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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 27, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 27, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JULY 27, 1950 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. PAGE WANT ADS TWO CENTS PER WORD PER ISSUE If ~ou want to buy or sell seme~ilng; If yon need help, or l~a~ a Job, you can get results from Ne~s Want Ads. No ad ac- cepted for less Lhan 25c per in- ~riian. A service charge of 25c will be made for "blind" ads. SALESMAN WANTED-- Must have some mechanical know- ledge of cars or farm machine- 1 ry. Schulz Chevrolet Co. 34-tfe F-O-R---s-ALE~HC- 5 ft. Combine, with motor and pick-up. See W. O. Neary, Carlyle, Mont.! 43-3tp NOTICE--Gel your bids in for the Beach Coffee Shop. 45-1tc WANTED-- small furnished apartment by Aug. 1. Phone 4F-2, Beach. 45-1tp FOR SALE-- One roll fop desk. straight back chairs, daven- port and chair, bed and mat- tress. Call or see W. L. Eckes, phone 133. 33-tfc ~/OTICE--Get your bids in for the Beach Coffee Shop. 45-1tc FOR SALE--Basement 24 x 28, four rooms, landscaped. Well FOR SALE--My modern home in Beach, located i block west of Methodist church; 6 rooms, 2 baths, gas heat. Elmer Wo- jahn. 44-2tp NOTICE Anyone having crutches bor- rowed from the Beach hospital that they no longer use, kindly return at once, as our supply 45-1tc FOR SALE-- 1936 Chevrolei truck, in fair condition, new tires. Priced reasonably. Tax Goyne, Beach. 45-2tp partially complete with pipe has been exhausted. FARMERS AND RANCHERS--we connection to basement. Pro- Dr. C. A. Bush ha','e barbed wire and woven visions made for sewer and . 45-1!cwire, immediate delivery. natural gas. Call Barney Pie- Right prices. Hanson Lumber sik, or write Clarence Even- ATHLETES FOOT ITCH Co., Beach and Gol~a. 27-tfc son, Box 172, Beach. 43-tfc NOT HARD TO KILL IN ONE- HOUR STRAYED IN--Black mare, July FOR SALE--I~und Cedar Tele- It not pleased, your 40c back at 18. Owner should claim or it phone Poles. T to 30' long. Jus~t any drug store. ~T-4-L, a STRON( t will be disposed of. Joe Pep- wnlcaded ~ carload. Hanson fungicide, contains 90 per cent linski, Beach. 45-1tp Lumber Co. Beach and Golva.alcohol. IT PENETRATES 29-tfc Reaches MORE germs to KILL FOR SALE-- Six milch cows. the itch. Today at Fresh and coming fresh. Floyd FOR SALE---300 gal. gas tankWOODWARD DRUG Weinreis. Phone 4-F5. Golva. with stand, gauge and hose 42-4tc "45-5tp connections. Air Compressor & ................ complete paint outfit. Van FOR SALE--- Sewer Pipe, DrainFOR SALE-- Shetland ponies, Darn 6 inch bench grinder. T~le. Septic Tanks. Just un- Gentle. suitable for children. ~ca~ed a carload. Right 1-~r~ces. George Kautzmann Beach. Geo. Smith. Beach, phone 14F- ',. ' 111. 44-2tp llan:~on Lumber Co., Beach and 43-3tp Golva. 29-Cfc FOR SALE--Girl's Hiawatha bi. F'--Oi~--kENT~--~-r~n--api" down.I cycle. In excellent condition. BLOWERS and town location, available, Beach.1 See atGambles, Beach. 45-3tp To move your grain with the least trouble Or labor this fall--use the TWIN-FEED Truck Type Grain Mover. Mounted right on your truck; Driven by Power Take-off. May also be used as Stationary Grain Blower, by using hopper or auger. $148.00, plus freight from Far, go. Get your order in now as there will be a shortage. Pimne 133. 34-tfc WANTED--man for harvest in Aug., and Sept. Rudy Ram- stad, Beach, phone 11-F22. C. JOHNSON SALE--5:A ..... John Deere Combine, with picker. Jerome Bruski, Wibaux, Mont. 44-3tp FOR SALE-- Baldwin.Gleaner Combine, 12 ft., A-1 condition. Presley Vorhias, Glendive. 45-3tp FOR SALE-- Allis.Chalmers combine. Picker new last year. Good belts. Joe Podolski. Wi- baux, Mont. 43-3tp FOR SALE--House in Ollie. Six rooms, hardwood floors. Wired for REA. Contact Archie Sla- tar. Ollie, Mont. 45.3tc FOR SALE-- Girl's bicycle, in good shape. Dorothy Podolski, Wibaux, Mont. 44-3tp WAISTED--First class mechanic and also helper. Johnson Mo- tor Co. Beach. 44.2tc ¥0R SA, :28 room n ;rn du. plex. Write C. Nellermoe, Trotters. 44-3tc AIR-CONDITIONED SUPERCOACHES ON ALL THROUGH SCHEDULES! $o much more comfortable than driving your carl Coo SAvings, Too/ One Round Way Trip Porflcmd 25.35 45.65 Seattle 24.30 43.75 Idaho Falls 15.75 28.35 Fargo 7.15 12.90 Parish Picnic--- Rochesier , 13.65 24/~ Attendance was ~ good at a Chicago :1'I~15 :ZI.~ palish pi~li~ of St. $ohn's Cath- i olic church held Sunday at the 14-Day Tour ofI Pat Murphy grove near Sentinel Pacific Northwest Butte. The Knights of Columbus were sponsors. including hotels, round-trip trans-.See Your[ J'-~e"t~i-=~'--t--t=~--"f portation, special Loca] Agent sightseeing- , G ,E HOUND TERMiNAl FOR SALE--2-f¢ I. extension for Allis.Chalmer combine. Com- plete, one draper and new drive belt. Sell at a bargain. A1. Streitz, Golva. 45-2tp SALE CONTINUED--- At Daisy Rice home; many bargains, come and see them. 45-1tp WAITRESS WANTED--Doerner's Cafe, Beach. 45-1tc Your Allis-Chalmers Dealer Beach, North Dakota 2 1947 Ford Tudors 1 -- 1948 Ford Tudor 2 1946 Ford Tudors DOERNER'S CAFE Mrs. Anna Sullivan, her dau- & BUS DEPOT ghter Mrs. Albert Johnson and Beach, N.D. daughter ~f Orville, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. John Opheim of Anoka, Minn., left for their homes after having spent almost i -- 1947 Pontiac 4 door DeLuxe McCormick No. 125-SPV ComMne Ad No. 2528 1 1948 Chevrolet Carryall Suburban, 8 pass. 1 1946 International 3-4 ton Pickup 1 1948 International 3-4 ton Stock CROPS and CONDITIONS and Grain Box. 1 1947 Dodge 2 door 1 1929 Eord 2 door Model A 1 1936 Plymouth 4 door 1 1946 2 ton Truck, 2 Speed, 8.25 x 20 Tires. 1 - 1946 2 ton Truck, 8.25 x 20 Tires 1 1946 1½ ton Truck, 7.50 x 20 1 1933 Chev. Truck, Long 1 -- 1934 International Truck, 1½ ton 1 1940 Chevrolet 2 door 1 -- 1939 Mercury 4 door 1 1935 Chev. 1½ ton, short Dual 1 1934 Ford Panel 1 -- 1947 Chevrolet 3-4 ton 1 1947 Buick 2 door Special. BUY BEFORE CREDIT CONTROLS GO ON. McCormick No. 125-SPV Combine Whether you harvest soybeans--small grains-grasses --legumes-sorghums:--or special grass .c{ops, d~.e McCormick No. 125-SPV harvester-thresher wm nanate them all. It gets all the crop, too, whether.tall or short, of attachments for specialized needs adapts m to virtually every harvest condition. With the McCormick No. 125-SPV you can open fields anywhere. There's no backswath, no running over uncu rearer maneuveraoutty t grain. You have g better traction £or umgh going. O,e operator-one engine-reduces harvesting expense, saves a bigger share of your crop income. " " " st Let us tell you more about tilts late a model McCormick self.p~o1~llcd ¢amblne. lt-s bushel and dollar "saver' m any kind of crop. Beach, N. Dak. MOND'S Beach, N,eD.- Wibaux, Mont. a week here visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and the Will Brown ,and Charles Allen fami- lies. Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Opheim are sister and brother of Mrs. John Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lardy were week end guests of Bud's mother Mrs. Olga Lardy and other rela- rives and friends. Mrs. Gertie Honnold was host- ess to the Get-Together Club at her home Wednesday ,afternoon. Bridge was played at several tables. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kessel and Mrs. tIarmon Olstad drove to Miles City Saturday to get ttarmon O]stad, who had been a patient at the hospital there for several days. Miss Joy Carlson arrived from Forsyth, Mont., by bus to spend a few days here with friends be- fore accompanying her parents lo Big Timber. Mont.. where her dad is employed. Mrs. Bertha Walda] entertain- ed several ladies at her home Monday afternoon in honor of her daughters Mrs. J. II. Shee- ban of Mobridge, S. D.. and Mrs. Harold Davis of Bozeman. Mont. Those present included Mrs. Ole Omley, Mrs. Vic John- son, Mrs. Walter Dixon and Marilyn, M:'s. Sam Waldal and Mrs. Einar Waldal. Mrs. A. Streitz of the Golva community was a Sunday visi- tor at the home of her son Joe and family. Mrs. Guy Honnold and child- ren of Aitkin, Minn., visited at the John Honnold home Thurs- day, Mrs. Anna Dietz entertained St. Mary's Altar Society at her home Thursday afternoon. Roy Franzen and his sister Clara and husband of Tacoma, Wash.. are visiting at the par- ental Win. Franzen home. Mrs. Inga Carlson returned Saturday from Minor, where she spent several weeks visiting at the home of her son-in-law and dau!:hter Mr. and Mrs. Wally Varberg. ){rs. Einar Waldal had as her guests at lunch Thursday after- noon Mrs. Sam Waldal, Mrs. Bert Waldal. Mrs. Olga Lardy and ,Mrs. Otto Peterslie. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dixon and daughter arrived from St. Paul, Minn., to vist the farmer's mother Mrs. Joe Dixon and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Carlson were guests at a party in the Lutheran church parlors Sun- day evening, when church mem- bers and their families gathered to honor them on their 40th wedding anniversary. Rev. Ols- rud led devotions and singing, after which he spoke'of the joys of a Christian rnarriage and praised the Carlsons for their work in the ehurch, q~his was followed by the presentation of a mometary gift from those present. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson thanked everyone for their gift and thoughtfullness, after wifich a light lunch brought by the ladies and members was served. ,Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Ituber, who now reside .at Forsyth, Mont., spent the week end at the par- ental Ed Cook home. Bill and Johnny Meyers and Bob Van Horn who are also employed at Forsyth spent the week end at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson of Bismarck were wo~,k end visitors at the Vie Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. C:~rl Moen, Mr. and Mrs. Arl M('(/ill and Mrs. Susie Goldsberry left Tuesday for Moscow. Idaho. to visit Ken- neth Goldsberry. They will al~ visit at other Idaho points. THE COMING HARVEST SEASON We have canvas and webbing on hand to make those necessary repairs. Also a number of other items needed by the harvester. On Saturday, July 29tkat 3:30 p.m. we will make the three drawings to de- termine the winners who registered during our recent sale. If you should be in town drop in to see if you were one of the lucky winner . 5's- 10's- 25's- 100's Complete Stock GOLDEN VALLEY -- IN HEAVY SYRUP FRUIT COCKTAIL, no. 2½ can 33c 3 cans 98c ALL FLAVORS or 3 pkgs 2lc r] ALL FLAVORS ZEPHYR_ 8 oz. bottle, 3 for 25c can, 2 for 33c FOR HOT.DISHES TOI IATO PUREE, 10½ oz. can, 4 for 25c FRESH CREAMERY -- s pound - • • 60C OIL MAINE 3 cans 25c 12 cans 98c MORRELL'S oz. can 39c cans 75c Quality Merchandise For Lessl Free Delivery A. Me and P. M. --