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County Extension
A ent I
By Walter Matron
Clarence Finneman of the Gel-
va community is planning to
build ,a trench silo this sum.
mer. He has a gentle slope lead.
lng to a steeper slope right near
his barn. This make an ideal In.
cation. The steep slope will
make possible an open end, and
the gentle slope will provide for
dralr~age thcoughout the entire
leng[h of the silo. July 26. Foc further information
His trenel~ will open toward on this type of silo, see your
~he northwest which is an ad- county agent,, or write to the In-
vantage in tha, t snow is not sofocrmation Department at the
apt to lodge in the opening, tieNorth Dakota Agricultural Col-
also plans to lay poles over *he
~op of the silo and then cover
with straw to give additional
~now protection He plans to
slope the walls four inches p~r
foo~ of depth and make the silo
as deep as possible in his partic-
ular location.
This type of silo was one of
Lhe several types of silos which
were discussed by Arthur Schulz
~xtension agricultural engineer,
at a meeting held in Beach on
Hearing Aid Users I
I Send your name and address. We will se~d you money saving 1[[
battery book. When your purchases total $10.00 you get HI
J~ $1.00 worth of batteries FREE. Buy only us you need bat- [[I
We pay postage on all mail orders o£ $3.00 or more Ill
Batteries for all makes. ~1
1~ i20 Third St. - - with Tavis Co., Inc. - . Bismarck: N.D. HI
m Dependable, Year ~Round Hearing Aid Service to the HI
m il]
Notice is hereby given that the School
Board of Lone Tree School Dist. No. 6
of Golden Valley ?ounty,, North
Dakota, will receive.sealed bids, to be
sent to James A. Kreitlnger, Clerk, Gol-
North Dakota, up to August 14, !951,
for labor and mat.erml to fill and finish
" off an opening, raze 19½ feet by 8 feet
high with 8" glass blocks and 4 ventila-
tors. Each ventilator should have a 13
by 28 inch sash complete with screen.
Each bid should state ,type of glass
block and vehtilator$ that will be used.
The school board of Uone Tree School
Dist. No. 6 retains the right to reject
any or all bids, .....
By order of school board:
entries in the Greater North Da-
kota Association Soil Conserva-
tion Achievement Contest: Chmrl-
es Bordsen of the Soil Conserva.
tion Service a,t Wibaux, Monta.
~a,tion Awards Program fo¢ the
period of July 1, 1951 to June
30, 1952; and (3) That the fol.
lowing be selected to judge the
na; Wayne Parris, County Agent
at Wibaux. Montana, and Harry
FRUIT TOUR tH:lstead of Beach. North Dako-
On July 24. several farmers •
and homemakers from Golden
Valley County who took part in ~j I, U B
a ~uit tour at Dickinson were
given an idea of what can be
done in this area with fruit trees.
The fruit orchards at the Dick-
inson Experiment Station, the meeting held en July 6 with Mrs.
Frank Dvorak f~rm south of Arthur Beie¢ as hostess. Elec-
Dickinson and the Henry Biel tion of officers and appoint-
farm near Lefor were all visited ment of project leaders were
on this tour. All three we,re out- held. Mrs. Roy Oech will be host-
standing orchards, ess to the August 1 meeting.
Dr. J. H. Schultz, head of the ,,,,,
horticulture department of the BONNIE VIEW:
North Dakota Ag,ricultural Col-
Mrs. Howard Vinquist, Sec.
logo, discussed recommended Mcs. Vinquist was hostess to
varieties and fruit growing prac- the club on July 18 with 9 mem-
tices at each. of the stops. This bers and 4 visitors present. Elec-
tour was sponsored by the Dick-
inson Experiment Station and tion of officers and project lead-
ers was held. Mrs. Alex McCas-
the Dakota Extension So.-key will be hostess to the club
vice. , , , , , on August 15.
4-H PICNIC * * * * *
The annual 4-H club picnic C. W. E.
Mrs. John Holls/ein, Sec.
will be held this year on August ~Election of officers and i:¢o-
5 at the new picnic grounds ject leaders was held when mere-
south of Sentinel Butte. ~ers met on July 18 at the home
The afternoon will be spent at of Mrs. Walter Hubble. A picnic
soft ball, horseshoe pitching and is planned for July 27.
other organized recreation. ,, ,,,
~Four-H members, leaders, par- TH~,LEN:
ents and friends are invited to Mrs. Xen~th Kbraham, See.
, , . , . Mrs. F~ank Huber was host-
ess to the club on July 12 with
CONSERVATION DISTRICT 11 members and 2 visitors pro-
SUPERVISORS MEET sent. "Cake Decorations" was
The regular meeting of the presented by Mrs. Knute Farst-
supervisors of Golden Valley veet and Mrs. Chas. Pucvis. Of-
County Soil Conservation Dis- ricers were elected for the com-
trict was held Monday evening, ing year. Mrs. Glenn Siler will
July 23, 1951. be hostess to the meeting on
Those present were: ~Howa,rd August 2. • • • • •
Wenberg, Chairman; Herman
Dietz and Lawrence Kukowski PLEASANT VALLEY:
and Theodore W. Thorson and
Roy Tabor of the U. S. Soil Con- Mrs. Rex Simmoms, Se¢.
Eleven members attended the
sen'cation Service. meeting on July 18 at the home
The supervisors approved the of Mrs. Albert" Still. The elec-
tollowing: tl)The recommends- finn of officers was held. Re-
tion of the State Committe that ports on project lessons were
supervisors n, ames be printed on given by Mrs. Kathryn Smith,
the letterheads of the District Mrs. Kenneth Kannenberg and
stationery; 2) That the District
enter the Goodyear Soil Censer- Mrs. Ben Thompson. M~s. Harry
Hubble will be hostess to the
:lub on August 2.
For Better Health
Health Clinic
Phone 61 Beach, N.
Mrs. Roy Oech, Sec.
Seven members attended the
Governor Norman Brunsd,ale
has been given a four-inch long
piece of rock from Corregidor,
the rock fortress in Manila bay
where Americans fought bitter-
ly to maintain a toehold in the
Philipines early in World War
i The piece of rock was pcesent-
ed to the governor by Maj.
George K. Pike of the state ad-
jutant general's office in behalf
of the Philipine people.
An inscription on the rack
noted that it is a gift from the
people of the Philipines to the
people of North Dakota.
Bcunsdale said the rock will
be pl,aced in the state histori-
D. cai museum.
North Dakota USA & USAF
recruiters are competing this
month for "Top Recruiting Hen-
ors" which include driving a
new 1951 Chevrolet sedan, known
as the "Golden Chariot," during
the month of August and receiv-
ing a Uniroyal Coffee Master
Fe~culator donated by. the
Wholesale Appliance division,
Fargo Glass and Paint company.
I The second place recruiter will
win a $10 gift certificate from
the Sears & Roebuck store at
I Fm o. ,,
This month the Golden Chari:
ot," which is well ma,rked to
identify the state's Top Recrui.
I ter, v~as presented to Minot's
Recruiting Sergeant Simon by
Mayor H. C. Kiehn of Minot who
I said "We're honored that the Mi-
nor area has furnished a high
numb~ of voluntary enlistments
in the Army and Air Force," (20
enlistments in June), "and we
hope the ~rop Award Car' will
I stay in the city."
At Par~
Mrs. Tony Wetsch of Killdeer
I visited last week at the home
of her parents in Beach, Mr. and
Mrs. E. O. Busch. ~¢Iiss Fern
I Booker of New Salem was also
a guest at the Busch home.
dkAL Ak ~k Ak Ak Ak Ak ~k ~ Ak Ak.
or Sell
Our new front-end aligning machine is here,
and our mechanics have been t :oroaghly train.
ed to make YOUR car DRIVE LIKE NEW.
Our customers who have had this- correc-
tive steering service on their cars have all been
it genuinely pleased with the results, and agree
with us that it is sensational.
il Oont e,y to mn t reet t
and an appointment,
Remember, poor steering action may caase
an accident,, so why wait, when it is so inexpen.
" 99
$ •
Phone 39
That's right--lots of thank yon's--the general re-
sponse has been way beyond our expectations. To aceom.-
plish our purpose (namely cut this stock down to within
reason), we expected it to
!ti take much longer thanit did.
However, thanks to you we
!! were able to bring it down
in an unheard of short time.
This told us several things
too. You had confidence in
our word. You appreciate
quahty. You made great sav-
ings. WE, in turn, hope you
enjoy, to the utmost, every
I item you bought, and we
shall, and will continue to "" "
serve you in the future with L qmdatlon
It I what you want, when -you.
want it, at the price you S A
II want to pay.
That Don't
Mean That
general stock now.
that don't mean that we are
sitting idly by
holes. New mdse. is
riving daily in
amounts. How about a
Buy with confidence--
Own with pride.
Beach, N. Dak.