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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 25, 2019     Golden Valley News
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July 25, 2019
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Call (701) 872-3755 call 701-788-3760. for an application, or send a resume to,tfn 2019 ND MEDIA GUIDE: Names, ad- dresses, phone numbers, e-mails of all ND newspapers, radio/TV stations, specialty publications. Only $25. ND NewspaperAs- sociation, 701-223-6397. The Golden Valley News is accepting ap- plications for a vacant correspondent po- sition. This is a work-from-home position and can depend upon an applicant's inter- ests. Coverage areas can be human inter- est stories, local government, or high school sports this fall. Call (701) 872-3755 for an application, or send a resume to, tfn DIFFI(;ULTY THIS WEEK: Golden Valley County Road Department has an opening for a part time seasonal mower operator. The job requires the ap- plicant to be a minimum 18 years of age and have a valid class D drivers license. The job requires the ability to operate a mower and tractor on County and Town- ship roads. The job requires the individual to often work alone, have the ability to change heavy mower blades and do daily service and fueling of mower and tractor. Modern Ag Tractor operation experience and knowledge of Golden Valley County Road System is beneficial but not neces- sary as we will train the right self-motivated individual The job will start the end of July and go till November 1st or till completed. The job allows flexibility of 40 - 50 hour work weeks with time and a half for hours worked over 40 per week. An Individual demonstrating credible experience would start at 18.00 per hour. The position will remain open until filled. Questions can be directed to Golden Valley County Road Furman Pete Wirtzfeld at 701-872 4123. Applications can be obtained at the County Auditor's Office at 150 1st Ave SE, PO Box 67, Beach, ND 58621. Title VI assures that no person or group of persons may, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, be ex- cluded from participation in be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all programs or activities administered by Golden Valley County. Any person or groups of persons who feel that they have been discriminated against may file a complaint. 45-47 ND FARM LAND Values surge upward. Are you selling or renting? Pifer's Auction and Farm Land Management. Bob Pifer 701.371.8538. Kevin Pifer 701.238.5810. Free valuation. INDUSTRIAL/MANUFACTURING BUILD- ING for Sale. 3 bays: 20,866 ft2, Lot: 79,700 ft2. Hwy 200. Cooperstown, ND.; 701.524.2240. Written offers by 8/16/2019: GSEZ, Box 335 Finley, ND. FOR SALE: 1999 Volvo Super. 10 Semi Truck $25,000. 2005 Reefer Utility Trailer $8,500 Contact David at 701-318-9338. EV t~' NORTH DAKOTA newspaper. That's where your 25-word classified ad will appear for only $160. Contact this newspaper for details. M HAVE A NEWS release or other informa- tion that needs to reach all ND newspa- pers? ND Newspaper Association can help! One call does it all. 701-223-6397 or you can email The Billings County School District is ac- cepting applications for a full-time mainte- nance supervisor. Excellent benefits package and competitive wages. Back- ground check required. Contact Shae Peplinski at DeMores School in Medora at 701-623-4363 or visit BCSD website for application information. Open until filled. Veteran's preference and EEOE. 46-47 Seeking a nanny to come into our home in Beach to care for our two children, ages 3 and 1, 1-2 days a week. Individual must be active and enjoy engaging the children in walks, going to the playground, etc. Pay will be depending on experience. To apply please call or text (509) 619-6428. 46-47 SEEKING MS/HS Art teacher and MS/HS Instrumental Music teacher for Mobridge- Pollock School District 62-6 for 2019-2020 school year. Contact Tim Frederick at 605- 845-9204 for information. Certified Appli- cation and Resume can be mailed to: Mobridge-Pollock School District 62-6; Attn: Tim Frederick; 1107 lstAvenue East, Mobridge SD 57601. Open until filled. EOE. PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDANT: CITY OF LISBON. For complete job de- scription Call 701-683-4140 or stop at 423 Main Street. Resumes accepted until Au- gust 9, 2019. support your local merchants Put Your MOney Where Your House Is/ !c~:~/independent ~r~~treogthen our b~ ~nesses are t~ community yOttr Des! vakle and our economy JOHN DEERE Join our team/ Goeseneck Implement is hiri 8 |ech nicians ;r, jrm 1~== Pc~v.r U~ind CASE ELECTRIC (701) 690-7145 casey31269(a PO Box 892 Beach, ND 58621 Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, and Oil Field Ad. Assistant/Designer Wanted This full-time position with the weekly newspaper in Bottineau, ND is responsible for creating advertise- ments, sales and communication with clients to develop ads. Must have a valid driver's license and be able to interact positively with a variety of people. Send resume to: Call 228-2605 for info. by Linda Thistle Solution below 1 4 1 1 4 1 6 8 7 7 9 7 1 4 Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. Moderate O O Challenging OOO HOO BOY 2019 King Features Synd Inc. This weekly puzzle is brought to you by: T&A Seeds Beach, ND (701) 872-3248 about your businm! NOTHING WORKS LIKE NEWSP/U:mR ADVERTISING. pennett Hou All Risk Crop E Hail Insurance 211 West Main Street Ada, MN 56510 16201 Old Hishway 10 Sentinel Butte, ND 58654 1-800-784-2.106 hous[ www.federalcrop, net John Germolus Wayne Lee IHoriso Corlsrud This entity is an equal opportunity provider Sue Finneman Licensed Real Estate Agent in N.D. (701) 483-6789; (701) 527-8159 cell; or sueflnnernan Horiiel Land (; 0 M P A N Y Real Estate Professionals Travis Hauck Master Electrician Cell 701-872-6063 Office: 701-872-4083 4131 166th Ave. SW Beach, ND 58621 C Licensed in N.D. and MT Your local telephone company Serving the Beach, Golva, Sentinel Butte & Medora areas For service please call 1-800-523-5436 Tvedt Trucking, Inc. Custom Hauling Grain or Feed ; Livestock Local &.Long Distance Roger Tvedt Wibaux, MT 406-796-2968 FELDMANN ONSTRUCTION since 1936 701-872-3317 Licensed Contractor Backhoe & Other Dirt Work, Design, Building and Supply, Concrete, Stone & Brick, Roofing Furnace installation New or remodeling Building your dreams through 4 generations! Beach, ND 58621 in Hello, You know I don't fly a lot. I used to. Once in awhile to a legislative deal, or on an annual vacation. But I don't really get excited about amass- ing airline miles on my credit card. Because when you get a lot of miles, you are tempted to use them on an airline ticket. But a week ago, I went. I saw. I conquered. Never mind, different story. A week ago, I had the oppor- tunity to spend five days fishing with three of my grandsons and one of their cousins in Alaska. I couldn't pass this opportunity up. To get to Alaska, unless you have an awful lot of time, you need to fly. That entails going through airports. You know, spend $15 on a burger, $8 on a beer, jostle shoulder to shoulder with thousands of people, and try to keep your sanity. The flight from Bismarck to Min- neapolis went fine. Except planes aren't built for a 260 pound man with a bruised tailbone. But I kept think- ing, Lewis and Clark had it worse. Maybe. In Minneapolis a thunderstorm kept us grounded a couple hours. No big deal. Right. We missed our flight from Seattle to Juneau. Overnight in Seattle, which wasn't real bad. Except we will miss our ride out of Juneau to the fishing lodge. Now it is getting to be a big deal. In the morning We get tO the Alaska Airline counter at 4:30. Flight to leave shortly after six. No problem. Oh, there is a problem. They have tickets for four boys aging from six to thirteen, but no tickets for four adults. You know we can't send four boys to Alaska fishing without a little assistance. So we stand there for two hours watching this guy type. That's what he did. He typed. Fast. For two hours. Occasionally saying there is nothing he could do. "Call Delta". "I don't have their number". "Google it you idiot". We would walk down to the Delta desk. They would reassure us, "Everything is fine. You are ticketed on Alaska." At Alaska. "Four children. No adults. There is nothing we can do." The plane takes off. Without us. Our fishing trip has hit a snag. After over two hours of watching Idiot type, he agrees that we can buy four more tickets on the next flight. Which I am sure we could have done on the flight we had already missed. We gladly bought tickets. Or my nephew did. He's such a nice man. And we did make it, only missing a day of fishing. Next week I will fill you in about the fishing a bit more Right now I hear a hay field calling my name. "Thar she blows !" Dean L g L 8 b 6 9 It L 6 9 L S g 8 8 9 g 6 ItI.g L L g Z 8 9 g 6 # 6 b L g L 89 9 8 6 b 8 g L I. 8 9 I. 6 Z # g g It I.Z 988 6 Z 6 It8 g 9 I. JeMsuV NMOQNS APlOOM Have something that may be newsworthy that you'd like to share or submit to the Golden Val- ley News or the Billings County Pioneer? We won't know about it unless you tell us, and we welcome submitted news items! It's easy. Just give us a call, e-mail your item and a phone number, or mail a photo and the : text that goes along with it. ': '" G 5lden Valley News/Billings COUnty 'Pione, er: P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621 KEY Janitorial Service * Carpet andUpho tery Cleaning * Strip andWax Floors * Disaster Cleanup Residentialand Commercial Ken & Virginia Young Owners Glendive, MT Call 406-377-3597 www.keyj Rent this space for only a few dollars a 872-3755 for more details Golden Valley Manor, V~cki Braden, Administrator Flexible Meal Plans Assisted Living Night Security Activities 701-872-4282 or TTY 800-366-6888 The Golden Valley Manor is a US Department of HUD facility. Rental assistance is available to those who qualify. A public notice is information infoming citizens of government activities that may affect the citizens' everday lives. Public notices have been printed in local newspapers, the trusted sources for community information, for more than 200 years. Guns N Things 305 N Merrill Ave. G/endive, MT Guns Bought, Sold, Repaired, and Traded FFH Licensed Ernie Huether, Pres. 377-3969 Firearms Gun Safes Smart Wool Ammunition Reloading Equipment t