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July 26, 1951 Golden Valley News | |
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July 26, 1951 |
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Car~line Nix, the children of
Ida Hengles, deceased, Har-
ry Hengles, Oscar Hengles.
I~rllest Hengles. Martha Bar-
that|, Mildred Dick, Verna
HeIMfles, Christina Linden-
~tlnr, Clara Zenzen. Elea-
nor Dehmer. Robert Deb-
ate'. Ambrose Dehmer, Ag-
~ Lindeman, Ben Deh-
m~r, and all other persons
interested in the estate of
William O. Dehmer. deceased,
~:and each of you, are hereby,
notified that Robert Dehmer and
P~ter Schillo, the Petitioners herein.
have filed ~n this Court a document
in writing purporting to ~be the Last
~ill and Testament of WLUtam O,
Dehmer, deceased, late of the Vicinity
~f Sentinel Butte. County of Golden
valley and State of North Dakota,
With their petition, praying xor ,me
a~lssion to probate of sa~d aocu-
fo4~t as the Last Will and Testament
of said deceased, and for the Issu-
ers to Robert Dehmer and Peter
~hfllo of Letters Testamentary there-
on, and that the said petition and the
Dr~fs of said purported Will and
T~tament will be heard and duyllV
~nsldered by this Court on Tuesday,
tl~ 14th day of August, A+ D, 1951..
• t ten o'cloCk in the forenoon of tha
day at the Court Rc~"ns of ,this Court,
the County Court House in ~ne
C~t~" of Beach, County o~ t~omen
~raney and State of North Dakota;
And you, and each o~ you, are nereo
by cited to be and appear before this
,Eourt at said time andplace and ans-
wer said petition and show cause, if
ally there be, wby the prayer of said
Petitioners should not be granted,
a~ you are hereby notified tha+t ..t~e
residence of said deceaen~ a~ me
time of his death was in the Vicini-
ty ~ Sentinel Butte. County of GoId-
n Valle?¢ and State of North Dako-
toilet service of this Citatmn be
made as required by law.
which time and place any taxpayer may appear and be in favor or against the
proposed expend/ture~.
The fo)Jowing is an estimate of the proposeo expenditures for the tiscalBeach, ....aux, MonL
year ending June 30th, 1951.
A. Payments by B. Amount C. Amount
PURIaOSE OF EXPENDITURES County Warrants Requested Appropriated
in last fiaealthis year this year
1. General Government, /st Dist, $ 202,88
County ~rd 2rid Dist. 180.98
3rd Dist. 189,17 $1000.00 $1000~ I
County Auditor 4776.00 5440.00 .5440.00
County Treasurer 3300.40 4900,00 3850.00
County Surveyor urer0
Assessors 3,31.40 400,00 400.00 ]
States Attorney 2485.00 3/)0,00 2950.00
District Court 546.95 600.00 600,00
Clerk of Court ~~
Justice Court
Juvenile Court
Courthouse, Mtce. of B)dgs. 5~5~6 3400+00 3400.t@
Light, Water, Fuel & Supplies 1320.10 1600.00 1600.00
Janitors ........ 1990.93 2210.00 2210.00
Examination Fees 500.00 500.00
Publishing & Printing Notices 1157.87 700.00 700.00
Elections 596.34 600.00 600.00
Books. Stationary, Office Supplies2685.~2 2500.00 2500.00
Postage, Telegraph, Express 1019.48 II00+0Q 1100.00
Official Bonds
Recording, Filing Deeds, etc.
Vital Statistics 42.50 50.00 50.0@
Machine Service Agreement 90.15 200.00 200,00
Addressograph Sales Agency 74.25 75+{}6 75,00
State Land 55.20
OA & SI. & Matching amount 394.14 475,00 475.00
Veteran Service 1317.85 1400,00 1400.00
Sub-Total , ,
Sheriff 4793.'/4 10,750.0~ "/250.00
Register of Deeds 45~.@2 5350,00 5350.00
Workman's Compensation Ins. 2~1.15 300.00 300.00
Property Ins.
Insanely Board I0.00 100.00 100.00
County Jaln Maintenance
County Jall 000
Board and Supplies for Prisoners
Burgular Ins. 10.00 10.00
Sub-Total $ ~ $ 4~16,710.~ $ 13,210.{)0
County Phys|cian
Public Health Nurse
Dated thls 20th day of July, A.D., Board of Health
Lawrenee Hoffman, prop.
Equipment, accessories and trim iilustratdd ate subJ#ct to chang• ~mtl~d~t nOf~g~
you will look forward to every
minute behind the wheel.
It means a car so beautiful it
stands apart from everything
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Come on in and talk deal--see
how easy it is to own a Pontiac.
AIerlea's Lowest-Prleed ~traight lgJJ~
IL~w~mt-Prleed Car
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