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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 26, 1951     Golden Valley News
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July 26, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Car~line Nix, the children of Ida Hengles, deceased, Har- ry Hengles, Oscar Hengles. I~rllest Hengles. Martha Bar- that|, Mildred Dick, Verna HeIMfles, Christina Linden- ~tlnr, Clara Zenzen. Elea- nor Dehmer. Robert Deb- ate'. Ambrose Dehmer, Ag- ~ Lindeman, Ben Deh- m~r, and all other persons interested in the estate of William O. Dehmer. deceased, Respondents. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON- ~:and each of you, are hereby, notified that Robert Dehmer and P~ter Schillo, the Petitioners herein. have filed ~n this Court a document in writing purporting to ~be the Last ~ill and Testament of WLUtam O, Dehmer, deceased, late of the Vicinity ~f Sentinel Butte. County of Golden valley and State of North Dakota, With their petition, praying xor ,me a~lssion to probate of sa~d aocu- fo4~t as the Last Will and Testament of said deceased, and for the Issu- ers to Robert Dehmer and Peter ~hfllo of Letters Testamentary there- on, and that the said petition and the Dr~fs of said purported Will and T~tament will be heard and duyllV ~nsldered by this Court on Tuesday, tl~ 14th day of August, A+ D, 1951.. • t ten o'cloCk in the forenoon of tha day at the Court Rc~"ns of ,this Court, the County Court House in ~ne C~t~" of Beach, County o~ t~omen ~raney and State of North Dakota; And you, and each o~ you, are nereo by cited to be and appear before this ,Eourt at said time andplace and ans- wer said petition and show cause, if ally there be, wby the prayer of said Petitioners should not be granted, a~ you are hereby notified tha+t ..t~e residence of said deceaen~ a~ me time of his death was in the Vicini- ty ~ Sentinel Butte. County of GoId- n Valle?¢ and State of North Dako- toilet service of this Citatmn be made as required by law. which time and place any taxpayer may appear and be in favor or against the proposed expend/ture~. The fo)Jowing is an estimate of the proposeo expenditures for the tiscalBeach, ....aux, MonL Phone 61 N. D. Wlh year ending June 30th, 1951. 44-ffc A. Payments by B. Amount C. Amount PURIaOSE OF EXPENDITURES County Warrants Requested Appropriated in last fiaealthis year this year year 1. General Government, /st Dist, $ 202,88 County ~rd 2rid Dist. 180.98 3rd Dist. 189,17 $1000.00 $1000~ I County Auditor 4776.00 5440.00 .5440.00 County Treasurer 3300.40 4900,00 3850.00 County Surveyor urer0 Assessors 3,31.40 400,00 400.00 ] States Attorney 2485.00 3/)0,00 2950.00 Coroner District Court 546.95 600.00 600,00 Clerk of Court ~~ Justice Court Juvenile Court Courthouse, Mtce. of B)dgs. 5~5~6 3400+00 3400.t@ Light, Water, Fuel & Supplies 1320.10 1600.00 1600.00 Janitors ........ 1990.93 2210.00 2210.00 Examination Fees 500.00 500.00 Publishing & Printing Notices 1157.87 700.00 700.00 Elections 596.34 600.00 600.00 Books. Stationary, Office Supplies2685.~2 2500.00 2500.00 Postage, Telegraph, Express 1019.48 II00+0Q 1100.00 Official Bonds Recording, Filing Deeds, etc. Vital Statistics 42.50 50.00 50.0@ Machine Service Agreement 90.15 200.00 200,00 Addressograph Sales Agency 74.25 75+{}6 75,00 State Land 55.20 OA & SI. & Matching amount 394.14 475,00 475.00 Veteran Service 1317.85 1400,00 1400.00 Sub-Total , , 2, PROTECTION TO PERSONS AND PROP~'r~. Sheriff 4793.'/4 10,750.0~ "/250.00 Register of Deeds 45~.@2 5350,00 5350.00 Workman's Compensation Ins. 2~1.15 300.00 300.00 Property Ins. Insanely Board I0.00 100.00 100.00 County Jaln Maintenance County Jall 000 Board and Supplies for Prisoners Burgular Ins. 10.00 10.00 Sub-Total $ ~ $ 4~16,710.~ $ 13,210.{)0 3. HEALTH A~ND SANITATION, County Phys|cian Public Health Nurse Dated thls 20th day of July, A.D., Board of Health Lawrenee Hoffman, prop. J f. Equipment, accessories and trim iilustratdd ate subJ#ct to chang• ~mtl~d~t nOf~g~ '!. you will look forward to every minute behind the wheel. It means a car so beautiful it stands apart from everything else on the road. The name Pontiac on your car means you are buying from a dealer who takes pride in the car he sells, the service he provides and his place in the community. Come on in and talk deal--see how easy it is to own a Pontiac. AIerlea's Lowest-Prleed ~traight lgJJ~ IL~w~mt-Prleed Car with GM HydraoMotIe DrIvo (Optional at eztra o~t) Your Cboiee of Silver Streak EogineS" Straight Eight or Six The Most Beautiful Thing on Wt'heels UId|teei ]lody by Fisher I