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August 1, 1935 |
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Mrs. Louise Benson and daughter
Julia spent last week at the C. W.
Reductions On' Wagner home caring for Mrs. Wag-
Pr' U'C k S ""° ""° "e'er" °' ,,
nt e rn a,l i 0 n a I, • , Tr ~ , .. )caving sy. - Miss They returned Saturday night, Vyon~e her much Teed, better. ' who ,s employ-
~d in Minneapolis, is spending her
are such that they will now sell at figures that will
compare favorably with prices on any other make in
the low priced field. This reduction, has been made
without lowering the famous quaiitT for which Inter-
national trucks are noted.
--- zl iii i f
We still have several guaranteed reconditioned Mc-
Cormick Deering Combines
vacation here at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Teed.
Good Bargains in Second Hand Trucks and Grain
Binders, Tractor and Horse Drawn
(Continued from Page 1)
On March 26th, he was united in
marriage to ~ ~tt4t Holmber~
One: son. Guy Me|Pin, was born to
them. On M~rch 26th of this year
marked "the fortieth anniversary of
their wedded life.
Mr. and Mt's. BrOwn lived in the
Last Saturday morning Tony Bell- vicinity of Rldgeway until the spring
mont had the misfortune to lose 15 of 1901 when they moved to Fair-
........ i -.k twater, Minn The next year they
cntcgens wnen uogs got In n s cmc -
_ - [;Tiered to Otter Tail county, Minn.,
en yarn. where they lived for four years. In
..' . _ l the spring of 1906 he and a brother
wzntred wanace returned on Sun- .~ ...........
.......... t r~erman and melr iamllles emigrates
uay nignt to ~ienulve wnere ne is ..............
..... ad ~ [o ~orzn DaKota wnere tney took
employeu on a newspaper. He n , _ ..........
u~ nomesteaus, sis being ii miles
spent the past Week at the home of
his parents here.
Judge A. E. Kastien has been sig-
nally honored in receiving an ap-
pointment as Grand Representative
of the Grand Lodge of Idaho, in
North Dakota.
Donald Enderle left by train yes-
terday morning for Mandan to spend
a few days with his brother Wally
Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Niece, son Bud
northeast of Beach where he lived
until the time of his death, He was
one o[ the pioneer settlers of this
Death came to this beloved citizen
at his farm home. on the evening of
July 27th at 6:30 o'clock as a result
of a complication of diseases with
heafT~i'o-u~)le, having pressed the 61st
milestone by 5 months and 10 days.
He spent his last two days in a deep
coma before sleeping peacefully away
to that life that never ends.
Bert, as he was known to his manP
Martin Implement Co
and Httle daughter Mai'J°rie' return" friends' was a pr°minent citizen in
ed last Saturday from a three.weel¢ p~blic affairs, highly esteemed by
vacation which they spent with rel- his fellow-workers and friends, hav-
I atives in Iowa. Their daughter Mary lng served on the school board, town-
Helen Niece is visiting at the home ship board, and at th6 time of his
Of her aunt, Mrs. Sam Samsel, at death was a member of the Board
Sentinel Butte, North Dakota
Butte. Montana.
~fl Strand and O. F. Talkington
Frygurg were callers in Beach
at the Lewis Odland farm north
town last Thursday. While here
stopped in at the Review office
a pleasant visit.
~Velyn Thompson, Mattie Thomp-
and Mrs. ~]~lla Thompson, who
I visiting here from California, drove
~Blsmarck last Tl~ursday, returning
Oech returned last Thursday
from Minneapolis where he
been employed with the Mlnne-
state highway department since
this spring. Although he has
been attending the University at
the past two quarters,
Will again enroll there this fall,
expects to return to Minneapoll~
1; to be on hand when football
begins. Vern was a member
the Minnesota University team
last year won the mythical
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stone drove
to Bismarck Sunday to see their son
IJames who Is stationed there with
CCC camp. They returned home that
Born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Dobrowskl, an eight pound baby girl
i named Cecelia Marie. Mother and
baby are doing well at Miss Halter-
[or horses or cattle or car. Inquire at
the Review.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kukowski, son
Ed and daughter Shirley left by car
for Winona, Minn., last Saturday
morning for a visit of about left days
with relatives there. While away
they will take Shirley to the clinic
M. J. Connolly and Mr. Harris
were in the county Monday and
Tuesday getting information and tak-
ing pictures on various farms to he
used in a Golden Valley county ag-
ricultural publicity booklet to be
issued by the Greater North Dakota
Association in the near future. Mr.
Connolly is editor of the Hettinge~-
County Herald at New England.
Wilson Millert of Winona, Minn.,
was a Beach business caller on Mon-
day and Tuesda~v. He was a guest
at the Earl Miller home.
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Fuller and
daughter Gall left for Livingston on
Monday expecting to be gone about
a month. They are driving a new
Chevrolet which they purchased re-
Visitors at the Benson home this
at Rochester for examination of an week were Mrs. Ed Feldman, Mrs.
ear which has been bothering her H. A. Bury of Alpha, Ethel Bryson
for some time. of ellis and Charlie Kartes of TrOt-
Wesley Nellermoe left on the early
morning train Monday after a visit
of over a week at the home of his
parents at Trotters. He was bound
for Glenwood, Minn. to Join up with
a 13-piece orchestra which, after play-
ing various spots in the midwest, will
play at the Minnesota state fair, then
go east for an extended engagement
at a prominent night club in a suburb
Moffatt, editor of the Bil-
Pioneer at Modern, was ]about 30 miles from New York City.
visitor last Thursday, spend-|~-
~t of the afternoon at the j John Rice and Howard Enderle
ev' office. He was a dinner guest Jwere Mandan and Bismaxek visitors
ie Enderle home that evening. ]last Sun_day.
7 an-- Mrs John Ca oil n
' a d Mr and Mrs Jesse Still, Mr and
drove to Dickinson Friday ev.[Mrs. Stanley Raisler, and Mr. and
to attend the funeral of John's Mrs. Lee Alton returned last Friday
Clifford Carroll, there on Sat-
returning home Saturday ev-
~. Clifford had spent quite a bit
in Beach on different occas-
and his untimely death comes
shock to his friends liere.
and Miss Dor-
]~Oden"came[up from Belfield
Wednesday for a short visit at
W. Blair home. Mrs. Blair
to Belfleld Monday.
from a ten day vacation trip to Gla-
cier National Park. They report a
very "p"l~asant time with lots of goo~
All furniture for sale at reason-
able prices. Bedroom set, kitchen
cabinet, cabinet radio, etc~ Phone
108M, K. H. Alton. 2t
Used Gleaner Baldwin Combine
~parts for sale. H. Rilea, Sentinel
Aug. 1-$tP
of Directors of the Farmers Elevator
Co. of Beach. He was a kind and
loving husband and father a~nd kind
to all who knew him.
He leaves to mourn his loss his
widow and son. three brothers and
a sister, and a host of other relatives
and friends. "
On Thursday, August 8, the Cath-
olic ladies 'will hold a public dinner
in the basement of St. John's church.
Serving will begin at 5:30 p. m. and
will continue until all are served.
Mrs. John Alguire has been assist-
ing at the Farmers & Merchants
Bank for the past two weeks. She
has completed her work at the court
Mrs. Leo McLaughlin and 1~rs.
John Michels left by train on Tues-
day for their homes in California af-
ter having spent several Weeks visit-
ing the Michels families here and
also with relatives in Wisconsin.
Mrs. McLaughUn lives in Long Be~eh
and her mother in Los Angeles. O~
Sunday the Fraztk Michels home wits
the scene of a pleasant farewell
party for the visitors, to which ai~
of the relatives here were invited-~
A hearty dinner was served and a
most enjoyabe afternoon and evening!
was spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robertaon and
daughter Betty Lou and Mr. Robert-
son's mother, all of Taylor, were
,Sunday visitors at the Enderle home.
The regular meeting of the Royal
Neigbors will be held at the home ot
Mrs, Anna Rhyner on August 7th at
8P. m.
A number of local blades motored
to Painted Canyon Saturday evening
to trip the light fantastic and take
Ipart in the general festivities. All
repo~t an. interesting evening.
The Misses Helga, Marie and Ther-
esa Thompson have returned from
their trip to the Black Hills where
they spent an enjoyable ten days
Mary Bailey was very pleasantly
surprised one evening last week when
a former classmate. Miss LJllian
Bartz of Chicago, stopped for an ov-
ernight visit.
The ladles of the Methodist Miss-
ionary Society very pleasantly sur-
prised Miss Rose" Halterman recently
one afternoon when they took a de-
licious lunch and went over to the
home of Elizabeth Halterman where
Miss Rose is sick in bed. The aff~|r
was in the nature of a shower and
the guest of honor received many
lovely gifts.
Mrs. Howard Herrick of San Jose,
Cal. returned to her home Saturday
after a month's visit with remrlv~s
and friends. The greater part of the
time was spent visiting her father
J and mother at Wadena, Minn. Mrs.
On Tuesday afternoo~ Mrs. J. ~r., Herrick was the house guest of Mrs.
Walters, Mrs. George Smith. and Ramstad and of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Miss Rosie Crisafulli of GJendlv~ Halstead while here. Mrs. Herrick
were Beach and Sentinel Butte vtsit, will be remembered as the former
ors. They called at the Henry Edith Kicker, who taught school
CASE Machinery
Before buyiug look these over:
New I O-ft.:Combine
Second-Hand and Rebuilt
Combines -- 12 to 16-ft. cut
L Tractor, and others
Hay Tools, Mowers and
Sulky Rakes
Service and parts availablerat
a times
H 4t.X.4HHF 4HF.K-4Ht~4(-4Ht~4(.4$4H(-4t4Ht4HI
Saddle Butte
Robert Butterfield and family who
have been visiting relatives here,
left Monday evening to visit his bro-
ther Benny and family at Richey,
Mont. They all Plan to go and see
the dam at Fort Peck before return.
ing to their home at I~rane~,, b~ask.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Hoeck lost a finger • ~sa most painful
way last Saturday/o~wn~ell off a load
of hay, caught his r~n~ on a nail
and tore the finger off completely.
The Saddle Butte community is
greatly grieved in the loss of Bert
Mr. and Mrs. H. ~rown and
Bobby Butterfleld were callers at J.
C. Butterfleld's Sunday. ~.~
Dr. Fuller has purchased a fine
~ew Chevrolet car. Mrs; Fuller and
I Gayle accompanied him to Livingston
~onday morning.
I Robert Still was a Sunday caller
[ at Butterfield's.
[ Meredith Fuller and Bo, teutter-
field drove to Dickinson~MondaY.
Tonsillectomies---Constance Mosser,
August 23; Emil Scherle, August 25,
dismissed August 26; Pauline Read-
inger, August 26.
Admitted f o r Treat~ent~Christ
Stokken, Sentinel Butte, August 23;
Charlotte Stuart, Beach, August 28--
dismissed August 25; Dale Ware,
Trotters, August 25--dismissed Aug.
ust 29; Mr. DieM, Sentinel Butte, dis-
missed August 29; Mrs. Tony Hude-
cek, Beach, August 23---dismissed
August 28; Milton Bundren, Carlyle,
August 28--dismisses Augus~ 29;
J. D. Kafron. from circus, August 30.
Mrs. Wing from Hazes Was dis-
missed this .week and left for her
home. She has been in the hospital
for the past month or more.
Mrs. Bannick from Fessenden was
also dismissed on the 25th.
Always a Good Joke
, The story about the Irl~0~mu wao
~xclalmed: "I don't llke lettuce, ~md
WANT TO Rent, or Buy for CUh,
a residence in Beach. Call at'the
Beach Review. It
for horses or cattle or car. Inqu~e at
the Review.
FOR SALE ~ Used Baldwin Corn
btnes with Model A or Continel mot,