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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
August 1, 1935     Golden Valley News
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August 1, 1935
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2 0~cial paper of the City of Beach and of Golden THE BEACH REVIEW lHzhlisl~e:i every Thursday at Beach. North Dgkota H. E. ENDERLE and D. A. ~,VALLACF~. Editors and Publishers Subscriptions $2.00 per year in advance as second class matter September 18, 1931, at the postoffice at Beach. North Dakota, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Advertising rates ft~ral~ed upon request, Valley county tinel Butte Locals t111 Englund and Eugene returned from a week's visit with Yes at Aberdeen• S. D. and Virginia Boisen had removed at the Dickfn- hospital last Friday. They re- home Saturday night. Anna- Ruth Nunn spent Friday Saturday visiting at the Boisen Powers had her tonsils re- at the Beach hospital Saturday Lievens visited at the A. home last week. Babcock ~pent a few days visiting Verda Smith Fred Smith entertained the of the Ladies' Aid at her Thursday afternoon. and Mrs. 0verstad 51 ~each visitors at the A. L. Martin Rhythm Ramblers will for a dance at Sentinel Butte night, August 3. Strong has organized a Sun- ~achool and church service to be held each Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in the Twin Buttes school house. He has also made arrangements for a vacation Bible school to be conducted at the same place, it having begun on Tuesday. Cash Van Eaton returned this week from Glasgow. Montana. Pearl Nesseth and Miss Hart from Dickinson stopped at the Martin home enroute from Glacier Park. Kenneth Jeter of Iowa, a brother of Guy Hall, stopped here Sunday for a visit, while on his way to Springdale where he is employed. Mrs, Dr. Kellar of Wibaux was here last week visiting at the Hah home. Word comes from Glendive that Mrs. Harry Gilbert is improving rap- idly and will soon be home. Mr. and Mrs. W.. a. Burns and family drove to Dickinson Saturday to consult the doctor concerning the twins, who have been on the sick list the pasl few days. OF MORTGAGE FORE- CLOSURE SALE (Installments Only) -H is hereby given that that executed and de- F. Brown and Brown his wife, mort- the Manager of the Bank Dakota. mortgagee, dated day of May, 1922. and filed the office of the Beg- of the County of Gold- and State of North Dako- 17th d:ty of June. 1952. in Book "15" of Mort° 20-21-22 and duly said mortgagee to the of N~rth Dakota, in O~ce. in trust, by a sale of the such" mortgage and here- at the front door House in the City of County of Golden Val- or Nortth Dakota. at 2 o'clock P. M., on the August 19.~5, to satisfy due upon the past due of such mortgage on the The premises described "tgage and" which will be the installments due ~ame are described as Half ($1/~) of Section (3), Town,hip One Hun- (141) North, of Hundred Five (105) Golden Valley County, be due on such mort- of sale the sum of with the statutory The lien of the such mortgage hereby to the lien of tbe amount such mortgage. 22, 1935. of North Dakota, of Mortgagee, Attorney for Agent Bismarck, N• D. 8-25, Aug. 1 MORTGAGE FORE- ~RE SALE ts Only) that that and deltv- N. Haugse and ECnel and wife, mortgag- of The Bank of mortgagee dated the L930, and filed for of the Reginter County of Golden of North Dakota on 1980 and re- of Motto_get at duly assigned by said the State Treasurer of and his succemors in Will be foreclosed by in such mort described, at the the Court House iu the in the County of Gold- State of North Dakota, of 2 o'clock P. M., on Of Av~l~St, 1935, to due upon advanc- Past due installments of the day of Bale. in such mort- be sold to ~t- and advances same are described and Two (2). the the Northwest of Section Township One (141) North, Hundred" Three and the Northeast of Section ~wea- TOwnship One Hun- One (141) North of Hundred Four (104) Valley County, due on such mort- of sale the aura includes insurance by the holder of the sum of $54.00 with the sis- foreclosure. The lien such mortgage here- inferior to the lien of the amount of North Dakota, as Mortgagee, 25. AUg. |-~-15 17 LBS. FAT o r" R,s Rosevllle, doctor prescribed for me---he said they In the lea~t. I've Kruschen i~ gold." no attention to sald there was no She Wisely fol- advice. Why don't (lasts but a trifle). morning,. ~l~ THE i l ~-i [ TOIIM~T PRJ~PARAT!O/ . dc~?~;J~PJ~' I~0~d ........... I .-. .. . . . I I ~m P~. ~m..~.te~l~~ ~ ~ md~,~¢-; ~~FORT~ I /-, ...... ~~rply during the past year, but not due to ~ i "~ ~: /, I O -~n PcRtEPwARATIONS--Whlle prices on [ [ I individual pr d-o ucts--wlii--be reduced to meet cut- ' ~mpe1:lt on1, there will be no general price o~5C~~~5CI'O=n.T P~a~nt~daennd'val ~ ~o~ g.OUbeautff~ :~ HAPPENINGS THA AFFECT THE OIN. R breaks• ,, ,.--... PAILS, DIVIDEND CHECKS AND TAX BILLS TYPEWRITERS AND OFFICE MACHINERY~ 8x10. hand painted e "'~ont. INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS INSEPARABLE AGRiCULTURE--Meat prices will-pro~abI~; "re- ~s ad~:l~tw~i~'h I FROM LOCAL WELFARE main stable for some time, with p0.i.le breaks I --o0o-- next wi,ter• Grain prices are likely to be 10w. / tionWI.-.,:~.-.L- I , J aly 29. INIt-:-Prlce levels are something in .There are no signs that .buhtnees at jarge is ~'~ ~t~reV to oaoh |: w.n!cn every in¢lustry has a common interest, along go]ug m for ru| price.cutting on a wi~e 'scale, wnn every consumer, private or commercial Sec- which woul(l lnevlr~tBly result in wage reductions ~ ondary reason for the establishment of the NRA~ primary reason was wage and working requirements --was to peg and stabilize prices, thus assuring business a profit. NRA zealots, when the bureau was thrown into the discard by a Supreme Court rulingS, said that the result would be price chaos which would disrupt industry and negate what progress toward recovery had been made. Oppon- ents of the NRA. while they felt this view was ob- viously extreme, were most|y themselves uncertain as to the future price trend, said little, and waited for events to take their course. Now "Business Veeek" has supplied a partial answer to the highly important price question, through a "confidential poll" of executives of maj- or industries. Assurance was given to the persons asked that neither personal nor firm names would be published, thus making it possible for them to be as frank as the~' wished. Results of the poll. which appears to be the most thorough and aUth- oritative yet made. was published in a recent ts. sue of "Business Week"--and here is a digest of it: STEEL---Price structures low but sound, will be supported even during the dt)ll season. ]~LECTRICAL PRODUCTS~Price trend slight- ly downward, but ultimate effect believed good. MININC~--Prices are Weak in this industry. Elimination of NRA pegging has caused a severe break in copper prices, AUTOMOBILI~S--Prices Will hold firm--the Industry's policy of giving more value for the money each year will be continued PETROLEUM---Outlook is hazy. Price trends will be determined by the success achieved in en- bUIIIIIII IUIIIJI PETROLEUM pRODUCTS--Prices will hold firm during summer with a moderate raise in .fall. DAIRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS--Butter Proceedings llll, 9:00 A M. July 19th. 1935, the Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment with all members present. Peter Golliet appeared in connection with his application for old age pension. Application and evidence showed applicant to be 67 years of age. He was informed that he could not obtain old age pension under Chapter 254 of 1933 Session Laws and application was rejected. He was instructed to consult with Mr. NordiC. Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6 and 7, Block 2. Hunter's 2nd Addition sold to Joe and Mike proclv tot the amount of $52.00 and Deed issued by Chairman of Board and County Auditor, on order of the Board. Z. Vla~off appeared in behalf of applicants for old age pension, Herin Brown and Mablon Stecker, of Saddle Butte Township Board. ap- peared a~king for two bridges which are washed out: one on SI~" ~orner of Section one and one on SW corner of Section 24-141-I05, The Board agreed to make Inspection. J. M. Still appeared as agent for Fred Mabee and protested against valuation placed on SW~ of Section 30-142-104 on the ground that his val- uation is higher than surrounding lands. Board tOOk matter under ad- visement to be passed on In equaliza- tion. Beard opened l~mber bids and con- tinued consldm:~tion until noon. 12:20 Board adjourned for lunch. Beard reconvened at 1:00 o'clock P. M. with all members present. • he Elk Creek Tow~,shht ~ 1~oard appeared before the Board of County Commissioners requesting bridge be- tween Section 17 and 18 In 142-I04 which was washed oat. Matter taken under advisement. The Board o| County Commission- ers took up the matter of the Equat- izati0h of" Elk Creek Township with the Township Board which was re- quested by the Northern Pacific Railway Co. Bids of Golden Valley Lumber Yard, Beach, N D., and the Han~_n Lumber and Fiardware Co.. GOI~~a, N. D., being identical, the Board notified both parties to appear be- for~ the Board on July 20 for deter- mination of acceptance of bids. Z. Vlaz0ff appeared regarding old age pension applications of Harrriet Wll~on. Alexander Wilson, John Wilson and James Wilson, Board adjourned as a Board of Equaliza- tion and r~onvened as a Roard of County Commlssionet~ for the pur- pose of pazmlng on said matter. Ev- idence was taken on all of such ap- plications. Application of James Wilson con- sidered; the Board found that three l~rot~hers and two zisters own together property worth $650,00. Board ap- proved allowances for the Wlisons as follows: James Wilson $143.50; Harriet Wilson $130.00. she having equity of $270.00 in real estate: Al- exander Wilson $13'5.:]]L he IttV¢lng equity of $120.00 In real estate; Jobs Wilson $127.50. he having equity of $320.00 fn real estate. Application of Mary Wilson denied, she having not reached the age required by law, Moved by Commissioner XVosoPka that certificates of allowance bc made in accordance with the foregoing statement. Motion seconded by Com- missioner Odland and upon being put to a vote. all Commissioners voted "Aye" and motion carried. The following resolution was offer- ed by Commissioner Wosepka: RESOLUTION Resolved: that Golden Valley coun- ty sponsor the erection and construc- tion of a dam to be located on Sec- tion 3 Twp. 141 Range 105. same to m" be known as the "Odland da . and that proper request be made by the Board that the proposal be reviewed and forYn~:l application be made for an allotment of funds for such pro- Ject to the Federal Works Progress Administration under the rules ann regulations promulgated I)y it, and Be It further lce~oweo that Minnie E. Smith, the County Auditor of Golden Valley County be. and she hereby is empowered to slgn the project proposal on behalf of the County of Golden Valley, and Be it further Resolved that Oscar Seeker. Civil Enginebr. be and he is hereby designated and directed to furnish such information as the Works Progress K~[miulstration may require or request tn connection with such application, and He it ,further Resolved that Lewis Odland, a member of this Board, represent thi C~ounty as sponsor in the erection and operation of the project, and upon being put to a vote all members voted aye. whereupon said resolution was declared carrled~ advance forecast. Milk prices wiI1 be lower than usual next winter, due to lower priced feeds. of Golden Valley County. and as such should be entitled to the pay- ment Of the e~penses of tts mem- bers when air'ending to the duties of such Board. NOW, THEREFOItE. Bi,] IT itIC- SOLVED That the members of such ~rd shall be entitled from the funds of Golden Valley County to $1.00 per meeting actually attended plus mileage at the rate of 51 per mile actually traveled in connection with the duties as members of such Board. Be It Further RESOLVED. That the State's Attorney. who is the sec- retary of of such Board, shall be ~nd hereby is authorized to use County stationery and stamps for correspondence in connection with such Board and Its duties. Motion was seconded by Commis- sioner Wosepka and upon being put to a vote. all commissioners voted "Aye" and motion was declared car- ried and ~esolution adopted. Board adjourned at 6:00 P. M. to meet on July 20 at 8:30 A. M. as a Board of Equalization. July 20th. 1935. 9:00 A. M. The i3oard of Cotlllty Ccnlnlissioners Ins1 pursuant to adjournment with all r~er~i)erspresent. The Board convened as a Board of ];'-~:lualizatlon to equalize the as- sessment in the unorganized towrt- ships of 143 and 144 Range 103, 13,7 and 135-103 and 180-105 and 186-106 12:00 Nobn Boaxd adjourned. 1:00 P. M. The Board reconvened with all members present as a Board of ~luallsatlon. The following changes were made in the unorganized townships: All of Section. 5. Twp. 144~ ~Range 103 loweced from $~3~.~ to $500.0O, a decrease of $2~,5.00. All Of Section 7~ ~rWp. 144, Range 108 lowered$553.00 to $50~.00, a decre~se of $53,00. All of Section 9, Twp 144. Range 103 loitered from ~608.00 to $550.0~, a decrea~ of-$5~.00. All of'~eettou 11. ~wp. 144, Range 103 raised fro~ ~d$08.00 tO $800.00, an increase ~f $208:00. All of Section 15, TwP. 144, Range 103 ral~od fA~om ~$647.00 to $800.00, an increase of $158.00. -" All of Section 23. Twp. 144. Range 103 raised from $608.00 to $900,80, an increase of $192.00. All of Section 27. Twp. 144, Range 103 raised from $634.00 to $854.~, an increase of $200,00.. All of Section $~, Twp. 144, 103 lowered from $608.00 to $512.00, a decrei~ of $96.00. All of Section 7, Twp. 133, Range 108 raised from $1170.00 to $1690.00, an /ncrsase of $520.00. ~ll of Section 17, Twp. 138, Range ti03 lowered from $960.00 to $040.00, a decrease of $320.00. All of Section 21, Twp. 138, ]~nge 108 lowered from $1120.00 to $800.00, a decrease of $320.00. The Board adjourned as a Board of Equalization of the unorganized townships and reconvened as a Bdard of County Comml~LSionerz. The Board inspected the following bridges that were washed out, in Township 141, Range 105 bridge on the Southeast corner of 8ectioff one, thence to bridge on the Southwest corner of Section 24, thence to bridge on the Northeast corner of Section 18. Twp. 142, Range 104. thence to the steel bridge on Section 16, TWP. 1~3, Range 104, known as the east steel bridge across the Beaver Creek, which thud Board found in very bad condition due , to cutting away of the ~u'th bank, The Board returned to Beach at 7:00 P. M. 7:00 P, M. the Board adjourned to meet July 22nd, 1935 July 22nd. 1935, 9:00 A. M. The Board of County Commissioners me~ pursuant to adjournment with all members present. ~,dUl Thoemke appeared before the for a hearing on his applica- tion for old age pension. He was sworn and teutified• Moved by Wo- sepka, seconded by Odland that Old Age Pension be allowed in the amount of $150.00 per year. The Board adjourned as a Board of County CommiSsioners and recon- vened as a Board of F_xluallzation and worked on the equalization of the unorganized townships. The Board adjourned am a Board of Equalization. 12:00 Noon Board adjourned, 1:00 P, M, The Board reconvened with all members present as a Board of County CommiSsioners. J. S. Rathbu~i appeared before the Board relatiVe to the lmyment of services of Doctor for his wife and signed the following agreement. I, J~ S. Rathbun, in const~eratl~.n for the County of Golden Valley m the State of North Dakota authoriz~ ing Dr. V. G. Morris of Beach, North Dakota, to make calls and Commissioner Odland presented the give treatment to my wife, Mrs. ~. following resolution and moved its S. l~tthbun, do hereby Promise and agree, on demand, remake repay- adoption: RESOLUTION ment to Bald Golden Valley Gounty ~H~EAS, Pursuant to ChaPttl~~ of anY funds by it aev~ncea pursuant ~17 of t e 1~5 Se~lon x,aws o~ to said order in cash or labor at St;tte-°thN°rth-Dak°ta;-a"~ 'h--reK"]: r~t~rlder:-a tha option of the ]~ard of County ulaUons promutgated the " --n'-': Comml|m!o~ere of Golden Valley uoun- ~tv Planning Bo~r~ na~ Dee ~" ty North DakOta. _ _ . . ;?~- o~ ave m~cot~t a~_ .~ t~ ~ d~y of J~Y, ~- D. ~m. ]Bmw~ tn dm)med an and longer working weekS--and industry does not want that. The consumer can b~ reasonably certain that his dollar will buy .Just about as much during ~the next six months or a year as it does now. --cOo-- Students of European affairs have no lack of m~tterial these days~material that is both absorb- ing and appalling. Top in interest Is the Ita1Ian.~thiopian em- broglio, which progresses steadily toward war~ most observers think actual bostilities will start in the fall. Premier Mussolini does most of his speaking from gun-carriages at present--and, his remark~ are the most warlike in post.war history. On the other side of the fence, black E~lporer Halle Selassie pledges the life of every one Of his subjects to the defense of Ethiopian ladePrudence. In the meantime, foreigners are evacu~iting Add|s Ababa. Ethiopian capitol, on the advice of their consular representatives, If war comes, Ethiopia will have two adVant- ages~it will be able to muster an army of sever- al million men accustomed to the almost lncred- ibly hard country in which they live. (A recent book on Ethiopia bears the title. "The Hell Hole of Creation." and visitors to Ethiopia say that de- scription is not exaggerated.) On the other hand, it has no artillery worthy of the name. only a few out-of-date airplanes, and even lacks modern re- peating military rifles. Italy Is of course equipped in military style, with the latest in machine guns, tanks, field guns, rifles, gas, etc. Military author- ities are confident she will win~though at a ter- rific cost of life. and over a longish period of time. The problem is further complicated now by the ~npearanee of Japan with a warning to Italy that Nippon intends to keep her Ethiopian markets. Japan is as much a first-class military power as Italy---and Mussolini doesn't want trou]~le with her. for repairiing road at the Northeast corner of~ection 27. T~p. 141, Range 104. The Board agreed to inspect the road before granting the request. M. Frauk and A. Magers appear- ed before tho Board relative to the classification of land in the County not in the Sub-Marginal land area. The matter was taken under con- sideration. 5:00 P. M. Board adjourned to meet at 9:00 A. M, July 23rd, 1985 9:00 A. M. July 2~. 1935. The Boal~ of County Commissioners met ~ursu~t to adjournment witb all members present. The Board set August 2nd. 1935 as the date for the Budget hearing and ordered the following notice published: NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS: HEAR- ING OF COUNTY BUDGET Notice is hereby given that in compliance with Senate Bill No. 208 of the Session Laws of 1923 and House BIll No. 97. Session Laws of 1929. the Board of County Commis- sioners of Golden Valley County, North Dakota. have deslguated All/g- ust 9nd. 1935, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the Court House in the City of Beach. North Dakota. as the time and place, at which time and place any taxpayer may appear and be in favor of or against the pro- posed expenditures The following is an estimate of the proposed expenditures for the fl~tto year ending June 30, 1936. List and amount of each budget estimate payment from County Oen- eral. County Board ............. $ 1500.00 County Audl tot .............. ~SIY~.O0 Co~!nty Tre&~ur~, ............ 17~.~0 ~atement of Genersl Fund;~ ~ABILITIES Estimated amount required for fls- £~tl year ............. .. '. ............. Gene]~l Reserve . ~o .................. Estim~tQd Liabilities fo~ fl~al year . ,', ~ , RESOURCES unencumbered C'h~h Balgmce ........ $15,168.0~ ~ttmated collections frbm prior tax levies ............................... 32.410.00 Total Resources General Fuud ...... To be raised by taxes for General m~gt" "~ a~i~ ~u'~ ............. LIA~TIES ]g~tlmated amount required for fls- eal year ............................ General R~r~e ..................... I~timated LlabillU~ for fl~! year R~OURCES Unenoumbered Cash Balam~ ........ $ 419.00 E~tlmated collectlom~ from prior years 959.00 Total Rsaourc~ Road Fund ........ To be r~lsed for RmUl Fund ........ 8tatsment of Bridge Funs LLkBILITIES Fmtimated amount required for fl~- cR1 year ............................ General Reserve ..................... Estlmated I,labllltles for fiscal year RE~OURC]~S Unencumbered Cash Balance ........ $ 2,~8.0~ Estimated colleetlons from prior years 1,002.00 Total Resources Bridge Fund ...... TO be raised by. taxes for Blddge ~und ............................ ,.. Statement Of Court House Fund: Sinking & Interest LIABILITIES Estimated amount required for fis- cal year ............................ General Reserve ..................... Estimated Liabilities for ~ year RESOURCES Unencumbered Cash Balance ........ $ 87S.0O Estimated collections from prior years 1,544.00 Total Resource~ Court House Fund To be raised by taxez for Court House Fund ........................ Statement Of Unorgsnlzed Township Road Fund: LIABILITIES Estimated amount required for fl~- cai year ........................... G~on~al Reserve ..................... Estimated Llabillties for fiscal year RESOURCES Unencumbered Cash Balance ........ $ ~02.0~ Estimated collectinns from prior year~ 404.00 Total Resources Unorganized TwO, Road Fund ........................ To be raLsed by ta~ for Unorgan- lzed Twp. Road Fund .............. Total estimated taxes to be raised for the fiscal year in this Budget .. Assessor and Assessment .. 200.00 State's Attorney .......... 1320.00 Insurance and taxes ...... 100.00 District Court ............. 1200.00 Janitor .....................720.00 Register of Deeds. Clerk of Court and County Judge 21~0.00 Justice COurts ............. 200,00 Juvenile Court ............ 300.00 Courthouse Maintenance .. 500,00 Miscellaneous .............. 1000,00 Eiection~ .................. 150~. 03 Examinations .............. 100 00 Advertising a n d Printing Tax Sales and notices .. 50.00 Miscellaneous Printing .... 1500.00 Water, Light, Fuel. etc. .. 800 00 Books, Stationery, Supplle~ 1800"00 Telegraph, Telephone. Ex- press, etc ............... 1400,0O Sheriff .....................2950.00 Workmen's Compen~ttlon Insurance ................. 1000.$0 County Physlclsn .......... 300.00 Insanity Board ............ 100.00 Board of Health 50.00 Agricultural Agent ........ 2400.00 Poor Rsitef ................ 8000.00 Mother's pension .......... 1000.00 Care of County Insane In state a~y]um ............ 5000.00 Care of County patients at state feeble minded instl- tution .................... 2000.00 Care of County residents In state Tuber,:ulosis ~na- torlum .................... 500.00 Vital Statistics ............100.00 County Jail, care of inmates 400.00 County Jail. betterments or outlay 10O.0C Bur~al of "ifidii~i~ff"':".'.'" 8o¢.oo County SuPerintendent .... 1600.e0 Total $4~,535. O0 $81.436,'~ $ 8,75O.OO $83,868.00 $ 8.75O.0O $ 3.500.00 $ 2.219.OO $ L400.0O Witness my hand and zeal this 24th d~y of July A, D, 108S. MINNIE E. SMITH, Auditor The Board accepted the bid of the Golden Valley Lumber Yard for Bridge materlais F O, B, GoIva and Beach, N, Dak., mune to be furnished am Per btd on file wits the Co~n~r Auditor. Also bld of he~41h[w cha~ for unloading', atora~ tnsur- a~ce an~ d~lverlag at $$.00 per' thPm~d, tO materials stored in J, B. Sayler appeared before the Board for the North Star Lumber Co, of Dickinson, N. D~k. cha~ Lots | and 4 ers ~nd. at the OP)¢AL SPEGIALIST l 6, 61[BERTSON Glasses fltt~l--Any brokea 1~ duplicated; ~l~'~mes relmir~.. Beach. N. D.. l~irnt 4our ~u~ of Over, ted's Hardware ~to~. h The filling of your PRESCRIPTION la our most ImpoPtant buslngm~ YOU CAN GET IT AT KENNEDY'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Sentinel Butte, N, Dak. I Dr. W. C. Bradley PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Phone 13 R~ldenee 1~ BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA Dr. O. R. Niece DENTIS~f Modern X-Ray Equipment BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA Dr. V. G. Morris BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA PHONES HOUSE-56 OFFIPE-~4) ~ 'd' • - - COULD NOT D~ HOU ii I!ll I I TIRED, WORN OUT~ HO AMBITIOH