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8 M.
ItomJ of interost pickod up hore
mad there by our News reporimm.
We Ire alwlys glad to got your
mows Iterm~.
News As Gift--
A subscription to the News
apparently is becoming more
popular as a gift ox birthd,ay re-
membrance to folks who used to
live in this community. Among
those l.ast week sending such were Miss So-
phia Wojahn, who subscribed
for her brother Herbea't, who
now lives at Ralston Wyo.,
while Mrs. Al Gilman sent the
home- town News 40 her sons.
Earl, at Billings, Mont., and Al-
bert in Douglas, Ariz.. and to a
dau~hte,r. Mrs. James ~Kane. in
Byron. Minn.
New Cars--
~l%alph Mosser is the owner of
a new Oldsmobile purchased
last wt:ck from Slim Clark of the
Golden Valley Harvester Co. A
resident of the Miles City com-
munity pt~rchased a similar mo-
d~l. at the same time. Clark
made another of his flyin,g trips
to Minneapolis last Monday re-
turning the next day with a new"
Return From Vacation--
{Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones re-
turned Sunday night from a
week's vacation through the
Black ttills of South Dakota and
Yellowstone park, returning via
Bozeman, Mon.t. Four of their
children .accompanied them, the
youngest remaining with Maude
Edison during their absence.
Fargo Business Trip--
Clint Seeley spent a few days
in Fargo last week on business,
returning home Thursday
night. His wife and daughter
Patty left Sunday for Miles City,
'Mont., to visit at her parental
home. Several other daughters
of the Schwartz family were to
be there at the same time, and
they planned a family reunion
sometime the latter part of this
Billhags Week ~ad--
Miss Sophia Wojahn, chief op-
erator of the Beach telephone
exchange, and C~yle Grook
spent last week end in Billings.
Mont., where Miss Wojahn went
through the clinic.
Carlyle Church For Sale--
The building which has serv-
ed as the Lutheran church in
Carlyle is now being offered for
sate, the Carlyle Lutheran group
having ,taken over the former
Evangelical United Brethren
building. Since that congrega,
tion has dissolved, the Lutheran
cht~rch is the only one serving
the area.
Tour Park---
Mr. and :Mrs. John Fakler and
Jackie and Mr. and Mrs. AI Klein
of Ellendale, toured through
Yellowstone park last week, re-
turning home SaCurday evening.
Supper Guest~--
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ekre and
son Curtis were supper guests
Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
From California~--
Charlotte Fischer has arrived
in Wibaux to spend her vacatior
with her father, P. A. Fische~
and ,brother Willis and family
she has been teaching school
in California.
California Elberta
Peaches, crate
Zephyr -- Summer Drink
Nectar, 8 oz. bottle, 3
Coffee, 2 lb. can
Salad Bowl
Salad Dressing. full
New Low Price
Spry, 3 lb. can
Cheese, 2 lb. loaf
Rich Sudsing
Trend, giant size
Lemonade, can . . . '19c
Orange Juice, can ... 21c
Citruslp," can .... 20c
I Grape ]ulce, can 23c
Register at our sto .re for
Bargain Day Pm s
Ddivery a. m. & lh m. -- Phone 75
Return To Sentinel Butte---
Richard Otis and son Art re-
turned to Sentinel Butte last
week after spendir~g the past
mon,th in Detroit Lakes, ~VIinn..
with a logging orew.
Visits Rome, Italy---
Miss Barbara Power, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Power of
Beach, is spending her 12-day
vacation from her art teaching
duties in Rome, Italy, and other
historical spots in that country.
She spent quite a bit of time
in some of ~he world-famous art
galleries there, where she saw
many of the old world master-
pieces. Barbara is stationed now
at Friedeleberg, Germany.
Mother Succumbs---.
M,rs. Andrew Gray and dau-
ghter left last week end for New
Salem, to attend funeral servi.
ces for ,Mrs. Gray's mother, Mrs.
Ed Christianson, who succumb-
ed last Thursday in Bismarck
The last rites were held Sunday.
In Bismarck--
Mrs. W. E. Logan returned
home last Wednesday from Bis-
marck, where she had gone on
business. She is now enjoying
a visit from he~r aunt, Mrs. Min-
nie Hagen of Seattle. Arriving
at the Logan home this Tues.
day was Mrs. Margaret Corcoran
of Glendale. Calif., who came
especially to see her mother,
M~s. Caroline Frappier, who has
been in poor health recently,
and her other relatives in this
Stops In ~vJt--
Lyle Miller of St. Charles.
Minn., was a guest at the C. C.
Clark home last Wednesday en-
~oute to camp near Spokane,
Wn. He is the nephew of the late
E. V. Miller. Other callers at the
Clark-Miller home last week
were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hart
of Billings.
Changes Jobs--
Mrs. O. Leland. formerly em-
ployed at Doerner's Care in
Beach. is now working at the
Shamrock Care in Wibaux hav-
ing bought a imme in that town.
On Leave.--
Ray J. Merman of the navy
is home on a 30 day leave, vis-
iting his mother Mrs. Katherine
Marman of Glendive as well as
other relatives and friends in
Wibaux and Beach. *He has been
stationed at San Diego, Calif.
On Vacation--
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Owens and
th~ree children ]eft last Monday
from Wibaux on a vacation trip
through Yellowstone park, plan-
ning to stop at White Sulphur
Springs and Bozeman.
Baker People Picnic--
About 80 family members
and relatives of Baker had a
picnic last week in Roosevelt
park, honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Miller and Bernita Scott
of Harlan, Iowa, and Mr. and
Mrs. Elliot Plummet of Seattle
~q nnual Vacation--
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Raisler
and three children, and Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Ch~istenson of Bis-
marck left last Friday to vaca.
tion at Waubaun, Mln~. Mrs.
Raisler's sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Gale Putnam of Diekin.
son, planned to joi,n them there
this Thursday.
Visits Relatives---
Mr. and Mrs. John Underwood
~f Portland, Ore., stopped in
Beach a few hours last Saturday
tc visit the Art Underwood fami.
ly of the Sentinel Butte rural
community; they were enroute
tc see his l~rother Bert at Colum-
bus, Mont., and hls father, John,
who is 90 years old, and resides
at Missoula, Mont. It was John's
first visit in this community in
Old Settler Visits--
Mrs. Maggie Vaughan Osborn,
an old settler of the Beach com-
munity, visited her sister Mrs.
A,rthur Reinholz last week. and
renewed old acquaintances m
the community. Mr. and Mrs.
Reinholz drove her to Billings
tc visi,t her niece Mrs. Ted
Wright before returning to Ta-
coma, Wn.
Surprise Gues~---
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reinholz
had as surprise guests this week
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matheson of
Chippewa Falls, Wis. Other
guests at the Reinholz home this
week included Mr. and ~Mrs. Ted
Vaughan of Oregon and their
daughter-in-law, and Mrs. Rein-
holz' sister, Mcs. Susa Freeman.
Snow Capped Mrs.--
After Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Sleight finished their Christmas
gift buying at the Billings,
Mont., market week, they spent
two days in the park, going
from Red Lodge to Cook City,
through roads that were bord-
ered with high snowbanks. They
returned home last Friday.
From California--
Arriving in Beach Monday
from San Leandro, Calif., were
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Erdmann
and two sons, who plan to visit