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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 26, 1951     Golden Valley News
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July 26, 1951
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L JULY 26, 1951 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N.D. PAGE SEVEN |lat tile A1 Icons home. Mrs. Fritz Fasehing, Mrs. Mph |l" l~ichard Brown of Belfield Gloyd Bury and Beverly, Mrs. a News |] called on Jim Irons Sunday. Bertha Bury and May'nard were _ I[ Mr. and Mrs. John and Al Baker shoppers Friday. They all J' ~ Irons and Edith Carew were sup- called on Mrs. Claud Schou,boe. Birthday club meets with Hil. [ per guests of M~-. and Mrs. Fred Mrurice Hogoboom was a da Drewniak Wednesday. |Wojahn Sunday eve. Beach shopper Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Drewniak M,rs..Bud C]ouse and Mrs family of St. Cloud, Minn., were and Shirley were Sunday eve- Gloyd Bury and Mrs. Berth~ Over nite guests of Mr. Win. Car. ning callers at the Fritz Fasch- Bury were Beach shoppers Thurs. ew Monday. ing home. day. Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and M~s. John Irons and Mrs. Karnes Johnson & Mrs. Ida Harold Barthel Monday ni~e were son and Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Johnson took Mrs. Leighton Mr. and MJrs. Bob Carew and Bury enjoyed a chicken supper Nunn and daughter to Beach family, Mrs. Ray Popiel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brockmeyer, Mr. Wm. Carew, Mr. and Mrs. Don and fami- ly and Edith Carew. 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sch] raitz and family we,re Sun, "yl eVening callers at the Ray Fas- ehing's home. Mrs. Ray Popiel spent the pastt Week visiting relatives around ~olva and Alpha. Mr. and Mrs. John Irons and | boys were Sunday dinner guests ] at the Shamrock Saturday eve. Mr. and Mrs. Karnes Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wosepka, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Grockrel and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Clouse enjoyed an anniversary supper at Jack': Club Saturday eve, in honor of the Clouses. Mrs. Bertha Bury and May- nard Bury left Baker Saturday for Wilmont, S. D., to spend a week visiting relatives. Beverly Bury spent the week end with Sally Fasching. TUESDAY The Western is young in years, but old in experience. We are continually striving to make our ring a better place to market your livestock--a large number of pens are paved, all alleys are paved, a number of pens are under shed, andwater and hay in the pens. All these facilities add up to better care and better selling for your con- signment. Wednesday. Mrs. Nunn took the bus to Miles City. ,Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cockrel and son and his friend of Rose- burg, Oregon, spent a few days vacation at the Bud Clouse ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Clouse and family and their guests Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cockrel and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Karnes John- son a'nd family were Friday sup. per guests of Mrs. Ida Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Axnold Olson and daughter of ~'alem, Oxegon, were ,Monday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Clouse. 'A lawn party was held at the ,Karnes Johnson ranch this week. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wosepka and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hess and fami- ly, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sch. reeling and boys, Mr. and Mrs. l~ud Clouse and boys, Mr..and Mrs. Clyde Cockrel and boys, Maurice iHogoboom, Mr. ,and Mrs. Art White, Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury. A tour to the burning coal mine a,bout 40 miles east of the Johnson ranch was enjoyed by everyone. AH returned to the ranch for a picnic supper. Mr. and Mrs. Groyd Bury call- ed at the Rudolph Bo~hike home Sunday eve, ~Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brock. meyer spen~ Tuesday with Mrs. Bertha ~Bury. Mrs. Joe Carver (Grace Stod- derd) and son of Mississippi and her sister Mrs. Bud Miller were dinner and supper guests of Mrs. Nick Gamroth and Mrs. Luella Tull Tuesday. ~/Ir. and Mrs. Wilfred Gam- roth and family .and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie $cherman and girls and Mrs. Luella Tull were Sun- =Sent:mei = BUtte" ] Mrs. Delos Marsh of Parker's Prairie, Minn., was a house guest of Mrs. Harry Olson Fri- day and Saturday. She is the former Betty Qualle who resid- ed here until about three years ago. Dinner guests at the Ol. son home Sat. evening also in. eluded Miss Marion Brettin of Bismarck and Herb Chxudensky Mrs. Peter Lardy was hos+ess to St. Mary's Altar Society at her home Thursday afternoon. M~rs. Dick Belt arrived Thurs. day from Dillon, Mont., where she and her husband are at- tending Teacher's College, to spend four days with her mother Mrs. Olga Lately and her ~is- ters, Mrs. Sam Waldal and Mrs. Bert Waldal. Mrs. Win. Adams left Friday for Wishek, N. D., to visit her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Les. ter Dempsey and to get acquain- ted with her new grandson. Among those who entertained! at Stanley parties a~ t~ieir re- spective homes last week were Mrs. Will F. Brown, Mrs. Chas. Bohn and Mrs. Alfred Mar*An- sen. ~Wocd has been received here that Joh.n Carlson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carlson who are now wRh a construction out- fit at Spokane, Wash., recently~ I joined the ,Navy and is stationed at San Diego Naval Training Cente¢. Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Olson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Yates. • Mrs. Byron Hogoboom, M..s. CJara Brown and Mrs. Vic Carl- son attended the Women's Mis- sionary Federation Retreat at the Luthe,ran Bible camp at Me- dora Wednesday and Thursday. 'Myron Haugse of Dickinson is visiting at the John Honnold home. Lois Honnold left Sunday for Dickinson to visit Eunice Haugse for awhile. Mrs. Cecil Adams and Miss Joan Meyers left Wednesday for Minneapolis, f¢om where they will drive back a car for the Adams'. Mrs. Susie Goldsberry is spending a couple of weeks at the ranch homes of her sons Harris and Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fosjard and sons spenl Thursday and F~iday visiting Mrs. Fosjard's mother, Mrs. Wm. Scherle. Guests at the Paul Wischow home several days last week were their friends Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schwartz of Appleton, Wis. ,Mr. and Mrs. Herb Molm and family, former residents here, were calling on friends Tuesd,ay. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Waldal and children left Monday for their home in Los Angeles, Calif., af- ter spending the past two weeks at the Olga Lardy home. They were accompanied as far as Bozeman by Sam's mother, Mrs. t Clearance Women's misses dresses, in dressy, sport, sunback styles, also Skirts and slacks, and other seasonal merchandise .day dinner and supper guests i~ West coast and Eastern buyers .xre of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gamroth. We must make room for new fall stock jz Mrs. Nick Gamroth and Mrs. Luetla Tull were Tuesday after- ~i SALE ThursdaY, Friday," Saturday present at every Tuesday sale. Cattle noon guests of Mrs. Bertha Bury. || are shipped West as well East. Buyers Don Brengle and Gary || from all over the U. S. are present at GloydWere BuryTuesdaYfarm.Cal~ers at the --"|ii July 26, 27, 28 our sale during a year's time. Market Sally Fasching and her cousin |[There is still lots of hot weather ahead from Fargo were Monday after- YOUR cattle at Western.noon callers of Beverly Burys. il They were out sight seeing to enjoy wearing these garments a,.ound in the badlands. Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury and daugMer and Mrs. Bertha Bury [| "For the best in the West, were Wednesday evening call. ers at the Karnes Johnson ,ranch. go Western. every Tuesday." Mrs. Clara Olson and Harold .D i- N. Dak. J moved back to the farm the eacm past week. Everyone is gtad to see them back. Dickinson, North Dakota To Red I.,~lge--- Tom Hamre of Hodges and Swen Berg of Wibaux made a business trip to Red Lodge° Mont., last week. also driving th~-,ough Yellowstone .park. B~rtha Waldal who will visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis there and with the Ed Waldal family at Salmon, Idal~o. Mrs. Clara Brown and family wec'e Sunday dinner guests at the Robert Wyckoff home in honor of Jim Wyekoff's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyce were Thursday visitors at the Hall e'aneh at Trottersfor a branding party and were Satur- day visitors at the Richard Moore ranch in the Trotte~rs com- munity. Sunday visitors at the Vic Johnson home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mr. and M,rs. Einar Waldal and Ker- mit. Shopping among the nev~ ads ~s sure to save money. Outstanding-- and It'll Be Here Soon--The 14' Gleaner Self-Propelled Combine .... With est Advanced Features "USED and 1949 Ford Custom Sedan Coupe, fully equipped, excellent condition. 1950 Ford Tudor, one owner, low mile- age. This unit with new car guaran- tee. 1947 Ford Fordor, tip-top condition. 1948 Chev. 3-4 ton Pickup, heavy duty tires, springs, radio, heater, visor. A bargain, you can't beat. 1947 Reo 2-ton Truck, 2 speed axle, 8:25 tires. A good truck at rock bottom prices. 1940 Ford 1-2 Ton, motor completely overhauled. Latest St. Paul Hoists in stock for immediate installation. Beach, North Dakota TRADE TERMS FINANCE Our new front-end aligning machine is here, and our mechanics have been thoroughly train. cd to make YOUR car- DRIVE LIKE NEW. • Our customers who have had this correc- rive steering service on their cars have all been genuinely pleased with the results, and agree with us that it is sensational. Wibaux, Montana Located 1 mile East of Wibaux, on Highway No. 10 ===============================: ":.: "~ ::.:~::. :':': :::. ::::::: :-:::~ ::::..i:~:? :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::':" Where The Crowds Go J Don't delay--stop in and get a fre estimate, and an appointment. DANCE Remember, poor steering action may cau an accident, so why wait, when it is so inexpen- sive to correct NOW? ? ? Music by Dick & His Rainbow Hillbillies .Treat the famiiy--eat with us in our cool, attractive dini room Phone 74 Beach, N. Dak. where the food is always ao good you want tO come back for morel Dining room open Sundays, 1 p.m., to 2 am., week days 6 p.m. to 2