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July 30,2009
Large Halibut caught by Beach resident Funds must
"' %; be used for
Josh "Tooty" Lohse
Josh "Tooty" Lohse, 31. of
Pendleton died Saturday, July 18,
2009 at his home. A funeral service
was held at 2 p.m. Saturday, July 25
at the Episcopal Church of the
Redeemer in Pendleton.
Mr. Lohse was born March 27,
1978. in Beach. ND to Lynn and
Rosalyn Lohse. He graduated high
school from Blue Mountain
Community College in Pendleton.
He worked at various jobs in
Pendleton while also volunteering
with the Umatilla Youth Corrections
Center in Pendleton, where he intro-
duced the first Narcotics
Anonymous program for youth in
Umatilla County. It was through
this activity that he was hired as a
.juvenile counselor for the county, a
job he enjoyed until ill health pre-
vented him from continuing.
Mr. Lohse is survived by his
mother and stepfather, Rosalyn and
Rick Elder of Pendleton: father and ,
stepmother Lynn and Linda Lohse
of Gendive. Mont.: brother Jake
Lohse of Pendleton" and special
friend Charisma Hollingshead of
He was preceded in death by
grandparents Charles and Helen
Cox and Lon and Maxine Elder:
and numerous aunts and uncles.
Memorial contributions may be
made to St. Anthony Hospice in
Pendleton Pioneer Chapel,
Folsom-Bishop is in charge of
Hearing Notice
A hearing to obtain public com-
ment/input for the Southwestern
District Health Unit budget for the year
2010 will be held August 4, 2009 at
11:00 A.M. MDT in the meeting room
in the Billings County Courthouse in
Dated at Medora, ND this 7th day
of July, 2009 by Order of the Billings
County Commissioners.
estate, and set opposite each descrip-
ti6n is the amount which will be
required to satisfy the tax lien for the
year 2004.
Dave Knappe Lots 3 & 4 of
Block 8 Hunter's 1st 779.16
3rd Ave. NE City of Beach
Kathy Ferderer Lots 10 - 12
of Block 24 Original 242.93
West St. City of Golva
Robert Lasater Lots
3,4, & 5 of Block 4 Robinson's 1st
154.28 Grove St. City of Sentinel Butte
Les Ferderer
Sel/4SEI/4NEI/4 of Section 12-141-
105 157.83 Saddle Butte Twp.
John Kouba NE1/4 of Section
3t-137-104 138.86 Bullion Twp.
Given pursuant to authority" of law
this 22nd day of July, 2009
Cecilia Stedman
Auditor, Golden Valley County
(July 30)
Sarah and her daughter Josie
headed to Alaska June 11, for a
cousin's daughters wedding and had
booked fishing trip with several
family members. They took a
Charter tour through The Fish
House Fleet and also participated in
combat fishing, which is shoulder-
to-shoulder fishing with other peo-
ple on the Russian River. were fish
are tagged.
"The salmon in the river must be
snagged through the mouth or you
have to throw them back." Said
Sara Maus.
Sarah stated that she could only
handle two hours in the 38-degree
water even with a neoprene suit on
with feet.
The family spent two weeks
touring up the Kenai Peninsula.
Josie caught the first fish, a halibut
that weighed 40 lbs. Sarah was sur-
prised when she caught the 150 lb
halibut, not a record, but larger than
average when on a sea charter. She
caught the fish on Monday June 15.
"They harpooned the halibut
with a buoy that would keep the fish
afloat and able to locate up to 15 ft
below the water." said Sarah Maus
Josie and the deck hands helped
Sarah pull in the large catch. It was
harpooned in case the line would
break. It took four men to pull the
fish into the boat..
Fourteen people went on this
family charter. They stayed in cab-
ins and also rented an RV during
Sarah Maus Beach, N.D., Captain Trent Foldager, Seward,
Alaska, and Josie Maus, Breckenridge, CO.
their time in Alaska.
The family had a wonderful time
and one member also snagged a
Homemade demonstrations set
to the public.
The demonstration will be held
in the Dickinson Museum Center
adjacent to the Dakota Dinosaur
For more information about
demonstrations and other museum
events• visit our website at dickin-
At 10:00 am Saturday, July 25,
the Dickinson Museum Center will
be presenting a demonstration on
making homemade butter and ice
Museum staff will demonstrate
how to use a butter churn and an old
fashioned crank ice cream maker.
The demonstration is free and open
Joan Jurgens Notice
Billings'County Auditor/Treasurer(July 23,?0) whoartyThis is an important notice for prOP-ownerSowe delinquentin Gglderl. Va!ty.Cqnty taxes. •The 60th * ITD
notice North DakOta Stat Leislatt)t'e h'a's -k PRIMAVERAPRODUCTMANAGER .
amount of time for payment-of, local
property taxes. Currently property
owners are allowed 57 months from
the time the tax is levied to make the
final payment on taxes. This time peri-
od is being reduced to 33 months
effective with the 2007 property taxes,
If taxes are not paid whe due, the
property can be sold to satisfy the tax
obligation. If you have questions
regarding this change in legislation,
please feel free to call or visit the
County Treasurer or Auditor.
The change in due dates for the
taxes currently uncollected and those
levied under the changed payment
schedule area is as follows:
Levy Year Tax Levy Date
Final Due Date Months
2004 taxes Jan. 1 2005
Oct. 1. 2009 57
2005 taxes Jan. 1 2006
Oct. 1, 2010 57
2006 taxes Jan. 1, 2007
Oct. 1. 2011 57
2007 taxes Jan. 1. 2008
Oct. 1, 2010 33
2008 taxes Jan. 1. 2009
Oct. 1 2011 33
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As the schedule shows, in some
years two years of tax payments would
be due.
(July 30)
web site with many bible choices such as:
The New Amedcan Standard Bible is at:
Question: I heard that in email and texting;
the acronym LOL is (laughing out load) but
what are some others?
Answer: Parents and grandparents need to
know what others are emailing or texting our
kids, Some are off color but we need to
Know what is being sent to our kids. After
searching the web I found a list at : News-4
KFOR-TV Oklahoma City; Ok: TTYL = Talk
to You Later; BRB = Be Right Back: OMG =
Oh My Goodness: WTF = What The F***:
B2W = Back to Work: L8R = Later: PIR =
Parents In Room: OTB = Off to Bed; ^5 =
High Five: CU = See You: 8 =Oral sex: 143
= I love you; 182 = I hate you: 459 = I love
you: 1174 = Nude club: 420 = Mari)uana:
ADR = Address: ASL = Age/Sex/Location;
banana = Penis: CD9 = Code 9 = it means
parents are around: DUM = Do You
Masturbate'?.; DUSL-
Question: My email is always full of spare
and junk mail, Is there a government office
who will take a complaint?
Answer: I think the old idiom: (the squeaky
wheel gets the grease) fits here. Go to the
FBI on the web. The Intemet Crime
Complaint Center is a partnership between
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI);
the National White Collar Crime Center
(NW3C); and the Bureau of JustiCe
Assistance (BJA). Write a complaint at:
http://www, ic3.govldefault.aspx
Question: Is there any way to get a free
audio version of the bible?
Answer: There are web sites that have free
versions to listen to on-line or to download•
And some will sell Audio CD's, You can find
sites on the internet and a very good
Do You Scream Loud? ; FOL - Fond of
Leather .... There are also others which are
much worse.
Question: Ok Jack, I heard about singing
horses on the web. Where is iL and is it
Answer: This is an 'old' web link that is
dumb and fun for kids of all ages, It is found
on a link of the Sweden TV web site. Click
your mouse on the horses and sing along.
Kor/hestekor, html
Email your questions to
Copyright © Jack Cook
Time: 2:00 PM
Date: Monday August 3rd, 2009
Place:Billings County
Commissioners Rm Billings County
Courthouse, Medora ND
Purpose: Paul Douglas -
Minor Subdivision
6-139-102 SE1/4
Purpose: Discussion of New
Zoning Ordinances, Draft 1
"Available for review at the Tax
Director's Office. Billings County
Dated at Medora this 17th day of
July, 2009 by order of the Billings
County Commission.
Joan Jurgens
Billings County Auditor/Treasurer
(July 23, 30)
Notice of Expiration of Redemption
I, Cecilia Stedman, County Auditor
of Golden Valley County, North
Dakota, giVe notice that the real estate
hereinafter has a lien for delinquent
taxes against it for the year 2004 and
unless the tax and special assess-
. ments, with interest, penalties, and
cost foreclosure action are paid on or
before October first, after the date of
this notice, tax deeds will be issued to
the county, granting to and vesting in
it, the absolute title in fee to'the real
property, subject, however, to the lien
for installments of special assess-
ments certified or to be certified to the
county auditor or which may become
due subsequent to the time of service
of this notice, and foreclosing all rights
of the owner, mortgages, lien holders,
and other persons interested therein,
as may appear from the records of the
recorder and clerk of the district court
of the county. There is given herewith
the description of the parcels or real
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Any education stabilization fund
dollars which may-be received by
the Billings County School District
as a result of the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009 must be used first to restore
funding deficiencies in the 2009-10
school year when compared to the
2005-06 school year. and that an)
additional dollars received under
the ARRA of 2009 nmst be used for
one-time nonrecurring expendi-
tures because this state is not
responsible for replacing that level
of funding during the 2011-13 bien-
nium. Currently, no ARRA ftmds
are anncipated for Billings County
School District.
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Beach, Past & Present
Postcards featuring Beach & Golden
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For sale at Golden
Valley News office, 22 Central
Ave., Beach. A selection of postcards will also
be available at the commemorative postal
cancellation on July 31 at Lincoln Elementary.
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This W.ek's Local Forecast
Thursday Friday
Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny
76/51 75/50
Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 5%
Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy
78/54 74/52 79/53 75/54 72/54
Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 10% Precip Chance: 20% Precip Chance: 20°,/0
What is the temperature
of lightnhtg ?