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July 31, 1941 |
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JULY 31, 1941
i M. Golden.
I Albin ~rtz returned home from
of St Clm,~ ul- ]Mlmouri the last of the week where
la,' ~'~t'~1' a~__L~._, he had been seeking medical aid.
es", --- ~¢mvaaI Mrs. Chas. Fulton has been ill the
;past week.
immy Keener of W 0elo,, W oo
b ~-~'_ --, . _ " sin has been visiting his uncle Oscar
, mxa. menzl Kam- Keener
SUnday with friends . Jimmy was accompamed by
I a friend.
-- Mrs. Mary Babcock has been visit-
R. L. Johnston were ling at the J
calle~ at Gustaf-]i Mrs C L E. Martin home.
. . Caldwell and two chil-
] dren of Moscow, Ida~ho returned home
in Beach Tues- ~--i '
and Maur- ' .'T say.
Aud Nunn and Mr. and Mrs. Falstead and two
Mrs. John Irons children of Billings are visitors at
Mrs. Ed Scherman, Carlyle•
A.J. Ziebarth, Roy Hartse and two sons arrived
and Mrs. A. from Missoula where Roy will visit
his mother.
hauled i~ogs to
for Stuart Gus-
....... Divide
~oyd Bury were Sun- Jean Cook returned to her home
~rs after a visit of several days spent
ed Mrs. J. Harst of at the Dick Pendleton home.
~own last Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. arold Lowman were
i~ H" A. Bury's home. visitors" at the Harry Low'man home
-~ Dickinson accomp- near Sentinel Butte last Monday.
~for a longer visit, Gee. Wright was cutting wheat at
~Brockmeyer and sons the J. E. Cook farm the last of the
~last Sunday from week.
;~, where they had Harold and Bill Holler were cutting
their barley on the old Harry Parley
With their daughter homestead lust week.
Matt Brown and daughter Lorretta
Gloyd Bury were were callers at the Ted Cook home
Wednesday. ~aturday.
was hostess Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Houck and
at her home on grandson and MarJorie Myer were
was a large crowd visitors at the J. E. Cook home Sun-
~ksltors present. Af-
da&ylor Cook a.d:yyren were
delicious lunch. Next i
~Wlth IAna Wassmana callers at the Dicz r~,,,,letOn home
Friday a~ternoon.
j^,_ • Threshing wllyl be in full swing
A~'nns ,ton spent this week if all plans work out as an-
. ~'leoarth. ticipated. Isltedwith Jean
was a Carlyle I Marlyn Cook v ..
j~da~.. I Cook and Lorraine Penale~onlast
d~.n; m~nsdey_ and I Saturday.
uv~ over Wed..
help MrsCarew J ..............
ha;Y~ene el I V.H. Dissen. Pastor
-~Ip ' nployed ]
1 ~ to put in a[ Divine services 9:30 a. m. Aug. 3rd.
i Lot a ~rarmry for l Sunday school after services.
• A. ~ury drove[ SUMXONS
~89aY where l~_rs. ] state of North Dakota,'
~'_~-~ eye treated ~ t:ounty of Golden Valley,
~[~{ I-~hton ~T..-_ "_ In District Court,
. ,,y- l e,hI dici i cor-
tend Mr and M . .n,rsta e a
~ visitors Friday at{ poratlon Plaintiff,
been on the s t~k ] ~,Vvs" TBrown Llllie J
_i__ " " ' '
Brown, W. T. Brown as ad-
l ininlstratorof the estate
on the sick list aI ,,f Llllie JI Brown, deceased,
William . Brown, Mae Wy-
i ckoff, and Etta L. Brindle,
were business and All Persons Unknown
claiming any estate or in-
terest in or lien or encum-
erg~ertainedl brance upon the real estate
. ~ner SUnday. I described in the Complaint,
t whether as tire heirs, legs-
Caller at Andrew tees, devisees, or creditors
of Llllle J. Brown deceased,
A. A. White, John~ or otherwise,
i ~3"~. Jerry ~,,h~ I Defendants.
The State of North Dakota to
at ~olva Stln&~"~'l the above named Defendants:
Y" You and each of you are hereby
meet at the
leader, Irene
of last Week.
meeting a de-
served. The next
With Marine Borg-
JUly 29~h.
Ower~s were
L. R. Mollne
L. R. MoUne and
to Glendive Satur-
md Walter Xrueger
for Bismarck on
returned Sunday.
of OMe was a
the j. E. Martin
tty Workers met at
home Wednes-
served a dainty
meeting Will be at
Lurid. Aug. 27.
and Mark Jacobsen
Jacobsen home
and Hugh Stark
car from L. R. Me-
Burgets of S.
and OMe to
two children have
daughter, Mrs.
and her d~ug-
has been visiting
Mr- and Mrs. E.
summoned to answer the Complaint
in this action, which will be filed
in the office of the Clerk of the
District Court in and for said
County of Golden Valley. State of
North Dakota, and to serve a copy
of your answer upon the Subscrib-
er within thirty days after the
service of this Summons upon you,
exclusive of the day of service,
and in case of your failure to ap-
pear or answer, Judgment will be
taken against you by default for
the relief demanded In the Com-
This action relates to the fore-
closure of a mortgage upon the
following described real estate in
the county of Golden Valley, State
of North Dakota, to-wit:
The Northeast ~nartsr (NE'~)
of $e~tlon Twenty (2OL in
Township One hundred aud
forty (140) North of RanKe One
Hnndred Wad Four II~)tL '~t
5th P. M.
Dated this 30th day of June, 1941.
Attorney fo~ Plaintiff,
Office and Posttfflce Ad- dress: Beach, N. Dak.
(July 17-~24-31, Aug, 7)
and other persons Interested there-
in will be forever foreclosed and
barred from ~sserting any further
rights to such real estate what-
soever. The following is a list
of the real estate sold at such
tax sale on which the period of
redemption will expl~'e on the
first day of October. Opposite each
description of such real estate ap-
pears: (1) Ti~e name of the record
title owner thereof; (2) The
amount which must be paid to re-
d,'enl froln such tax sale, before
the periodof redemption ex-
pires. That said sum includes the