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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 2, 1951     Golden Valley News
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August 2, 1951
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PAGE FOUR TH GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N.D. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 19 1 usie by P n n O r,' { E M op Ko k , : Golva,Town Hall • Everyt ody Welcome! 1 , Friday, August 3rd __- _-~- ---.---~-------~--~ with the P. M. A. a,t Dickinson the cooking for the boys at FILE RATE INCREASE 13iid , t l,~cho-,,,~ I r'rcm Los Angeles-- I Visits Son-- . | t-~ • • ~nh _ _ ~ spent several days here with her camp there. WITH N. D. P. S.C. , ,,e~..~ L,,~u,,. ' Mrs. Maybelle Kregness, arriv- I Mrs. Mabel Davis of Seattle, I 5entinel-Butte parents, Mr. and Mrs. JoeDownsKermit Rink spent several .-, [|,o,tt R~tr~r~--,tt x~eek from Los Ang, les.]W'ash., spent two week" • | ~'~ ............ | and her sister Clara Brown be- davs last week with his friend one proposed schedule of[ ........... ~u Cahf.. plans to remain through tat the home of her Ssonm JUlYcari fore leaving for :Billings to visit Jerry" Cook at the Ted Cook N°rthwestelln- Bell Telephone ] Lead in the Midget league the harvest season, visiting rela-IDavis and family and also on: ranch. , .............. I~hanged hands this week, the twes and looking after business[joyed visiting other relativ? "~'°'~"-'"-'~ he sister Mrs Ra mend Moline ~ompany rates ior :~orm ~aKo , . r • Y The James I~Schneau family .... I d lace Team Two co "n~ interests in the community. [ and friends while in Beach. ~ Guests of Mik6 M. Lardy and and f.amlly, ta nas oeen men wlm me rue- secon ~fl included Mr. and Mrs. Hat- ,Week end guests at the John enjoyed a visit last week with 1)c ~erv~ce %ommlssmn, accom:l up withPseven wins to threT~;s. Robertson ot Livingston, ttonnold and Walter Dixon Mrs. DeSehneau's mother, Mrs. ~ng to ~ari w..t~enser, ~enerat]ses' as compared with the six --~ ~Ont,. Mr. and Mrj. Al ttankin-homes were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mary Sisk of Valley Ci,ty,. N. D.,zwanager tot me ,c,'ompany. wins and four losses of T~am aiiu ~t~ , , ...... ~ ] ~: ~. ~Vllcnels ream your ano 1 ~] Billings, Mont., and Os- Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ...... brother Leonard Sisk t~enser stateu, 'Tne company '-'n ........ ~ - .~aid Hesterman of .Merrill, Wis. Pheiffer of Williston, N.D. and wife and sons Jim and Leon currenuy is earning aDou~ 6 per Allen's Team Three are still in For You , 951 o. worl,ana, wyo. ......... _ rare anct last p~aces respective- ~][t$. l{esterman has been visit.Bud Lardy and Pat LalleauI ¢ ......... cent on its net investment in the t ....... .... l who under state ansos and one wm to nine los- with her husband. The ladies are fore leaving for Texas to spray Beach hospital last Monday is prnY:se°rerdi~:d fiil:?S;Sara:;es sos. The Thrill of Fur @aughters of Mike Lardy. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Meyers and ,lohnnie were 6:30 dinner guests at the James DeSchneau home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hess and ertlldren visited Jake Hess Sun- day while Mr..and Mrs. T. A. Wosepka visited at the Bert Wal- ~al home. ~ev. Laurence Talty is enjoy- ling a visit with his mother who arrived frbm St. Paul last week. Shirley Peterson who is enjov- a vacation from ber duties fields by plane. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wischow were"business callers at Hebron and Dickinson last week. Mrs. Win. Scherle states that her son P.aul is now stationed at Camp Chaffee~ Ark., in the army. His address is Pvt. Paul Scherle, 55141529. Co. "A" Med. Tank Bat- talion. Camp Chaffee, Ark. He days with Joan O~terhout last was inducted several weeks ago. Rev. L. Talty, his mother from St. Paul and Mrs. Paul Wagner left Sunday for Lake Metigoshe where the ladies will help with _ Viree~r, GAINERS DOG RESEARC/'I CENTER (g 1949, Gaines Dog Research Center, N. Y. C. out and around again and car- ried mail on his route Monday, which is indeed grand news to his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson drove up from ,Bismarck to spend the week end at the Walter Dix- on and Vic Johnson homes. Peggy ttogoboom spent sew~:',4 week. Mrs. Olga Lardy and Donald Waldal left Monday lor Roslyn and Webster. S: D.. to spend about 10 days visiting Mrs. Lar- dy's sisters. , Mrs. Mike Zinsli and Mrs. Einar Waldal entertained at Stanley Parties at their homes Tuesday forenoon and afternoon ~espectively. On Thursday Mrs. Leonard Trester entertained at one at her home. Ted, Bill and Donnie Cornell of Modern and Miss Mary Dub ton of BiSmarck were Sunday afternoon visitors at the John Cornell home. Bernard Kennedy is complet- ing the basement and foundation for his new home which he is erecting near the E. R. Kennedy residence. .Word was recetved here that Mrs. Christ Jacobsen of Albany, Calif.. a former resident in this community passed away at her home. She was a sister of Mrs. Sofus tIolthe of Beach and she will be remembered as .a kind neighbor and friend. Sincere sympathy is extended the be- reaved relatives in their, loss. Suffers Stroke-- B. J. McDanold, ~ long-time Beach resident, was returned Monday to St. Anne's home in Dickinson .after suffering a stroke Saturday which hospitalized him for a few days. ~Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDanold and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Cadwell have been down to visit him, and report that his physical condition is quite good. IIIGH II 1 @ I 0 '~HI~¢O~A-COL& COMPANY ~: %. " ' .4 ::;?: income." He pointed out that everFthing the Company has to buy has gone up in price--that taxes have increased tremend,. ously and will go still higher. "Wages have a more direct effect on costs in ~he telephone business than in most others," Benser said. "since they repre- sent at)out two-thirds of the ex- pense of producing telephone service." "Since 1941 and up to Action earlier this week saw Team Four down Tobias' Team One 13-7 ~ Team Two, Ryan eaptai'n, sco~ a 9-0 win over Team Three. Individual averages are as fol- l(;ws: Ryan .700. Stull .667. To- t;ias .600. IIelm .555. Farstveel .523. Allen .500 Bublitz .500. Dap Nelson .455 K. Thompson .470. l~runsvold .409. Duane Davis .~07. Still .400 and Matejcek .333 June 25 of this year." he explain- Farstveet with four home runs ed. "the cost of wage adjust- to his credit tops the field, tol- Dakot:~. lowed by Bob Allen. Ryan, Haigh merits alone in North cost the Company $1,946,000 and Brunsvotd with one each. annually, which is almost a rail- Two triples were scored by Bob lion doitars a year more that.Allen, Davis, Stull and Brengte, the Company has received from and one triple hit by* Tobias. the one rate increase which itK. Thompson, B. Matejeek and has had since 1921. On June 25Keohane. this year, the Company placed] Ryan claims a grand total of in effect wage increases which { 63 strikeouts, Tobias 47,~Michels added another $250,000 a year to 3S and Stull 27. D. Davis has its North Dakota payroll." 15. Bill Allen 8, Haigh 4. Still: "A fair return is essential if 3 and B. Miehels 1. we are to operale soundly and Results and consequent stand: efficiently in the interest ~f om in£s of Wednesday mormng's present c'ustomers and also meet play were not available at the the growing civilian and nation- time of writing. al defense needs for telephone l service in North Dakota." Ben- ! Good Attendance ser said. I At K. C. Picnic SCS TECHNICIANS OCCUPY NEW OFFICE A large crowd turned out for Theodore W Thorson and Roy the first picnic sponsored by the Tabor, technicians with the U..! Bishop Wehrle Council of the S. soil conservation service, are Knights of Columbus;\ it was moving their offiee from the held at the new grounds south jur) room of the county court of Sentinel Butte last Sunday. house to the office directly above It is planned to make this an the Farmers and Merchants annual affair. bank in Beach. The move will The refreshment stand oper- make it much easier f(~r farmers aled by the men did a rushing and ranchers to Contact them, business, the extreme heat bein~ the technicians say. conducive to the sale of a large amount of pop. Entertainment FALL REGISTRATION consisted of races for the child- DATE ANNOUNCED AT U ten ~ith cash prizes bein~ Registration week for the Uni- awarded the winners. For the varsity of North Dakota will udults there was horse shoe for open September 17 for the firstthose desiring to indulge, and semester, officials announced, an all-star baseball game be. Freshman orientation days tween two teams composed of will be held September 17 and knights. Despite the hot weather 18 and freshmen wilt be register- all seemed to enjoy the outing. ed September 19. Upper class- men will register September 21. AUGUST 4th Albrecht's Furrier will be here at our store with a large and beautiful collec- tion of their finest values, their smart- est, newest, 1951 styles in fur coats, capes, jackets, scarves. All are priced especially low during this showing. Be sure to come in and see them Use your credit Buy now on Cummins --- Personalized Budget or Layaway Plan. Store For Women Glendive, Montana Something Fishy--- Fish tales are rampant this time of year, but an unusual one turned up Wednesday, when Eugene Still, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Still. re- ported catching two fish at the same time on one plug. One measured 15'_, inches and the other 10L It pays to Advertise in tb, Golden Valley News. II FoR SALE 10 wellbred Hereford cows with April & May calves at side, and rebred. These NONE I cows are young 2 to 5 yrs. olds. Your op- portunity to get in the cattle business. Ed. & Joe Svgulla. Golva, N. Dak. NOTICE MY dental offices in the Beach hospital will be opened Tues- day, August 7, in the suite formerly occu- pied by Dr. Leo Hilde- brant. ON and A couple dozen more are out joining the hun-' dreds going into the local harvest without one farm call to sell.- In spite of long term credits and big trade-ins offered on some makes. The Massey Owner Chose His Machine Dr. Warren W. Chernausek Phone 56 Beaeh, N. D. Beach No Solicitors North Dakota