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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 31, 1941     Golden Valley News
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July 31, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JULY 31, 1941 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE $ SEN AND HIS RADIO PLAYERS Point-- Daily 1:15- 1:45 p. m. 3-ACT COMEDY SUNDAY, AUG. 3, 8:15 GETS Free Dance to all Patrons of Show i LOCALS Gov. Moses And f t " "r Ro !--. .,= --~. . ---- ] We wish to express our sincere aD- DRESS REDUCTION ~ Monday evening Mr. ann m.s. Y ' " "" ' " .... r~eant Russell ~'~lrltllll~zr ~/11~1|. Hg~r~ preciation for the beautiful floral tri- No3es tOOK LI1OII' SOIl tse o ' lgAtlllltl ~/ IIkDIL IIIL, I~LJ ~'ut ..... d "~un' "~"nressi"n" ^f "'"- 'Noyes to Willistcn, from which place ~' I~.~"] ~ _:'" ~ ~J" ". ..... ~'"" • . ' ~.~ _ . , .. ~, v ~W ---~- i paully uuvmg our recen~ sorrow. 20 Percent Off left-luesclay mormng lot r .... ........... * ...... ume his militar- Gov. and Mrs. John Moses, daughter I --John L. Denton is, wasm.~u-, ~ .¢~ ~ I Mr n Mrs C E i and ..-.~,.~,,~ ~ snent about a week here Mary Jean and sons John Jr. and , . a d • • . E de ~"~""~-" ~':-~"~-"~"~h Robert stopped in Beach Thursday family ..... our of last week for dinner enroute to Marian MeAdams On All Dresses Former 8.95 and up Mrs Russell lJunmgan anct i ._. " • . ..... msmarck from their vacation trm Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Lundin children arriveo nero ms~ weez ~rom " and fa il .......... through Yellowstone Park. They hacl m y. ALL THESE DRESSES ARE NEW SUMMER STYLES--- their home in hot Angoras t~al. ~or . . Mr n r " "" " "ck also visited their son Jim who is a a d M s. R. W. Denton a visit at the parental VlIlce W1 a , ~ ' ' COLORS--MATERIALS ....... a ol(~ier at Fort Waren Wyo and who and f~mily. home south oI town. Mr.~. £)unmg n ' " ..... la t emain heie till was recently made a Corporal. "-- SPECIAL o ..... rt f Se tember • John Jr informs the News that CARD OF TIIANKS tne ilrst pa O p . I "' ............. m-It]e has been emplo)ed in Washington ONE RACK 37 DRESSES rMr r i d hforah : ened: it! [DomCe fofr°h :eaPa [oYeardb:tal ng : thnnkis aonud o rCerepp::attotO nd:r REDUCED FOR QUICK CLEARANCE TO -,lo,,ed at the Red Owl store They|be inducted into the ar y the early many friends for the beautiful floral ~il~ make their home in the" house ,'part of August. offerings, the expressions of s~mpathy $2.9g " "" vacated b" Mr and Mrs ' ~ .nd kindness extended during the ill- -' -r-- ---- i reendlYlson " "t TtlANK ¥OtT hess and passing of our beloved hus- qm~ ......... ~,nbl_'~ store has installed a ] I wish to ~ake~ thi~ means of ex.- band and father. Also to .Rev. Grant HAT CLEARANL]P.J~I'~' ,.~,...~.. .*'o~t ..... .... . ~._n_fad which' was built ,|pressing my appreciation to all the S. Moore for his consoling words and • - - Ge Mu -li The new ~ neighbors and friends who bought to the choir for rendilAon of favorite last week D~ o gg. / addition simplifies matters a great ] tickets on my quilt. It was greatl~¢ hymns. A~, ~,,~ ~tw~ th m r oom for|appreciated ---Mrs J C Butterfield and Dark Straws now .......... 50c each ........... e_. moor . • • • • Angeles, Cal., are the parents Of a [ Iit Whites and Pastel Felts ... now $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Wally Enderle of Los/ ~ "" six pound baby glrl, born to them [ --~ A--LL" SHOPPE ~ Wednesday. The new arrival, ¢ ][~ V V ' ~ I has been named Eleanor Yvonne, I k.~ l l~J ~.A 1 /'~ l.J Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tobias of [ Casper Wyoming, left last week after| ~/TITI~II~AV ~IV W" making a very pleasant visit at the[ ,.~/'lklUlill)/qkl ~.ltill[~l ---" home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ] ' -- ~- = ~----.~ Social Hour club will meet Tues- funeral rldaV , daY. Aug. 5 with Mrs. Pearl Blair. Theo. Tobias, in the city. From here [ 2 P M TO 5 P M W they went to Minnesota t o visit] .... relatives and willreturn home thru! ~ ., . ~;z d I Roll call, "Pioneer Days." , ] who has been at- . , the Black Hills at Fargo arrived Funeral services were held fromI NOTICE Special Hambur. er Sandwich and a this week to spend the Overstad Funeral home in Beach] I e rt l, • re e 1 n at the parental last Friday afternoon for John Evans, Notice is hereb iventhat the home. well known old t~mer" who na~l re-I Y g [ oI our l~ellClOUS LoIIee ior only • George Oat and sided north of Sentinel Butte with his iP~a~hl~ary t::d~fi~ca~°~ethrebe~l~n~ FARMERS, and Mrs. Henrletta son Donald. Mr Evans passes away ......... TTENTI0 I 10 in "'e Dickinson h ital on Thurs Jmy m~, ~b,,tt m now on file in the ome Monday from t~ ~ .osp . . . e:|office of the City Auditor and may C ~s vacation spent in day, Jul~ 24th, . after .... having ~e i ~,v'- ......... ~z.mmtama b-y a--one~y desiring so k other western states, there for three nays unaergomg zrea~-lto do. " l OUR HAMBURGER IS MADE FROM FRESH GROUND earl who accompanied ment.Rev Grant Moore of Beac'n andI Notice is also given that the Ctt~; we nave ND ned home last week- . ' in I C~uncil will hold a publlc • session ROU STEAK, ABSOLUTELY NO FILLER OR BREAD 'Other, Kenneth Sum- • -" " " st i m me o me o~ ~ne ~y e~um~or Rev Grunstead of Dicl~aason were t_ .. ff ............ 'made the trio out, charge of the services Ax~ermem ! ......... rEEL GRAI ADDED.' SERVED WITH UNDILUTED CATSUP :~ at his home. " -- • " " -- " -n ~on Monday. Augns~ ~m, ~94~ at ritesme m~ay was sent to ~e~ , ~.~i,~h +im~ t~o fl,r,~al ht,#-la~t Will t.c :ow o o. oo o. ....... aoO ,o. gINS r L~ Weezer~d sue~t: at the ~or ~umaL [be made, at which time any taxpay- ~home here. Sunaay er ma~ appear and discuss with the m= Sinceresympathy is extended the ~an, Heiser and Rent_ sorrowing relatives. Council any item of proposed ex- In Stock l= l[ ~Y at the Odland dam -- {pendttures or object to any such , , Felix Wicks, Jr., of Boulder City, !item or the amount thereof. head of spotted Nevada. ~rrived here last week for Statement o, ,,~ne 2200 ~ U. ~. Owner may have a visit at the parental Wicks home Expenditures - • costs. H. E Dailey southwest of town. Felix is now help- Maintenance and Opera- " 'lng out at the Elmer Raisler home ini t~on .................... $1,415.00 Five 1000 bu. the Thelen community. ~Capital and Betterment ... 2500.00 N, D. Len Aldrich of Oak- here last Sunday visit with his bro- Aldrich, of this enroute to Mr. A1- home at Hankinson. E. I. Miller and Mr. and daughter Montana. were Sad Mrs. Clarence Or- and Mrs. Steve and Tuesday of this ! ~n of Medora was a i ~and on I business caller i Chernausek Gumper "GLAS.SEs FITTED Block LEE mm , N. & KUHFEt J AT LAW Pho~ 131 North Dakota O. k. t'IECE Dentist NORTH DAKOTA E. A. NYMAN LChlropractor F' NOR~£H D,~KOTA ~phone 61 - res. I13 R. SCHELL No V. ! Annual ation l~aving Appropri- .................... 2000.00 Total Proposed Expendi- tures .................... $16915.00 C. O. HALVORSON. City Auditor. Sawyer Hardware BEACH, N. DAK. A $2.00 cash prizeFill be given the per- son submitting the best name for our SPECIAL DAY to be held in Golva every Saturday Starting Monday a coupon will be issued with every 50c purchase of merchandise at any Golva store. The drawing will be held Saturday night August 2nd and every Satudray night thereafter. Three Cash prizes will be given the lucky winners $5.00-- $.00 $2.00 Come To Golva Saturday, Aug. 2 "Watch Our City Grow" Beach, North Dakota FRIDAY- SATURDAY Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p. m. CAST: Caesar Romero, Virginia Gilmore, Milton Boric, Charlotte Greenwood. A picture with comedy, melodrama and also music. Comedy- News. Sunday- Monday- Tuesday MATINEE SUNDAY AT 2:30 P. IT IS NOW IN FULl, SWING! PAYS TO USE THE BEST FUEL AND LUBRICATION PRODUCTS JOIN OUR EVER - INCREASING NUMBER OF PATRONS! FARMERS UNION OIL CO. "PATRONIZE YOURsELF" FLOYD HOUCK, MGR. CAST: James CaRney, Olivia de Havilland, Jack Carson, Rita Hayworth, George To- bias, Alan Hale. A fine cast in this ro- mantic melodrama. ;e h csdav - Thursday CAST: Charles Boyer, Margaret Sullivan, Richard Carlson, Frank McHugh, and Tim Holt. From the book by the same title- picture rated 4'A. Comedy. I lllllll