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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 27, 1944     Golden Valley News
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July 27, 1944
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PAGE SIX THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, July 27, 1944 NOTICE TO ~ITOR$ XN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF A. E. SIMMONS DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator with the Will annexed of the estate of A. E. Simmons, late of the City of Daven- port In the County of Scott and State of Iowa, deceased, to the cre- ditors of, and all persons having claims against, said decedent to ex- hibit them with the necessary vouch- era within six months after the first publlcaUon of this notice to said Administrator at his office in the CHy of Beach in said Golden Valley County, North Dakota or to the County Judge of said County, in his office lm said County and State. NOTICE is hereby further given ~t the time and place fixed by the court for hearing and adjust- /rig such claims are the 30th day of January, 1945. at ten o'clock A. M. in the Court Rooms of the County Court in the Court House in the Cit~" of. Beach in the County of g~ol~en valley and State of North Dakota. Dated this lgth day of July, 1944, JOHN KEOHANE Administrator with the Will Annexed of the F_~- tare of A. E. Simmons, Deceased. KEOHANE & KUHFELD ~ettorneys for Administrator ach, North Dakota. First publication on the 20th day of July, 1944. (July ~Z0, 27; August 3. 1944) -- V NONCE AND CITATION HEARING ~ID FINJqJL ~OBT AND ACCOUNT PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION State Of North Dakota ) )as County of Golden Valley ) In County Court, Before Hon, James Donaldson, m THE MATTER OF THE~U]~/kTI~. OF ANDREW SONNEK. Deceased. A. F. Irons as Adminis- ) t~ator, ) Petitioner. ) vs. ) Frances Sonnek and P. J. ) ]~ns, as Special Guardian ) for said Frances Sonnek, ) an Incompetent person, An- ) arew ~mnek, Mary SonneK ) uess, Vincent Sonnek, Paul ) Sormek, Robert Sonnek, ) Sarah Sonnek, Elleen Son- ) nek Frieke (formerly Elleen t Sonnek Geiger), Frank Son- ) nek, Mildred Blydenburgh ) and Ins M. Still, as Speelal ) t~uardlan for Frank Sonnek ) and Mildred Blydenburgh, ) minors, ) Respondents. ) THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TOTHE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- DENTS: You, the above named respondents, are hereby notified, that the final account of the Administrator of the ~tate of Andrew Sonnek, late of the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. deceased, has been rendered to this Court. therein show/ng that the estate of the said is ready for final settle- ment and distribution, and petition- Jng that his account be allowed, the residue of the said estate be d/stributed to the persons thereunto e~tltled, his administration closed and that he be dlscharged; that Mo~day, August 7, 1944 at ten o'clock of the forenoon of that day, at the Court Rooms of this Court, in the Court House, in the City of Beach, North Dakota, has been duly appointed by this Court for the settlement thereof, at which time any person interested in :may appear and file his in writing, to said ac- petition and contest the And you, the above named re- spondents, and each of you, are .hereby cited and required then an/1 there to be and appear before this Court, and show cause, if any you have, why said account shall not be al~, ~the residue of said es- tote d~trib~u~ed, and the administra- Of said estate closed, and said A. F. Irons, administrator, discharged, Let service of this citation be ~ .8 required by law. ted this 17th day of July A. D. 1944. BYTHE COURT: JAMES DONALDSON Jmlge of the County Court ~SO~)KEOHANE, Attorney for Administrator, Beach, North Dakota. (July 20, 27. 1944) -~V -- SUMMONS STATE OF NO~RTH DAKOTA ) )as COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY ) IN DISTRICT COURT SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Ruby E. Doerner, ) Plaintiff, vs. 1 E. G. Favell, T, E. Hudson, Z, Viasoff, the unknown heirs of Z. Vlasoff, also ) known as Zosima Vlasoff, ) Deceased. and all other per- ) sons unknown claiming any ) estate or interest in, or ) lien or encumbrance upon ) the property described in ) the Complaint, 1 Defendants. THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN- DANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the Complaint of the above named Plaintiff, which is on file in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Sixth Judicial Distrlet in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Da~, and to serve a copy of your answer thereto upon the sub- scriber at ~his office in the City Of Beach, in said County and State, Within thirty (30) days after the service of this summons upon~ you, excltmive of the day of such .ser- Vice, and in case of your xauure 1~o appear or answer ag above re- quired, the Plaintiff will take judg- n~.nt against you by defatllt .for the renef dbmanded in the Complam~. Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this 26th day of June A. D, I944. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Postofflce Ad- dress: Beach, North Da- kota, .NOTICE ', ABOV~ NAMED DE~zEN- r for Plaintiff Dakota, (June 29; Ju] 20. 27; Aug. 194~) V~ CALL FOB BIDS bids will be received by of Beach. North hour of 8 o'clock follow- Depart- fog notable, inch hose, inch hose, of one foam cheml- fires. for any filed with not later than the i ] Flying Officer of Harvest Brigade ] The newest trick in flying is the guiding of 20 self-propelled combines of the Harvest Brigade across the hundreds of miles of wheat that stretch between Kansas and North Dakota. L. J. Lathes, Grand Forks, N. D., training and operations officer of the Civil Air Patrol, is shown beside the plane he uses in surveying the rou~e to be taken by his ~-Iarvest Brigade unit in its sweep from Hutchinson, Kan., through the Great Plains states to the Canadian border. His job includes hedge'-hopping from o~e farm to another, lining up acreages to be harvested, trouble-shooting, and the thousand other tasks connected with mov- ing a mechanical armada so great a distance. The Harvest Brigade is a force of 500 self-propelled combines, originated by the Massey-Harris Co., Racine, Wis., in cooperation with the War Food Administration, to harvest a million acres of grain which otherwise might remain uncut because of the critical shortages of manpower and machines. The Brigade is operating in Texas, the Great Plains states, California, and the Pacific Northwest. COPPER FUNGICIDES CHECK TOMATO BLIGHT The best fungicides for treating tomato leaf spot. which has ap- peared in North Dakota gardens at a very early date this year, are those containing the so-called fixed copper compounds with little or no lime. says W. E. Brentzel. NDAC Extension service plant pathologist. If favorable weather conditions continue, severe damage to the tomato crop may be. expected un- less adequate measures are taken at once. Some of the ready prepared fun- gicides, which are used for potato blight, contain lime in small pro- portion, and these are satisfactory, Bordeaux mixture, containing cop- per, lime and water in the pro- portion of 4-4-50, is often used on tomatoes. Many of these prepara- tions may be applied either as dusts or sprays, Thoroughly cover all parts of the plants, applying the fungicide with a good sprayer or duster designed for the purpose. Application should be made at this time and repeated every week or 10 days. If fungi- aides are used early enough, before the diseases become too advanced, either spray or dust should be profitable. This blight was very destructive in 1942 and again in 1943. The leaves show many small spots With light colored centers and dark margins, and in ,the centers of the spots are small black specks in which the germs are borne. The disease probably has orig- inated from diseased tomato plants and weeds of the previous year. Destroying old tomat~%#Vines and weeds about the gardafi is a neces- sary sanitary measure. ~-V TRUCK TIRES SCARCE Due to-the invasion which has demanded the greatest portion of our tire supply by our armed forces, a drastic reduction in truck tires for civilian use has been brought about, mainly so in the larger sizes. Further drastic reductions can be anticipated for the next sixty to ninety days, or longer. Truck operators are all bound to experience difficulties in secttrln~g tlre~. All operators are urged by th~ ODT to contact their AAA committee or the ODT in Bismarck when they have certificates for tires and are unable to get them, or have been unable to secure cer- tificates due to the county quotas being exhausted. This applies to all operators, especially those who .have trucks tied up because of in- ability to secure tires. ~.V.-- After complaining about wartime difficulties, high taxes, etc., the people settle down and read about the old days when folks used tal- low candles and cooked their meals over smoky fireplaces. ( OMMISSION S' PROC INGS State of North Dakota ) )as County of Golden Valley ) July lath, 1944, 9:00 o'clock A. M. the Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment with commissioners Tescher. Wosepka and Odland present W. H. Stutsman secretary of the eounty Welfare Board appeared be- fore the county Board in the in- terest of the Welfare Budget. M. M. Hogoboom. Jerry Kouba and A. G. Fasching appeared before the Board and were present ~hen the bid was opened for the recon- structmn of the Williams Creek Dam One bid was received and consider- ed and plans were discussed but no action will be taken until after ~n agn.S are discussed with the State racer. J. J. Walsh and submit- ted to the Board of county com- missioners for final consideration. 12:00 o'clock noon the Beard ad- journed and made a trip to the Williams Creek dam. The Board reconvened at 3:30 P. M. with all members present. The Budget for the fiscal year was considered and approved and the Board set the date of August 1st, 1944 at 1O:00 o'clock A. M. for the Budget hearing. 5:30 P. M. the Board adjourned to meet August 1st, 1944. MINNIE E SMITH County Auditor Golden Valley County North Dakota. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER O1~ THE ESTATE OF FRANK NOLL DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Frank Noll. late of the Township of Lone Tree in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota deceased, to the creditors of. and all persons hay- *rig claims against, said decedent to exhibit them with the neces- sary vouchers within s~x months after the first publication of this notice to said Administrator at the office of John Keohane in the City of Beach in said Golden Valley County, North Dakota or to the County Judge of said County, in his office in said County and State. NOTICE is hereby further given that the time and place fixed by the court for nearing and adjust* ing such claims are the ~6th day of February, 1945, a~ ten o'clock A. M. in the Court Rooms of the County Court in the Court House in the City of Beach in the County of Golden Valley and State of North Dakota. Dated this 26th day of July, '1944. JOHN L. TSCHIDA, Administrator. JOHN KEOHANE Attorney for Administrator. Beach. North Dakota. F~wt publication on the 27th day of July, 1944. (July 27; August 3. 10, 1944) Constituti(mal Amendment and Initiated Laws ABSTRACT OF VOTES Cast at the PRIMARY ELECTION, JUNE 27, 1944 By the Voters of Golden Valley County, North Dakota OFHCIAL ABSTRACT I hereby certify that the within and following Abstract of Votas~aSt by the voters of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, at the Primary Election held at the various election precincts of said County on the 27th day of June. 1944, is a true and correct copy of the original Abstract thereof made ~by the regularly organized Board of Canvassers as required by law. Witness my hand and seal this 15th day ~f July A D. 1944. iS E A L ) ' MINNIE E:~ SM~ITH, County Auditor, Golden Valley County, North Dakota NAME OF PR]~::INCT ............................. ~ 0 ~ . "~ o c P 0 z ~ Z [- 0 Z z .z o m p z > Z ! To(el Number of votes cast ................... ~ 12 24 41 II0 Sl 82 65 14 436 Sale of School and Public Lands. yES................................................................ S 6 14 26 72 40 54 33 9 259 NO ................................................................ 1 6 9 12 35 36 24 25 5 153 Consfltuflomsl Amendment-- State Equalization Fund, YES 2 1 lS 19 43 25 50 31 6 193 NO ================================================================ 5 10 S 19 67 50 32 26 8 225 Initiated M~mu~n~-- ~al State Income Tax Laws, .............................................................. 2 6 6 20 53 38 30" 24 6 185 NO ................................................................ 4 5 18 21 55 42 51 41 8 245 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) } County of Golden Valley ) " Beach, N. D., July 5th 1944, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the within and foregoing Abstract of Votes cast at the We, Election. held at the various election precincts in this Counjy, is a true and corr~.t abstract: Primary according to the returns made by the Election Hoards of the various precincts, w~mess our nanas, anu the seal of said County, the day and year above first written. iS E A L ) LEWIS ODLAND. Chairman County Commissioners James Donaldson, Coupty Judge R. C. Doyle. Chairm~" Demo- crallc Comml~ J. M. Still Chairlv(an Republican Committee ~n~eth Stout DePUty Treasurer ie E. Smlth County Auditor % Consolidated ABSTRACT OF VOTES Cast at the PRIMARY ELECTION, JUNE 27, 1944 By the Voters of Golden Valley County, North Dakota OFFICIAL ABSTRACT I hereby certify that the within and following Abstract of Votes cast hy the voters of Golden Valley County, North Dakota. at the Primary Election held at the various election precincts of said County on (ha 27th day of June. 1944. is a true and correct copy of the original Abstract thereof made by the regularly organized Board of Canvassers as required by law. Witness my hand and seal this 15th day of July A. D. 1944. , S E A L ) MINNIE E. SMITH. County Auditor, Golden Valley County, North Dakota NAME OF PRECINCT ............................... Total Number of Votes Cast .................... 7 14 25 49 134 99 102 77 17 524 UNITED STATES SENATOR-- USHER L. BURDICK ........................ (Republican) GERALD P. NYE .................................... (Republican) LYNN U. STAMBAUGH .................... (Republican) A. C. TOWNLEY .................................... (Republican) JOHN MOSES ........................................ Democratic) 2 4 3 13 10 9 27 13 3 3 3 12 16 65 35 35 22 5 195 1 3 4 10 41 30 14 21 4 1~ 3 1 2 1 I 3 2 1~ 1 2 3 3 9 15 '14 10 3 60 REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS-- RALPH BEEDE .................................... (Republican) CARL E. DANIELSON ........................ (Republican) WILLIAM LEMKE ................................ ( Republican ) GEO. McCLELLAN ................................ (Republican) CHARLES R. ROBERTSON ............ (Republican) ZDENA TRINKA .................................. (Republican) MILTON R YOUNG ............................ (Republican) HALVOR L. HALVORSON ............ Democratic) E. A. JOHANSSON .............................. ~Democratic) J. R. KENNEDY .................................... Demrocratic) 2 2 8 12 5 7 7 1 1 2 13 4 - 5 5 3 3 16 24 52 39 42 27 10 4 8 37 30 14 17 6 7 5 12 35 14 25 25 4 I I 1 3 i 3 3 14 6 50 28 39 20 3 2 I 1 7 II 10 6 I 1 1 1 7 4 3 1 1 2 2 2 7 9 7 2 GOVEI~IOR-- FRED G. AANDAHL .......................... (Republican) ALVIN C. STRUTZ ............................ ( Republican ) WILLIAM T. DePUY .......................... (Democratic) 5 4 17 19 89 54 49 39 4 1 5 5 19 27 21 26 19 10 1 2 3 2 7 14 14 I0 3 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR~ C. P. DAHL .................................... ~ Republican) OSCAR W. HAGEN ............................ (Republican) S. B. HOCKING ...................................... i Democratic 4 5 14 18 78 51 51 25 4 1 4 7 19 3~ 21 24 31 9 1 2 3 1 7 13 13 9 3 SECRETARY OF STATE--- CARL ANDERSON ................................ (Republican) THOMAS HALL (Republican} 2 5 6 14 27 19 19 18 1 3 4 15 20 83 51 52 37 15 STATE AUDITOR-- BERTA E. BAKER ................................ (Republican) OTIS BRYANT ...................................... (Republican) ALICE D. WAGNER ............................ ( Democratic} 4 8 12 25 57 40 34 37 12 1 1 10 10 58 33 40 19 1 1 2 3 1 8 14 12 9 3 STATE TREASURER-- VlC L. GILBREATH ............................ 1 5 7 16 23 17 17 17 5 (Republican) OTTO KRUEGER ................................ 2 4 14 17 76 48 54 33 8 (Republican) JULIA M LYNCH ................................ 1 2 2 1 6 14 12 9 2 Democratic) ATTORNEY GENERAL-- P, B. GARBERG .................................... { Republican) NELS G. JOHNSON .......................... { Republican) JOHN A. LAYNE .................................. Democratic) 4 2 12 19 16 21 17 1 4. 5 18 21 87 48 52 34 9 1 2 2 1 7 12 12 7 3 COMIVlISSIONER OF INSURANCE-- OSCAR E. ERICKSON ..................... (Republican) FLOYD E HENDERSON .................... (Republican) O. R. VOLD ........................................... (Republican) ED. P. COSGRIFF ................................ Democratic) 2 6 5 20 34 27 27 34 7 2 1 11 12 68 37 34 16 6 2 1 6 2 7 5 13 7 1 1 2 2 6 11 13 8 2 COM]MISSIONER OF AGRIC~ AND LABOB-- MATH DAHL ........................................ (Republican) RAY STAIR .............................................. (Republican) 4 8 7 21 37 33 29 34 12 2 14 12 71 36 44 18 1 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONEB-- ELMER W. CART ............................... (Republican) C. W. McDONNFJ-J~ ............................ (Republicam) 5 4 II 22 16 23 18 1 2 15 19 75 46 45 3@ 1~ STATE SENATOR-- (Jim D~E~S) " G~Y ................................................ GUST WO~ ............................................ 4 6 9 18 6"/ 47 55 29 2 2 II 15 46 27 21 27 12 MEIM~L'RS OF HOUSE OF REP]M~- SEM'rATIVES-- (Jam Disn.tct) M. B. HOGOBOOM ................................ C. T. OLSON ........................................ J. M. STILL ............................................ 3 8 ~ 15 28 100 gl 66 47 13 3 4 13 17 7"/ 47 52 37 13 6 7 20 18 81 51 52 3@ -12 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) ) County of Golden Valley ) Beach, N. D., July 5th 1944. We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the within and foregoing Abstract of Votes cast at Primary Election, held at the various election precincts in this County, is a true and correct l~ according to the returns made by the Election Boards of the various precincts. Witness our hands, the seal of said County, the day and year above first written. iS E A L ) LEWIS ODLAND, Chairman County Commissioners James Donaldson. R. C. Doyle. Chairman cratic Committee J. M. Still Chairman Committee Kenneth Stout Minnie E. FORMALIN RECOMMENDED AS SHOE DISINFECTANT Formalin, which is inexpensive and easily obtainable, is recom- mended as a disinfectant for shoes, says Julia E. Brekke, NDAG Ex- tension service agent in. clothing. Place shoes in a small airtight box containing one or two tea- spoons of formalin in a small dish, or moisten a blotter with a halt teaspoon or more of formaline and place it in the toe of the shoe. Tightly wrap shoes in wax paper or place in a small airtight box. Leave them overnight, and after disin/ecting, expose to air and ~un- light until the formalin is pletely evaporated. Avoid inhaling the fumes, as it irritates the eyes, and throat. Formalin is poison, keep it out of reach of and pets. Buy WAR BONDS today[