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July 26, 1951 |
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] Commissioners! ,o..o..
County of Golden Valley
Sixth Judicial District
Victor A. Strzywski and
rata of North Dakota ) Mary E. Strzywski.
%O~uty of C~olden Valley )
~y 3rd, 1.951, S:00 o'clock A. M.
The t~ard of County Commissionem
met in regular quarterly session with
Commissioners D. L. Kukowski, R. H.
Kalstead and Roman Finneman pre-
~en .t
The minutes of the June meetings
were read and approved.
B, H Wilson. Chairman of the Board
of Supervisors of Sentinel TmAznshlp
appeared before the County Board
relative to road work in Sentinel
Towns/~ ip.
The Board consldered the purchase
of a two ton steel roller bearing /arm
wagon. The several machine Compa-
nies were called and asked to submit
prices for same.
,12:00 noon. The Board adjourned
and reeonvened at 1:00 P. M., with all
members present.
Mr. Blakiey and Mr McDonald f~om
the Montana-Dakota Utilities Compa-
ny appeared before the Board re-
garding the re]gairiug the court house
~Norbert Finnemann and W L }";ekes
appeared before the Board relatix-,, to
an ~baternent of laxes previously filed
Ior abatement of taxes for the years
1949 and 1950 on lois 14 and 15 Origi-
nal Townsite of Golva. Settlement of
s~ine was postponed for ftlrther in-
Joe Popiel and Frank Schrom mere-
bet's of the Golva Village Board ap-
peared before the Board regarding
repair of the bridge across Bul!ion
Creek between Blta~ks 29 and 30 Dri-
~inal Townsite o1" Golva. located in
the SW~% of Section 30 - 138 - 105.
The b~dge having been inspected by
the County Board, an agreement was
entered into b~tween the Village
Boartl and the County B~vd to m-
stall . concrete culvert, the Golva
Board to pay the amount of $300.00
and t..-: County is to pay the balance
of the amount over the sum of $300.00
for oo~t of installation of the culvert.
An applicati~m for a beer license
Was accepted by the Board for the
Alpha Country Club dating from July
1st, 19M to January 1st, 1952,
The Board accepted the resignations
received from Glenn H. Kathaway,
H. H. Halstead and Harry Kukowski,
as members of the County Fair Board.
Motion was made by Commissioner
lqnnemani~ and seconded by Commis-
sioner Halstead to appoint Manrice
Douglas, Clifford Stacker. and Donald
Ulfers members of the County Fair
Board to fill the vacancies caused
by the resigned members. Upon being
put to vote all members voted "Aye",
and the motion was declared carried.
Ed. Koslmey County Road Foreman
and John McCaskey appeared before
the Board to discuss road work with-
in the county.
Norman Runions appeared before
the Board and made application to
purchase county bridge plank. No
action was taken at this hme.
Guy Lee appeared before the Board
and requested that he be granted the
privilege of hiring extra assistance
in the office of the Register of Deeds
on account of the extensive work cre-
ated by the recording of oil leases.
July 3rd. 195cI
The following bills were audited
and approved by the Board of Coun-
~y Commissioners and were ordered
paid subject to personal property
taxes, due or delinquent.
Ed Koshney, Road Work ~'4~7
,Floyd Braden, Road Work
Arvid A,braham, Road Work
Cecil W. Adams. Road Work 270~
Ed. Strzywski. Read Work 318.74
John M¢~askey,'Road Work 277.35
&~eo~y Vaeumn Oil Co., Del-
vac ............................................. ~0.90
Millers Supply, Supplier &
Tire .......................... SlIM
W, L. Hammond, Repairs _ lltN
~weeney Bros., ,~r
Bladel ...................... 108.20
Cet~ Tangos, Road Work ... 59.40
Coast-To-Coast. Supplies .... 1.48
Globe Gazette Ptg., Co.,
Supplies ............................... 464.53
,M Ka|hleen Snow, Clerk,
Reg. Deeds ............................ 111.13
Ray L. Zinsli. Mileage .....139.60
Mrs. Ray Zinsli, Prisoners
Board ....................... 62.75
Lydia M, Brunsvold. Clerk,
Co. Andltor ..................... 43.58
Gaffaney & Shipley, St(p-
plies ........ 16.04
Golden Valley News, Print-
ing ........... 56.97
Burroughs Adding MaChine•
Co., ~.~:rvice Agreement ......... 90.15
W. L, Eckes, Insanity case 10.00
Domqhy Stolberg, Clel:k, Co.
~gent ................. 131.50
W, L. Eckes, Insanity case 5.00
Beach Co-op Grain Co,, 1
s-at weed killer ....: ............ ~ 5.30
Public Welfare Board of N.
D. Aid k, Totally Disabled 35.50
Bismarck Tribnne Co., Snp-
plies .................... 2500
West Publishing Co., Law
Books ........................... 19.74
1Laisler EIPc. Supplies ......9.92
Ra~ t. Zinsli, Expense . . 34.33
The Texas Co. Fuel ...... 1{]5.14
N. W Bell Telephone Co,,
Calls & Service ........... $2.40
~ary Ann Ztr~li.Clerk,
Su~t. Office 3400
don Mfg, Co.:Suppii'es 7.19
]~l. Lorenz Preliminary
Hearings .............................. 6.70
Mont-Dak Utilities Co.,
Lights & Gas ...................... 43.83
~G0~t.-Dak. Utilities. Lights.
~M[en% Park .................. 2.00
~L~ommunity Bus Fund.
~ileage, 4-H Judging ....... 26.~
Secretary of State, 1949
Supplement ....................... 6.00
Mary Ann Zlnsli. Clerk. Co.
.......... 47 ~2
Agents Office
Clayton P. Nelson, Court
reporter ................... 1.47
E W. Braasch Construction
~)neering ..................... 95.7'3
W. Braaseh Construction
Engineering ....................... 31.91
Oer~'y Mc'Clenai~ en. As-
Sessor, 143-103 ...................... 42.00
Jim Johnstone. Assessor,
141 - 103 ............................... 91.00
Jim Johnstone. Assessor,
142-10~ ............................................. 52.50
Max North rup. Assessor•
137-138 103. 136-106 & 105 ....... 161.00
~. W. District Health Unit.
1'bird quarter payment ............ 500.25
Chaska Bros.. Gravel.
?Mem~ Pa rk 380.50
Bill Barcs. Laboron"i;a•ri~ ....
]Pool 36.00
John Ka~k,rlh,~ Labor"'on""
Park Pool ~0.00
David Y. Ellis and all other
persons unknown claiming
any estate oc interest in, or
lien or encumbrance upon
the property described in
the Complaint.
You are hereby summoned and re-
quired tO answer the Complain,t of
the above named Plaintiffs. which is
on file in the Office of the Clerk
of the District Court. of tile Sixth
Judicial District in the County of
Golden Valley and State of North
Dakota, and to serve a copy of your
Answer thereto upon the subscriber
at his office in the City of Beach, in
said County and State, within thirty
~30~ days "after the service of this
summons upon y