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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 27, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 27, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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With Your County EXtensiorL Agent By IL M.. MELior ASSIST IN Iq~VGATION DEVELOPMENT D. J. McLellan, extension Specialist on small irrigation ~oJects, will be in Golden Vat- County on July 31 and August 1. Farmers wanting assistance in developing small irrigation ~0Jects are asked to contact this oefice before Mr. McLellan arrives. The number of acres that can be irrigated is dependent upon the amount of water available and also on the chemical analy- els of the water supply. Many farm gardens could be ~rofitably located near dams, Wells or other water supply. WILL TRY SILAGE Hainmervold Brothers. near Golva, GoldenValley County, l~orth Dakota. built .a 100 ton ~nch silo. They figure that a trench silo of good corn silage will fit nicely into their cattle wintering program. Their trenoh silo was built on one of the finest sites obtainable, it is well drain. ed and conveniem to the barn- yard. Pete Bammervold stated that "if this trench silo proves satis- factory, another trench silo will be built for a reserve feed sup- ply. We don't v~ant to get as low on feed as we did this year when only ten tons of hay were carried over:" WATCH EVERGREENS FOR SPIDER INJURY Evergreen trees, especially spruce and cedar, that take on l a brownish or rusty discolora- tion of the leaves are in all prob- ability being injured ,by the red spider mite, according to Wayne J. Colberg, entomologist of NDAC Extension Service. "This insect is very small and scarcely visible to the naked eye. The best means of determining an infestation of red mites is to ~lace a pi~e of white paper under the infested leaf or twig and gently sh~ake the mites onto the paper. If several small brownish specks ippear on the piece of paper and soon move THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N. D. l away you can be quite sure that] it is the red spider mite." Colberg says these pests usual- ] ly build up quite rapidly after l DDT applications, as DDT does not affect the mite, but it will kill off its predators and pare. sites. "Dusting the trees with sulfur dust or spraying with a wettable sulfur will effectively control the mite. Applications should be re- peated at weekly in,ter,cals or until the infestation has com- pletely disappeared and the tree takes on a normal appearance ag,ain." rangements were made for the] annual picnic which was heldI July 23, at Peaceful Valley Ranch. There will be no meet- ing in August. PLEASANT VALLEY HOMEMAKERS Mrs. Rex Simmons, See,. Mrs. Rex Simmons was host- ess tar the July 6 meeting. Roll call was responded to with sug- gestions for the program for next year. All present officers were re-elected for next year. Mrs. R. H. Welsh was appointed club historian. Mrs. Albert Still will be hostess to the club on C L U B N O T E S August 3. ! The Sunshine Society met with Mrs. Leonard Strietz July 12th, with five members and some visitors present. Spring chicken dinner was served with all the trimmings. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Laura Strahon, Aug. 2 the first Wed., in August. THELEN HOMEMAKERS Mrs. Clifford Wagner, Sec. Election of officers was held with Mrs. Henry Helm being elected president; Mrs. Richard Schroeder, vice-president; Mrs. Kenneth Abraham, secretary; and Mrs, Albert Klein, treasurer. Miscellaneous topics were also chosen for next year. Club mem- bers decided to draw up a new constitution. Mrs. Sam Wilson will be hostess to the meeting on August 3. BEACH HOMEMAKERS Mrs. A. M. SchmHz, Sec. Mrs. Henry Feld'husen and Mrs. Wm. Ueckert, project lead- ers. presented the lesson on "Rug Making" a.t a meeting held on June 13, at the home of Mrs. William Melvin. Plans and ar- Present at dinner at the Louis Schmeling home on Sunday eve- ning. July 23rd, were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Sokoloski and children, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Krause and Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Schmeling and Mrs. Margaret Lameres. fl " CONTROL$ ::I • • • • * , TRA tOil I . One of our specialties is candid wed- R, drag pictures; we go to the church, and L----" "" ' _ take pictures during and after the cere- ONL $ 2B9. 5 many; they are ideal and treasured As keepsakes for your candid wedding little D/ Y! as • FAMOUS TRIPL-OVENI • PUSH BUTTONS, TEL-A-COOK LIGHTS! Talk about miracle valuesl This • FAMOUS CALROD* UNITSI G-E Range gives you "Speed • AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMER! Cooking," wonderful features, • BUILT.IN PRESSURE COOKERI push-button controls l See it •,HI.STYLE CONTROL PANELI tod~y--you'll be convinced it's book. See the sample one at our studio. Portraits taken at the Studio. The gift that can't be duplicated. Roll film, all sizes, and expert de- veloping. ¢ ~e sore to see the new Extrn-H;-specd CMrod unit on the S trotelin~r Ws the f~stest heating ~Jn~h Co|rod unit ever nmdel 'El{ ELI' ' ,I, ,CTI .IC CO. Aufhortzed dealer EENERAL @ ELECTRIg RANGES ! ) 4 I iile East of Wibaux, on Highway 10 30 MUSIC BY Wo havo redueod pzk on 811 our dinnecs--dine with ua our and cdtmcUvo dining roam--you me sure so enjoy the supa food rve. everr da7 from to a. m. THURSDAY, JULY 27, A skunk got in to the Ewald 3ohnsons chicken coop and kill- ed 65 of their ready-to-fry chick- ens the other nite. Mr, and Mrs. John Schmeling are driving a lovely new Olds- mobile not a Chev. Many of the Garner folks have been picking June berries, which are plentiful this year. Gregory Maus' sister and fa- mily from Denver, has been out visiting her brothers and sisters and parents this {ast week. A birthday party for Richard Dietz was held July 20th, a~ the Dietz home. it pa)s to Advertise in the Jomen Valley ~ews. CITATION HEARING PETITION FOR LETTERS OF AD- MINISTRATION State o~ North Dakota. Coanty o~ Golden Valley, In County Court Before Hon. Guy Lee, Judge. IN TIfE MATTER dE THE ESTATE OF X,'iLLIAM F. ERDMANN, DE- CEASED. Theodore Erdmann. Gustave :~h'dru:mnand Otto Erdmann, Petitioners• VS, Paul Erdmann. Emil Erd- mann. Martba Essig, Amanda Cobb. Fred Reiehenback Min- me Forrcster. Elsie Heiehen- *~ack, Emma Wojahn. Rudolph }£eici~enback. Edward Reichen- back. Charles ReicilenbacP. William Reichenback, Rose Arndt. Doris Erdmann, Arlene Erdmann, Donna Mae Erd- mann Raymond Erdmann. Vi- oletErdlIlaDn, David Erdmann and Alvin E. Cheadle. as Spe- cialGuardian for Doris Erd- mann, Arlene Erdmann. Don- na Mae Erdmann. Raymond Erdmann. Violet Erdmann and David Erdmann, minors. Respondents THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTS : N_'O~,, and eacll of you are hereby cited and I equiredto ,:pt) b~.u'c tile County Court ~,f theCounty of Golden Valley in : Aid state, .t the officeof the C.~unty Judge uf ~}id County, ,it t e Ccmrt l{ou~cin the City of i:.~eac", in s~:fl County and State o0 ~hc 1 ~La day ofAugust A D 1950, at the llo'~lr C'~ ~o!l o'c!ock in the foreno)n Of ! d:!v, to shoxv causc, any you have, "why the petition ~)l' Fh~,odort! EFdIYI't!!VI, G'~Ftlvo Erd- and Otto Erdmann praying - l'~'~ :t" ~ "~.', North Dakota. as ~ (hlp?l ~:;I F!t~ vi~ :)i t} c E.'- La te of \Vii]it:In F. Erdn~lann. Deceased, sho~ild l~ot be gr?,n#ed, and you are (.~c~)v notitieci Inat the residence f -::'[d decedent st the time of his !,~:! ~ i \Vi~- [~4 [I]O "-" lica i~y of Sent- inel Butte, Golden Valley County. North Dakota. Let service be made of this Citation as required by law. Dated this 14th day of July A. D. 1950. By the Court: GUY LEE Judge of the County Court. t Seal of County Court} HOWARD A. MOUM, Attorney for the Petitioners, Beach, North Dakota. {July 20-27) CITATION HEARING PETITION TO ESTABLISH THE RIGHT OF HEIRSHIP TO REAL PROPERTY. STATE OF NORTH I~AKOTA County of Golden Valley IE COUNTY COURT Before Hon. Guy Lee. Judge IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY LIEGE ELLINGSON, De- ceased. Alf Ellingson, Petitioner, -vs- Edwin Ellingson and Ber- nard Ellingson, Minors. and Marian Miesaloski as Special Guardian for Edwin Ellingson md Bernard E]lingson, Min- ors. and all other persons un- known claiming any estate or interest in or lien or en- cumbrance upon the proper- ty described in the petition or against the estate of the said deceased, Respondents. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTS: You. and each of you are hereby notified that All Ellingson, of Big Sandy, County of Choute~u and State of Montana has filed in the County Court of Golden Valley Court- ty, North Dakota, his petition praying for a certaining and establishing the to succession ta ti~e real estate the County of Goldeu Valley State of North Dakota. of which Lingk Ellingson. deceased, late of City of Big Sandy, County of and State of Montana. died which said real estate is described follows: An undivided one-third (1-3~ interns1 in and to the North- west Quarter (NW1/4) of Sec- tion Twenty-five (25) and the Northeast Quarter ,NEI/4) of Section Twenty-six (26), all In Township One Hundred Forty-one ( 1411 North. of Range One Hundred Five (105} in Golden Valley County, North Dakota. and that Tuesday, the 15th day August A. D, 1950. at the hour of o'clock in the forenoon of that at the Court Rooms of this ~ the C'o-'t H[),:~e fn the City Beach, Golden Valley County, T3}}bnta has been set bv this as the time and place of hearing petition, at which time and place nr,r~'~n interested may appear object to the grantingof said tion. Andyou.~ and each of you, hereby cited andrequired then there to be and appear before Court and show cause, if any be. why this petition should not granted. Let service be made of this tion as required by law Dated tills 15th day of July, A. 1950. BY THE COURT: GIYY LEE Judge of the County Cour.t. W. L. ECKES Attorney for Petitioner ~cach. North Dakota I July 27. Aug. 3) 4 T~IE MARKET. AS ALWAYS, IS OPEN TO ALL AND .I INVITE YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. THANK YOUI Will buy hogs in Wibaux next on Fri- day, July 28, and in Beach on Friday, August___4i ALWAXS PAYIRG HIGHEST MARKE PRICE JACK g BEACH PHONE 191 aEAC~, N. ~, .:,: .... America's l.ow~-l~Pleed ~ai~lst JEi@ht .... .. :~%~. ='-