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August 2, 1951 |
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Friday,August 3r h t Beach vs. South
8. L M. --" Under Lights t rm ID) [I, Beach Ball Park
..~ iS turkey hen with FOUND--- Two cigaret lighters, NO OUTSIDE HELP SEEN I PATSY PETERSON WINS county of Peoria and State of Ill|- test the same. And you, the alive
z=~:-...~ ....... : ...... ~ ......... .==.:: I [ nineteen feathered turkey near Wibaux picnic grounds. FOR HARVESTING CROPS I NUR~INH SCHOLARSHIP ~ no|s. deceased, has been rendered to named respondents, and each of you,
[] I~l~t.i[~ l~lt: [] poults. Can identify turkey. Claim at News office. 46-1te ' ! P'tsy Peterson of 15eacq ~au estateth!s'C°m't-'thereinoz ~ne said ueceasedSh°wing thatls rcadythe andare herebYthere toCitedbe andar~l appearrequiredbeforethen
~i II.lli~/:~l~'q~::. |[Reward M~rs Joe Hartse, Car- . The North Dakota f~rm labor~ ./'- , -~ ~ _ . "~ ~ ."for final settlement and distribution, this Court, and show cause, if an7
mt ..... rater oz .v~r ann Mr
_ t m~ll'~JIv1111Fi! l[ lv]o Man( - ag 1,0 FOIl SALE--Blond wood dinette comrnitto~ ~hioh rno* ot ~io[g " " • S. J• U• Fel-and petitioning that his account be you have, why the account shall nell
......|! " .............................~.anbd1 a:dk5 ~alr bo~1%saeiaths maffk Wl h 2oveill [ e's~; " ~eat[as~l~Fr" a~l:Cii~:~v" allowed, the residue o£ (be said es-be allowed, the residue of tlae said
~'~i!:.~ II ntrwNO~[ SmOnlre t 1 tate be distributed to the persons en- estate distributed, the administratiol
FOR SALE--One 7-qt National __.e ~-~..s- -.-.~•S'L~U...~.~_, oru.oda,=,tue~,u=tAr t daYb I titled thereto, his administration of said estate closed, and Howanl
~ ]1 pressure cooker, used once. phone 140, Beach. 46-1te to "call on people of the state ! ._ _ t e School of Nu,~mg
~[ closed,That Tuesday,and thatthe 21sthe bedaydisol~arged;of August. HardY,will Annexedthe AdministratOrof the Last withwill and]the
~~J] v .ltmm~. ~u.$1%?eautyrest l¥11J.'5, boo(lwln mattress, us.ed FOR SALE---on hand, sewer pipe havest° rgett ,out and help
wlth the~- - ---or. ~*..~o~:a~neh~?StAlngll°es a .~=~u, ~,~ ?Oy~I~YttJs2~ I A'J forenoonD" 1951,of thatat tenday,O'cl~Ckat theincourtthe ceased,Testamentdischarged.°f Wm, Fred Hake, de--
]Roovns of this Court, in the Court Let service be made of this Cita-
Two CENTS Pan WORD |1 Thompson, phone 130 Beach. and fittings, drain tile, septic Members of the committee I was accepted .as a regular stu- House in the City of Beach, Coantv tion as required by law.
PER ISStrg |i 45~2tc tanks. Hanson Lumber Co., said the ,,nW h,~,~ ,,~ .,~,H.~. ~.~ [ dent in the School of Nurstn~ [ of' Golden Valley and State of North Dated this 30th day of July, A. D~
..... j ----~, ............. - I Dakota, has been duly appointed by 1951.
,. |] Beach and Golva. 34-tfe ............ ~. s t and will be pe,rmltted to con- I this Court for the settlement thereof, BY THE COURT:
~o ad accepted for less flaan ZJc a l FOR SALE----~no lo ~, =.... ,.. me n,arves~ woma oe Ior non- • ._ _ :. __
.|l --" ........... . . • tlnue an additional two and a'at which time and place any per. GUY LEE
nsertion. A iorvlce chm~[e of', • • WANTED--- Good used bo "s farmers to pitch In .and help - [son interested in said estate may ap- Judge of the County Court.
Will be made fez "blind'~ ads Jl (ombme with new canvases. Y " half ve~r¢ ~f ;n~tr.oH,~ [ pear and file his exceptions in writ- W. L F_,CKI~;,
Ready for field $20000 C G bike. See~tIerb H, arl, an, phone State Adjutant General Heber [ I~ ~ddition -she'w~a's"-ran*ed ling, to said account and petition and Attorney for Administra.tor
Johnson, Beach, N. Dak. 45-2tc 147-R, Beach. 46-1tc L. Edwards told the committee l a cash seholarshin of ¢1~n tl~o ]contest the same. And you, the above with the Will
• 11 SALE-- Sheetrock wall. ]~~--=--: .... : .. ~~---2-,~----A-~2.,: !hat North Dakota draft boards /largest "of three such ~'sc~l'olar- ! named respondents, and each or you. Beach, North Dakota
j are hereby cited and required then (August 2- 9) '
~-_~ ,-, ~.~. .... ! Dee ~-a busa for your fuel ann oil .v.~ o.~---o.~.r a..~ ~.-~nave more men oeierrecl be- _ ..... [ andthere to be and appear before ...........
~oaru.L ~4uan~ltles nmltea, i needs." ~ee~ us Ior° your creak-*and• Sohmer Pianos. 29 j"ears ofcause~O[-" ~[Cll~.~f..:__ ~,~1. ,~Tf ~.1.1~a.... i ~:v~'Ac I smps granted [o stuoent nurses.. |this Court. and show cause, i] any SUMMONS
n:o~ LUmvberr Co., Beac,~h, (N:/ terms. Phone 23, Golva or tel|able service in this terri- than those of any other state. J The. awards wete based on seho- |You have. whY[hetheresidueaeeoUntof shallthe sa:dn°t ._
........ ~. w. ~-uc ] 32W, Beach. 33-52tc tory. You can save money whenEdwards recommended that[ ......... ' .. . '- " ] be allowed. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA
~ ~ lassie achievement nursing 3D ! estate a/stributed, the administration COUllLy of Golden Valley
P r • . tllU(le ano participation In group | Cokes, Administrator with the Will Sixth Judicial District
~11 SALE--One 14-ft Massey [ - - you pu chase f om us. Free strenuousobjeetmns be made tel . "/ | of stud estute closed, and W. L. IN DISTRICT COURT
ttarris self propelled combine /TR-AILER .H?,USE FOR SALE-- Delivery. Write for Catalogue. any attempts to recruit labor f~r {acuvi~}. |Annexed of the Last Will and Testa- Doris Ornlev )
• t~ecl and buyer 1~1'~ d ,'oomn • • . .... | rnent of EmmaNaffzinger, deceased, "" Plaintiff )
-Call 4-Fll or see Earl Sch-~ 2 ......... ; ~'^'~-- "; "^~;l)lcklnson Music Shop, m North Dakota. [RURAL WORKSHOP /discharged , .'
lnltz 45-9tc P, . , rosen N.D. 34-tfe S~ate Director C.arl F Frvh.p • .... -vs
" " [ aluml'num, well insulate(l" " In" ~n ............... - . ] LANNED FOIl OCT. |t Let service be made o,f tt.s t;~ta- The ~e rs at law of Charles )
| ion as required by**law, i Wood. ~l'eceased Eva Mlyer:~, )
" a~_,, ,.,.,,..-.^.-.......=.==~-- | .~.....~u.~.~, .~.~.~.~,~.~.~ ~.~0~.~ '-.--.* ] TO GIVE AWAv ~'~,-~* -',-~**= " g o, t,e u. ~. employment ser. ] The annual rural teachers' / Dated this 30tlx ~'ay of July A. D.. William Adams Grace )
.!' HOW TO KILL IT [ out. See Mrs. R. Kirkpatrick. shepherd puppies, Fred Buld-,*,~,~.~bl:"~:~,o~ ',~, :~,~'~::,:=ed~:: [wort