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July 26, 1951 |
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all who knew her beln wideson$'llil y o num i[ 1
, JULY 26, 1951
Mrs. Clara Myers Farm Talks Head /Shell Test Proves Shoplifter_Bound Bi Cash ) • , Jerry Halstead [j
c . , lueeung Agenaa In. , .=, .. . lover ro DisL Court g in_., [KiU d i.n.o,,., ohn D. Carlson
UCC~[m~s jmy 15 ,Agricultural topics will com-]Rlchey Well Good [ a ,o_. A,,a,n . at N,,,htJ ............. le-..__ v__ =t_
-- r|se the o __ . _ hear_..~, ._~, .... . ~.,~ .,~,, , ,~,,y nalsteaa, son ot ~ars. jes. 101
P Dr gram for the Gold- Friday, Ju~l 20 i -"~ ~ . ||~ l'ur [~a
........ ¢ ........ | A test conducted last week end [ ....Y , n Judge Ed. sm Halstead, Eu ene, Ore a
..v, fs. umra ~viyers, pioneer en v aney t;ounty ~'eaeradon b the Shell il ~:naerte's court in this cit a R , g .,. nd vy
homesteader in the Sentinel meetin Monda . Jul y , ... O company prov- y: J ck . There will be another cashI [°Y ~alstead, Beach, was killed .....
Butte community, succumbed courthouse ~at BYach,YN3o0rtin thae. ~ed the ~icney oh s~rike to be/oR:emraS: .Se:)tle.., .W.n. was DoUnc[ arawing in Beach this com|ng at Yoncalla, Ore., last Satt~rday toSe~nel_Bu_tt~e.~_m_~n_ co llt|~tl~
~..L. ...................... "la gooa one, wire oil flow es- ?, ?, t,,~ u,smc~ court term~aturaay night and all custom,morning, July 21. H# was a "~' "~ gr~L~ence tot ~dl
~ t.,~J.u,n~tvne lvmmonai nos- ~.o~., a~ ~:t~J p m. it[mated at 170 arre ~ ~n h~ after being char ed with r n e " " br . . navy branch of service,
p]tai ~'naa Jul 13 The r r b 1 .....ur g . g a d rs shopping m Beach are re. akeman, and the accident oc- ~t
ii i ! iii .Iill: !!! ii !i !i !
~uervivin- ~I~rs M-'er- - ] The?~UrlatlUralinformatlon._ }baux county, and the Texas corn-].for unlawful registration at a I On Saturday night," August [w , T [nance ~mpan_y, just ,landed
~ons, Ea;~, Norfod~, s ~ire [OiaU~. ] attend ~his ~aeeP:i~c is urgea m [pany has spudded another deep |no~e!, Here. Howard Mourn, [ 4th it is hoped that another [Leads Leaaue ~.~n~ .-~z ~, ~.,z~,. ,,
C' .............. ~'~ ' ~'" ~test well in Dawson county be- ] sta~e s a~[orney, was prosecutor. [ band concert can be held. a mreat ["~ [~__~v~rs. ~.~. ~'lscner o~ ~otva.
~e~But*t~, Vaerdne~o~°~ l~J:n: [ r .~w,,. ] tween the two Shell wells. Shell [[ . ~--'====="=""~~~, ~ deal depending on the "nu~lrber [ The Beach baseball team is [ thY:ir~rCns men, .who Join~
()~1~ daughter ~',~ ~. ' . ... ' [ | JP~O'IIIMI3 ||~rn~ ||,~v- lhas announced location for ] | ,||IFlld~]t*~Wit | hnar,~ }of band members that will be ]now in top posRion in the [.~. _ . p aDou~ me san[0
-- ..----°'V~-' ........ '~" ~nar.[=-~J~,~av--Jl~at~TTllL~ i.J¢~[ annt.h~r wildoat in ~a~L-;,~ ]=--,~**avau~a KAIILIIIbI| |nr S that ,~,,,~,~;,~, T~,,,;,. [Prairie Lea~u u t~ ,h,, ¢,,, [ume, Jonn Hanson, son of M~
~ie[:) pr~*nnarczacf C~h;.~.~,., TII l ".~ , ------U ..................... S. ,= e ent ...... ~ ........ b. .~..,,,~. o e d_e .... ~ .u.- -- .... •
beJ;n/o-~%:V~kt~~" Tfl'-."2P$:,~'t'I[ ~ i~'7 .~ ! ]county, South Dakota, about 1511[~.. D_ ~'~ |" . | [this time of the year a good|felt of the game played here[a.n.a.Mrs'Ott°Hans°n, andLem~
...... ~,,~y ~ra-ucnuaren m n - on the Beach ~lelsen, son of Mr and Mrs Leo
and" seven great-grandchildren [ ~oses 1 0w a[mra I the ~orth ,ako~ I'o -emca ea , [ . a y are taking vacations and [( .....diamond Friday [~lelsen are oh,~,,+" ~ , .... ~ ~.
$Ier h,,~h~n o^. ~ ..... ~ ! _. _ ! oora~r, rne Well, one of me ! ..... |i~ is nara ~o get them ~ogether lingnt-ot ms~ weez, ~ecoraing to l'.. .' .. t .......... ~ ~
• dau=~-e~r:-~:~', ~'~,, ~"~n:,n ~'~ | --l[ne ~eaeh ~unier Legion base- [ southermost in the Williston I uea~c.a~on ceremonies for the | The Beach Commercial Club [Carl Bares, secretary of the I auw in me zat east, probabl~
in ~:~th" .... ~" ...... ~' ......... ~*|vall ~eam ios~ a one.sided game[basin, is scheduled as a 9,000]new_e]rs~o.uumeran c,hureh in]will hold their drawing this[league. [~ea or Japan. .
~?~--~ . J to 'Watford City last Sunday af- J ft. test well in an area where I ~eacn are co be held this Sun- '.coming Saturday night on the 1. Dickinson had won the game [. ~nanson left Beach this TUN-
_ ,Jmra nodgson eras bo~n June J ternoon by a score of 17 to 6, J there has been no -revious drq ] aay, ou]y 29, with I)r. David ] main souare near Cliff's S~an ] 6 to 1 but because they had [aay, afte~ a month's ~acatl~
11, 1869, at Clarksville, Butler J but came back Tuesday night [ lin~ ~" * " l Stoeve, president of the North J dard Service Station Mereha-*~ [ played an ineligible nla~e~ ~ Jwith nls parents here. He repot-
_ unty, Iowa, the daughter of [ to de,at the strong Dickinson [ "Thirt- larae oil comnanies ] Dakota district, delivering the [ are asked to be sur,, and h~,,~ [ man that was not r~¢,~¢~-,-~ fed at Camp Stonem, an, Calif,
~. and Mrs. Robert H o.d.gson. [ a score of 3 to 1.[ and 25 independents hold the [ dedication sermon. Several for- ] their tickets at th@ Coast-To- ] with the team, they were, ac- [. Nmlsen arrived here ! 1~[,
,~-e was me sevenm enlla in ] .uemem comes nere tonight|bulk of the 26 to 28 million [ mer pastors ot the parish will !Coast store by 8"30 - m l eording to leat, ue rules obliged [aay ~o Degm an eigh~een.mW
a family of .nine children, xe- [Thursday, for the second meet- / acres of N~rth Dakota land now [be on hand foe comments, and [_ ~ [ to forfeit the ~x)ntest. ' " [furlough at his folks ~rural howl
~e!vmg .ner eaucation there.. She ]!.ng of these two teams. Bel- ] under oil lease," the current is- [ ~overnor Norman Brunsdale will / Zona Butterfmld [ It was a jittery night for Beach [Both~were stationed at L.ow~
~ugn~ m me puonc scnoois oI |Held took the ~irst game 18 | sue of the 'Oil and Gas Journal' [ oe special guest speaker. [,,~. ,,. . . ] and errors combined with n;-,~ [Air ~orce uase, Denver, ~ola,
• own, and in Lyons count , Io- to 15 on Belfleld's diamond The dedication lest[ca i weaoln - "':~ Marvin Thi,U in Ja an
........ Y. | • [reports. The leases cover the [ ...... 1 g Announced/~,k~ gave Dickinson a bzg | . , p f~t
~a, wnere sne me~ ana married | Bunke on the mound for the |western four-fifths of the state ]begin wire services at the church | . . [ edge. Oas throwing for Beach [several months, has been mad@
• ~ahn W. Myers of Odessa, Mis- |locals allowed sixteen hits, while ] The Amerada Petroleum corn: |at 11 a. m., with dinner served |.. Mrs. Mantilla Butterfield of [only allowed six hits, bu~ Beach [a corporal recently; he and Ed,
~uri, in 1887. They had seven [Beach collected only 3 hits off [pany, which was first to drill in [by lad~s of the chtlrch at noon. [~eaen nas,_xeeelvea announce. [was held to four scattered sin- [g.a~ Ju.stesen, at the same b&~,
':mldren The M Pc-r A , ,~v mumca mere oz me marrla e ot n r ver nKel Wll O
• yecs homestead. [ ,. y of Warlord. Bob Tobias | the basin an~ ~ot oil a÷ ~ de-th | : " le Will featttre | - " g e [ gles iv y y " i e enrouze to
ed northeast of Sentinel Butte|was out of the game for Beach ]of over 11~0"feet ne~r"Ti~)~a:|instrumental as well as vocal [granddaughter Zona Belle But-[ In'the game at Bowman Tues. [the states soon, as all those m,
about 1910. Mr. Myers passed [ with an injury and his catching [has another test Well down 2,(~00 [numbers, with a combined group [~erneld to Sherman B. Blake July [day night the Beach gang took Icalled for one year's ser.vice will
aWay in 1942, at St. Cloud, ] position was filled by his bro-]feet north of Tioga |or cornets, clarinets and girls' ]"_. . . [an 8 to 0 trouncing but nlaw |all De gone from mere Oy
Minn. |ther Dick who was 5ater ~e- | ,+' ............. ~'~. _.,.,_ ~ |quintet performing, the finale / -zne ceremony tOOK place in |inff without
th~ ~o~,,;,~" ~ August 10, we hea~
Mrs. Myers endeared herself [ Y d omp-iweek the company may .be ready ] ..... P g " [bride"-ro---- --== ........... [ e on third and Algui,re on I~
lieved b 'Samuels an Th ,~ w,~ ,~,u~u t,,~ w~t,,, a The afternoon,s~" ro cam will Lordsburg, N M, where the Niec .................. .WI" Sgt:;. Neal Seele._y.h~s now. ~.. a_&%
~o ue oevoteo emeflto ch lr ~ v,: ~.u ms p~ren~s, Mr first the 1 rusan, ~orea, wire me a~zna
. ' , " g " - ] • [to begin another test well 22 ]_ • " " " " [and Mrs Sh -" - - " [ " ' oca s were somewhat [.r~ _ .. :< . " . .
ly known and irespected. She was ] The game played here Monday [ miles southeast of Watford City. ] ~:rs, interspersed with talks by [their home eTn~ean b~r!aKe'" make [handicapped. Bowman has a [momr_venlcie squaa~on, lie a.r.
.a devoted mother, with an in. inight against Dickinson was a [ [~ mer pastors and Governor |d -" • . n., .[ne [powerhouse when it comes to [nvea there May z~ from an ~Z
seven mnin th 1 it • . urunsaam augnte~r ot wara ana me l~te batti strip m northern Ja an, and
~lse interest in the welfare of | " g ri ler w" h Dick. |1~ ....... ~. ..... 4-_ / • / _ ~ l nt¢, but Busch hurl[no, fo-[s~ ' p
~er children, and the develop. Jinson scoring their lone run in |~k.~Uit~t~l-YU, blUZtl.~l,~ | History of the church and con- |Mrs. ~utterfield of Beach.|Beach° had the Bowman bbovs JSays its very rugged terrain. He
~tent of the family's homestead, ]the top half of the Isecond inn- tName Local Judges |gregation since 1905 will be [ The young couple will be at [pretty wel, l in hand after the [has been overseas for tea
t~l became a member of .the |ing. Anton on the mound for the | '=' ]traced up to the completion of [ home in a duplex at 105 W. 3rd [first inning until the bottom nf [months, but was recalled f0~
• , , . ~ • ¢= ..~
~ethodist church at -the age of |vmltors allowed only ohe hit, 1 ~ludges for Golden Valley | the new church edifice, fk,'st used [ st., Lordsburg, neighbors to the [the seventh innin~ *Bowman [ months duty. He
burteen, continuing her intetrest |which Keohane got in ~he last [county were named at the regu- [Easter Sunday, M~rch 25, of this|bride's aunt, Mrs. Evangelin Ful-] ~c~red two zuns in t~l~e first inn-[sends ~reefl~gs to sQme of his
at~ughout her life~ |half of the sixth. Keohane stole])ax~ monthly meeting Monday ]year. [ler. [ing find wave held scoreless dur. IOtd pals at ~e' Bea~h airpo~
._ Jsecond went to third v,~hen Peter. [night of the county soil conser-| I The bride is a member of the [ ing the next five innings |Emil Miller, Gordon Olson, and
[~ ~I',~T;,~..,~ ~_;~r.... lson got on first on a wild plteh.|vatlon district supervisors. 119 0 eraduatin~ class Of tho | ,Beach could only coll~ tw-[Paul Bunke.
'~. ~vx~a~ ~J~av~at /A throw t~ thir-~ w .... ~,., .-.=/ The., are H H ..Z.l.teaa [~.,~u ~,~ ~, i .. ~ o -, . . . . . --. -! .
r~ ., . ,,. /. . ~, ...... u a,~/_ .-~.. . •.... .... u, lTs T . ~ . t ~eaeh high school. /save nits off the offering of Pat- i,-,. , T ~-., --
xzora ue ree [z~eonane scored. Peterson stole |Wayne tarns, .wioaux county/~or Late ept. I She was -leasantl- sur-rised |terson who managed to garner ~teel In t'lace
"~- |second and thud and Neudeaklagen~, and Charles ~sorasen, U / i ...... ": y. ,v ii3 strikeout~ " I~ . •
Gerald MeNieee returned to [got hit by the pitcher Dick To-iS soil cons(~rvation service of| The Golden Valley County|i_a_s~ weane.saay nignz w.nen a| The Beach"-~,,~ .... ~.. IFor Swlmmln Pool
krnerlca" t, hls" month from a three [bias walked and with several | Wibaux. ]Fair Board held a meeting Mon-[gro__up_o~.trmnasa miscellaneous nonoCeasnower utHer'at ]ins°nn to meet'"the~Giant~'on [- '~ "
da ni h er All remforem steel is now
ear stay in Oxford, End-land iwild throws Peterson and Neu- i They will judge the farms of i Y g t of this week at which | ........... |Monde- ,~ ,,~ -~-~ ..... ~ ~.-~ [ " ' g " i~t
s tl aome rnlr[y guests, inelualnc, -J ""~ ~" "'~'
~here he successfully completed|deck scored for Beach. [Donald Hammond, Alan Ekre,[ "me it was decided to hold the|,. " .... ,|the next h~'~e" ~~,~,,''-~u~,~| pl'ace for the Memorial park
~vlrs l, Uiler, were esent ann ~-'- s~ ~ •
lls studies for a Bachelor of Let- [ Dickinson came to bat for the i Rhinehart Fischer, B. I-L Wilson, [local fair about the middle of |. -.- .... ~ ' ' |~laved here ~c,a;n~t "Bo-,~ ~[ swimming pool, with about two
, rwa c.ea Her open ner man~ -~, .........
.rs degree MeNiece won the last time, but Keohane who had [ Sidney Connell, F D Watdal, E r September but the date will be .... • .' [truesda,, n;~.,.~ ~,,. .... ~.~.'.':,~" ~'" l thirds of the concrete work for
bodes Scholarship from the allowed only three hits, had [E. Ueekert and Leo Nistler. [ decided upon definitely as soon I'°rely g~tts, t good gamesand*a*':;oo~'~rnUo'ut [t]~e OuSter wr~l of the pool p~0.
}uthwest district in 1947 while [ everything well in hand.[ This soil conservation achieve- [ other arrangements can be [ T ....... , is exnected for both o¢ them [ ~. lso co plete. With favot,
Student at the University of J The boys all played heads-up ] ment contest is open to all farm- |made. [ L. ualan(l Attends | ....................... : ' [ t, ble weather, the pool should be -
rizona I baseball and if they keep up the lets of the county, $100 awards | A number of new attractions I ,~. , ~ ...... • [ Mid-e* i~n t qnished by the last week In
~ ~u~. ~.~-.~,.~ ,~ h b
He has retttrned to Tu~s-- | stride more wins can be expected | g°ing t° each °f tent°p districts|Will be added to the fair this[ ls[er S DUll1 Annlv, t_ . ]At,_.ust, t e oard says.
rizona, where he will be "era' ] in the future. ] in the state. Three top local win- [year according to members of [ ............ [ By Tobms Team / Concrete work is also Core-
dh De;ntimnSt~UCo~°~hienI}h?
[H. McKirdy Speaks ]?%mU~a~i~:tecofn°~e:his h°n" :: :dt:nmda verYt :nffeOrotf t~lel ] t~o~::daig~n~e~r~t~sewW~rSe ~aOmiong [ Tobias and his Team One re-] ~[eh°ntlheeofloop~etflyhe:un~ne]d
" • • " e " " " g e golden wed-ira[ned the id et L , [ the ool housin i e
.~r-" ". • . . Thin contest m sponsored b b st airs held thus far. . . M g eague lead P , g p P s and
,~ity of Artzona. He ,s th.e sontW0 Wlldhfert~ Wues. [the Greater North Da~--+o ~/ Th~ dates will be ann ...... aiding anniversary celebration of this week, winnin six games to othew conduits, and is expected
~v~r anc~ .~lrs P D McN,ece r
' 9107 N McKenn"~ Ave v=,~ ] ...... - [sociation, N. D. Bankers' assoei- ]as soon as they have been decid-i~ Odlands s~ster and husband, two lost, fob a .750 standing to greatly facilitate future re,
• " ...... "l iHei~ry ivm~iray newly aP-iation N D Pre ....... ,~+;,,,, fed unon ]ivlr. ana Mrs E. A. Holland, at Team Two is next with 6o5 [pairs
, O e, who at one time
,._ - o ~. [poln~l game warden ~)f the re-|NDAC extension service ~ ~'| ~Sloux Falls, S. D., July 11 An l winning five and losin three. Plans are also underway ~0r
~e resiaents o~ ~each, both [ cently organized district which | soil consorvati .... ~d,~,~ '~ ~" [ ] F HARDY HONOR~ ] open house from 2 to 5 and 7 to followed b Team Fougr, 500:/ a cement trough to feed chlori-
• vi • ~ ......... . ......• • D Y ..
........ ~ - g |includes Golden Valley county,[D" association of soft conserva:|AT T~COM~ PARTY [9 p..m., was the occasion for/winning four and losing fourl Hated and purified wate¢ from
ng attenaed the Beach H1 h al K ' |.,~ zou~ pounas, last ] [ , [,,. -
~_~i. rn.ey spen[ [.n.e pas~[wilI ,be a special speaker at the|tion district sunervlsors [ [mem~ers of the large Odland|with Team Three trailin~ the|the pool proper to a smaller
~ns~mas In uxiora with their s "-
|Wildlife club meeting next Tue - | C J Mate~cek co-n~ ,,h~, | J F Hardy, sr, who has be-n J family and their many ~iends |Lea ue 125, winnin one an wading pool to the north This
,a, and while over there, made " 1 a ~he " " ~ ' - "~ ...... " vi : " " • " ~ a " " • g • . g d . •
.............. [day evening, Ju y 31, t . [man of GNDA, says tha~ the [ rating m Seattle and Portland, [ nd relatives to gather there. [losing seven. [area, which has served in the
l~ur °~ur°pe ana~ne~rlusn|Beaeh Legion ha~l, where he | threefold ~Durnose of the contest was honored at a lawn art ~Brothers and sisters of Mrs] 'In the last two ames laved |past as the foundation ~or tll$
......... P Y • g P . , .
twill d,scuss the coming open [is "to encoura~,e statewide |July 15 at the Fcank Mailey [Holland in attendance were Lew- Ryan's Team Two downed the warming house at the ska~In~
........... I season on antelope.. .... | adoption of modern soil conser. | om.e m Tacoma. Achv~t~es were | is Odland, Beach, John Odland, champs 26.6, while hrailing Team rink, will provide wading from
mnual J 'u l"lCnlC I McKirdy is a graau, ate ot me {vation farming, to stimulate |a l.a%e afternoon picnic wRh [ Sioux Falls, S. D,, Dr. Hem'y Od. ]Three Captained by Bill Allen [a few inches up to two feet for
~,11 A ~-~-A--AI--AI | Utah State College of Logan, I action leading to further pro- |,cards and conversation occupy, i land, S~a~tle, Wn., Rev. Ole Od. | upset Michels' Team Four 14-10. |the small fry.
~l| ~ttt~ltU~tt ~ |U~ah. |gress in soil conservation, and|mg the evening. [la~d, Dell Rapids, S. D., Mrs.|In the next round, Tobias de-|
• m. ..... . [ Committees will be named at [ to -et the nublic solidly be | ,Attending were: Ethel Krause. ~Clemens M Granskou, North |feated Allen14 7 and Rvan [RAY ACffFF KND SHOW
• ~,e annual ~armers union plC- this meetin e ° "- ,, " " Mar " " . " " "
e, held S-nda .....~on*~,~o; | ...... g to arrange for th I hind the program. [. cella Kul¢owsk,, Mr. and [ fmld, Minn., Mrs. Henry Thomp- |downed Michels 20-5. |IN B~ACIt AffG. 1st
" ; ............. a a ' Mr •
Rto .......,~ ............ |eluo s ISpl y at the coming | | s. Win. Peterson, H. C. Thoem- [son, Cambrldge, Wis., Lawrence | Individu~l averaees show To. |
---, --,~ ~,~,, .a~t~,~u~u, w,,~ G 1 en Valle ke • - Ra Acuff " "
~. ~.~; ....... .~.~ ; ......| ~o d y county fair, and|~lF..,~ t~ .... .] ~h~,,L.l.... [ , MX. and Mrs. M. ~ Hardy, Odland and Arthur Odland, Htur-ib~as leading .700, Ryan .684, [ .Y and his hillbilly
t~-- ~,~ ~.~'~"~ " ......... |there will be general discuss~on| ±vx~L~. ~vu~u x-~l~=l |Mrs. A. Pelky, Mrs. Della Miner,~ ley, S D, Wilbur Odland, Free. [Stull 667, ~D Nelson .555, Helm |jam0oree and radio show wUl
........ °. _ the ystit. t!on, .~nd. t~ee | Notes 91st Birthday |Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hardy, Mx: man, " and H. Odl,and, Hurley. [.555, l~arstve~t .526, Bublitz .500, |play a o ne-n!ght stand in Bea0h
-",",[ zaee a cotzee maker, lan[ln zo~mwea o me snow and rs Patrick Ma 'weanesaay, August 1, when the
~, ~ P~ ' '.~ -- - -- |P "o g' o. - . T . " | ~ _ I M • " iley, Mr. A brother of Mr. Holland, Chris, [Bob Allen .500, Haigh .500, K. |' . Y
~ to amrs. ~. necKaman, mrs. ling o~ a film ot interest to all | Mrs. t=onrad ~'akler of the ~and M~s. Frank Mailey, Mr of Century[lie, was present, as Thompson 500, Duane Davis [ wih appear in person at the Le,
~a ~VIuckle receiving assorted [nature lovers, and a dutch lunch. | Beach rural community is proof land Mrs J F Cuss[dr, Mr a-,:~" well as Cornelius Hattervi~ Vi 458 Brunsvold 409,Still 400 |gion Hall. They feature both
~Yirt • • " " " ~ " "~ ~' " " ' " ......
.- g cards and Mrs. Emma | -------'--"------ [enough that this is a healthy [Mrs. Ray Mailey, .Mr and Mrs bor=. aild Mrs Edv~ard Brue of and D Matelcek 363 [round and square dance music.
~wn winning a two-cell flash, i/J T-~ Livestock [climate; she celebrated her 9!st [James Knight, Mrs T p Ho"--" Cen~er~ine" Farstveet is home run kin~ f~r [The ~oupe have been in Cana.
women ., .... ! birthday when abo t I O i,' a oo e, and tho League w th so ma ,ng p etu e, ar,
: en winners were zvVayne[JUQges ompe[e |a dozen znends and relatives|~v~rs. Charles Spiller, Mr and ]LT..~.~;4-.,I:,....i l'gTt,^~, one each scored by Tobias, Bob|appearing in Beach enroute tO
~aan, first place, ,a tool kit, t .. . , . [gathered at the home of her dau- I Mrs. W. J. Bums, Dr. Paul ~Iarn,, ZlU~al~a~ta VV u~l~ Allen, Rvan, Hai~h, K Thomn [Nashville, Tenn.
~Ta. an Ueckert, oil, and Phil [. Go.lden.Van.ey eo.un~y's cnamp-|ghter, Mrs. Bob Zook. [and M~. and Mrs. ~a~ry Horses Run Away so~ and~ Brunsvold. Davis and ~MEne~~
~ek mn 4 n nvestocl¢ ]uagmg ~eam A luncheon m ,' -- -- -
a, a steel tape [ " ...... | was served in the| ann. Bob Allen have each hit 11 | .... ~ ":.~'.:~.'~:;~._
went to L)ICKlnSOn weanesaay m
,~ie~ speaker was Chester |compete with teams from ten |bfetaeu~i~u~l' dVe~hich- featttred a | 1Henry Thoemke took several Frank Johnson of the Sentinel triples, while one triple each has [~"~"~'=" ,~,n.--uu,-~-u
'-~t~ara, connected with the FU | .... i -h --uth | " y ted birthday [ p'ctures at the party, but none Butte community suffered a been sc~red by l~arstveet, Tobias, | A dance will be held at the
~l orner area counues n ~ e ~o cake, made b rs tu
o division in Jamestown. | ......... "| y M . Zook, and| rned out clea~ enough to havek'aetured hip this Tuesday, July Ryan, Thompson, Matejcek and |Medoca town hall this Friday
~li~m~ZdoOU~,~ec~rdeh~a~d~:o~: [:re,~ir[ro~plinarC, gU~;~?~ [~ii~d ~s~}:~i~ [ ~~, . the !O~yht~a~hewhi~?~ohl~e~Vas~s~ng Kre~ih~}~nrS52,c~i~iias%sS, t~k~Iouts [ ~Uie~vi27itfg Pi~:Mnnif~tsW°~
~tl . . Bob Kvemers, Max Ganser and She makes her home with her "" " " 1 34 "" " • • •
~._ orgamzatmn, and Don [, .... ~,,~,,~ ~|~,],~ t~am i~n a~ra~ ~'a~l~r ~,¢~ ~,~|~, i SIZE BASS AT DAM .His wife happened to notice e s , Stull 27, D, Davis 15, [ bow HHlbHhes. Proceeds of the
• ma~Ond, president, were in |'.~""~ "~.':~'~- ":.: ..... ~" ~'-='_'_"/ ........ ~ ....... ' ""~" "'~ ..... ~'/ A ....... the horses running about an Haigh 4, Still 3, Michels 1 and ]dance will go towards the pult,
~e of the arrangements, as. |~or. me aistnc.~ wm co.mpe~_e ~or | ....... ...... [ the" ~L'_'_. ~v~ogie proD~Dly_ will be hour later, and investigated, dis- Allen 8. | chase of a new butane heater to
~,.. ,,.. ~^_,,. _ . _,./state nonors ar ~argo in ~ugus~. |~t. s z~ xu~v~ i envy oz every lOCal flsner, coverin~ him lying, in a field I h,~ ;.~,o~u~,~ ;~ ,h,~ h~31 wh~,~
. .,~ ~v~. ~J~**, ~.x~,~y • C LY man ~ ~ o • . , ~ ...................... , ....
51or Other teams will re resent PICNI ]U 29 the balance of the summer
leader. | ..... P .-. [ .............. ~ at Odlon.~ ............ , He was rushed to the Johnstone FREE DANCE AT ~basketball and Other recreatiol~l
~ /Aaams, tsowman, ~lope, netun- | Tne ~lsnop wenrle ~ouncll ! . " ~ ~ ~'~,*,, w,~n ms ca~:cn Memo~rial hospital here, where ,~ewe ~ ,,~, ,,,,, / affa~.~s are -resented
:., • • ot an 18~ inch lon , ~....,.~ n,,,., v.. ~,~u~ -~ ~- •
~e in for the cashdrawing [ger, Grant, ,Morton, Oliver, Mer- [of the Kmghts Of Columbus will/. .... g bass_, weigh. X-rays revealed a fracture of the [.._ ..... .
ml~lay night. [cer, Dunn and Stark counties. [hol da picnic/or . 1 . C. s their [.~ ....... Saturdayhip. and numerous lacerations. ~oth Jack s Clu,b and the V. | t ~[~.~.~t I:t~.~.t
' | Livestock for tud~in~ was }families ann guesm this coming }?y~-c~n. ~z course Such out- "" '-- ~ad time o" ..... ,,~ F. W Shamrock club are fen ! J ~v~r~t z t~ t
Sunday, July 29, at the new plc. g aocomplishme~s can, . turing free dances this Sa%urda .
~.. ~][].~..,~.... t[furnlshed by Sohne11.Dickinso~ IS ........ .~ .... ,..,~ ~...~,__, ~not ~ ~mtnl¢l ~.,~ ~, ....... a farme~ to be injured, many ........... Y [Wheat.
--~a,~ vv~,~u,~a~a. [] Livestock Co., the Western Live-in*~ s*v.u"~ ..... ,,. ,~-y.-m j~;~,Z° -y----,-.-....y ~ ,u~ hav begun harvestln~ barley evening, Jtuy ~. DlC~ ann nls ! ............
. ~ "~-'~" Co and the Ray Gress |Butte. A program ox entertain. |'~"mg_ co~npamon, Jorm m~vn, ,~oe.,i~ ~.,~ i~ wo~ ~ ~ Ralr~bow Hillbillies will appear | ~o. i Heavy ou m. ------7 ~u
aria su --,-~* ., a smppe~ ~t tJ1e N ~""--'~"~' ............ ,
mmegb, last/ .... ~h ]ment for both young and old l_ _ ews to ..........~u=~'-~'---'-- a~'----"~.~- at Jacks, while the Melod.v Five | Addltlona] Prenllum lot
........ snow t ~or~g oe*ux~ ~a~- uxv~=
~', Friday and ~turday, [ [is being axranged. Concession | _. he .proof of their skill, , _ ^, ..h,at staixts will fttrnlsh dance tunes at the | 13% P~teln .--_--~.
utrlng night, lowest read. [ Vmmfl~m Stm~--- [and other stands will be Operat. J~'mch. Mogle took with a Lazy ~; " .... "~ " Shamrock. | 14% Protein ~~. ~c
IKe pm.
.M _o~rately warm | Miss Lillian Strum, night oper. led by the Knights. The Bishop[ _~ !E ~-- Ia Gls~dlve-- _ : .... |15% ~ ,
aad M..onda_y, with tot. lat~ at the Beach telephoae ex-[Weh~le Council is _-~de ~tp o~ ~oout a week ~-~_m_r_ -- was "" ~o~. To. _~-- _ |1:6% P~tel~ .....
th~ Tuesday, 100] change, is to start hez annual [ men from Beach, Golva, tL Phil-J was JUSt am ~oo~e ~ss ~isp~at~l o~ _, "~ne ~taame suue Hom ernal~$iAddittonal l'a~nlum Ov~
~Y ~( vacation this Friday, but was lip~, Sentinel Butte and~Wtb~ ttx] ~ ~. ~m y muo a~ez |
K} F. W' i wtmm she would i paM hu. A large i# anti. I ,. Joe : !