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Golden Valley News
July 26, 2018
Oil a
The following relates to oil and
gas well activity for the week of July
15, in Stark, Golden Valley, Billings
and Slope counties and is from re-
ports of the N.D. Department of
Mineral Resources:
Change of operator:
From: Vanguard Operating LLC,
to: White Rock Oil & Gas LLC
#08324 - Barkland 1-18-2A,
NWNE 18-142N-104W, Golden
Valley Co.
#15102 - Beaver Creek 24-15T,
SESW 15-143N- 103W, Golden Val-
ley Co.
#14801 - Beaver Creek 24-15,
SESW 15-143N-103W, Golden Val-
ley Co.
#06992 - Federal 5-33A, SWNW
33-143N- 100W, Billings Co.
#14968 - Johnson Trust 2-34H,
SESE 34-143N-100W, Billings Co.
#07995 - Beatrice Ridl 13-13,
SWSW 13-140N-96W, Stark Co.
#15056 - Gregory Federal 2-9H,
NENE 9-142N- 100W, Billings Co.
#11667 - Northrup 1, NWNW 7-
144N-100W, Billings Co.
#11422 - Mesa Federal 1-9,
NWSE 9-143N-103W, Golden Val-
ley Co.
#16538 - Anheluk 24-1H, SESW
1-142N- 100W, Billings Co.
#10189 - Federal 5-27, SWNW
27-142N- 100W, Billings Co.
Well reeompleted:
# 1517 - North Range Resources,
LLC, Beta Race Federal 22-6,
;ENW 6-144N-100W, Billings Co.
1. In 2017, Edinson Volquez tossed
dae sixth no-hitter in Miami Marlins
history. Name three of the first five to
do it.
by Linda Thistle
Solution below
4 9
7 1
9 4
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way
that each row across, each column down and
each small 9-box square contains all of the
numbers from one to nine.
Moderate 00 Challenging
2018 King Features Synd Inc.
This weekly puzzle is brought to you by:
T&A Seeds
Beach, ND
(701) 872-3248
.2. What was the highest batting,-~, '~~ C~ St" DO~
~iverage legendary St. Louis Cardinals
pitcher Bob Gibson had during any
one season?
3. Name the coach of the San Diego
State football team the first time it won
11 games in a season as a Division I
program in 1969. (Hint: He went on to
become a well-known NFL coach.)
4. Who is the all-time blocked shots
leader for the Oklahoma City Thunder?
15. Carey Price set a Montreal Can-
adiens franchise record in 2018 for
most career games in goal. Who had
held the mark?
6. In how many decades did Rich-
ard Petty win at least one of his seven
NASCAR Cup season championships?
7. Caroline Wozniacki set a record
in 2018 with the longest span between
times holding the No. 1 spot in the
WTA rankings (six years). Who had
held the mark?
1. A1 Leiter, Kevin Brown, A.J. Bur-
nett, Anibal Sanchez and Henderson
2. Gibson hit .303 in the 1970 season.
3. Don Coryell.
4. Serge Ibaka, with 1,300 blocked
Shots (2009-16).
5. Jacques Plante was in goal for 556
games for Montreal (1952-63).
6. Petty won it twice in the 1960s
and five times in the 1970s.
7. Serena Williams went five-plus
years between No. 1 appearances.
Dave T.
2018 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
You can save dollars in the bath-
room by installing low-flow shower-
heads. These days, there are several
models that are earth-friendly but still
give you a good showering experi-
ence. Always turn the water off while
brushing your teeth, too!
g g 9 8 6 b L
9 9 6 I. 17 L g g
I. L 5996
It 6 L I. g S 9 9
L I- g g 9 9 b 6
9 8 6 L I.
8 ~ I~ S L 6 L 9
L 6 Z 9 8
6 L 9 9 tt I.
Shown from left, are Cindie Togni, Abigail Wilhelmi and Peg Wosepka. (Courtesy Photo)
The P.E.O. STAR Scholarship for $2,500 scholarship based on excel- motes increased opportunities for
the 2018-2019 academic year was lence in leadership, extracurricular women. There are nearly 6,000 local
presented to AbigailWilhelmi, a sen- activities, community service, aca- chapters in the United States and
ior at Beach High School. demics and potential for future suc- Canada with almost 250,000 initiated
The scholarship was presented at cess. The program is open to young members. The P.E.O. Sisterhood has
a Beach High School awards cere- women who are citizens or legal per- provided over $304 million in finan-
mony by Cindi Togni, chapter repre- manent residents of the United States cial assistance to more than 102,000
sentative. Abigail is the daughter of or Canada and who are graduating recipients. The PE.O. Sisterhood also
Tom and Tammy Wilhelmi, and was high school seniors at the time of ap- owns Cottey College, a fully accred-
recommended for this scholarship by plication. A student must be recom- ited, private liberal arts and sciences
Chapter C of Beach. Wilhelmi has mended by a P.E.O. chapter, college for women, with two-year
been accepted and will attend the The P.E.O. Sisterhood, foundedand selected four-year programs, lo-
University of North Dakota where on Jan. 21, 1869, at Iowa Wesleyan cated in Nevada, M o. Abigail is also
she plans to study pre-optometry be- College, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, is an the recipient of the Mary Miller
ginning this fall. international philanthropic and edu- Scholarship of $1,000 given by
The P.E.O. Star Scholarship is a cational organization which pro- Chapter C of Beach.
The Spats
by Jeff Pickering
GOINe 6-Row 6-OlN6.To TAKI55.
---- - by Charles Barry T0wrisend.
"" "t I I "' I I / In the grid on the left,
I~C~C~ ~V~,I:,~ ,ore,~r~,oro,oe
Find at least six differences in details between panels. I I {N I I I .j -i/ .~l,~ ~/t, terms associated with
' ' ' ' I I I )-)
= [ the Intemet The fol
I Rea, rrange these pool balls so that they will I ~ 5 ~"T~. ~ . ,~
totai 20 along all three sides. " "67,l II ~. ~l~l~ hepyl ~lngo:l~tSi,ga:~e ~.
DON'T SCRATCH ON THIS ONE! Chalky gives " ~~ web and !eaa you to
you 3-to-1 odds that you can't solve this puzz e 9. . ] ~~ the correct woras.
You have two minutes. 1. To be up and running
.tellmUS ~ so~ "9 "0u!ss!~u s! esnoH "S -6u!ss!m s! JellOO "t,
.~Uoqs st. ~.eH " "fiu!s~u~ s! ueo epos "g "Sutss.~u s! ~espeeH L :seoue~e~.O
HOCUS FOCUS puzzles $3.50.30 Volumes. Order at:
"g 'P '8 '~ '6 '~ '9 'L 'g :es~t,~lOOlO punoJe o8 pue Ileq dol
eq~, ql~M U~s :u~lnlos Jno -s~e~sue AUeLU eJe e~eLLL :Ja~suv
Illustrated by David Coulson
, O'S'O"WO-- ~~~[
How could Nervous Ned, using only eight letters, tell = ~=
this young lady that he thinks she is delightful?
"N-'l-l-n53 -V-EI-n :Je~SuV
IT'S MAGIC! Use the numbers 2 through 13 to fill in this
Magic Number Square. The numbers in each horizontal
row, and vertical column, should total 41. We've filled in
four of the squares. The rest is up to .you. Use trial-and-
error-- and a good eraser.
6t 'g '9 'H. :MoJ q#no=l Z '0 '0g '#
:MoJ PJ!ql 81. '8 ' 'LL :~oJ puooes ~ '9L 'gl. '6 :MoJ ls~! I :sJeMsuv
2, Web messages.
3. Used to get around the Web.
4. Internet location.
5. Unit of computer storage (very big).
6. A computer disaster.
7. Type of Web page.
8. Bad for your computer
9, Unwanted messages.
There is a dark frame around one of the
columns in the grid. If you solve the
puzzle, the letters in the frame, top to
bottom, will give you the name of a
group of single-topic messages.
.dnoJfsMeN. Sllads ULUnlOO pOttle,tJ-)~J~p Oq.J.
Ig s .s sm!A '8 'ewoH 'z 'qs~lo '9 'elAq~Ol~) '
el!sqeM tr JesMoJ8 8 l!e'"q ~ "eU!lUO 1. :s~et~suv