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July 26, 1951 Golden Valley News | |
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July 26, 1951 |
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Saturday, July 28th Music by Melody Five Orchestra
At Shamrock Club, Wibaux Everyone Welcome!
FOR SALE--One Oliver See Ed Smm for your fuel and oil GNDA REPRESENTATIVE , _
.Grai~master Model 30 com- needs. See us for your cred, itVISITS COMMUNITY Fivelion(5)toOfBeachHUn~?rNorlh • SecOndDakota,Addl- bideerhhCd-must chCCkaccompanyOf 5% each°f amountbi of ! ors reserve the right to reject any or
t as the same are -letted--~ ....... d. Bids]all bids.
bine, Inns pickup attachment• terms. Phone 23, Golva, or Nell Tracy, field reDresenta- ~ --... are ,to me aaaressed to the CountDated at Beach, North Dakota, th~
1 the Plats thereof on fileand Auditor of Golden Valle C~un~ 13ttl day of July, 1951
C. L. McManaman, phone [ 32W, Beach. 33-52tc ¢ive of the Greater North Da- ~ of record in the Office of the and are, to be filed not Tater than ~ E. SMITH, .
B~ister of D~d~ in and for 10 00 o clock A M
4-,Fl10 Beach 45-1tc ~~ kota association, was in Beach! Golden Valley Count. North 'A;~,~* ........"- -:'. ..Thursday, l County Auditor,
' " TRAILLn nvt#~ tu~ ~t,~:~ last wee" "inis~'- - • ! Dakota. w[l~-~ ~'--.~-~' a~ wnmn rime blots ] Golden Valley Courtty.
---/ . . K t nlng up OUslness
KILL ATHLETES FOOT Red and Sllver Ki¢, 3 ~'oom. s: details, also taking pictures at and that Tuesday, the 7th day of The'Bo~r~l'~-~-b ......... ] ,
North Dakota.
~eugust, A. D., 1951 at the hour of ,,~ %-uuuty ~ocn~l~lon- {JUly
19 - 26, Aug. 2 - 9)
"'r-4.L BEST SELLER z¢ It. over all. ~leeps a.. All Odland's dam and Home on the en o'clock in the forenoon of that ~ --
SAYS WOODWARD DRUG aluminum well insulateo in Ran-e f- , ........ day, at the C~urt Rooms of this ....
' .... ' g or buys. ~nere IS a os- Court, at the Court House in the
TWO C~TS PER WOBD HERE'S THE REASON The germ excellent condition inside and sibili ...... ~- ....... P ] City of Beach, Golden Valle'y Coun- m
• - ...... ty ot Ln~e pictures appear.
PER ISS~ ~rows deeD]V You must R~EACH out. See Mrs. R l~lrKp~trleK ;..~. ;.. ~Tr~ .......... ty North Dakota, has been set by H] ~ ~
--" ....... ' ,,,~ -, '~.'~ s l~vop~seu picture this Court as the time and place of |ll ~ ~L --- -- ~
....... it to KI'LL it. T-4-L, containing ~seacn. ~t~.ztpma~azine thi~ fsll m,h,i,~ivln,,hearing seid petition, gt which time ~[ "--" -- ---- ~ __ , ~ __
ma ace~p~ lot ion man ~ ~) ............... , v .......... s and place any person Interested may Ill ~ • • • ~=~ . ~ • • • []
_lm.m.r~lon. A ~vl~ clm~ge of ~ percent alCOhOl, 'Y~-II~- ~'fM~ ~t~ ~..~.h.. ~.~ s--~ the st.ate and it~ r~i,'~i~ ~¢ ;n appear and object to the granting of ||[ ~• ~.~ •
~nl ~ mad* fat "bl~',~m. ............................... ,n,~. ~eacnes more germ~, xour .... r' terest " ............ aaid etitton Ill "" = -- -- -- I 11 V ||
, . . wagon. K. u. T~omps~n, ~AI- •
40c back f~om any druggist If ~. ..... 9." Ano you, ano each of you. are ill ~ .J~
not pleased IN ONE HOUR. ~,au~. '~'"[PCLUB MEMBERS HONOR hereby cited and required then and ]][ ~w
.SALE--- Sheetrock wall. WOODWARD DRUG ~~~ MRS. O. PETERSON there to be and appear before this m -- __ •
.... Court and show cause, if any there[[l lr"____ ][~[ n 1 n
~d. Quantities Beach. N. Dak. rate bath. Mrs. Allen Wood- Members of the Saddle Butteg~n~vhy this petition shored not be ~] rflr 1//1111" IlgggTil~i(
andlt~,n Golval~Um°er.u°:'N D l~each,. N. 144 tfcI42-4~ ward. ~ 45-1tp T~Thave~SayhL%em:kThei, r~l~bstleasSt.., tl°L2ta:%l~lC~reb~Dated ;he~s 14th ~lva?aewof~ay of" July,thlSA.Cita'D., III "' .v. =v.s =-s.~,,~t~n
FOR SALE---Radio.pho~h FOR SAIME .-.,~ St. P~tul Hoists, Mrs. Obert Peterson with a
1951. III
• ~.~.--~=e t~.z~ mauey. I combination See Mr or Mrs .... ^ * " " h • ' Ill
r".....,, ......... _. ~ .: .-.• _ • .~azo.t~ each, zor 158 in. wheel s over, presenung her with BYGuyTHELEE,COURT: m 1 years .... of constructive
• ~ ~c~ prupeneu "commne. ! Russell Douglas, tmach. 42-3tcbase .2 7 ft Mowers w'lif many useful thin s farher new
all: 4-Fll or see Earl Sch- - " _ • , • , , I t, . g . Judge of theCounty Court.
~litz .2 9" [FOR SALE---One 7-* Notional $31000 each 1, 3' x 2" x 10' ly=arrlve@ baby son They met Wtto~eyE%Korl~S~etitioner [H agement
has made our SALE grow to
• ~IO-.~C ' "~4~, " . " , . "
• [ -~s~,,re on,~ker used once Stock Tank, $54.80. 1 10 the farm home of Mrs. Carl Beach, North Dakota.' t[[]one of the ;-,h~ ~r~uur~a,~
SALE--F~rd truck, 1½ ton, [ $i5 "I~autyrest mattress, usedSpring Tooth Harrow, '$128.6U. Ueckert where they had their • (July 19 - 26) II! ' ~ e~ov --, ~at~. ~va~xal vv *~O~o
134 rn,d~l ~a~,,~h~,,Han~n[ ~ v[ ~ ~......ho etm ~ c-r~dwin 1 13ft Jeffoyy Plow, $34000 meeting.annual picnic, after the business No.c, OR.WS* I [mThe *
t immediate use, ThompSon, phone 130 Beach. 1,12ft. Case Wlndrower, $400.. . • ishereb"~---gven that the[ number I~ARMER~iI~
Imh~ ,~^ ~^~ ,,. ~. t • .... 00 1 1929 M~d~ h,, u,;,~v~.o I Notice i
........." L~ ~" *' "''" "O | ~a-Z~C mo',~r" ' _~1.~-~ tm ................. . ,a~o ~n~. ] FOR SALE---One Paramont corn- Board of C~untF Comrrd~tioners o'~lil RANCHER eon~urn~d ,,s+tl,~ ~, ~',i,-a
",* 44-rlc - ~ . ~--,,,~ ........ - .... , ~-.~c~ .... ,. " ta, will receive sealed bids, at the'l~l W r *
=_ . ~* [FOR SAI~-iMohalr covered line Chev. Car, $300.00. 5, 6 bl, nation g.~s range .with reg.~ourtG°IdenhouseValleYtn .CountY,the C~ity Norther Beach,Dak°" [ |l|at e a e selhng week-' " .... after - ' week' attract"
rl~E--I ermnow offe~in~ Dfa- [ d.aven~or{ and chair in good Horse Bri~s and Stratton Me-, uramr and bottle, in perfect 0:00 A. M. oa the 9~ " .of Au st, - '
• -- ..... ' CO * '
los , nditlon Also one Superflame
sons at my home. Mrs. J condition, also child s tricycle One m ee horSe l do br " , onorete- Iv themany buyers from CORNBELT
Beach, North Dakota. Speclflcatior~ ' ''
r .... - • " .~ • ..... , u e our e¢ oii heater in Numb~.,~--~=~, ,,- ,, well as EASTERN & WEST
SO ensen, p'h61~e 117,W, l 'Johnson. phone .Owen AI~: cooled motor, used. ver- -oo ........... ollo . STATES as :
• * " ' " y g u' nutuon Must sac,
..... 45=2~f' ~101-'W. :~ '= /" • : 45-1pt ~5.00: j,Gar~bte ~Farm Stor~ _ ...... " .........
"~ , . " " ' w'~ e .... ,(;,j... • - ~.. ] .,f,~v both. Joe Maus IL ~ ' V a " '~ ~y ~*'~ , coast buyers. -:: . .....
W '' ' . .. ~ , , , . , inch .by "$0 ~. ~)~ . . . • . .
. : , S^L~-Co.. E. Flat alto ] l bids are .~o .i~,: .,1~1 .ha s .... ; . -" •
• ' - We d •
I[ ' r,, !0 g Oarvest.; xpenenc=e ..l sax, practically new. See Bil. , o,not speculate, or buy cattle in
.~1 a4 . ]~ 1 IJ • I 'l J~ ~ ~none "~l~.J, ~eacn. 4~-2tp[ lie Miller, at Miller's Suply i' the country0r
at other SALES, we de-
~ "~ .1~:,o L,J A,J,.1 rill ~ FO~I, SALR--oa hm~d, sower plpe store. . 45-1tc I . --. :. : vote our efforts and: interestto the sell-
~: -,- ~, .,,. • , ~ ~ ~ and fittings, drain file. s~ptic .FOR SALE-- Good: u.s~!Jolt~ I ' ing of your livestock.
- - •-, ,---;; ...... : '} ' ". ;":...' "..t~;: .... ..... ~,~n~s. nansen Lumber Co., Deere Binde¢, lO.ft ~ power [ %k~M UN~q .... ' ....
,:{ (]~ach and Golva. 34-ffc trolL $250. ' Dakota. Farm [ ~., ~,1 ~~4~ " " -- --~__ j.
: [/ t I] F0iJND~ild'S Rod •Ryder :cow.. F-,qulpment. " 45-1te [
• ' the. many STOCKGROWERS who sell
• ' f p [l Boy hat. Owner may have by FOR SALE--Paceme~ker heavy
' , ~ " :~ paying f~r ad at News office duty whizzer motor bike M~rs ~'~~
: ~' "~ ' 45-I'tc Lillian Harlan, phone 174-,R) '
v FOR SALE---Story and Clark 45-1tp Let us fill your dia- Consign your saleable livestock to the
:' " " WANTED--Four wheel rubber
and Sohmer Pianos. 29 years of
reliable service in this terri-
tory. You can save money when
you purchase from us. Free
Delivery. Write for Ca'taIogue.
Dickinson Music Shop, Dick.
inson. N.D. 34-tfc
FOR SALE.--U~ Ford agricul-
tural motor, 7 ft. Johnson Me-
tor Co. 45-1tc
FOR SALE--Kerosene refrigera-
tor, good condition. Roller
feed g~inder with elevator,
sacker and 52 head of sheep,
all at bargain prices. See or
tire running gear. See Nick
Lundin or call phone 5F-120.
Beach. 45-1tp
FOR ~LE---1947 Willys leep,
with cab, A-1 conditioTL Phone
20, Beach. 44-2tc
WANTED---Will do typing at my
home. Mrs. Rose Hancock.
phone 83-J. 45-2tc
FOR SALE---9 Lt. Minneapolis-
Moline combine, excellent con.
dition. Orville
Moo. phone 7500 Sentinel But-
mend needs wide
price and style range.
Wedding gift head-
where they always have better buyers
Beach Jewelry RAY SCHNELL & SONS
Beach, N. Dak. Special Sale August 1st.