~, HB~? ]1 l~r! Wontlnn,q nf Roach Mr ~nd I HELP~O L~D ~ ~ ~TILL ~LIST P}II~E ] ~IE'LL FOOL HIY~f I~UT WILl. YO~l LE~O _ tored to Beach Sunday. [ ~-'~/"J. ~ "'"'"-~~.-,~ [ t~-~'~ "~|l~~"~J ~[ ~,~fi ~,~.} (,"~-~ ~_.3~] Dick Perry of Cabin Creek [ ~r ,i ,.__._?--~-.~....~~ ~j~ [ [ |~ ] ~ ' ~ ~'~'! %-'~.~ ~1 ~'/~L'~-/~ ~kl)Y_~ ~i/1~':~ | made his trip to ,the river Thurs- [i ~~ ~-~"~--~.] • |Y/~----~ ."~~J ~'~]~l~-~v~i day checking the gas line. He [~[~.:~ ~ ~V,.'~_~=-~I~ ~'~ ~----~Z'~A ~ff'~"~.lY:#"k ~ • made his trip this month by car,~]~f~--~~.~~ [ ~~:~"~ ~ [~ ~ ~/] ~|~'. ~}~k~~~. due to being in the hospital ~/~-3,~ ~'~:~L::-:"~--.~-"-'-¢-'~] ~'-~"~,l~,~a~, .... ~1' ~~'_~.]/~~].~~~ lately from an operation. [ ""~4~lli~'~-----~ ~'r~ -- ~ -~ [[ ~- ~.~'~,~1~'7.~'~ [ (..~t~"~/ ~1:~,~,-,~J,f A~-%f[~~ Mr. and Mrs. John Tschida I~.,~ "~~L-.--=z--~h~-~_ll~' ~'~'?4gA~- ~.~~.' ~ Vlg~'~c'r,~/.f/~"J~,\i made a business and pleasure [~.~~ ," "~".=~'~'~¢ ~ | ~ \' ,~~ ~,,~'~ ~ "~1~ ] Jl ~ ]i~~ ~~"~]~{k\\~'k~][~ trip Sunday visiting the oil wells [ '~f~~ "~ ~ I~I ~,.~[~~* I ] //~ [l~~ ~1~ V~{,~'t,"~N~]~ southeast of Pressonvill, Mont., [ '--- ,e~,~ ~,~ II~/~~| ] ~ ~~,~ l~{~\~I also Poplar and Sidney. Anita .... !Tschida is visi,ting with a fri- end in Mont. # ! Mrs. Chas. Huffman and the former Mrs. Ruth +Reed were calling on friends in the South Valley Thursday. ,A swell rain visited the Golva community in various directions Saturday afternoon, and we are all hoping tl~e hail failed to fall. ,Norbert Barthel of California was expected to arrive Sunday for a visit wiih old friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferzel and family, Amil Ferrel and Mrs. Ferrel all of Baker were Sunday dinne¢ guests at M~. and Mrs. Lawrence Morrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Burg. feld, Jr., and family were Sun- day guests at the Hecman Burg. reid home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krueger and son were Sunday guests at, the ,Ed. Krueger home. Oscar Keernar and ,lVlurry Mel- cher were callers Monday morn- ing. large crowd ,attended the wedding dance given at Ollie Sat. evening by Virginia and Delbert ~Hudson. Evecyone had a enjoyable time. Mr. and ,Mrs. Allen Ferrel and family were Friday dinner guests at the bawerence Monri- son home. Vernice Lund of Williston was a caller at the Claude Lund home in Carlyle Saturday. Glendive, Mont. Phone 613 Mr. and Mrs. John Strom of Miles City spent the past few days visiting at the Lawerence Marrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hartse were business callers in Wibaux Fri- day afternoon. Mrs. Charles Abrams and daughter were Carlyle callers Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck McDevitt motared to Wibaux Sat. afternoon or. business. Mrs. Julia Fist of Baker was Of a ,, ,, Pedect Car There is no perfect car.., regardless of nmke, too- ' del or price! They all need attention and periodic re- pair! It depends entirely upon the owner how nearly perfect" his car will be! Don't neglect repmrs." The smallest defect in the precision mechanism-- of the modern car can throw the entire operatmn out of balance., and snowball quickly into major overhaul jobs. Seek expert maintenance for your car where the .ex- perience and eqmpment assure you of good servme! . . The brand-new 14' Gleaner self-propelled combme.zs here see it! Latest St. Paul hoists in stock for immediate installa- tion. IIITICI ]Beach, N. I)allr. Sponsored in the interest of Soil Conservation by your GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT a =caller at Mrs. Hannah Hartse's W ednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Krueger and Mcs. Carl Forey and Doris were Wibaux callers Sunday. Vic Feragen and Wm. Lind. strom were business callers in Baker .and Ekalaka Sunday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Grogen we,re Baker callers Sunda~ evening. Mrs. Ray Feragen and son Donny returned home Sat. morn- ing afte~ a weeks business trip to Rochester. Overnight Gue~s..- ,Mrs. Effa Duncan of Pasade- na, Calif., .and Katherine Ede of Spokane, Wn., were overnight guests Lagt Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gard- ner. They were enroute to Iowa to visit other relatives. Mrs. Duncan is an aunt of Mr. Gard- ner's, and Miss Erie is a cousin. Typewriter Adding Machine Cash Register need cleaning or re- pairing? If so, leave it at the \ On Vacatiou-- Rev. and Mrs. G. Hinz are on a two weeks vacation, planning to visit thei¢ parents in Water-tvices will be held at St. Paul's [ville, Minn., and other relatives[Lutheran church during their ] in eastern North Dakota. No set- i absence. "" "I 'I,' ' ', , °° II II IIII [ ' I I ]f ii I ~'L~ I We think you'll agree with us that the new Timberlock under box electric hoist, is a won- tier-worker around your farm; it lifts ? tons, and is one man operated, by push button from cab and rear;, come in and learn how superior this fine quality machinery really is. We have several late model used car trucks and Jeep pickups, ALL priced RIGHT-- see us for a better deal. Beach, North Dakota VM£EY NEWS , We have an expert machinist c a I I i n g every two weeks. VALLEY JOHNSON I A:L • I Phone 10 i l= 1 Slim Clark, prop. By Louis Wetk, Accordionist .Treat the family--eat with us In our cool, attractive dining room where the food is always so iroodyou want to come back for morel .... room open Sunda s, 1 pJ ., to 2 a.m., week days 6 p.m. to 2 ,