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July 27, 1944 |
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July 27, 1944
at the Claud Schouboe home. Mrs. Martha Shepherd, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holmes of Annie Kwever and Mrs. Nellie Hlgo
What ageney administers ted- months miniman% the amounts be° Baker entertained Tuesday evening gans of Richland Center, Wls. spent
laws governing veterans' ben° lng determined by the b~eficiary's in honor of Pfc. Charles Plummer. the past week visiting at the Chas.
cRaM? age with such payments continuing Mrs. Claud Baker visited from Shepherd and Fay shepherd homes.
A, The Veterans Administration. during the lifetime of the benefl- T~esday until Friday at Olendlve Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Rusted re-
x x x ciary, with her daughter, Cleo• ceived word from their son, Ralph,
Q• What Is meant by the term x x x Mrs. Narum and Mrs. Bert Hud- that he is now in a Red Cross rest
eRehabUitat|on.~ Q~ What are the requirements for son visited at the A. J• Jesfield camp in Italy, after having spent
A. Rehabilitation refers to re- entitlement to vocational rehabm- home Friday. several weeks in actual combat in
storing a disabled veteran to his ration? Mrs. Narum, Mr. and Mrs. Carl- Italy.
best possible mental and physical A. 1, Active military or naval ton Johnson were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Retold Schouboe
eondLtion, and helping him pre- service.any time after Dec. 6, 1941, the A. J. Jesfleld home Saturday. are the proud parents of a baby
pare for and get into employment, and during the present war; 2, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Baker and boy, born Friday at the hospital
honorable discharge; 3, service-con- Leslie visited at the George Cox in Beach. Mother and baby are
x x x nected pensionable disability due home Sunday. getting along fine. The baby has
Q. Where should application for b~ World War I service; 4, voca- It looks as if hot weather has been named Jimmy Bill.
vo.eational rehabiUtation be made? tlonal handicap due to such dis- arrived after the coolness of the Mrs. Narum's nephew, Carlton
A. To the Veterans Administra- ability; 5, need for vocation~l re- past weeks. Johnson, and Mrs. Johnson of De-
tlon office nearest tbe veteran's habilitation to overcome such ban- Bob Yokely and children of Baker trait, Mich. arrived Saturday to
home. National Service Officers of dlcap, visited at the Clinton Baker home visit several days before continuing
the Disabled American Veterans x x x Sunday. on to Centralia, Wash. to make
their home.
will be happy to help file applica- Q. IVhat do the terms "Missing~ $2c Lavern Shepherd left Monday Mrs. C~hrist Sherva and Venita
lions, and "missing in action" mean ? evening to return to Farragut,
x x x A. They mean the person has dis- Idaho. after his leave, returned home Monday after
Q. How are designated benefi- appeared. It is not inferred that Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wang and spending the past month with rela-
Clerics paid insurance in event of a he or she is dead. sons spent the day at Miles City tives in South Dakota. Mr. Sherva
serviceman's death? x x x on Saturday. came up from Baker for the
A. If the beneficiary is under 30 Q. ~en a person in service is Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose and tam- ,~1~. Hubert RusL~d received word
years of age, the msurance is pay- in the status of missing does the fly were dinner guests a~ the Grove f~om t'~r sister. Lt. Doris Sampson,
able in 140 monthly installments at pay stop? Lutts home Sunday. Who is an army nurse, and has
the rate of $5.51 per thousand. If A. No. His pay will continue as Mrs. Paul Thoemke and children s~rved the past few months in
over 30. the insurance is payable long as such status is officially reLurned home Friday after visiting England, that she is now back in
in monthly installments for F20 continued, several days at the Elmer Wang New York because of sickness, but
home. is much improved now.
Send questions with self-addressed, stamped envelope foi Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Perry and Fred Hudson and Byron Hudson
The Veteran's Friend, Disabled American Yeferans, 1423 E. family and Bob Perry were supper and children of Baker spent Sun-
~dcMillan St,, Cincinnati 6, Ohio. guests at the Charles Shepherd day at the Bert Hudson home. The
. , ,~me Thursday. children remained to visit until
Mr. and Mrs. June Billington and Mrs. Byron Hudson, who was called
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Malcolm and to North Dakota by the illness of
The politicians are asked where[ It has been claimed there is a daughter motored to Miles City on a brother, returns home.
they stand. Some are doing more surplus of women, but some women Wednesday, where they spent the Mrs. Everett Plummer entertained
i altting on the fence than standing, act enough like men to make up. ] day.
Cast at the
By the Veers of
Golden Valley County, NOrth Dakota
I h'creby certify that the wiU~in and followingheldAbstraCtat th.e Ofva .rious.electionV°tes•cast byprecinctsthe voters,~, ~d~ v nn theof Golden Valley
North Dakota. at the Primary Election Z=_~'_i-~...'~-=t-re~l~l-lar-1-~
of June. 1944, is a true ~'and correct copy at zne orzglnat ,q.Ds~ract ~**ereo~ **mu© uy ~*© s~ #
Board of Canvassers as required by law.
Witness my hand and seal this 15th day of July A. D. 1944.
MINNIE E SMITH. County Auditor,
( S E A L ) Golden Valley County, North Dakota
a group of children Friday after-
noon in honor of the birthday of
her daughter Bonnie. Games were
enjoyed for several hours and
dainty refreshments were served by
Mrs. Plummet'.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Shepherd
entertained Sunday at dinner and
supper the following people: Mrs.
Martha Shepherd, Nellie Hlggans,
Anni~ Kwever, Mr. and Mrs. Fay
Shepherd and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Randolph Perry and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Bowen and family,
Dolores Rusted. Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Corbitt and family of Baker.
Lucllle Hi,by Reporter !
........... 2=
Patsy Lund was a Sunday guest
of Fa~e Hammond.
Chet Stewart returned from Sun-
dance. Wyo. with ~ truck he had
~AME OF PRECINCT ............................. :--
o ~ ~
" •o ~ .
• 14 25 49 134 99 102 77 17 524
Total Number of Votes Cast ....................
v'10"DGE OF T~ eUPR~M~ COUI~T-- 8 9 20 28 97 72 73 54 13 3";2
JAMES MORRIS ....................................
~E OF DISTRICT COURT-- 5 9 23 34 105 69 73 53 14
HARRY L. BERRY ...............................
BTRUCTIO~ 1 3 8 10 20 1~. 23 13 4
NORM,qd~ G. JENSEN ..................... 4 7 17 30\ 89 72 M 54 9
ARTHITR E. THOMPSON .-~ ............
COM]H~eBIO~ER~ 5 8 19 35 83 67 64 48 13
JOHN GRAY ......................................... 1 3 S 6 2"[ 18 19 19 2
NELS P. NOBEN ....................................
~H~RIFF~ 6 9 ~ 37 114 81 75 67 15
RAY L. ZINSLI ............................. : ....
Qo~n~rY AUDITOR-- 8 10 24 39 120 88 85 64 15 451
MINNIE E. SMITH .................................
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fulton were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Biers of near Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Smeltzer.
Arthur Martin has been discharg-
ed from the army and is .returning
home soon.
..... M,r, gnd ,Mni.' ~m 'Fulton were
Sunday su1~per guests of Mr• and
Mrs. Earl Hinby and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Stark and
children were sunc~y visitors last
week at the claude Lurid home•
Patsy Lund was a guest from
Sunday until Wednesday of last
week of Lois Storkel.
Harvey Flske spent Saturday at
the Hlgby home doing some work
Dorothy Hammond and Maxine
Bargfeld visited last Sunday with
Adele and Patsy Lurid.
Mrs. Wilbur Hammond and Mrs.
Earl Higby were Sunday afternoon
callers at the Claude Lund home.
Isn't it too bad Hitler couldn't
have been finished completely? But
it does sound encouraging.
The ladies of the Carlyle U. B.
Aid took in quite a sum of money
Tuesday of last week from the sale
of ice cream and cake and coffee.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fulton were
weekend visitors at the Charles
Fulton home a week ago last
Dudley Fulton was honor guest
at the Charles Fulton home a week
ago last Sunday, the occasion beiv~
385 Dud's birthday.
Mrs. Dulayne Fulton and baby and
(3wendolyn Fulton were Sunday
92 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. l.~n-
34S hie Vanatta and children.
Hayden Owens, who had been re-
342 ported missing in action, has been
99 accounted for as a prisoner of war
in Germany.
426 Mrs. Wilbur Hammond and
daughter Faye, Cecil~ Kreuger and
MJ4.B~ 8 10 25 39 118 91 90 6"/ 1S 481
KENNETH STOUT .............................. ; ..........
~GIn'l~ OF DEEDI)...- 7 10 .. 24 34 119 88 87 66 16 449
, ,T~ DONALDSON .....................
ITAI"Z~ ATTOI~NK'Y-- ~ 11 6
#OH~ KEOHANm ................................ 1 ~ 8
GuY LEE .............................................. , ~'
~0~ s~mrr or
~OOL~$. ADAMSON .............. 7 I~ 23 41 112 m '/~ ~'/ 19 41S
L. . ............... ~ ....
~DM~NISMTOR--" * 1 9 1 I 12
KEOHAN~ ......................
nlYlIYEYOll-- • 10 4 14
"" 3 s 4 is S 1 1 31
: ~ ................... .~j~-----
S 1S ~8 88
_,%7 :~ ~ 16 4~
5 1 1 7
4 8 17 ~ 9~ 67 67 45 11 349
I~urane Waterland were Sunday
afternoon cailers at the Earl Hlgby
Miss Maline, the Emergency War
FOod assistant, held a ca~.. anal
food preservation demonstratlo+n_ at
the home of Florence Mark Mon-
day of last week. ~ Maline also
festal the gauges on pream~_ cook=
ers, Mrs. Staxk servea co~ee ~
d0ugh-nUts, which she. ~
herself, she gave reclpes tar me
doughnuts to the ladies preem~.
of Golden Valley / ~ ~ within and for .Beach. N, D•, July 5th 1944.
..... • certify that ~e ....... egomg Abstract of Votes cast at the