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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 1, 1935     Golden Valley News
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August 1, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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¸4¸¸¸¸¸ " • • Camel's i~s. John Brown'Was taken to ~klnson Thursday to have her ton- removed. At this writing she is InlCh improved. iJohn Rlela and Mrs. Ed DaJley and ~y were Monday evening visitors st ~arlie Percell's. ~. and Mrs Bud Myers and child: rn attended a bridal shower at Ed Feltey's near Medora Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wirtzfeld went to Dicl~inson Tuesday. lKr. and Mrs. Kasper Berg were callers at John Berg's and Ray Brier's Monday. Sam Will is the Proud owner of a ~nW new V-8. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Berg, Sr. were callers at Lars Ness' Sunday. Ray Brier and Alger and Pete Wirtzfeld were callers at Conrad Bohn's Monday. Dorothy Brier was a caller at Jim Johnstone's Saturday. .' Alphonse and Matilda Decker were ~lsttors Tuesday evening at Matt Tes- cher's. Rev. Strong and Win. Burhans were callers in this vicinity last week John Evaiis and Dan and Constant ~ran Horn motored to Dickinson on ~urgdaY. Mr. a~d Mrs. Johnny Honnold and children were Sunday dinner guests &~ Norman Haugse's. I Mr. and Mrs Charlie Percell and[ AUgusta Franzen Were Sunday vistt-] ors at George Franze~'s. [ Mr. and Mrs. John Berg were call-t era at Ted Cook's Thursday. Web Allen drove to town on ~'hursday. Callers at Matt Tescher's on wed- ]aesda~ were Mr. Grad Mrs. Rudy Kuniek,. l~rs. W. J. Burns and child- ten, Marie Tescher, Leona Nistler, i i i u u i AUGUST PROGRAM IHE BJOU IHEAIIE BEACH, N. DAK. FRIDAY 3--SATURDAY 3 Saturday Matinee at 2:30 "Public Hero Number 1" ~t: ~oN~ B~RRYMORE, CHZST£ .MORRIS, JEAN ARTHUR. PAU ~ Y. A thrilling, dramatic portrayal e heroic efforts of the Government tO wipe out crime. CHARLIE CHASE eOmedY--News. .llll ~ ' ~UNDAY 4---MONDAY 5---TUESDAY 6 "Folies Beliers" ~t~ MAURICE CHEVALIER, MERLE O]~RON, ANN SOTHERN. REGI]INALD oIRrSlq. An elaborately staged and beau~ut-- photog~'aphed musical farce that ~tnre~ tre charm ~- of Chevalier's ~fl}nle, A Silly Symphony. '~--illt ...... ~ I WEDNESDAY 7~THURSDAY $ "Under the Paw4ms Moon" C~: WARNER BAXTER, KETTE G~-N. A good comedy with music. • ~ beautiful dancing and a capable ~t, Comedy. HII ~FRIDAY 9--SATURDAY 10 Saturday Matinee at 2:30 .... "Alibi Ike" Cant: JOE E. BROWN, RUTH DON- ~Y. ROSCOE KARNS. A Ring ~rdner baseball story has been made t~tO a fast-moving, humorous picture with Joe E, Brown as the hero. Bring the family. Comedy~News. fill SUNDAY ll--MONDAY 12--TUESDAY 13 "C~inal Richelieu" ~t: GEORGE ARLISS, MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN, EDWARD ARNOLD. This ¢OIO~Ut ~tgeant comes to the screen ~JHth all the pomp and beauty of the period it represents. Rated by all critics all a top notch picture. MIckey Mouse com~:: ...... i,~- WEDNESDAY 14--THURSDAY 15 "Girder" $ U WITHERS, JACKIE O. P. HEGGIE. KATHERINE A family picture with an excellent cast and a 9tm'y, COmedy. , ~IDAY 16~SATURDAT 17 • Saturday Matinee at 2:80 "Cowboy Millionaire" GEORGE O'ERI]~N, EVALYN MAUDE ALLEN. A well act- ~, exciting and amusing rom&~ge oF the ]~e~t~day West. Good totted-y, excel- lent horsemanship and beautiful scenery. ~eSy~News, ~L~NDA~ 18--MO 19---TUNDAY 20 "Ore" Liflle Girl" Csmt: SHIRLEY TEMPLE, ROSE- MAR~ AMES, JOEL McCREA, LYLE TA~T. A charming, wholesome, and ~ntertaintng picture for the family. Comedy, " Iltl WEDN]KSDAY 21~THURSDAY 22 "Sorrell ,~& Son" Cast: H, B. WARNER. MARGOT i HUGH WILLIAMS, R~BY This is screen entertainment For the family. Mlckey 1111 FRIDAY 2~SATURDAY 24 Saturday Matinee at 2:30 "H~ Rock Harrigan" Cast: GEORGE O'BRIEN. One can never go wrong on this tyl3e of clean Western. Comedy~News. ~IIII SUNDAY $5--MONDAY 26--TUESDAY 27 ' "d Milh'ons" V . 11 John Rilea and Ray Kukowski. I shared by consumers generally re- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Powell from i~ardless of the location of the pro- Bridger. Mont. came last Saturday lcessing or manufacturing plant where to visit a few clays at thc~ latter's: parents, Oscar Olsons'. They left on the Following Tuesday. Leona Nistler spent a few days vis- iting Matilda Decker ~ast week. Peter Tescher lefl Thursday for Dickt,nson to 'Join a CCC camp. Herb JShntsone was shopping in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs, John Schmeling and Evelyn WhI~nreis and Gordon Schmel- ing were visitors at Johnny Hon- nold's One day last week. Oliver Jacobs who is stationed a~ the CCC camp in New England spent Saturday and Sunday at home w~ his parents. IU Unless grasshoppers are controlled by poison bait, serious injury to flax, corn and potatoes ts likely later this season in North Dakota, college en- tomologists fear. Early grain crops probably will escape any severe damage owfng to the abundance of~ ' I other green vegetation for the in-~ sects to feed upon. ........... aHl .................. Processing tax collections a,re hear-i test in the large processing centers l but the tax is spread out as a factorI in the price of the product and isI ihe tax was collected. ................... if!; e ->:- -y,- -~- -y: ~? -," ", --:- : ~-:~ ->? +~ -R- -~-